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Official Necro Ability Discussion


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I like the idea for a third ability that Necro could throw some kind of nano machine grenade and the nano machines start slowly decaying the enemy then when they drop to about say.......10-20% health they explode spreading the nanomachine virus. Kind of like Novas Molecular Prime i know but a little different give it a smaller radius of say...10 meters and have it make the enemy run for cover like fire damage does.......call it.......Nano Plague. Life Drain would be nice as well. Just have it heal him and just him. He is a necromage....necromages are selfish......thats why the undead are their friends. Lol. Nobody likes them.

Edited by Arturion
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So i honestly would rather suggest making that skill, change to something like "Devour" or anything, both being offensive and useful. (also could mean that it wouldn't need to have an new animation, maybe an leaping animation.. kind of..like jumping to the target and then devour it.).


Cool affect would also be, if any ally is near, they would get some kind of extra health/energy/stamina back from this. (Insert rage mods here *wink wink*)



Just read that while skimming upward, and I kind of agree, actually.  Devour sounds a lot cooler and less like a mod's passive ability.  And i'm not sure how great converted one or a room of corpses into stuff would be.  Nifty, but not as nifty as pouncing on the nearest corpse for an armor boost, health recharge, what have you.

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Hmm, had a new thought for his third power.


Consume the Dead


Using this power creates an aura around the Necro Warframe made up of his nanobots, whenever an enemy dies in that aura, their death animation changes and they turn into energy(consumed and converted by the nanobots) which is given back to the Necro warframe as health. This would give him a life drain, let him keep the concept of gaining power from the dead, and give him some tanking abilities as long as he keeps the kills up, or if it can give health to team mates(Divided among allies and self in the aura) he could make a good support alternative to bring along, not as efficient as Trinity, but still able to help people through Vampire Nightmares and such.


signed dunno, I think it'd be neat.

Zylo the Wolfbane

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Here are my suggestions:


Clone The Dead: to Death Clone


Search The Dead: to Raid Corpse


Terror Totem: to Fear


Soul Punch: to Soul Crunch


These are just some ideas I had. Also I think the concept art looks better than the actual design of the new warframe design, I think it needs tweaking a lot to look a little more sleep like the concept art. Also I think the feet need a better design perhaps something more along the lines of floating instead of being able to walk or perhaps more infested stylized legs.


Just some thoughts.

Went from delightfully cheesy to just cheesy.

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maybe search the dead will produce mods? that'd be sweet and make it not pointless


I hope resurrected enemies are buffed versions of the dead ones. 2x everything? 




RE: ability names.


I like them except "Terror Totem". The alliteration is a bit much. Leave "Totem", replace "Terror" with literally any synonym. imo

Edited by Corpse_of_KTS
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By the way, how do you generate loot from corpses that usually disappears within seconds? In fact, if you have Nova, Saryn and Rhino in your party, or most people using Acrid, good luck finding corpses to do power 3. XD

Good Point actually, especially even without the "help" of other WF Infested almost instantly dissolve. That would be a problem for the target idea.

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All the skills seem fairly original and useful, my only questions are regarding no:4, doesn't this sort of overlap with Nyx's field a bit? Every frame has damage dealing powers of some sort, but the idea of using AI characters against the enemy was something that previously only belonged to Nyx - not to say that having other frames with those sort of powers is a bad thing, just that it might detract a bit from Nyx's....uniqueness? 

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1. I feel like soul punch would have to be extremely spammable, with next to no cast time, to be viable. Or have a higher debuff % per cast.


2. How will terror totem anti-aggro work exactly? If i plonk it down in front of a cryopod will infested leave the cryopod alone? If we put more than one down does the "terror factor" increase? If you have multiple necro frames, how would their terror totems interact? Are the totems invulnerable? How would the terror totem work in conjunction with decoy/molt/Iron Skin/Absorb?


3. Search the Dead sounds unfortunately useless, especially with the new sentinel inbound. Perhaps some form of "Death Shroud" would be a better option? A DoT on enemies in a radius that perhaps buffs your close by allies and minions? Making him a debuff/CC frame.


4. Raising minions is a classic, but are they going to be exact clones? Can i purposefully target X heavies and unleash a bunch of heavies upon the enemy or are they going to be some form of zombie? Will minions draw aggro? Will minions degrade over time or can you heal them? Will the minion AI be better than "Mind Control" minions?


Overall a good looking frame that I just have questions about, disliking the concept for the 3rd power however.


Edit: Would minions scale with the level of enemy killed?

Edited by TunaMayo
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I like the abilities, but imo I think having some Darth Vader-esque choke/life drain instead of the "Loot the Dead" power makes more sense. Hold an enemy in place for focused fire, drain the health of a target (maybe have some % armor ignore), and allow for a more focused power. With Terror Totem and Clone the Dead (still sounds better as Raise the Dead), it wouldn't make much sense to have a third AoE power (much less only one directly offensive power).


Besides, that would make (insert name here) the first frame to have a dedicated looting power, which doesn't seem to fit the theme of the frames. Plus, I don't want this to turn into "Oh you need X character for best results in finding Y."



On another note, I wholly support naming the frame Nyto. Obvious Dark Souls reference, yes, but c'mon, does that not sound cool? Besides, it can be pronounced "Nigh-to," so as to avoid a straight ripoff (or homage depending on how you look at it).




EDIT: I think Raise the Dead should have a minor terror effect on enemies (less so than Totem), in order to give ____ some breathing room and to show that the enemies are just a little put off by seeing their comrades risen from the dead to fight them.

Edited by kill3r_furby
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Before we all start hating him

Lets wait and see how he actually fairs ingame


If Search the Dead is something completely different from what is seen in writing (in a bad way) then we can all be upset


In a lore setting, I can envision several Necro frames scanning over the bodies of enemies in order to obtain any salvageable or important materials such as documents or messages without actually having to search every single body thoroughly by hand.





