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Inaros needs to be looked at, especially now that you are trying to push endgame.


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2 minutes ago, moostar95 said:

Thats like your opinion man. Havent died at all with umbra mods unless i left the game un pause. Also i dont use these but arcane grace adds an extra amount of survivability to him. 

It's not an opinion or a matter of skill, it's actual numbers. I invite you to read what EHP means, how it works and see it for yourself. Inaros is good and i like how it is, just pointing out how other frames have an actually higher pool than him and that's why it's health isn't an issue nor it's overpowered in comparison.

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9 hours ago, Thanzilla said:

I still don't quite understand why people are so okay with how Inaros is right now. Sure, he's a decent tank, but I can take Gara or Nezha and be just as tanky while having more options to aid the team. Inaros is just a walking health bar


Pocket Sand is fine. It can blind and open enemies to finishers. Even if it doesn't blind, or if allies kill the blinded enemies first, Inaros can still get some healing from it. 

Devour takes way too long to do it's job. For how long it takes to make a Sand Shadow, they're pretty useless too. The Devour damage should ramp up over time, with the healing ramping up just as fast too. The healing ramping up should stop the "Oh, but it makes him invincible!" argument. Inaros is sitting still and focused on devouring a single enemy. Once Inaros is at full health, or the enemy if fully devoured, Inaros has no more use for the invincibility.

Sandstorm needs something. Sure, it's okay cc, but it's also on the level of Zephyr's old Tornado, where enemies are just hurled everywhere and makes it annoying for the team. This needs to be changed. The interaction between Sandstorm and Devour is also kinda clunky. This interaction encourages Sandstorm to be used on a lot of Devour targets, but Devour is a skill meant for single target application. Trying to cast devour on many targets before Sandstorming them will result in either allies slaughtering them, or Inaros taking too much time and dying from enemy fire.

Scarab Swarm has potential, but the fact that allies will just slaughter any affected enemies instantly makes this part of the skill near useless. Don't waste your stacks, it's not worth it.


Try putting on a maxed Arcane Grace and suddenly Inaros doesn't have any reason to use abilities at all. Removing the healing aspect of his skills shows just how bad his kit is right now. Inaros just walks in and walks out. Sure, Rhino and Nezha can do the same, but they also have reliable healing/energy restoration or team damage buff, and an instant AoE CC. Gara can scale up to be a walking nuke, as well as providing strong CC and a "Safe Zone". Inaros has annoying CC or is negated by the existence of allies. It's simply bad design.

Welcome to warframe where people will ride by the one or two qualifying factors of a warframe and praise them (*cough* Khora *cough*) even though they could do with more work. Like Inaros is an amazing tank and does great CC, but uhhh...he has the same problems Chroma did for a long time. It's great that he's a solo god, but this game is also cooperative and I wouldn't purposefully bring Inaros to fill a role, period.  Chroma, Nidus, Rhino, to a lesser extent Valkyr (Decent 'DPS" w/ heavy blades, but can support an Excalibur) all offer up a secondary purpose on top of being basically unkillable. Again, I don't anyone here is saying Inaros is Terrible/Useless. We know he has use.

No one's saying you can't solo the game or perform well as Inaros, but that's not all there is to a Warframe's design. You can effectively use any warframe at level 80+ content if you're dedicated enough. 

I absolutely love playing Valkyr, she does one-two things extremely well (Not dying & meleeing fast), I can kill level 155+ like butter, but she is not perfect, her kit still needs a significant amount of work because 2.5 of her abilities have become obsolete or niche/situational Paralysis isn't useless (it's just not the most useful ability when one should be running Naramon)., Hysteria could become better with Melee 3.0, Ripline.............


Who in their right mind is stopping to use devour? It CAN be used, but I guarantee I will either spam 5 (Magus Elevate), Hunter Command / wait for my cat to sneeze on something (Hunter Recovery), Be a tank (Arcane Grace or Hirudo), or.....just hot key healing pads o-o


You hit the nail on the head +1

Edited by Synpai
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57 minutes ago, ReinAxefury said:

When you translate it to EHP Inaros isn't the best, so it's not an issue. 

