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What Do You Want From Warframe?


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Warframe should be what the devs envision it to be. Just wish they would not just leave old mechanics that need revisit to collect grime before looking at them again...

Better Archwing, but that is coming with Railjack.

I... am really tempted to say "add lootboxes" just to see if it triggers a Bursa. But I will probably get boxed in by everyone and robbed of my loot.

Edited by Kaotyke
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3 hours ago, Kaotyke said:

Warframe should be what the devs envision it to be. Just wish they would not just leave old mechanics that need revisit to collect grime before looking at them again...

Better Archwing, but that is coming with Railjack.

I... am really tempted to say "add lootboxes" just to see if it triggers a Bursa. But I will probably get boxed in by everyone and robbed of my loot.

Champions of any sort of lootboxes will be hunted down and shot.



Survivors will be shot again.

Edited by (XB1)Thy Divinity
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I just re-entered the game after a two year break, so they added a lot of stuff that I am fiending over.

That said, I'd really love to be able to accept another bounty without zoning in PoE over and over again. I really like that zone and the zoning requirement is my single gripe.

I also am not a fan of not being able to pick the type of fissure mission I'd like to do (due to random mission availability)...it's extremely minor, but something.

Excav and interception have never been interesting mission types to me. I'd love to see that change somehow.

More invasions! I like the syndicate and assassin enemy assaults. Spices up the game a lot...but it would be cool to have more. Perhaps even a specific player chosen entity (by intention or by nature of how you play) that will essentially mirror your progression and continually challenge you when it appears.


Edited by Sorkheff
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ok first and foremost i want better the current state of moderation is dispicible 

first of all we should be able to repeal bans 2nd of all DE's hiring of moderators should be unbiased and 3rd of all warframe is an m-rated game people should be alble to swear and use profanity

2nd i would like more cinimatic quests the last few have been really and i really hope DE continues with more cinimatic quest 

3rd less warframes that have rescource requirements its just really annoying that you have to go mining or fishing to go farm for warframes

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I'll play along..but we all know the forums and how everyone has to take this super serious and have a fit over it...so....


1. I'd make the bounties on both the Plains and Orb Vallis more like Monster Hunter World where you're actually on bounty to take down someone or something way bigger than you...

2. A Mecha Warframe worthy of Armored Core and Vanquish's jet mechs and butt rockets...

3. Hire Ragequit to work on Archwing and make it as fun as Strike Vector EX's pop and lock flight controls.

4.Add all the PVP assets to the new Dojo Obstacle course and give the player base the ability to create PVP maps and game modes on their own...Basically Halo's Forge World..and I would give players Kill Balls and Man Cannons...to make devious obstacle courses...

5.Add an abandoned Nightmare Mission to the star map that acts like Alien Isolation where a unkillable massive Infested beast chases you through a haunted house...

6.Change Arbitration's mobs into the units consisting of NOX, BURSA, Maniacs, Juggernauts, Hyena, Gustrag 3. Acolytes, Stalker, Vorrupted Vor, Phorid...and the kitchen sink...all trying to kill the players...but all the rewards are in the drop table...all of them...

7. Jupiter would be the next open map and it would be like Sea Of Thieves in the clouds using the Rail Jack only not as horrible as Sea of Thieves...and it would have giant gas planet space monsters lurking under those storms...


Okay I look forward to the guy who has to go through each number in this post and tell me how stupid I am.... because we all know the internet by now...

Edited by (PS4)FriendSharkey
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I want to keep evolving my operator (skills, powers, gear), explore the past (lore), fight an endless new war (continue mainstory), and keep getting challenged (endgame plz). It doesn't have to be more specific than that.

What I love (and hate) about Warframe is really how much time and effort you can spend on improving things. Granted, I've only been playing since summer, but have already spent well over a thousand hours in this, not counting research on youtube and the wiki. Still I always feel like there's more to do, more to improve, new techniques to learn, and somehow it still makes a noticeable difference on my gameplay. Although the game was quite overwhelming at the start, I never imagined it would be this big, and the devs just keep adding things. 

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38 minutes ago, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

2. A Mecha Warframe worthy of Armored Core and Vanquish's jet mechs and butt rockets...

That about the only one I don’t jive with.

As for me, better use of verticality. Use of different gravity. A huge interior open area using them, say on Destiny’s dreadnuaght scale

In POE and OV to have random spawns of some body or thing to takedown or ransack.. find some special slob, klobber him and it leads to hunting down some bad ass or looting a camp.

