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Let's Talk: Content Drought - What DE can learn from this


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1 hour ago, Escapements said:

why do you feel you must make excuses for DE on this matter ? ask yourself that .

How do you define "drought" in a game that has always had limited and/or short content coupled with long development times?

It's a F2P game...you are going to get longer development times regardless.

  • POE came out Nov 2017.
  • The Sacrifice came out in June 2018.
  • Pyrus Project was August- September 2018.

That puts your "content drought" at roughly 3 weeks and counting...Ask yourself how that actually defines a drought especially as it relates to DE and Warframe. 


FYI...None of this is counting new game modes and tons of assorted qol updates (players asked for these very loudly) I just couldn't be bothered to look for.


Sure, they definitely could have added more tactical alerts/events ...But players complain so much about them it seems counterproductive.

Sure, they could be inflating Fortuna hype with lead-in events... But it  would causes strife if Fortuna didn't immediately follow them because players complained last time.

Sure, they could add co-op group competitions...But that causes strife too. If there's trophies— groups cheat. If there's a leader board — groups cheat... Or folks complain it simply wasn't enough or cheese it anyway.

So most of the simple stuff DE could be doing they probably won't because past experiences have taught that folks, just like the ones complaining about a "drought" right now, have encouraged DE not to.

DE definitely listens, but they have also been notorious for acting on the loudest voices in the room too unfortunately.





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3 hours ago, (PS4)Herrwann69 said:

Talking about a game compagny that overgrowned and hired to much staff causing it to bankrupt ...

I'm sorry but was that suppose to be a smartass comment? there's absolutely no relation between these two, and I'm pretty sure DE isn't dump enough to reach that point, any progress is better than just standing in the same spot 

Also, give me a statement from someone who worked there that says exactly that....if you're gonna act smart, at least back it up

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2 hours ago, (PS4)covan2306 said:

2018 so far:

  • Multiple Tennogen
  • Multiple Deluxe skins
  • Multiple warframe reworks
  • Dojo content
  • Shrines of Eidolon (2 new bosses, riven trans etc)
  • Zephyr Prime (new warfame and weapons)
  • Beasts of Sanctuary (New warframe, game mode, new weapons, new mods)
  • The Sacrifice (new quest, warframe, weapons, mods, UI overhaul + more)
  • Limbo Prime (New warframe and weapons)
  • Revenant (new quest, warframe and weapon)
  • Pyrus Project (new weapon)
  • Chroma prime (new warframe and weapons) 

And of all of those updates, only 3 or 4 of those really felt somewhat satisfying to a vet like myself.  And they've pretty much all but abandoned onslaught.  That really contributed to the feeling we're seeing expressed right now.

Just because DE is releasing content, doesn't mean it's addressing the problem.  Sure, Fortuna takes time.  We get it. 

I've worked on game projects before and the juggling act sucks sometimes.  But we all know that what they've done in the meantime could have been handled better.

Also, please don't lecture me on patience.  On a 56k dial-up connection for over half of my life, I am patience incarnate!




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6 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

How are you feeling a content drought already after playing for only a few months? Do you go go into every game needing constant updates to feel like there's content, desires the fact there's probably hours of content left for you to do? If you're already bored with Warframe, no content update will be enough. 

Lol no. i'm talking about 'new' content. I'm at the point in the game where i have to choose what i want to do with no clear path so it's constant repeat of levels grinding for gear and exp. That's what i expect from the game and i'm having fun with it don't get me wrong and i've played MMOs that only give updates every like 8 months for years. I only said i can somewhat feel the content drought because aside from constantly leveling and collecting them all, there's not much else new areas to explore aside from maybe plains.

Edited by Zelphagor
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1 hour ago, Padre_Akais said:
  • POE came out Nov 2017.
  • The Sacrifice came out in June 2018.
  • Pyrus Project was August- September 2018

Sacrifice and Pyrud Project could all be easily completed in less than an hour, by an average, new Players. and about 2 hours Content in 10 months is the Definition of a drought....no reason to deny it. even DE said that

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4 minutes ago, Kyoresh said:

Sacrifice and Pyrud Project could all be easily completed in less than an hour, by an average, new Players. and about 2 hours Content in 10 months is the Definition of a drought....no reason to deny it. even DE said that

Nothing to deny...Still counts as content regardless of the speed you personally finished it at.

