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Haven't you guys made enough money at this point to have dedicated servers?


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14 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

And I'm not doubting that they are. The difference is that you and I both understand that revenue is not the same as profit, and gross profit is not the same as net profit. In other words we have at least a basic understanding of the principles involved. That guy doesn't seem to be able to figure out how they're different, he saw a "big number" and figured "that must mean that DE is swimming in money like Uncle Scrooge McDuck", despite the "big number" being associated with a totally different company. 

Likewise some folks can't figure out why a profitable flagship that earns a large amount of money on paper, may actually have a much smaller profit margin than multiple small games. 


And yet these people who can't grasp the basics of how company finances work, are under the impression that they understand enough to tell a profitable company what changes they should make to their business model, despite probably not having the first clue about what that would involve either. 


It's beyond silly at this point. 

The silly part is ppls dennying the fact that Warframe is multi million dollar video game, i mean why is the reistance to accept the reality? arent youa guys hppy with the product esp in 2018 😮 more money made from the game means it will perform better next year right? oh wait.... fortuna flashbacks kick in

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2 minutes ago, FlusteredFerret said:

Really? They SELL Warframe?

I was under the impression it was FREE?


Or am I missing something?

You have A LOT to learn pal, just beccouse its free to play doesnt mean its not selling stuff within itself, best selling should ring ya bell its making butt loads of money from platinum purchases and prime accesses.

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1 minute ago, Fugana said:

The silly part is ppls dennying the fact that Warframe is multi million dollar video game, i mean why is the reistance to accept the reality? arent youa guys hppy with the product esp in 2018 😮 more money made from the game means it will perform better next year right? oh wait.... fortuna flashbacks kick in

Don't worry, you're just hallucinate things. It's doing well but I don't think it's to the point of wanting to making a whole new game just for the support of dedicated server.

Not to mention, in my country there are players who already satisfy with current P2P model because they can play with close friend without worry about Ping too high or where the server is located.

It was like, 'hey!! It's doing well! why not change the principles of the game so we can make it unstable again!!'... Yeah, if they want to do it it would still take time and a lots of money...

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1 hour ago, Fugana said:

🤣yes 166 736 000 dolars came out of nowhere right? And warframe have nothing to do with it while being all over the website.
You might as well tell me that warframe is a failing product right? Meanwhile the OWNER of the company and the game is telling that Warframe is the most profitable free to play game on steam.

OK enough sillyness. This is me telling you:

1. Show something to prove that warframe made that much money. (Hint you can't because it didn't.) 

2. Show how much net profit DE has made recently and that it is enough to pay for reliable hosting of dedicated servers that will improve the gameplay for us. (This one I would love to see, and seriously don't waste any more time yammering on and proving that you don't understand what you are talking about until you can provide actual proof.) 

24 minutes ago, Fugana said:

The silly part is ppls dennying the fact that Warframe is multi million dollar video game, i mean why is the reistance to accept the reality? arent youa guys hppy with the product esp in 2018 😮 more money made from the game means it will perform better next year right? oh wait.... fortuna flashbacks kick in

Look at the definition of "net profit" then see if you can figure out what expenses DE might have to pay. I mean I get that some folks don't under how money works but FFS it's not rocket science. 

21 minutes ago, Fugana said:

You have A LOT to learn pal, just beccouse its free to play doesnt mean its not selling stuff within itself, best selling should ring ya bell its making butt loads of money from platinum purchases and prime accesses.

See above. If you can't figure out how revenue and expenditure work, then take a few years starting a business and try to work it out. 

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Just done a bit more digging and discovered Hong Kong operates with a 16.5% corporation tax rate.

So, lets see...

16.5% of $74m (gross profit from 2018 interim report) is $12,210,000...which leaves $61,790,000.


Now Leyou own 5 game studios. Lets assume for the sake of argument they each employ 200 people on $30,000 - thats $15,000,000 in wages alone (over 6 months). Lets say server costs are around $100k / month. Thats $600k per studio, or another $3m for all of them. No idea what the utility costs are of running game studios and servers on that scale, but I do know what it costs to run large offices and you're probably looking at a few more million there.

I've probably overlooked some other major stuff, but you're already looking at less than $40m split between 5 studios...so thats under $8m each.


If anyone can do a more accurate costing, feel free to add to this.


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9 minutes ago, FlusteredFerret said:

Just done a bit more digging and discovered Hong Kong operates with a 16.5% corporation tax rate.

So, lets see...

16.5% of $74m (gross profit from 2018 interim report) is $12,210,000...which leaves $61,790,000.


Now Leyou own 5 game studios. Lets assume for the sake of argument they each employ 200 people on $30,000 - thats $15,000,000 in wages alone (over 6 months). Lets say server costs are around $100k / month. Thats $600k per studio, or another $3m for all of them. No idea what the utility costs are of running game studios and servers on that scale, but I do know what it costs to run large offices and you're probably looking at a few more million there.