Random bad ass spawns integrated into the star chart. Acolytes could be seen as a bit of a model.

Blow off limbs. Have mini bosses that require some mechanics to dispose of and nuke immune.

And Story:

A proper narrative for new players thru the star chart.

Questlines for frame aquisition, per Sacrifice or Rev but actually fleshed out. Continuation of story after acquisition. Fewer frames per annum, more methodically thought out and storied.

Tie up multiple loose ends of lore. E.G Factions integrated into New War. (where is glast or teshin in fortuna or new war storyline?). 

Add modifiers to missions (stealth kill or ghosting) for spies, sabo, etc. Add elements of some mr tests to missions.

make mastery have meaning and flavor. Make grind fodder serve a purpose to weaponry. Ditto for prime parts for weapons and frames.

Make it so you can tinker with some mods invest and craft any weapon into a beautiful deliverer of death.


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Honestly....its a tough question, I enjoy many aspects of Warframe, but something I've been itching for is a bit more....treasure hunting.

No I'm not talking about Maroo's weekly treasure hunts, I mean like what I do to kill time in Lua, I hunt for the trial mods and caches for loot which I can sell, or if I'm lucky I can get a Forma if the Octavia tile shows up. It's always interesting to go through and see what I can find and I'd like to see something more dedicated to this system, loot searching and puzzle solving over just shredding everything in a 12 mile radius.

I know its an odd thing to be looking for in a shoot-n-loot, but I enjoy the simpler aspects of treasure hunting and would love to see a bit more dedicated to seeking out treasures and completing trials and puzzles for rewards in ways other than Spy missions and cache hunts.

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If I was able to get everything I wanted magically, I'd say I wanted:

Make the game much more mechanically focused as a fast movement Pseudo-Hero-Shooter versus hordes.

  • a complete overhaul of the Map to accommodate Parkour 2.0, not just Gas-city tileset.
  • a complete overhaul to damage/resistances, putting more focus on things like "Poison is strong against X because it's damage-over-time counters their heal-over-time." and get rid of things like "Radiation is strongest against Y because it gets +75% additional damage".
  • a complete Overhaul of Melee in order to make it as utilitarian as possible while still retaining some of the warframe "Form over Function" Flashiness that everyone else loves.
  • a complete overhaul of Modding, so that In order to have high Offense on your weapons, you end up sacrificing Defense, and vice-versa, etc, etc.
  • a pass at making nullification something that doesn't need to be part of the game, either by making abilities weaker, or adding more varied and interesting forms of ability resistance to all enemy factions.
  • a pass at making energy less RNG. There are LOTs of theories on how to do this, but at the VERY least, just make it so that 1 energy orb is Guaranteed every 5 kills (With cooldown?) or something, with a removal/nerf to that if the player is sustaining a channeled power.


But if I'm being reasonable:

  • Give Inaros's 4 a duration timer for it's CC portion. It already displays the Armor percentage twice, so just change one of those. I'd like to hope that it is as easy as I make it sound. (Been asking for a while now.)
  • An Acknoledgement at some point that the Devs realize there are quite a few utility mods that are hard to justify using, and MORE are being added.
  • A Melee equivalent of the Opticor: Stupid-long charge up time, but when it hits, the enemy no longer exists.
  • An Explicitly stated Promise on DE's End that, in the inevitable future where Warframe eventually stops being viable to keep it's servers running (Because ALL online-only games die), I'll still be able to play it with my Grand-kids. Whether that be through a private/community-server browser, a release of the source-code, or retooling the game to be single-player.


I'm not too up in arms for any of these changes, though. I've come to accept that Warframe is just not my ideal game, no matter how close it came to being that way.

DE does a good enough job keeping it interesting, so I guess "Don't fix what ain't broke".

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3 hours ago, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

I'll play along..but we all know the forums and how everyone has to take this super serious and have a fit over it...so....


1. I'd make the bounties on both the Plains and Orb Vallis more like Monster Hunter World where you're actually on bounty to take down someone or something way bigger than you...

2. A Mecha Warframe worthy of Armored Core and Vanquish's jet mechs and butt rockets...

3. Hire Ragequit to work on Archwing and make it as fun as Strike Vector EX's pop and lock flight controls.

4.Add all the PVP assets to the new Dojo Obstacle course and give the player base the ability to create PVP maps and game modes on their own...Basically Halo's Forge World..and I would give players Kill Balls and Man Cannons...to make devious obstacle courses...

