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this new gearwheel is awful


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this new gear wheel is hideous, it takes up the whole screen and puts everything in your peripheral vision so you cant easily see everything at once, they also stuffed your emotes in a different menu that you have to press the tab key while still holding q, which is a finger cramp, and they put the emote pictures first instead of the emote text so you can no longer identify your emotes at a glance because all the emote pictures look the same.

No one ever complained about the old warframe UI, just give us an option to "revert to classic" in the options please

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I want infinite wheel but this thing is behaving oddly. 

It doesn't always start from position one so half the time it's showing me 13 onwards. I put important items 1-12, why are you showing me 13 onwards? 

Since this was introduced, my shortcut for the simaris scanner is acting odd. Most of the time I use the hot key, my gun gets put on my back, but I can't zoom in to scan. It just does a regular little zoom just like my ignis. No scanning. I honestly can't even tell you what fixes it, I keep swapping gun scanner gun scanner until it decides to work. 

It's huge. I love being able to see but this is too much. 

Tab for emotes is just not good. 

I suggest they make q pop the interface from a tap rather than hold. Once you picked item, goes away. So for emotes, tap q, tap tab, click emote, emote commences. 

I don't want the old wheel, just improve this one because I need room for three fishing spears and all my specters and squad buffs and ciphers and air support and and and! 

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7 minutes ago, Toppien said:

you know you can right click to access the emote menu too

Had no idea. Still worse than just clicking once on the old one, but definitely better than trying to press tab while holding q.


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1 minute ago, FlusteredFerret said:

Works just fine for me. 

Why on earth would you use a gear wheel for emotes? 

The new emotes are on a gear wheel. Most people access the emotes pressing q. This used to open both gear wheel and emotes, now you have to press tab to go to emotes which are on a gear also. 

How do you access your emotes?!?! 

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Gonna bump this POS wheel issue.

In all honesty, I've tried to like it, I've tried using it in the liset, reformatting the design of it, hell even memorizing where everything is on it. But it's just an infinite circle spiraling downward more than my depression at this point trying to use the dam thing in the heat of battle - not to mention it RANDOMIZES the gear positions (e.g. Item #1 may be on the bottom when customizing it in the liset, but then item #1 will be on top of your gear wheel in battle, or might not even be on the gear wheel you see till you spin it around a few dozen times to see it - and even then it might decide to fly somewhere else at random on the wheel the next time you open it.)


Don't even get me started on the emotes. I've lost hope of even using them at this point unless I take about 5 mins staring at each one trying to recall what it does.

As much as I want to like this design, at least with the old one being restrictive I could know where everything was without even looking.

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14 hours ago, mikakor said:

i like a lot the infinite wheel gear, BUT.... putting the emote on a different menu, by pressing tab... yes, it's horrible xD

At least most of the time when you're fiddling with Emotes you're doing so (or should be doing so) when time isn't critical. 

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28 minutes ago, Prime-Ares said:

 not to mention it RANDOMIZES the gear positions.,

at least with the old one being restrictive I could know where everything was without even looking.

Now that you mentioned this, I've realised that this is the problem I've been having with the new gear wheel.  If it started at the top every time then I'd be OK with the change. The fact it doesn't has broken my muscle memory where things are located.


The other small niggle is that the gear choice button when using a controller has changed as well, swapped from x to a with this update. 

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This is really bad. It's like a handful in the office thought it worked flawlessly (with thumb sticks) and decided that "#*!%'em! this is the new way of doing this now!" and added it to the game.

The whole thing with sub menu for fishing and what not was (a little wonky and glitchy but) perfect. This spinny thing is just out right dumb.

I wanna raise the question too about who in their right mind thought that these Excals with random white lines drawn in all kinds of directions was a good indicator of what the hell it's supposed to mean? Is the new target demo now 5 year olds on console that can't read but somehow understand this mannequin sign language?

If it ain't broken, don't fix it!

Please DE give us and option to revert back to the old style at least.