See, that's the primary issue with labels like "drought"... It asserts that there is a slowdown of content— That's simply not true in this case.

...This game has never been content heavy.

So, imo, you aren't actually saying that the game hasn't added anything... But that the game hasn't added anything you, personally, feel qualifies as enough.


And FWIW, Steve gives a similar apology (it seems) almost yearly for development slowdowns.


Tell you what, why don't you tell us what this game would look like if there wasn't a so-called "content drought".

What would DE be doing differently?

Post that here and then account for when DE ever kept such a release schedule.

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On 2018-10-05 at 3:47 PM, FlusteredFerret said:

Exactly - its not like they are doing it on purpose.

They could release Fortuna now, with all its remaining bugs and half-finished stuff and those same people would criticise DE for a garbage update.

Its taking so long because they care enough about their product and player base to make it the best they can. It'll likely still have bugs, but they won't be anything like as bad as they would otherwise be.

As it is, a mainline update is in the pipeline to address some other outstanding issues...so they're working on other stuff besides the big content updates.

We fully waited for PoE and there were still bugs. Fortuna will drop and it will still have bugs.

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11 hours ago, (PS4)Onder6099 said:

Water is needed to make rose garden from drought wasteland, there are tons of water in WF, but i’m afraid that tons of players don’t know how to use it.

the denying and illusion are strong with this one...

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I would love to know how much of the current active player base is composed of players/vets who have seen it all and done it all. Those would be the ones affected by the drought.

If that slice of the pie is, say, 5-10% and the rest is players who haven’t yet reached that “end game” stage, I would understand why it’s hard for DE to justify the investment on creating new content for a minority.

If anyone has any idea, even if just a guess, of how much % of the player base vets are, that would be great feedback.

Note: I’ve been playing for 5-6 months and haven’t seen all. I think I will be at that stage when the Plague Star reaches PS. Of course, soon after that there will be Fortuna so .. doubt content drought will affect me anytime soon lol

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2 hours ago, IntheCoconut said:

Its actually a lot more timid here, considering. Go check out the community forums for ESO, people are livid over there.

Oh I've been around long enough to know that the WF forums are on the lesser side of salt-hood. Except in the case of Chroma's helmet design. Now that was a wreck.

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2 minutes ago, TheErebus. said:

Oh I've been around long enough to know that the WF forums are on the lesser side of salt-hood. Except in the case of Chroma's helmet design. Now that was a wreck.

Gosh, that was a fun period for the forums.

IIRC my stance on that was, "the frames posture shows the helmet in a poor light". Must admit that it's actually my favourite Chroma helmet of all of them.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)covan2306 said:

2018 so far:

  • Multiple Tennogen
  • Multiple Deluxe skins
  • Multiple warframe reworks
  • Dojo content
  • Shrines of Eidolon (2 new bosses, riven trans etc)
  • Zephyr Prime (new warfame and weapons)
  • Beasts of Sanctuary (New warframe, game mode, new weapons, new mods)
  • The Sacrifice (new quest, warframe, weapons, mods, UI overhaul + more)
  • Limbo Prime (New warframe and weapons)
  • Revenant (new quest, warframe and weapon)
  • Pyrus Project (new weapon)
  • Chroma prime (new warframe and weapons) 

Update 22 listed (WF wiki link)

Update 23 listed (WF wiki link)


Not even got the biggest and best update of the year yet. go check for yourselves

Lack of content or content drought is fake news..  Especially if youtubers are pushing it, attention seekers trying to stay relevant.. 

Calm before the storm, nothing more.

This is the calm before the storm kids, just calm it down

I'm just gonna put one of my previous posts here.

"From the 3rd December 2015 till the 22 December 2016 we got.

The second dream, which wasn't just a 1 hour quest (unlike the Sacrifice), it introduced Sorties, Operator Gameplay, Focus system, Login changes.

The first Acolyte event and Tactical alert

Sands of Inaros.

Operation Rathuum event.


