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Operators as a thing


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So uhm... You are the Tenno, You operate these powerful machines, You do all the fighting, all the movement, You are the soul and the mind of the warframes (except umbra - he has his own) and yet you can't do any of that jumps, slides, or wallruns in your body... To control a warframe, first you will have to control yourself, "If you are nothing without the suit, you don't deserve it" So why can't we just do some parkour as we do in our warframes - not the same, but something to make us feel powerful outside our battle machines - We need new movement for the operator, DE! And a Clem Prime but we all know Clem is already perfect...

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Yeah I honestly expected the Operators to be more fluid as well in fighting and movement but I guess they gotta enforce the idea kids aren't parkour space-ninjas but infested meatbags are(totally not due to limitations or rushed content or any other possible reason). Btw, Clem is already perfect but his Dual Grakata isn't. Prime the shet outta those guns and make it rain platinum ammo yeah!

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1 minute ago, luigislam said:

Yeah I honestly expected the Operators to be more fluid as well in fighting and movement but I guess they gotta enforce the idea kids aren't parkour space-ninjas but infested meatbags are. Btw, Clem is already perfect but his Dual Grakata isn't. Prime the shet outta those guns and make it rain platinum ammo yeah!


1 minute ago, luigislam said:

Yeah I honestly expected the Operators to be more fluid as well in fighting and movement but I guess they gotta enforce the idea kids aren't parkour space-ninjas but infested meatbags are(totally not due to limitations or rushed content or any othe). Btw, Clem is already perfect but his Dual Grakata isn't. Prime the shet outta those guns and make it rain platinum ammo yeah!


1 minute ago, luigislam said:

Yeah I honestly expected the Operators to be more fluid as well in fighting and movement but I guess they gotta enforce the idea kids aren't parkour space-ninjas but infested meatbags are(totally not due to limitations or rushed content or any other possible reason). Btw, Clem is already perfect but his Dual Grakata isn't. Prime the shet outta those guns and make it rain platinum ammo yeah!

Rather than posting multiple replies each with further corrections, you can edit the comment itself.  It just looks messy otherwise.

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Agree. It is rather annoying that you can't parkour as an Operator.

Obviously, you shouldn't be able to jump, roll, glide etc. as far as you can with a warframe...but a bit more Operator mobility would be nice. Void Dash is nice and all, but your energy does run out quite quickly, so you can't use it all the time.

Edited by FlusteredFerret
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18 minutes ago, FlusteredFerret said:

Void Dash is nice and all, but your energy does run out quite quickly, so you can't use it all the time.

Zenurik's Void Flow and Void Siphon + Naramon's Mind Sprint waybounds Beg to differ. Unbind them and slap them on your school of choice, boom 200 meters in 7 dashes, that's sheer GROFIT right there!

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9 minutes ago, luigislam said:

Yeah I honestly expected the Operators to be more fluid as well in fighting and movement but I guess they gotta enforce the idea kids aren't parkour space-ninjas but infested meatbags are(totally not due to limitations or rushed content or any other possible reason). Btw, Clem is already perfect but his Dual Grakata isn't. Prime the shet outta those guns and make it rain platinum ammo yeah!

Dude, seriously. Stop repeating same comment again and again. It's about forth time now. You CAN EDIT existing one. 

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39 minutes ago, Frontez said:

So uhm... You are the Tenno, You operate these powerful machines, You do all the fighting, all the movement, You are the soul and the mind of the warframes (except umbra - he has his own) and yet you can't do any of that jumps, slides, or wallruns in your body... To control a warframe, first you will have to control yourself, "If you are nothing without the suit, you don't deserve it" So why can't we just do some parkour as we do in our warframes - not the same, but something to make us feel powerful outside our battle machines - We need new movement for the operator, DE! And a Clem Prime but we all know Clem is already perfect...

Operators don't have superhuman bodies so it's no wonder they can't perform some of the moves they do while in warframes. That being said, I would like to see a expansion of operator move set – aim gliding at least, maybe some more realistic parkour. Or they could just get similar moves but with different animations, to reflect their void abilities.

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15 minutes ago, luigislam said:

Yeah I honestly expected the Operators to be more fluid as well in fighting and movement but I guess they gotta enforce the idea kids aren't parkour space-ninjas but infested meatbags are(totally not due to limitations or rushed content or any other possible reason). Btw, Clem is already perfect but his Dual Grakata isn't. Prime the shet outta those guns and make it rain platinum ammo yeah!



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18 minutes ago, EDM774 said:

Zenurik's Void Flow and Void Siphon + Naramon's Mind Sprint waybounds Beg to differ. Unbind them and slap them on your school of choice, boom 200 meters in 7 dashes, that's sheer GROFIT right there!

Already unlocked Mind Step and Mind Sprint in the Naramon focus tree...got a long way to go to fully upgrade them though.

Also only have Unairu or Vazarin lenses to choose from at the moment (besides Naramon) so will likely unlock one of those next.

