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Creating a warframe from scratch [SPOILER ALERT!!!]


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14 minutes ago, FollowTheFaceless said:

lol nope, you completely not reading me. Im talking about 2-3 choosable variants for each ability. AND THEY NOT TAKEN FROM EXISTING FRAMES.

Assuming I did the math right and using the max number of 3 variants: we get 12 different abilities, of which we get to use 4 at a time. That's 495 different combinations just for powers.

That's not even factoring in different combos for health, shields, armor, etc. which I assume from your original OP would be tied to the appearance (I'd say chassis, systems, and helmet would be the easiest way to do that, to keep in line with how we build frames currently).

That's a lot of work just to make zawframes.

Edited by (XB1)Skippy575
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11 minutes ago, FollowTheFaceless said:

Because no one even tries to think about it positively and dug up it's dirt side right from the start and starts throwing it. 

As I said, this is not a new topic. Modular frames have been discussed many times in these forums and they all run into the same issues, too much extra work to be worth the investment. Your proposal is not unique and is no different form every other time it's been brought by someone. In the time it would take to make a function modular system for frames that's balanced and mostly exploitable (which is almost never gonna happen) they honestly could have pushed at least 2-3 new unique frames for a much better return on investment.

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Just now, FollowTheFaceless said:

Oh. You're think you reacting positive!? I'm so sorry...

I never claim that I am? Neither have my replies been inherently negative if you're not being overly sensitive.

Most of my replies have been simply stating the inherent flaws and risks that your idea poses. Again, realistic expectations.


Yet you misconstrue the context as pessimism/ negativity.... and you wanna be snarky about this and have an attitude? Grow up dude.



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6 minutes ago, Atsia said:

As I said, this is not a new topic. Modular frames have been discussed many times in these forums and they all run into the same issues, too much extra work to be worth the investment. Your proposal is not unique and is no different form every other time it's been brought by someone. In the time it would take to make a function modular system for frames that's balanced and mostly exploitable (which is almost never gonna happen) they honestly could have pushed at least 2-3 new unique frames for a much better return on investment.

It's not a proposal, not demand. Just a guess based on lore. If it needed to be nose-pointed at such obvious thing then that's why this whole thread has taken the wrong route... 

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1 minute ago, FollowTheFaceless said:

It's not a proposal, not demand. Just a guess based on lore. If it needed to be nose-pointed at such obvious thing then that's why this whole thread has taken the wrong route... 

1. Cause of the way you worded it.

2. Cause of your attitude from people simply noting the inherent risks/ flaws from your idea when nobody really "attacked" you in the first place.

3. Cause you seem to get overly sensitive/ sentimental over a civil argument....

4. Get a clue.

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3 минуты назад, FollowTheFaceless сказал:

If it needed to be nose-pointed at such obvious thing then that's why this whole thread has taken the wrong route... 

7/10. Good one OP, you got me honestly thinking about the pros and cons of modular frames for a 7 minutes, but it is not why you started this thread, is it?

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1 minute ago, FollowTheFaceless said:

It's not a proposal, not demand. Just guess based on lore. If it needed to be nose-pointed at such obvious thing then that's why this whole thread has taken the wrong route... 

Even then the majority answer would still be no for the same reasons that have been given by the others. Too much work for not enough return and a balancing nightmare for DE

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I think the biggest issue is appearance. The best frames have distinct looks and good themes, these things would probably just be bland and eh. Look at Revenant, he still gets tons of complaints about the vampire/sentient thing not meshing. I don't want to imagine how many people would complain about custom frames not having a theme.

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24 minutes ago, CoolDudeMcCool said:

I think the biggest issue is appearance. The best frames have distinct looks and good themes, these things would probably just be bland and eh. Look at Revenant, he still gets tons of complaints about the vampire/sentient thing not meshing. I don't want to imagine how many people would complain about custom frames not having a theme.

Putting balancing/testing issues aside, that's one of the biggest problems with such a proposal. I think having a frame crafted like an amp and calling it "323" instead of, well, a name is problematic. DE always advertised new frames based on the themes they conveyed.

Another problem, a prime frame would not be possible with the same process.


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2 minutes ago, rastaban75 said:

Putting balancing/testing issues aside, that's one of the biggest problems with such a proposal. I think having a frame crafted like an amp and calling it "323" instead of, well, a name is problematic. DE always advertised new frames based on the themes they conveyed.

Another problem, a prime frame would not be possible with the same process.


Frame created by Tenno who not a thematic specialist. It's a pretty handicraft work and may be as simple as Mag on it's look. And of course no prime, because it's created in present time, not by Orokin. 

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the problem is for abilities alone you have 81 options if it is 3 choices per ability or 11880 if it is 4 from a pool of 4.  

then you have health.  for that you have 3 standard options.  tank, mid, caster then for each type you would want 2 versions making 6 choices since the original post states 4 sets of 3 then that is 6 frame shield/hp/armor/energy options times 81 ability choices make 486 unique frames that is now 486 things that need to have to be stored in a database and indexed for easy retrieval when you log on.  it just is not worth the Dev time or the storage space to do this.  the pets and weapons are easier they are just numbers maby 1-4 different abilities and don't need a unique code for each same goes for kit guns, for the most part, there are 4-5 fire types then after that it is just stats

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As much as I like the idea I feel like it would make our other warframes less relevant. We all know that Zawframes will gain the same treatment Zaws do from the community, everyone will craft the most efficient one for each role and that is all you'll ever see from that point onward. The reason is because DE make warframes with more or less equal strengths and weaknesses, on the other hand, if we get to craft them we will amplify the strengths as much as we can while keeping weaknesses to a bare minimum.

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I have said something similar to this in the past,  don’t count on it, when I did I got hated on.  I do think it could be awesome, having Oberons healing 3, with Nyx mind control 1, Valkers 4, and Excalibur’s raidial blind 2,  and top it off with with passives,


It would give Warframe Vets something to do while waiting for me content to drop and complete in a week or two.

Granted I am still working on Revenant.  But I have seen plenty of them running around already.

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I will try to put in my custom combination...

1) Methamophosis (Equinox)

2) Energy Vampire [Trinity] (Night)/ Hall of Mirror [Mirage]  (Day)

3) Iron Skin [Rhino] (Night) / Miasma [Saryn] (Day)

4) Exalted Blade [Excalibur] (Night)/ Peacemaker [Mesa] (Day)

The combo -
EV with Iron skin with Exalted blade night aspect
Hall of Mirror with Miasma with Peacemaker.

The clones from Hall of Mirror will be able to perform Exalted Blade/ Peacemaker to amplify/ increase damage
with duration build.

Edited by Ada_Wong_SG
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