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Let's Talk: Content Drought - What DE can learn from this


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You can feel powerful without getting rid of the challenge. Powerful doesn't mean one hitting entire rooms or tilesets.

Personally I like wiping out entire rooms in a single hit though. I think we should get challenge in end-game, but stay powerful before that

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Why does this sound like something a Warframe Youtuber would say to get some quick views? I like how someone disagreeing with something you put out is automatically "white knighting" while your opinions are "objective truth." Everyone has an opinion, and yours is no more special than someone elses. That goes for Youtubers too. People believe Youtubers much to blindly anymore. Half of their ramblings don't even make sense, and the other half of the time, there is no evidence to back up anything they are saying.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

"it takes a strong man to deny what's right in front of him, and if the truth is undeniable, you create your own."

gotta say, it'll be nice when all this dies down. we need Fortuna so that we can all lift together!

Better quote yet.

I reject your reality and substitute it with my own.

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2 minutes ago, PoisonHD said:

You can feel powerful without getting rid of the challenge. Powerful doesn't mean one hitting entire rooms or tilesets.

Personally I like wiping out entire rooms in a single hit though. I think we should get challenge in end-game, but stay powerful before that

You can't "stay powerful" nuking easier enemies is part of getting more powerful, but if you suddenly can't defeat the enemies unless you have a specific setup then obviously there is only challenge and no power.

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4 minutes ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

You can't "stay powerful" nuking easier enemies is part of getting more powerful, but if you suddenly can't defeat the enemies unless you have a specific setup then obviously there is only challenge and no power.

I said feel powerful. Nuking enemies isn't really part of getting powerful either, Borderlands 2 does it very well, there's still a hefty challenge as you progress, but you feel unstoppable as you do, until you die.

As with staying powerful before endgame it's very much possible, just keep it like it is now being able to nuke rooms and such, bit make endgame have different enemy types, better AI, etc.

Edited by PoisonHD
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I’m definitely in the minority here but I’d greatly prefer challenge - at the cost of frame abilities and weapon power currently. Imo the whole “ninja” aspect of Warframe is underutilized. I’d like to see a toning down of Warframe abilities across the board, with a focus on group tactics, player skill, and stealth. A mod revamp where the base stats of a weapon/frame are good enough for content, and mods would allow for specialization at the cost of another aspect (such as increasing hp but decreasing mobility, or increasing damage but decreasing fire rate and ect). Players would be at a disadvantage when encountering groups of enemies, forcing them to utilize guerrilla tactics while taking advantage of their extreme mobility. 

Which is pretty much a pipe dream and a totally different game at that point but a guy can dream. In the meantime more challenge please.

Edited by OmegaZero633
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1 minute ago, PoisonHD said:

I said feel powerful. Nuking enemies isn't really part of getting powerful either, Borderlands 2 does it very well, there's still a hefty challenge as you progress, but you feel unstoppable as you do, until you die.

As with staying powerful before endgame it's very much possible, just keep it like it is now being able to nuke rooms and such, bit make endgame have different enemy types, better AI, etc.

Read carefully, I said nuking easier enemies.

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There is room enough for missions of both types. For end gamers, challenge is all that remains.

Give me Nox and manic (without cheese invincibility of manics) like enemies or at least goddang BL2 stalker  or sniper Hyperion units like AI. Give me a greater rift like environment with elite groups that take more than BFI to tackle.

Or a decent stealth mission.

some days I feel like taking a challenge, others I just want to blow stuff up.

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Both, for the simple premise that power means absolutely nothing unless it's tested, and the only way to test power is through challenge, but one needs to acquire power in order to be valid for a challenge.

Attaining power should provide new challenges, is a simpler way to put it.

Edited by Krion112
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22 minutes ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

Read carefully, I said nuking easier enemies.

Ah, what I said doesn't change much though, I just meant staying at the same power level we have now through early game content, you still need to build up to it, but once you hit end-game, which would be brand new content in this case, they introduce new enemy types and mechanics that'll make it more challenging, while letting you still feel powerful once you beat them.

Edited by PoisonHD
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I personally don't need much challenge, I'm coming to the game to rest and relax, not to spend hundreds of hours to farm op items and then another hundred to fully learn tactics to kill medium level boss. I got enough challenge irl. 

Edited by rsod25
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I feel like an alternative NG+ like mode could exist for people who've completed the star chart where all enemies start at level 100 and go up to 300 as you progress through the chart again.

The reward? One of each potato, a warframe slot, or three weapon slots after finishing each planet. Each junction offering the same rewards plus an additional cosmetic.

Is that insane enough for you tenno?

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hace 2 minutos, BallisticSalsa dijo:

I feel like an alternative NG+ like mode could exist for people who've completed the star chart where all enemies start at level 100 and go up to 300 as you progress through the chart again.

The reward? One of each potato, a warframe slot, or three weapon slots after finishing each planet. Each junction offering the same rewards plus an additional cosmetic.

Is that insane enough for you tenno?

I actually really like this idea of replaying the whole starchart at a higher difficulty level. I'm not sure if the rewards you propose are appropriate but I like the concept very much. This is a tried and true thing that many games have and works great.

I often do the kuva floods just for the joy of going back to a planet but with a higher difficulty. We have a lot of shiny brutal toys and few things to try them on at it's limit. I personally don't enjoy doing endurance runs, I usually just get tired of being in the same mission for more than 2 full rotations so a game+ mode would be great. Maybe the Arbitrations will give us some of that at a higher pace than the sorties and the kuva floods. 

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