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41 minutes ago, Starfreak911 said:



Rather than posting multiple replies each with further corrections, you can edit the comment itself.  It just looks messy otherwise.

I'm using my phone's mobile data as an internet source. I had an issue and it froze when I was trying to submit the post. I changed my text up a bit while it was still processing or something and I clicked submit button not realizing this would occur :L

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3 minutes ago, luigislam said:

I'm using my phone's mobile data as an internet source. I had an issue and it froze when I was trying to submit the post. I changed my text up a bit while it was still processing or something and I clicked submit button not realizing this would occur :L

Then please remember in the future that this is what happens.  Not sure if it would be worth it, but you could try requesting a forum mod to delete the duped comments.

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I think the best way to incorporate new movement to the Operators would be through tech and gadgets. Maybe let them carry one or two gadgets from ninja history, updated to suit modern needs?

My best thought to this is an energy-based Kaginawa that lets us hang from it or climb walls without the use of void dash. Slower and more vulnerable, but doesn't cost energy and lets you attack whilst doing it.

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1 minute ago, Loza03 said:

I think the best way to incorporate new movement to the Operators would be through tech and gadgets. Maybe let them carry one or two gadgets from ninja history, updated to suit modern needs?

My best thought to this is an energy-based Kaginawa that lets us hang from it or climb walls without the use of void dash. Slower and more vulnerable, but doesn't cost energy and lets you attack whilst doing it.

tbh lets just start with basic actions like rolling and crouching first lel

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12 minutes ago, Ragingwasabi said:

tbh lets just start with basic actions like rolling and crouching first lel

They got the basic actions of sliding and void-squatting...although sliding could be switching to rolling to be more fluid like warframes and void-squatting should atleast allow energy-less crouching for cover-based gameplay because who dafuq wants to use energy to simply crouch around an object 😄

Edited by luigislam
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1 minute ago, luigislam said:

They got the basic actions of sliding and void-squatting...although sliding could be switching to rolling to be more fluid like warframes and void-squatting should atleast allow crouching for cover-based gameplay because who dafuq wants to use energy to simply crouch around an object and laser beam stuff to death.

thats my point

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14 minutes ago, Ragingwasabi said:

tbh lets just start with basic actions like rolling and crouching first lel

But you can crouch. You're crouching in void mode.

If the Tenno can do all the movements Warframes can, why would they ever need a Warframe? The point is that Warframes are tool extensions of the Tenno. If you keep unbinding waybounds you notice your operator literally becomes as powerful as a warframe and almost as flexible due to them mastering their void powers. They don't do the physics defying parkour, which makes sense since their bodies do not consist of technocytes.

If you piece together some of the background lore, apparently some of the Tenno, like those who built the schools, actually WERE so powerful that they didn't need warframes. Imagine how much mental focus and therefore void energy your operator needs to use to move like a warframe. Why even bother learning when your warframe does that effortlessly in comparison. Just save the literal head ache and work with your tools.

On top of all of that the Tenno seem to be immortal as the void protects them from death&aging directly. The only Tenno deaths known are from massive fights with Sentients. I imagine the Sentients might have developed a way to nullify the void partially, since they are weak to it, rendering Tenno mortal.

Edited by Viniestvinculum
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Just now, Viniestvinculum said:

But you can crouch. You're crouching in void mode.

If the Tenno can do all the movements Warframes can, why would they ever need a Warframe? The point is that Warframes are tool extensions of the Tenno. If you keep unbinding waybounds you notice your operator literally becomes as powerful as a warframe and almost as flexible due to them mastering their void powers. They don't do the physics defying parkour, which makes sense since their does not consist of technocytes.

If you piece together some of the background lore, apparently some of the Tenno, like those who built the schools, actually WERE so powerful that they didn't need warframes. Imagine how much mental focus and therefore void energy your operator needs to use to move like a warframe. Why even bother learning when your warframe does that effortlessly in comparison. Just save the literal head ache and work with your tools.

On top of all of that the Tenno seem to be immortal as the void protects them from death&aging directly. The only Tenno deaths known are from massive fights with Sentients. I imagine the Sentients might have developed a way to nullify the void partially, since they are weak to it, rendering Tenno mortal.

thats not crouching, thats void mode. i want crouching. 

and rolling

and maybe some cool barefist martial arts enhanced with void powers instead of just the spammy old void blast

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8 minutes ago, Ragingwasabi said:

thats not crouching, thats void mode. i want crouching. 

and rolling

and maybe some cool barefist martial arts enhanced with void powers instead of just the spammy old void blast

If you look at your operator while in void mode you will see that they do in fact crouch.

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Honestly I hope they keep expanding on Operator systems with each open area like they did with PoE... Right now after maxing all focus schools and getting best amps with best arcane operator still feel lackluster in end-game content. Would be nice to see some "operator arcane slots" on Fortuna, or the ability to mod amps... or as the post suggest, having them learn more tricks/movements.

This days I only use him as an energy slave/eidolon hunt 😛

Edited by Lokime
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