Specters of the Rails update, which completely overhauled the starchart, added Junctions, reworked the void, Reworked archwing controls, introduced Kavats.

The Silver Grove, Reworked the Fusion system into the current Endo system.

Long shadow Tactical alert.

The Index Preview Event.

Nightmare mission rework.

The War within, Added the Kuva fortress, added the Riven and Kuva system.

The Glast Gambit,  Added the Index missions full time and expanded on the Riven system by adding shotguns and secondary Rivens.

36 New weapons, not counting primes, and I urge you to count them because I honestly didn't believe it at first. 

Wanna know how many Warframes dropped in that time span? 5 new Warframes, again not including Primes.

That coupled with New mission types, New enemies, almost monthly new augments, Boss reworks, Ayatans, Mission reworks, Reworked Tilesets. 

Even Deluxe skins dropped frequently back then. Trinity, Oberon, Nova, Banshee, Ash. All dropped in a span of a Year, and a lot of weapon skins. "

http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Update_18 / http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Update_19

This is 2016's content, before the top 10 on steam charts and billboards on Times square.

A game releases 36 new weapons in a year where they were just barely picking up speed, and now that they are somewhat successful they release....5 new weapons and 1 new Warframe in a span of 10 months. But yeah Lack of content is fake news, right?

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5 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

Gosh, that was a fun period for the forums.

IIRC my stance on that was, "the frames posture shows the helmet in a poor light". Must admit that it's actually my favourite Chroma helmet of all of them.

My stance changed from "It was bad" to "It was fine" to "I made a Chroma parody account to make fun of the whole thing"

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2 hours ago, TheCoolcg10 said:

Except that DE has come out and said sorry about the "CONTENT DROUGHT."

And? Do they then need roughly 4397 threads on the forums, regurgitating Youtuber talking points? What is gained by yet another one of these threads? The only people denying a content drought are the strawmen that the OPs are all valiantly fighting against to deliver this urgent news of something the majority of us just accept and deal with by either not playing til there is new stuff or finding your own thing to do in the game... until new stuff is released.

21 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

the game hasn't added anything you, personally, feel qualifies as enough

Ding ding ding. This is the key to all of this. List out all the stuff released since <arbitrary point> and then just hand wave away the stuff you don't like or remember as "not real content" and then you can say this game has been in a content drought since it was in closed beta.

55 minutes ago, Kyoresh said:

Sacrifice and Pyrud Project could all be easily completed in less than an hour, by an average, new Players. and about 2 hours Content in 10 months is the Definition of a drought....no reason to deny it. even DE said that

The Pyrus Project could be completed by "new players" in an hour, despite the struts taking 3 hours to make and you need 5 of them.

Lightning fast that is 15 hours to build them, unless you are saying players spend 50 Plat to rush them all as a new player. Nobody is denying it. Y'all are just overplaying your hand.

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2 hours ago, PR0JAX said:


Just because DE is releasing content, doesn't mean it's addressing the problem.  Sure, Fortuna takes time.  We get it. 



In the topic off "content drought"....................releasing content doesn't address the issue.    

As I said in the early parts of this thread, DE cannot win this, people want to whine not content. sad

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1 hour ago, (PS4)covan2306 said:

In the topic off "content drought"....................releasing content doesn't address the issue.    

As I said in the early parts of this thread, DE cannot win this, people want to whine not content. sad

Nobody is debating whether or not they successfully released the occasional skin, weapon, or frame.  We all appreciate what they do push out, but let's be real.  Most of it is community generated, or something new to buy.  And at a much lower rate than past years as a few posters have already mentioned.  That's a quantifiable fact, not opinion.

I know that when Fortuna comes, I'll enjoy the heck out of it, and I already love the direction they are going if the devstreams are any indication.  But there's a deeper issue at play here.

I'm just tired of people telling me that a game that I feel like I currently cannot do anything in, and am forced to turn off after a couple minutes in boredom, is totally fine.


And I've already supplied numerous suggestions, bugfixes, and comments that could address most of these issues with minimal development time, but no, I guess I'm just a toxic hater and could never offer anything constructive.