He is the best if you remove active skills/energy management from the equation. He has so much EHP just from Health+Armor you can casually complete kuva floods/sorties without casting a single skill or resorting to some form of HP regen...

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1 minute ago, moostar95 said:

Let guess, you looked at nidus and drew to that conclusion. You are right about that as when you do get stacks going. He has damn near infinite hp. I just not a fan of his playstyle. I feel in my opinion inaros gets to the point of being immortal and tanky much more faster.  Im also a fan of melee.

Ehh.. wrong, Nidus isnt even the one with highest EHP (but i agree he is really high), but it's true he can just go as high as he can kill enemies, but same applies for stealth frames, at that point health or EHP doesn't matter at all. My point was that Inaros health pool is fine as it is, which still stands as Inaros EHP is fine in comparison to other frames with damage reduction skills to compensate.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)iQuedas said:

He is the best if you remove active skills/energy management from the equation. He has so much EHP just from Health+Armor you can casually complete kuva floods/sorties without casting a single skill or resorting to some form of HP regen...

But people use those skills and energy so... what is the point...?

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In Inaros's current state, I play him for one reason only: his absurd stats. He's actually become my go-to for Arbitrations, because he is by far the easiest frame to survive with. Unlike tanks with active defenses, e.g. Chroma, Revenant, Wukong, Trinity (when built a certain way), etc., Inaros strictly does not have to care about enemies messing with his durability. Even if his Scarab Armor gets dispelled by a Nullifier, he still has thousands upon thousands of EHP, which he can then quickly regain through his 1 and 2 if need be. So long as he has these stats, he will continue to be the game's easymode tank, regardless of his active abilities.

As for how he should play, however, I completely agree that Inaros isn't in a great design spot right now: parts of his kit are alright (his 1 I think is a pretty good ability), but overall it almost feels like he's intended to not use his abilities much at all. His 2 damage is anemic, despite it being single-target and required to convert an enemy into a minion (what is even the purpose of that effect anyway?), his 3 suffers from the same problems as any messy ragdolling CC effect (i.e. it disperses enemies and makes it harder to shoot them, effectively delaying play without doing much else), and his 4 is used pretty much only for the armor bonus, rather than the healing/Corrosive projectile effect. On paper, Inaros looks like a utility tank who can supply lots of healing and CC to his team, without dealing too much damage. In practice, though, he boils down to just being the easiest tank in the game. He's not quite as boring as Wukong, imo, but he still feels very passive overall, and thus not all that exciting.

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13 hours ago, moostar95 said:

Because people are never pleased with anything. Plus support frames in this game are under rated. I can understand his bad abilities like his 2 and three. But instead of wanting to fix those said abilities. People want to rework him completely to be over dependent on other frames. Which goes against his "protector" playstyle he has. People forget that ember and chroma got hit hard by their reworks. The last i want is crappy ideas ruining a frame that i put my time and care into. Also the talk about inaros having too much  hp is like people crying about saryn being too strong. Its dumb. 

Are you saying that, even though you know that some of his skills are bad, you are afraid of a rework because DE might make it a bad one?

The best way to avoid this is to give your own suggestions on how you would make the skills you think are subpar into something you see yourself using.

I will quote the suggestions that address the issues mentioned here in the original post for DE's convenience once we got a few more to present to them. 

