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Recommended SOLO frames in Orb Vallis


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In POE i was able to use any frame somewhat but in orb vallis... ehh.....
Most of my frames are built for their purpose so i don't know how do i keep getting hammered in there just in bounty 5 mission
i tried

Frost : Globe usefull to protect but sometimes i get overwhelmed and die
Inaros : Undying sand god... until i get a bubble on me (what's that about honestly)
Rhino : Same as inaros but stomp is pretty good
Mag : CC nice but the bombards from nowhere one shots no matter what
Nidus : Couldnt have time to build stacks and keep dying
Gara : actually not bad 
Harrow : overwhelmed and one shotted

I mean i don't get one shot everytime but at the end of the bounty usually i hv 1 or 2 revives left, so what are your frame and loadouts for solo play? i run out of ideas and tryin hard not to cheese so much 

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Ember is pretty solid! If you make sure to stay mobile, pop down some flame rings around the objective/arena, and keep Flash Accelerant up for the bonus casting speed and weapon damage, and keep your 4 in reserve for when they cluster, bring a sniper rifle for popping heads and a short range high damage pistol for area clearing, she’s great.

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Remember, always mobile and keep moving so you can avoid bullets, lasers and things.

Mesa, always keep Shattershield on and mobile; always bullet jump and evade. Throw yourself (jump) in the air whenever you're using Peacemaker for easy kill and safety. If there are any Nullifier enemies on field, kill it quickly or if it's too late, using automatic weapon fast to destroy the bubble. It's better if you have Zenurik's Energizing Dash.

Inaros, build only for armour and health, just strut wherever the heck you want. It's better if you have Arcane Guardian and Grace. Bring dagger with Covert Lethality for quick health-stealing.

For the Corpus camp data mission, use your Operator abilities to dash and invisible. Knowledge of the data vault's map is needed, too.

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Titania worked for me. Avoid all the plebians on the ground as you annihilate them with death from above. I also use Mesa, which is pretty much one of the best bounty frames overall.


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Revenant seems to be working pretty well. Make all those powerful new enemies work for you instead of against you. Mesmer skin and reave keep you pretty survivable while Danse lets you clear out any congestion of enemies that may build. 

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Any frame really, it's just a matter of you knowing how to use said frame as you can see from previous responses. Me personally I don't really have a favourite yet, I prefer going in with a strong melee with decent range and I keep myself alive via Life-Strike so it doesn't matter too much what frame I use.

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I use Limbo for Bounties. The Rift and Rolling Guard combined make me effectively invincible, Banish lets me selectively remove groups of enemies from the battlefield, and Cataclysm provides effective area defense.

I also try to destroy any reinforcement beacons I see, as that prevents most of  the more dangerous enemies from spawning.

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Poor Zephyr... Everyone always forgets that thing even exists, despite being one of the best options for bounties.

It has a movement ability that allows easy travel between bounty points, two CC abilities that can easily stop the enemies from overwhelming the player or the objective, and an ability that provides invulnerability against ranged attacks which can also cover the defense objective if needed. There's also Jetstream augment, which makes projectile weapons or guns with shorter falloff range actually viable in open areas, while also adding even more mobility to the kit. Add Arcane Guardian and Magus Elevate to that, and it can even tank inside melee range without a care in the world. Top that off with Zenurik's Temporal Blast to slow down the tougher enemies and you'll be able to stay out in Vallis for a full bounty rotation without even losing your shields.

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Am I the only one that would say Trinity Prime? Use her to solo bounties in both PoE and Orb Vallis.

As a Madurai main, I don't have a steady source of energy, hence EV is much needed for my 3 and 4.

Link prevents them annoying status effects, CCs and knockbacks, while preventing a S#&$load of damage.

Blessing provides even more damage resistance, while keeping you (and your sentinel) at tip-top health if you ever need it.

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37 minutes ago, TheRealShade said:

Any frame really, it's just a matter of you knowing how to use said frame as you can see from previous responses

Believe me, as someone who really knows how to play Wukong, he's not at all suited to soloing high level bounties.

No CC to stop enemies, no way of protecting targets, 0 ranged offensive potential beyond weapons. Drones, coildrives and excavators are all sitting ducks for the most part. 

Whilst you could probably still complete everything, you won't be getting the bonus.

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