This must be the weirdest and most masochistic community I've ever been in, I swear.

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14 hours ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

Lack of content you LIKE is not the same as lack of content, first off...

Secondly, noone is forced to buy Prime Access, or anything else, for that matter.  If you're begrudging the purchase, don't make the purchase.

Last of all, ya gotta realize that creative -scales- with time.  What that means is.... Sure, in the first few years of the game's existence, adding stuff is -EASY-, because there is nothing there to compete with it, so literally ANY content is "awesome" and welcomed at that point.
 However, as new content stacks on older content, people start drawing comparisons, code starts getting tangled, lore starts gaining depth.....basically, creating new content gets progressively more difficult, which results in progressively longer production times, or as you all seem to want to wrongly call them, "Content Droughts".   There is no avoiding this.

This is why most game companies simply stick a fork in their games and release a sequel, because it's easier to rebuild it from scratch than it is to keep adding on.

And yet, here Warframe is, ambitious as ever half a decade later, and still going strong.

So, again, ya might not like it, but it's not like DE hasn't been working hard and releasing updates.  To state otherwise is just blatant lying to suit one's argument.

Since when am I saying anything regarding what I LIKE or DISLIKE about what they released? I made pretty clear: what they released is objectively mediocre and NOT NEW content at all asides minor details here and there. SO, Kuva Survival and Umbra are all mechanics that are already built in the game. There is literally nothing new in it.

But nope, you see criticism and prefers to bootlick DE instead, being overly complacent to 10 months of lack of content.

No one is "forced" to buy prime access? NO WAY SHERLOCK HOLMES!! NOBODY KNEW THAT! Congrats! Problem is that prime access is a big way they have to make money. If it keeps being mediocre as it was with Chroma Prime, then the sales will obviously drop.

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Also, I'm not even beginning on how DE literally REMOVED content from the game this year when they killed Raids. NO ONE asked for it. It wasn't necessary and they did that only to boost the "popularity" of their uninspired tridolon hunt. It's pretty fun, but the 2 """"new"""" Eidolons are literally identical to the first one except the size and color scheme, just like the Hemocyte. :clap:

Plus: it was the ONLY game mode that actually required team work, allowed for more than 4 players to play, required at least 3 working neurons to play, etc.

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There is only so much we can be shown content in devstreams before people get frustrated with waiting. Fortuna looks good and we have all been hyped for it since before Tennocon and then even more after Tennocon....and every few weeks we see Rebecca on a cool hover skateboard thing.

We want to be on the hover skateboard thing and the longer we have to wait for that, the more we start feeling the negative effects of the hype.....and the emptiness of current gameplay.

Add that to a coupled of self inflicted issues (Baro 100th) and its a recipe for a lot of upset. Lets hope the next patch can help us to the finish line.

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il y a 3 minutes, Chronometria a dit :

There is only so much we can be shown content in devstreams before people get frustrated with waiting. Fortuna looks good and we have all been hyped for it since before Tennocon and then even more after Tennocon....and every few weeks we see Rebecca on a cool hover skateboard thing.

We want to be on the hover skateboard thing and the longer we have to wait for that, the more we start feeling the negative effects of the hype.....and the emptiness of current gameplay.

Add that to a coupled of self inflicted issues (Baro 100th) and its a recipe for a lot of upset. Lets hope the next patch can help us to the finish line.

and how... it's an "mainline" update without any contents... just a lot of fixes and tweaks... i still don't understand why it's mainline

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They don't have to learn anything.

Fortuna is being made so it can be a big marketable update that they can put on a big billboard on time-square. 

They want to grow their playercount, and as Rebecca Ford stated in a Dev Workshop, more people played this game in July than any other month.(don't think that remark was unintentional, by the way)

One of the side effects of this is that Warframe can reach a stability where they don't have to care if people leave their game, since more new players will come in.

(This goes for content creators too, by the way 😉 )

Although I fully support criticism and complaining to DE on many different topics, this isn't one of them, because you're all simply wrong. The player numbers have shown pretty clearly that taking all their yearly content and bundling it in one easy-to-market update is better for them and draws more new players (some of who spend money on the game).