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For me, I found his 4 useless until I put negation swarm on him. Now he's a status effect nullifying tank that can CC fairly well. I use his 1 more than anything, since it secures a instakill and health bonus for me. His 2 is more of a quick health regain from using his 4 to activate negation swarm, but it has come in handy in moments where I need to heal up fast. Sure, it doesn't kill enemies in higher level missions, but it at least softens the enemy up so another player or myself can take the enemy down. His 3 is a waste of an ability to me mainly because I'm not sure of its purpose. Is Inaros supposed to be flinging enemies about in sand storm or is he supposed to be dealing damage? or both? Cause it's a mixed bad whenever I use it. As I stated earlier, his 4 is great, but that's mainly because of negation swarm. I don't use the scarabs to attack and heal allies because they kill the affected enemies before the effect can even proc. I don't think they need to completely rework Inaros, but I DO think they could buff him a little bit, maybe give him some Pablo love, especially with his passive. In higher level missions, his life siphoning is useless when he's downed, he doesn't siphon enough health from the lesser enemies (He outright kills them and barely siphons any health) and on stronger enemies, he barely siphons enough to really regain anything to revive. Hell, you're better off stealing health from your companions and teammates to revive or just waiting for a revive instead.

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His 2 is really the only niche use ability he has. He's already got great cc and can tank pretty well.

I feel if you gave him a damage amp a few more frames would become irrelevant. Inaros is already pretty easy to play, he doesn't need to start encroaching on what other frames do too.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)les2zamours said:

I know what EHP is and im telling you that he has over 50k with an umbral build which is unmatched atm, but i could have missed a warframe that does better than him actually.

Ok, see this build i put on a spoiler.




Shields: 300

Health: 850

Armor: 1496  (296 Base + 1200 from arcane guardians)

Another Factor: Splinter Storm (90% damage reduction = 10 times)

Math Time:

Health Multiplier from armor= 1/(1-(1496/1796))= 5.98666~

Health EHP after factoring armor: Health * Armor Multiplier=5088,66~

Total EHP from Health, Armor and Shields = 5388,66

Total EHP after Splinter Storm = 53886,66~

(if you want to add Adaptation, think its 10 times that value).


Now look at this one:





Shields: 150

Health: 925

Armor: 2725 (175 base + 1200 arcane guardian + 1350 Health Convertion)

Other Modifier: Warding Halo (90% damage reduction)

Math Time:

Health Multiplier  from Armor:  10.083~

Health EHP after factoring armor: 9327,083~

Total EHP from Health, Armor and Shields = 9477,083~

Total EHP after Warding Halo= 94770,83~

(As the case with Gara, i didn't add the multiplier form adaptation)


Ill leave it here, but other good examples are Nekros and Trinity (trinity with blessing and link has x16 multiplier so... take a guess on who is the real unmatched)



Edited by ReinAxefury
just an extra example
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1 hour ago, ReinAxefury said:

Ok, see this build i put on a spoiler.

  Reveal hidden contents



Shields: 300

Health: 850

Armor: 1496  (296 Base + 1200 from arcane guardians)

Another Factor: Splinter Storm (90% damage reduction = 10 times)

Math Time:

Health Multiplier from armor= 1/(1-(1496/1796))= 5.98666~

Health EHP after factoring armor: Health * Armor Multiplier=5088,66~

Total EHP from Health, Armor and Shields = 5388,66

Total EHP after Splinter Storm = 53886,66~

(if you want to add Adaptation, think its 10 times that value).


Now look at this one:

  Reveal hidden contents




Shields: 150

Health: 925

Armor: 2725 (175 base + 1200 arcane guardian + 1350 Health Convertion)

Other Modifier: Warding Halo (90% damage reduction)

Math Time:

Health Multiplier  from Armor:  10.083~

Health EHP after factoring armor: 9327,083~

Total EHP from Health, Armor and Shields = 9477,083~

Total EHP after Warding Halo= 94770,83~

(As the case with Gara, i didn't add the multiplier form adaptation)


Ill leave it here, but other good examples are Nekros and Trinity (trinity with blessing and link has x16 multiplier so... take a guess on who is the real unmatched)



Wait then I guess i didn't know how to calculate EHP because i never did that kind of math. Can you explain please ?

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11 minutes ago, (PS4)les2zamours said:

Wait then I guess i didn't know how to calculate EHP because i never did that kind of math. Can you explain please ?

Sure, simply put your Effective Health Points are how much your health is worth.

For example, imagine 2 frames

Frame A:

100 Shield

300 Health

300 Armor

90% damage reduction buff

Frame B:

300 Shields

700 Health

900 Armor

At first look, frame B looks more resistant than A since his armor looks really high.