5.Add an abandoned Nightmare Mission to the star map that acts like Alien Isolation where a unkillable massive Infested beast chases you through a haunted house...

6.Change Arbitration's mobs into the units consisting of NOX, BURSA, Maniacs, Juggernauts, Hyena, Gustrag 3. Acolytes, Stalker, Vorrupted Vor, Phorid...and the kitchen sink...all trying to kill the players...but all the rewards are in the drop table...all of them...

7. Jupiter would be the next open map and it would be like Sea Of Thieves in the clouds using the Rail Jack only not as horrible as Sea of Thieves...and it would have giant gas planet space monsters lurking under those storms...


Okay I look forward to the guy who has to go through each number in this post and tell me how stupid I am.... because we all know the internet by now...

I'll do you a solid and be supportive but honest instead of overly critical.

1. I could see this on either Orb or a later overworld, and technically we have that already in the form of Eidolons and...whatever the hell Orb is has/will have.

2. -intense drooling, tempered by realization that it would be a bit hard to work out but would nonetheless be amazing-

3. I....don't know what you're talking about here so I'll just move on.

4. This is where I might say....this is a bit too resource intensive I think, I'm all for the PvP being better for the PvP crowd but this seems a but...unrealistic.

5. I'd like to see this as a quest objective or a Halloween event idea.

6. I'm just a MR10 scrub so I can't provide Arb input sadly.

7. Interesting, but HEAVILY resource intensive, plus we would need to see how Railjack performs before we start with applications of this system.

Overall good ideas, ambitious, but mostly grounded in some form of reality (aside from the PvP aspect imo, but I guess anything could happen).

This has been Aldain and the "Not everyone on the internet is an overly cynical clemhole" service, thank you for your time.

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I’m a huge fan of what they’ve done so far, but I’d love to see that game take on even more of a lifestyle approach to its game design. So much of the fun is had by players inventing ways to play and skills to master, not the same thing as make your own fun, but pretty close. What do I mean by a lifestyle game - an organic game that rewards you accordingly. Take the syndicates for example - fun and all to pledge to one and have more reasons to run the same content over and over again, but what if you couldn’t pledge unless you had certain stat rankings as well? Like the Red Veil for example - most of their top tier gear is centered around assassinations, so to progress in membership you’d have to do so many missions without tripping an alarm, or killing/capturing a target in a set amount of time... I’ve seen a lot of player take on a mission in this sudo lifestyle fashion and adds a lot to game when it happens. But, it’s almost impossible to maintain in pub groups... The game is flexible enough to give it to you and even encourages it early on with goals like “do x number of missions with only your melee weapon”, but like most things WF, it doesn’t really know how to reward you for it beyond a few openers, and some newer play like Vent Kid standing.

The problem is that people quickly figured out to min max their time, hyper focusing on specific skill to get through it and then leaving it behind, it doesn’t actaully make them a better player or more fun to play with! Take the vent kids for example -  Instead of a simple trick score to get standing you should have to do things like play 10 quests in a row using only your board to get around, tricks rack up more points, but, your point potential goes off a cliff if you keep tricking in the same area or object over and over again. Like I’ve said many times before, etc... It would divide players and could cause issues so there should be a safety in play, but it would also moitivate players to get better at specific tasks and not just brute force everything all time! And I understand, this game is fun to break! The mod customization can and has lead to many interesting in game effects over the years, not all of them work, and a lot of them are OP. DE is probably too small to make a shift like this, but any support they could give to put us on that kind of path would be awesome! This is the kind of game that would benefit from secrets - secret missions, factions, weapons, mods, etc... There isn’t much of an end game, so a lifestyle approach would be a great supplement! You’d have to maintain it to keep it, and it would encourage players to refine their styles and get better over all. 

Also, more story missions - I know more are coming, but I can’t help but feel like we’ll never get to the end of certain storylines 😞 


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6 hours ago, Hmm...interesting. said:

What kind of game do you want Warframe to be? What changes would you like to see? How would you improve the game?

Add more lore of course. Archwings should be changed. Pick a good anime and implement movements from them to the archwings. Make them more agile and not clunky, but make them explosive too. That too much detail but you get the point. Add a new faction of antagonists that are persistent like corp or grin. Have operators be more than just amps. Hsve them be like a warframe that just realized its actually jack from mass effect, and can void melee a punch like its jiren from dbs or something. But overall, this is their game. They should build it like how they want. 

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