Please dont change "Search the Dead" until AFTER the update. I want to at least see its potential. There is so little information. It could possible help with digging up rare mods. *crosses fingers*

If anything change the name to "Grave Robber" or something

Edited by Anatolius
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Hey DE,

Just my two cents:


1) Soul Punch: Keep as is. Name and all. The name itself is one of those unique little quirks that will fit within the game and the genre that you were talking about in the latest livestream.


2) Terror Totem: I think would work better as an aura around the warframe much like the moving AoE's that Ember possesses. This would allow for adaptive crowd control to a certain degree as mobs flee in terror from the player. The general freezing tactic alone is very similar to Frost's Avalanche and Vauban's Bastille.


You could even make it a permanent aura so long as the power is activated. IE: Dedicate a certain amount of energy towards it allowing for players to turn it on/off when appropriate. Just trying to get some diversity in the collective squad skill set.


3) Search the dead: Should be returned to life drain. I feel this fits the necromancer theme more strongly and we already have a lot of scavenger aura abilities, bow mods for converting unused ammo and other upcoming releases concerning scattered items.


4) Clone the dead: Could be interesting depending if any enemies are blacklisted. Otherwise imagine taking the stalker into a boss fight with you. (If you kill him of course rather than him vanishing).

As for the Warframe itself. Name it Anubis. 

We already have Loki from the Norse myths, Excalibur from the legends of England, Nyx for the Greek goddess of night, lets get a little Egyptian in there.

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As for the Warframe itself. Name it Anubis. 

We already have Loki from the Norse myths, Excalibur from the legends of England, Nyx for the Greek goddess of night, lets get a little Egyptian in there.


Being rather heavy into Egyptian mythology, I kind of agree. Only kind of because he currently doesn't have any features connecting him to Anubis or Egypt in general looks-wise.


Of course, that can -easily- change with an alt helm....

Edited by SoulEchelon
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3rd ability, Search the dead ... no .. just no

I prefer the sound of the Life drain more to heal yourself and allies.


The first ability is ok, but I think it would be better if it was an ability that converted health into energy. Combine the 2 with the first and fourth ability and you have a necromancer.

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SOUL PUNCH: Based on the word direct, this seems like a single target ability. Even for bosses, this debuff isn't high enough to justify using versus time cost. Hell, even if you nerf the Acrid into uselessness, you'd be better off nuking the boss. I'd suggest raising the debuff amount, and making this hit multiple enemies.


TERROR TOTEM: Interesting idea, if one already filled by other frames pretty thoroughly.


SEARCH THE DEAD: I honestly cannot see this being useful. At the barest minimum, it ought to include mods and mats. With that, at least there'd be a point in carrying it for farming.


CLONE THE DEAD: I knew something like this would pop up, I admit I'm somewhat underwhelmed, but eh I expected it.

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CLONE THE DEAD: Necro creates friendly nano bot clones of the last X enemies he has killed.

Imagine hanging back in your group. Letting your teammates kill all the tiny grunts. And then, I dunno, a Naplam comes up and Necro kills them. Repeating this process, and killing only a select few, you can raise an army of Heavy Units. RELEASE THE SHOCKWAVE MOA AND HEAVY GUNNERS


Though I can see how it does greatly overlap with Nyx's first ability. It pretty much just allows you to use it with multiple dead enemies. That almost makes her first ability obsolete. The only difference if that you have to kill them to make them "part of your army" while Nyx can just run up to one and pick em.  Hopefully it wont be too bad that it makes her powerful unusable. 


Also they are bot clones, there is no saying if the bots will have the same health, functionality, ect as the real thing.

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Abilities look pretty nice.

Lacking in the AOE department BUT that's an excellent thing since there are a few frames without an >Instantly murder the whole room< button these days.

This game needs more of this-skills that aren't instant high damage aoes.


Just....change the names a bit.....they kind of sound like names for black metal bands.....actually leave them like that its cool.


Edit:Search the dead is kind of derp now that I think of it since corpses disappear in this game, energy is non issue 90% of the time, health spheres give a negligible amount of health back and people with weapons that may actually run out of ammo carry ammo packs.


Please don't turn this in to another super jump.

Edited by Cabadath5
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Imagine hanging back in your group. Letting your teammates kill all the tiny grunts. And then, I dunno, a Naplam comes up and Necro kills them. Repeating this process, and killing only a select few, you can raise an army of Heavy Units. RELEASE THE SHOCKWAVE MOA AND HEAVY GUNNERS


Though I can see how it does greatly overlap with Nyx's first ability. It pretty much just allows you to use it with multiple dead enemies. That almost makes her first ability obsolete. The only difference if that you have to kill them to make them "part of your army" while Nyx can just run up to one and pick em.  Hopefully it wont be too bad that it makes her powerful unusable. 


Also they are bot clones, there is no saying if the bots will have the same health, functionality, ect as the real thing.

To be fair, Mind Control is only 25 energy, while this is the Necro's ult, meaning Nyx can use it far more in the long run, and can use it faster from 0 energy. Which keeps her power usable, also, Mind Control can be used on dangerous enemies to take them out of the fight and focus fire on them, while the Necro can't really help with taking them out initially, he can only take advantage after they drop.


signed keeps them different from one another enough I think

Zylo the Wolfbane

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alright, 1, 2, and 4. probably will have 3 ditched for an extra mod like streamline or flow or focus.


can't wait to bring out some minions to help. will they move on their own or will to go attack a certain target you select? how long will they be out? can you create them from enemies that your partners kill or just ones you dispatch?

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