Damage Reduction formula from Armor (its on the wikia, it uses other formulas but the results are the same, also something i don't like about how it's explained on the wikia is how it neglects shields, which can be quite strong with proper stacks of damage reductions)

Armor/(Armor+300) = total mitigation


Armor Multiplier ( how many times your health is worth in comparison to having no armor aka: Armor Multiplier)



Frame A :

300/600 = 0.5 (50% damage reduction)


1/(1-(300/600)) = 2

Also, consider that shields are not affected by armor, so its fair to say that EHP = (shield + (health * armor multiplier) ) * (1 * Damage Reduction Multipliers )

EHP from Frame A = (100 + (300*2)) * 10 = 7000

EHP from Frame B = (300+(700*4)) * 1 = 3100


But what if i use Quick Thinking?

EHP = (shield + ((health + (Current Energy * 2.4) ) * armor multiplier) ) * (1 * Damage Reduction Multipliers ) 

2.4 = 240% efficiency, so if using QT+Gladiator Finesse it would be 3 instead or 0.6 if using only Gladiator Finesse.


There is also the factor of elements and how they affect armor and stuff but that's something that varies too much to take it into account . If you want to think about what could be one of the most resistant teams (just for fun), think about 2 trinitys, 1 gara and 1 Nezha, as Blessing stacks, and Nezha and Gara have 90% damage reduction buffs they can give to the team.

Also, a good example of a damage reduction buff you can get regardless of which frame you pick is using an ancient healer specter (90% damage reduction and he takes procs for you as long as you stay close to him), which means you can make any frame 10 times more resistant and immune to procs (works for defenses, interceptions, etc).


About Damage Reductions and real Scenarios:

I just came out of a defense arbitration mission 30 waves, i used trinity with Adaptation+link+blessing and redirection+ancient healer. I face tanked last wave alone (team went with squishy frames, they got reckless and died one by one), enemies around lvl120~130 grineer, my health bar never took damage directly as my shield was too strong for them.


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11 hours ago, ReinAxefury said:

Ok, see this build i put on a spoiler.

  Reveal hidden contents



Shields: 300

Health: 850

Armor: 1496  (296 Base + 1200 from arcane guardians)

Another Factor: Splinter Storm (90% damage reduction = 10 times)

Math Time:

Health Multiplier from armor= 1/(1-(1496/1796))= 5.98666~

Health EHP after factoring armor: Health * Armor Multiplier=5088,66~

Total EHP from Health, Armor and Shields = 5388,66

Total EHP after Splinter Storm = 53886,66~

(if you want to add Adaptation, think its 10 times that value).


Now look at this one:

  Reveal hidden contents




Shields: 150

Health: 925

Armor: 2725 (175 base + 1200 arcane guardian + 1350 Health Convertion)

Other Modifier: Warding Halo (90% damage reduction)

Math Time:

Health Multiplier  from Armor:  10.083~

Health EHP after factoring armor: 9327,083~

Total EHP from Health, Armor and Shields = 9477,083~

Total EHP after Warding Halo= 94770,83~

(As the case with Gara, i didn't add the multiplier form adaptation)


Ill leave it here, but other good examples are Nekros and Trinity (trinity with blessing and link has x16 multiplier so... take a guess on who is the real unmatched)



I guess that means that Inaros falls behind in tankiness as well if we compare him to other frames. All the more reason for DE to take a second look at hit kit.

Edited by Thanzilla
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3 hours ago, Thanzilla said:

I guess that means that Inaros falls behind in tankiness as well if we compare him to other frames. All the more reason for DE to take a second look at hit kit.

