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[Arbitrations] The new amazing ENDGAME mode! Or is it?


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yay another player who doesnt realize anything can be easy with the right set up and slowva is one of those automatically easy mode things so sorry but idk what the player base wants nothing will every be hard unless we get 1 shot and then people will complain about that enjoy the new mode for now.

Edited by S.Dust
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1 minute ago, S.Dust said:

yay another player who doesnt realize anything can be easy with the right set up and slowva is one of those automatically easy mode things so sorry but idk what the player base wants nothing will every be heard unless we get 1 shot and then people will complain about that enjoy the new mode for now.

Problem is that the new mode is neither hard nor enjoyable. The lengthened reward times are just making it boring, the crap rewards don't help either. And everything else they added to try and make it hard doesn't, it's just making it annoying and unfun. If i wanted to play 2h of survival for crappy rewards vs lvl 100 mobs, i could do that already without a new game mode. It brings nothing new or challenging.

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3 minutes ago, ReaverKane said:

Problem is that the new mode is neither hard nor enjoyable. The lengthened reward times are just making it boring, the crap rewards don't help either. And everything else they added to try and make it hard doesn't, it's just making it annoying and unfun. If i wanted to play 2h of survival for crappy rewards vs lvl 100 mobs, i could do that already without a new game mode. It brings nothing new or challenging.

The endo rewards are quite nice cause endo will always be usefull unless you've been playing for years only collecting it, and the mode is fun enough cause guess what warframe consist of killing things. If your complaint is that you could get high level enemies in survival by playing for two hours straight well then the mode did you a favor by making it so you dont have to wait and hour cause the enemies are scaled up. Also fun is a different for everyone sorry but people wanted to something to do and they did their best. I'm not gonna act like its the best thing ever and like the game doesnt need more content and work but no one has said what they really want. People say they want difficulty and then pull out the biggest cheese set of gear they can find and call it too easy. They say they want fun but dont realize that fun is not an objective term its influenced by the user. Not saying dont complain and give feed back just saying dont come on with a frame that makes things super easy and complain that the one frame can make things easy mode. Try the mode with stuff that may challenge you instead of things that will make it easy.

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They cant make a mod that cost 100k endo to max... there are other non vet players that also maybe want to play with that mod...


You need Endo sinks? Ok maybe Cosmetics and so on. Not play relevant items. "You need to play at least a year to max that mod out"... nope thanks.

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A real challenge in warframe is stuff like adapting to damage types, hard to hit weakpoints, immunity to ablilites, dodging attacks consistently, ability to cancel out abilities, energy draining enemies, null globes, and things that arn't simply high level. Imagine fighting a sentient who has many or all the traits I've mentioned at once. That would be some endgame content right there. 

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10 hours ago, S.Dust said:

that is actually not a bad idea but then we would have people complaining that we're nerfing them.

This kind of mods are the reason why nothing "is a challenge" anymore. Thats not nerfing. I dont like Primed and Riven mods at all tbh. I dont think it was a good idea to implement them. I wish they added a kind of primed mods (plat boarder and 10 ranks) but with special effects. Not the same modas just stronger. I also wish that they would drop really rare and not just baro.

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On 2018-10-12 at 9:28 PM, Rurabomber said:


I am disappointed as well, the time sink and the grind of this game mode is insane! First the percentages for the new mods are low, than if you want to buy the rest of the mods with standing you need to do 2 hours and a half of survival to buy one mod 😫 . Not to mention getting other items from arbiters. Seriously this is insane and the only consolation prizes are ayatan sculptures...EMPTY ayatan sculptures. I don't know about the majority of veterans but i have a bunch of them stockpiled not to mentioning constantly getting them in sorties.

Like the original poster said, kuva would have been a better consolation prize, also having a guaranteed drop after like 1h would have made it much more worth it, like it is with John Prodman.

DEs attempt of making this game mode not die out is to just increase the grind to insane levels. How about instead we just have 3 monthly rotations of rewards? Also again, we already have good farms for all resources except for kuva...

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2 hours ago, Tallinframe said:

I think it is a good first effort on their part.  I am confident they will continue to tweak it as feedback comes in.