Pretty please with #*!%ing sprinkles on top. 🙏

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On ‎2018‎-‎10‎-‎13 at 6:17 PM, DeaHamlet said:

Since this was introduced, my shortcut for the simaris scanner is acting odd. Most of the time I use the hot key, my gun gets put on my back, but I can't zoom in to scan. It just does a regular little zoom just like my ignis. No scanning. I honestly can't even tell you what fixes it, I keep swapping gun scanner gun scanner until it decides to work. 

I don't mind the new wheel, but the scanner thing is really annoying. Another bug was at a melee only sortie, where pressing the scanner button sheathed my Galatine...









...and equipped Centaur.

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I have absolutely no problem with the new wheel. It's true you do need to spin it a bit to find what your looking for, however, I would think that those of us on PC would keybind more mission critical items to specific keys thereby removing the issue of having to hunt the item down.

The ability for me to carry all my mission gear heavily out ways the issue of having to search for them, half the time the game will give you a prompt to use the item such as cyphers, etc anyway.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Another issue here is gearwheel keybindings messing up. This happens due to an odd behavior where gearwheel items shift counterclockwise whenever an item in the preceding slot is depleted. Let's say I have energy and health restore items occupying slots 1 and 2 respectively, they are bound to keys Num1 and Num2 for quick access. So when I use up all my energy restores, next time I press Num1 it pops a health restore item! Why? because new system thinks that if you no longer have those items that the slot was bound to, it can no longer keep that binding and consider that slot now to be unbound, and the system can not allow for empty slot sitting on gearwheel. So it moves all items from the following slots 1 slot counterclockwise. Needless to say, it destroys all the gear keybindings.  Now if you try to pop out the scanner - you get (as in my case) "starburst" of fireworks to commemorate the awesome moment of failure 😄

Also, to restore an order in the galaxy, you'd need to completely rebuild entire gearwheel from the scratch, you can't just insert an item into a slot and have the following items shift up (clockwise) and preserve the sequence of items. Does this sound scary enough? Every time you run out of any (important) gear item you'd have to manually repopulate every single slot in gearwheel from the scratch!

I just figured that a workaround for that particular problem with the scanner binding would be to place the scanner in slot 1 so it stays there, since I got infinite scanner with sol battery widget installed. But what if you don't have sol battery?

Edited by SlayER-guts-
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The infinite gear box wheel is, in my opinion, horrible. Every time I try to just use an item from the gear box, I end up at another side of the wheel and end up having to move forward or back to get to where I set the item. I use to be able to just press and click, but now, I end up confused because it feels as though it is constantly moving, because I am constantly moving. Though it could be fixed if I did not have too much on the gear box.

Edited by saltygr33n
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I like the option of having everything I want on my wheel, hotkeys on PC also make things helpful, compared to playing on controller.  I undertstand the dilemma of people who only have the option of playing on controller but I don't want this taken away just to accommodate that. I tend to sit and think about how if not for catering to this outmoded controller, 

I could easily have more intuitive melee options and general ability options, instead of trying to do a balancing act around them, and maybe enemies and spawns could be designed to be more challenging than for someone simply using a controller,.  At best, give the people on controllers or people who simply don't like more items in the gear wheel, a choice to have less options in their gear wheel by using the old one.

Tabbing into emotes is also not a problem for me, its muscle memory now. The only problem I have is the inconsistent positioning of items. Fix that and I will be mostly satisfied

Edited by UrielColtan
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Mean while on the PS4 Controller...I can't find my Pizzas, I scrolled too far, and and I have too much stuff circling all over the place..and how the heck am I going to bind the Archwing and K-Drive so I can quick jump to the other?....

I need the d-pad for so many other things..I can only spare one hot key bind and that's the codex scanner...Hopefully they'll set it up so you can press and hold down that D-Pad button and bind them both to a quick press and a hold in order to switch out between both vehicles...



RIP Codex Scanner, I guess. 

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