I've probably overlooked some other major stuff, but you're already looking at less than $40m split between 5 studios...so thats under $8m each.


If anyone can do a more accurate costing, feel free to add to this.


One way or another I suspect that even those figures are wrong. AFAIK they own about 60% stake in DE. I'm guessing that they take about that much of whatever the profit is. So DE is left with the 40% for doing their business. If that's the case, forget about how much money goes to Hong Kong entirely. 

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2 hours ago, FlusteredFerret said:

Really? They SELL Warframe?

I was under the impression it was FREE?


Or am I missing something?

Only last year. I dont wanted to post a biggest pic. I was ready to buy the full mesa prime P.A. but with the disaster and crap accessories pack i used my money to purchase anthem, MHW, KH3 and Devil my Cry. totally worth spend! 2019 will be my year of Free to play player for warframe and embrace the "ItS a FrEe gAmE dOnT cOmPlAiNt" "dE iTs A sMaLl CuMpAnY" "i lOvE sPaCe mOn" and the best, random hotfit: "tHaNk"



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6 minutes ago, Corvid said:

I see a list of transactions that gives no indication of being a typical player's expenditure


i understand you point. 

i will never bee in the range of average since were talking about a FTP game. But trust me there is a lot of people above my range of expenditure on my inner circle. 


15 people paying 15$ monthly will never be compared to 10 people paying 50$ every month. D.E. should stop hiding behind the shadow of "small development company and small group of development"

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Just now, xcenic said:

wait what? have you ever spend 240$ on a free to play game in one MONTH? The excuse of free to play game is no decent excuse anymore. 

Okay, now prove that the majority of players share your spending habits.

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32 minutes ago, xcenic said:


i understand you point. 

i will never bee in the range of average since were talking about a FTP game. But trust me there is a lot of people above my range of expenditure on my inner circle. 


15 people paying 15$ monthly will never be compared to 10 people paying 50$ every month. D.E. should stop hiding behind the shadow of "small development company and small group of development"


31 minutes ago, Corvid said:

Okay, now prove that the majority of players share your spending habits.


I've dropped over €200 on Armored Warfare in one month (Christmas before last) and I know quite a few others who spent big on their loot box offers...yet it still makes a loss. Developer MyCom recently got a warning from its parent company Mail.Ru that it needs to start showing a profit soon...or else...


Just because a percentage of a game's player base spends large sums of money, doesn't alter the fact that the majority of F2P players spend little or none. This has been well researched and documented by the gaming industry media.

Its that small percentage that make F2P games viable, but they will never generate the kind of revenue that triple A titles will, where every player is a guaranteed $30-50 (just for the basic game & excluding any DLC, expansion packs etc.)


Some people need to learn to read financial statements and realise that just because a parent company is showing an annual revenue of $150m or whatever, it doesn't mean all that money goes to just one of its many subsidiary companies.


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vor 52 Minuten schrieb xcenic:

Only last year. I dont wanted to post a biggest pic. I was ready to buy the full mesa prime P.A. but with the disaster and crap accessories pack i used my money to purchase anthem, MHW, KH3 and Devil my Cry. totally worth spend! 2019 will be my year of Free to play player for warframe and embrace the "ItS a FrEe gAmE dOnT cOmPlAiNt" "dE iTs A sMaLl CuMpAnY" "i lOvE sPaCe mOn" and the best, random hotfit: "tHaNk"



Those -75% coupons. ME WANT...

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4 hours ago, Zeclem said:

dont bother. its not reasonable trying to argue with a mentality that doesnt realize more players will always mean more income even in f2p games



Ok let's try this, again. More players also means more expense even in f2p games. You can have more income, but then you have to subtract your expenses, before you can figure out how much profit you have made. It is entirely possible that your income goes up, but your profits go down. 

If you don't believe me, please ask someone to explain the concepts of income, expenditure and profit and loss to you. 

When you do grasp those concepts, please try and tackle the stuff that has been said by people like @FlusteredFerret

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22 hours ago, [DE]Drew said:

There is an option to increase or decrease your Matchmaking Ping Limit under OPTIONS>GAMEPLAY 

(Apologies if this was mentioned already)

Concerning dedicated servers, they are not something we are planning at this time for regular matchmaking.

the lowest ping limit you can set is 100 and you still get matched up with laggy hosts,that feature dose not work well,at least you can add "Play as Host only toggle",and don't blame my internet for bad connection 

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1 hour ago, dany2945 said:

the lowest ping limit you can set is 100 and you still get matched up with laggy hosts,that feature dose not work well,at least you can add "Play as Host only toggle",and don't blame my internet for bad connection 

Play Solo and you'll always be Host.

Also, if everyone toggle that play as host only. Meaning that you'll never find a player who'll join your session. Because everyone don't want to join a host with bad connection, so everyone start as a host... It's just a basic logic... unless there are some players who want to play a Host Russian Roulette lol...

Atleast, the current system try to fixed the problem by finding a suitable host that you can connect. It's not always work, but it's better than make everyone a Host lol...

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