Just like the Sactuary Onslaught is constantly being tweaked and improved? Oh, right - it isn't. ;)

Jokes aside, I hope it will not end on just one patch/hotfix that will make this game mode "ok-ish", but still not really enjoyable.

Edited by Rurabomber
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On 2018-10-12 at 9:22 PM, Kobrakai85 said:

As a new-ish player (400 hours) I look at these rewards and think wow ...being able to get that much endo in a single mission is insanely good. This seems game breaking to me, I can level up all my primed mods easily now. It baffles me how anyone could complain about this, I almost feel like they should nerf the rewards. Are we playing the same game here?

it feels more like a challenge mode for newer and mid-term players that actually need all that endo rather than vet endgame content.

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Justo ahora, Methanoid dijo:

it feels more like a challenge mode for newer and mid-term players that actually need all that endo rather than vet endgame content.

Place Kuva in the drop tables.


Vets will be helphing newers and mid term players inthe alerts. 


Simple,easy, and pretty obvious. 

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Just now, XzWasPzX said:

Place Kuva in the drop tables.


Vets will be helphing newers and mid term players inthe alerts. 


Simple,easy, and pretty obvious. 

Shame theres plenty of comments from vets/long term players that enjoy the fact that the gamemode is supposedly (obviously garbage) keeping out players they see as the weak link they dont want in those alerts.

Adding kuva sounds pretty sensible, that might devalue other sources of kuva farming tho making them more irrelevant.

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On 2018-10-12 at 11:44 PM, Rurabomber said:

That part I actually like. We need something challenging in Warframe. I feel that adding Eidolons was a step in the right direction, but there should be much more difficult "monster" enemies, if a coordinated group can take down 10-12 Eidolons in one hour, and a solo player can do 6 or more, including two Hydrolysts.

But what part of no-revive is challenging, I mean except for the true end-game boss mob in this case that is the allmighty Host Migration bug?

If I bring a frame I know I wont die with in order to benefit myself and the group the most the challenge only comes from the RNG picks of the rest of the team and if they have a working braincell or not. There is no actual challenge in the content as such, with or without no-revive, the challenge is when you roll the dice on who happens to be the host, if he is a good player with a proper loadout or not.

So far I've had zero good experiences with groups. I never die, I pull my weight and get eaten by Host Migration in the end, who robs me blind as if I was playing Ultima Online. I mean the game mode is so poorly thought through. They should know of their faulty systems and not make design choices that might impact the players harshly due to bugs that DE cant manage to solve.

It aint fun keeping a defense target alive for 40 mins only to have the host die and #*!% you over by leaving. My aggro level towards this bug is on a Leo Getz level atm.

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hace 1 minuto, Methanoid dijo:

Shame theres plenty of comments from vets/long term players that enjoy the fact that the gamemode is supposedly (obviously garbage) keeping out players they see as the weak link they dont want in those alerts.

Adding kuva sounds pretty sensible, that might devalue other sources of kuva farming tho making them more irrelevant.

Im vet (at least in terms of age), and i love this gamemode, and im trying frames, builds and strategies, and im trying to keep alive everyone, doesnt matter is vet or newer. So im not part of those who you are talking. 

Thats why im using a lot Trinity with a duration based build, to keep everybody alive as much as possible. I have always played with Life Strike mod, so i really dont need Trinity, but most of players really need her. I play for the team, not just for me, and i like this game mode because of the challenge again. I was just suggesting how the game mode could be atractive for many vets, thats all.

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On 2018-10-14 at 6:00 PM, SneakyErvin said:

But what part of no-revive is challenging, I mean except for the true end-game boss mob in this case that is the allmighty Host Migration bug?

I see what you mean, but that's a separate issue in my opinion. They should fix their host migration bugs and keep no-revive setting.

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It's ok for Endo and Credit gain, but there are comparable (if not superior) alternatives for both of those.  The cosmetic Vitis rewards aren't appealing to me personally and even if they were, they don't take a lot of Vitis to purchase.  Daily Sorties are still 100% more rewarding.  

P.S. Host Migrations and disconnects have ruined three Arbitration runs so far for me, further diminishing my desire to play them.  

Edited by AlMcFly
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