I wouldn't say he's in a bad spot either, with the 3 umbral mods on a regular build and 2 arcane guardians you reach 7.61~ armor multiplier which on the past people would be attracted to use with more health mods so you could reach around 56k~65k (with primed vigor+gladiator resolve), now you can swap that extra health for Adaptation and he has base 49k + adaptation, which is already insanely strong, and while he is not the greatest tank for endgame, he makes trivial most content before that. Now, if DE wanted to give Inaros something to be even more tankier, it would require buffing his armor to high numbers or adding damage reduction buffs, but even now, you already could reach those on a team. If there was anything Inaros could get to make him tankier, i'd say it should require enemies to hit him harder, like "the harder he gets hit, more resistant he gets", that way it would scale decently and also woudldn't be broken in lower levels.

Edit: fixed numbers, i forgot to take scarab swarm into account.

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On 2018-10-17 at 1:23 AM, ReinAxefury said:

Sure, simply put your Effective Health Points are how much your health is worth.

For example, imagine 2 frames

Frame A:

100 Shield

300 Health

300 Armor

90% damage reduction buff

Frame B:

300 Shields

700 Health

900 Armor

At first look, frame B looks more resistant than A since his armor looks really high.


Damage Reduction formula from Armor (its on the wikia, it uses other formulas but the results are the same, also something i don't like about how it's explained on the wikia is how it neglects shields, which can be quite strong with proper stacks of damage reductions)

Armor/(Armor+300) = total mitigation


Armor Multiplier ( how many times your health is worth in comparison to having no armor aka: Armor Multiplier)



Frame A :

300/600 = 0.5 (50% damage reduction)


1/(1-(300/600)) = 2

Also, consider that shields are not affected by armor, so its fair to say that EHP = (shield + (health * armor multiplier) ) * (1 * Damage Reduction Multipliers )

EHP from Frame A = (100 + (300*2)) * 10 = 7000

EHP from Frame B = (300+(700*4)) * 1 = 3100


But what if i use Quick Thinking?

EHP = (shield + ((health + (Current Energy * 2.4) ) * armor multiplier) ) * (1 * Damage Reduction Multipliers ) 

2.4 = 240% efficiency, so if using QT+Gladiator Finesse it would be 3 instead or 0.6 if using only Gladiator Finesse.


There is also the factor of elements and how they affect armor and stuff but that's something that varies too much to take it into account . If you want to think about what could be one of the most resistant teams (just for fun), think about 2 trinitys, 1 gara and 1 Nezha, as Blessing stacks, and Nezha and Gara have 90% damage reduction buffs they can give to the team.

Also, a good example of a damage reduction buff you can get regardless of which frame you pick is using an ancient healer specter (90% damage reduction and he takes procs for you as long as you stay close to him), which means you can make any frame 10 times more resistant and immune to procs (works for defenses, interceptions, etc).


About Damage Reductions and real Scenarios:

I just came out of a defense arbitration mission 30 waves, i used trinity with Adaptation+link+blessing and redirection+ancient healer. I face tanked last wave alone (team went with squishy frames, they got reckless and died one by one), enemies around lvl120~130 grineer, my health bar never took damage directly as my shield was too strong for them.


Man, I have to say, it's very kind to take the time to deliver a proper explanation, thank you !

I guess I was wrong from the beginning but now I think I get it. It seems very simple, I'll try to do your maths on my frames/builds today.

I have one last question, please.

How do you calculate the total damage reduction when multiple damage reduction buffs stack on top of each other ?

Like your example : if 2 trinitys are in a session, both will use benediction, how do you calcul the damage reduction from their respective links, plus the one from the 2 benedictions ?

It would be like : 75% + 90% + 90% = ?

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5 hours ago, (PS4)les2zamours said:

Man, I have to say, it's very kind to take the time to deliver a proper explanation, thank you !

I guess I was wrong from the beginning but now I think I get it. It seems very simple, I'll try to do your maths on my frames/builds today.

I have one last question, please.

How do you calculate the total damage reduction when multiple damage reduction buffs stack on top of each other ?

Like your example : if 2 trinitys are in a session, both will use benediction, how do you calcul the damage reduction from their respective links, plus the one from the 2 benedictions ?

It would be like : 75% + 90% + 90% = ?