(P.S If you complain and accuse them of "making mistakes:, and yet are still here playing the game, or buying platinum, they have even less reason to care 😫)

EDIT: If you're a veteran of this game, they even less less less reason to care. You probably played the game to death and any content that Fortuna might have won't keep you entertained for more than a couple of months. You're also probably self-reliant, and therefore don't buy platinum. Whilst a new player has the entirety of the game to play through.

I've been playing since late 2014 and am about MR 20, so I'm technically a veteran, but I'm self-aware enough to know that this game isn't catered to me anymore


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1 hour ago, Midrib said:

I'm just gonna put one of my previous posts here.

"From the 3rd December 2015 till the 22 December 2016 we got.

The second dream, which wasn't just a 1 hour quest (unlike the Sacrifice), it introduced Sorties, Operator Gameplay, Focus system, Login changes.

The first Acolyte event and Tactical alert

Sands of Inaros.

Operation Rathuum event.


Specters of the Rails update, which completely overhauled the starchart, added Junctions, reworked the void, Reworked archwing controls, introduced Kavats.

The Silver Grove, Reworked the Fusion system into the current Endo system.

Long shadow Tactical alert.

The Index Preview Event.

Nightmare mission rework.

The War within, Added the Kuva fortress, added the Riven and Kuva system.

The Glast Gambit,  Added the Index missions full time and expanded on the Riven system by adding shotguns and secondary Rivens.

36 New weapons, not counting primes, and I urge you to count them because I honestly didn't believe it at first. 

Wanna know how many Warframes dropped in that time span? 5 new Warframes, again not including Primes.

That coupled with New mission types, New enemies, almost monthly new augments, Boss reworks, Ayatans, Mission reworks, Reworked Tilesets. 

Even Deluxe skins dropped frequently back then. Trinity, Oberon, Nova, Banshee, Ash. All dropped in a span of a Year, and a lot of weapon skins. "

http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Update_18 / http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Update_19

This is 2016's content, before the top 10 on steam charts and billboards on Times square.

A game releases 36 new weapons in a year where they were just barely picking up speed, and now that they are somewhat successful they release....5 new weapons and 1 new Warframe in a span of 10 months. But yeah Lack of content is fake news, right?

Updates 18 and 19 within 12 month period of dec-dec
So i'll counter your 2016 with updates 22 and 23  ranges from Oct 12th 2017 - Oct. 

Plains of Eidolon: warframe + mini quest, weapons, open world map, social hub, new enemies, mining, fishing, vehicle, focus rework, 3x Eidolons boss fights

dojo rework

ui rework

Beasts of sanctuary, New game mode, warframe, weapons

the Sacrifice, new warframe, weapons, mainline story quest

exalted weapons 

frame fighter!!!

Mask of the Revenant - new quest, warframe, weapon

Project Pyrus.

By my count that is:

35 weapons and 4 warframes not including primes. 

  1. Plague Keewar (mines named KEEEEEEEEEEEWA)
  2. Plague Kripath (Lt. Dan's Leg)
  3. Balla (Skana Prime)
  4. Cyath
  5. Dehtat
  6. Dokrahm
  7. Kronsh (Clubby McClubface)
  8. Mewan (censored lol)
  10. Rabvee
  11. Sepfahn
  12. Granmu prism
  13. Rahn Prism
  14. Raplak prism
  15. Shwaak prism
  16. Mote amp
  17. Astilla
  18. Fusilai
  19. Volnus
  20. Argonak
  21. baza
  22. Corinth
  23. Phantasma
  24. Quartakk
  25. Veldt
  26. Hysterix
  27. Prisma twin gremlins
  28. stubba
  29. Zylok
  30. Cassowar
  31. dual keres
  32. Gunsen
  33. krohkur
  34. skiajati
  35. twin krohkur

We have been spoiled by DE for the past couple of years, lets not act like spoiled little brats, and just chillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll out.


"A game releases 36 new weapons in a year where they were just barely picking up speed, and now that they are somewhat successful they release....5 new weapons and 1 new Warframe in a span of 10 months. But yeah Lack of content is fake news, right?"

Fake news is exactly right




Edited by (PS4)covan2306
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