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I would like shields. No not those shields.


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There is a post here that says the poster wants pole axes and one of the other suggestions in the post said they want spears and spears/shields.

I want a shield like the Grineer have. I get we can block with weapons and that we have Silva and Aegis, and Tyl Regor's Ack and Brunt. That is not what I am looking for I want to go old school Captain America before he learned how to bounce his shield where he just used it to block bullets and then used his sidearm to shoot people in the face.

Right click to block, left click to fire the sidearm, E to shield bash like the Grineer does. No zoom levels, maybe no blocking and shooting at the same time.

Maybe it can have a mod that works like Hunter Adrenaline/Rage that helps you build energy with damage absorbed when blocking, or fires off a Truth or Sequence type effect after so much affinity.

I'll be honest I mostly want it as a reason to look cool well getting rid of some of my warframe shields as even with bare minimum shields I either have no energy or all the energy when I use damage = energy mods. I kinda want to block a bombard shot or heavy gunner for a shot or two and get a quick hit of energy from blocking it with a shield and then toss out an ability attack.

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isnt that what volt can do with a aug or something just pick up his shield and walk around with it even knocks people over when you sprint into them rather funny if your frame spints slow since your kinda shoving them with electricity 

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2 minutes ago, seprent said:

isnt that what volt can do with a aug or something just pick up his shield and walk around with it even knocks people over when you sprint into them rather funny if your frame spints slow since your kinda shoving them with electricity 

Volt can pick up one of his shields by default, I believe the augment allows other players to pick them up. You can't use primaries while holding a shield, though.

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41 minutes ago, seprent said:

isnt that what volt can do with a aug or something just pick up his shield and walk around with it even knocks people over when you sprint into them rather funny if your frame spints slow since your kinda shoving them with electricity 

Volt's is kinda lazy, though. It just floats in front of him; he's not even occupying one of his hands with the shield, and yet for some reason he can't use his primary while "holding" the shield.

I like OP's idea. I would love a Shield Lancer's shield that I can pair with a pistol and use on whatever Frame I want.

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Just now, CoolDudeMcCool said:

Volt can pick up one of his shields by default, I believe the augment allows other players to pick them up. You can't use primaries while holding a shield, though.

well you couldn't use a primary with a real shield most the time if we got a lancer one for example 

personally i always had a dream of a heavy trick weapon a shield and a mini gun aim=block but you cant shoot shoot but cant block alt fire slam shield down and turn it into cover and set it up like a turret so your a walking heavy weapons platform 

might play too much EDF because i also want a artillery mortar as a gun ik we have the zarr but i mean like the BFG artillery guns 

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2 minutes ago, KirukaChan said:

Volt's is kinda lazy, though. It just floats in front of him; he's not even occupying one of his hands with the shield, and yet for some reason he can't use his primary while "holding" the shield.

I like OP's idea. I would love a Shield Lancer's shield that I can pair with a pistol and use on whatever Frame I want.

personally if they wanted just a one hand is open for volt have your hand physically out touching the barrier or show some method of holding it 

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On 2018-10-08 at 1:28 AM, seprent said:

isnt that what volt can do with a aug or something just pick up his shield and walk around with it even knocks people over when you sprint into them rather funny if your frame spints slow since your kinda shoving them with electricity 

I've totally forgotten that volt can knock people over with his shield. 

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