Damage Reduction skills are multiplicative, considering Blessing Gives 75% damage reduction, Link gives another 75% and other blessing would be another 75%, that would be:

Damage*0.75*0.75*0.75 or (damage/1)*(1/4)*(1/4)*(1/4) = (damage/64), so that would be (100 - (100/64))% damage reduction = 98.4375%


Lets make it easier, Gara, Nekros, Nezha and Nidus have buffs that can give them 90% damage reduction, Gara and Nezha can give each other their buffs. So that would mean:

Damage*0.1*0.1 or (damage/1)*(1/10)*(1/10) = (damage/100) so that would be (100-(100/100))% damage reduction = 99%


What would happen to each trinity with a Gara and Nezha on the team and an ancient healer specter?

Damage * 0.75 * 0.75 * 0.75 * 0.1 * 0.1 * 0.1  or (Damage/1) * (1/4) * (1/4) * (1/4) * (1/10) * (1/10) * (1/10) = (Damage/64000) so.. (100 - (100/64000)) = 99.9984375% damage reduction, or you recieve (100/64000) % of the damage = 0.0015625% before applying damage type modifiers (armor vs elements and armor reduction).


I hope this makes it more clear.

Edited by ReinAxefury
missed two 9's lol
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4 hours ago, ReinAxefury said:

Damage Reduction skills are multiplicative, considering Blessing Gives 75% damage reduction, Link gives another 75% and other blessing would be another 75%, that would be:

Damage*0.75*0.75*0.75 or (damage/1)*(1/4)*(1/4)*(1/4) = (damage/64), so that would be (100 - (100/64))% damage reduction = 98.4375%


Lets make it easier, Gara, Nekros, Nezha and Nidus have buffs that can give them 90% damage reduction, Gara and Nezha can give each other their buffs. So that would mean:

Damage*0.1*0.1 or (damage/1)*(1/10)*(1/10) = (damage/100) so that would be (100-(100/100))% damage reduction = 99%


What would happen to each trinity with a Gara and Nezha on the team and an ancient healer specter?

Damage * 0.75 * 0.75 * 0.75 * 0.1 * 0.1 * 0.1  or (Damage/1) * (1/4) * (1/4) * (1/4) * (1/10) * (1/10) * (1/10) = (Damage/64000) so.. (100 - (100/64000)) = 99.9984375% damage reduction, or you recieve (100/64000) % of the damage = 0.0015625% before applying damage type modifiers (armor vs elements and armor reduction).


I hope this makes it more clear.

Thanks a lot !! Its a lot mot clear now.

I ran your calculations today and thanks it feels really great to know what my builds are capable of !

So now when I want to know my EHP when I have damage reduction buffs I multiply my health by the total damage reduction buff ?

Like :

950×98,4375 = 93,515 EHP right ?

thanks again

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1 hour ago, (PS4)les2zamours said:

Thanks a lot !! Its a lot mot clear now.

I ran your calculations today and thanks it feels really great to know what my builds are capable of !

So now when I want to know my EHP when I have damage reduction buffs I multiply my health by the total damage reduction buff ?

Like :

950×98,4375 = 93,515 EHP right ?

thanks again

EHP = (shield + (health * armor multiplier) ) * (1 * Damage Reduction Multipliers )

Remember that armor only affects health and other damage reductions affect shields and health.

In the case you mentioned, if the frame has no shields it would be:

( (0 + ( 950* armor multiplier)  ) *  98,4375)

And Armor Multiplier = 1/(1-(Armor/Armor+300))

So it depends on how much armor you have.


To stay on topic, for Inaros this formula is much easier, since he doesn't have any innate damage reduction apart from armor, lets look at this build as an example:



Following the formula it would be:

Armor = 585 + 200 + 1200 (base+scarab swarm+arcane guardian)

Armor Multiplier = 1/(1-(1985/2285)) = 7,6166666666666666666666666666667

EHP = 0 + (7425 * 7,6166666666666666666666666666667) )  = 56553,75

Therefore Inaros EHP is in a decent spot in comparison to other frames.

Personally i use a build with a bit less of EHP but more utility:





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