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Baphomet; The Betrayer - Infested Boss [FULL 3D RENDER BY RAZIX! - 11/26/16]


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Also, it would be interesting to see Baphomet fighting against a tenno in space (with J3 in background)

I'm still kinda sad, they are teasing me during outbreaks... The button to fight for Infested is not there but it looks like It should be there (TT~~TT)

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Just some random feedback.  I actually love the idea of this guy as a boss.  Developers might want to change him in some drastic way, currently he looks EXTREMELY similar to a cross between FF Diablo and FF Bahamut summons.  If there isn't an issue with the likeness, I would say go with it but make him a ARCHWING BOSS!


Think about Archwing raid against this mofo in space.  Scale him to some ridiculous size (think full on femorian ship size)  and have him wreck people, complete with sub-flying baddies.  After all, the one area where Tennos aren't exactly OP right now is Archwing world (at least that's my perspective on the PS4).


I'd actually level my Archwing weapons and mods if I knew this guy was out there at the end to fight.  Having him as a stalker like character only trivializes him as a baddie. 

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Dude i want to kiss you (nohomo but rly i could kiss you) its so damn epic i hope he comes to the game and please tell me does the sword have a name? (sry when i didnt read it i wazs so fascinated from the arts)

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This... was posted so long ago that there is little hope of it actually making it into the game... but damn its a shame... some rivalry in the story would've been absolutely astounding. I hope this someday makes it into the game. And your welcome for your 300th upvote.

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This... was posted so long ago that there is little hope of it actually making it into the game... but damn its a shame... some rivalry in the story would've been absolutely astounding. I hope this someday makes it into the game. And your welcome for your 300th upvote.


You honor me sir!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I absolutely love this concept! It's amazing and just looking at the art for it gave me tonnes of ideas for boss stages. I was thinking, perhaps you'd encounter Baphomet (I absolutely love the name as well btw) throughout multiple missions, firstly you could encounter him in an archwing mission, this could be followed up with encountering him on a terrestrial mission with his little beastie. After you beat him and 'kill him' there, it could turn out he isn't dead and in an archwing mission you could come across him once more. However, this time he could have a much bigger more grand archwing and his lower half could be replaced by a larger, meaner looking version of his beastie as if he was resurrected and fused to his pet. Then you could encounter him in a final mission on foot, and have a swordfight under cherry blossoms because that isn't cliche in any way xD And thus the rivalry could be ended. They are just some ideas I'd had for missions, but either way, I want this thing to be in the game, it's such an amazing concept! :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

That reminds me, Silverbones with juggernaut out, do you see the mount Merrihem as a variant of those?

Maby with other weapons but still in the same family I mean.


Yes, more than likely. I may have to do a bit of a redesign in the end.


It's okay, I need more excuses to draw this guy.

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Guest (PS4)Baby0Shaq34

For a boss stage I'm thinking of a giant coliseum/arena with multiple battle platforms thats been overrun by the infestation.


For the fight itself I'm not too sure, but I do have a vague idea for one. Since he is a healer I'm thinking that in addition to healing, what if he mutates Infested and they gain new attacks/abilities? This does tie in with the boss fight which I'll explain now.


For the boss fight, since he seems to be more of a support frame I think he should ride a giant Charger, kinda like Phorid minus the sentience. For weapons I think he should have some kind of Infested Longsword (kinda like the Mire, only bigger/longer and more blade-like.) and maybe an Infested Rifle for Phase two.


Phase One: He will run around the arena on his Charger, which has been mutated to be bigger, faster, and all around stronger than Phorid. Unlike Phorid this Charger does not have missiles, but instead will have something akin to an Infested Sniper Rifle which it will use to shoot at you when you're a certain distance away. This sniper will deal high damage and will poison you.


Baphomet will be mainly using his sword at this time. When the Charger gets close he will swing at you, dealing poison damage along with melee damage if he hits you. If you are far away he will slash the air with his sword, which will send horizontal energy beams at you. He will also have an attack where he slams his sword into the ground and making the area around him highly poisonous.


Phase Two: Will have Baphomet slam his sword into the ground and make the complete lower area poisonous, shrink down the Charger abit, and replace his sword with the Charger's rifle. The Charger will now start wall-running and jumping on to different platforms, moving away if you get too close. Baphomet will now be aggressively shooting you, forcing you to constantly be on the move. At half health Baphomet will start poisoning platforms. After beating him he and the Charger fall to the bottom area into a pool of poison/infection.


But suddenly the pool starts rising up, and you hear a loud buzzing noise. Baphomet flies into view, still seated on his Charger, which he has mutated to have wings and his sword, which is now on the Charger's head like some kind of horn. So starts Phase Three.


Phase Three will have you constantly moving upwards across platforms, stairs, ramps, you name it, all the while the pool of infection is rising up like a volcano. During this phase Baphomet will still be shooting with the rifle, which has changed into some kind of Infested Rocket Launcher (think Ogris), and the Charger will now attempt stabbing/sweeping fly-bys. The Charger will also swipe his head and shoot energy waves much like Baphomet did in Phase One, only bigger.

There is no time limit, though the pool can catch up to you, and its an automatic death if it does. If you die and use a revive you'll be revived about 5-6 platforms above it's current level. As Baphomet's health goes down the pool starts rising faster, and he gets more aggressive.


The fight ends with you reaching the uppermost point of the coliseum and him crashing down in front of you before fading away like the Infested do.



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  • 1 month later...

[all of this is to be read in Tyl Regors voice ;P makes it sexier]


SilverBones, You are an amazing creator, such thought and love went into this concept....it almost brings a tear to my eye that he's been here so long and DE has not made a move on him, Im sure both you and him would be flattered by the arrival of such a destructive and bloody beautiful boss for the tenno to fight, I will make it a mission to get as many people as possible to see your work here and get the word out to DE, I think I can speak for all of us when I say, We want to fight Baphomet to the death and we want it bad.


Please continue to design him and add/remove/tweak him to the point of infested perfection, so that one day we may have the honor or dueling the monster you have created and will willingly duel many times over for no more reason then we love to!

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This idea looks AMAZING but sadly there is very small chance of happening, why ? because of destiny's oryx, taken king, your idea looks kina similar to taken king(both look kinda like space demons) which is ironic since your idea was first. People will say DE is copying destiny if they put in their own "space demon" in game.

Edited by Culaio
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As an evolving fan-favorite concept, this has always struck me as an excellent piece. Artwork, story, lines, voice-acting. All cool.


But where in the blue hell are the abilities? 


If they are on some post I missed, someone please link me to them.


If they don't exist yet...can I suggest creating them in order to bring the concept to life (beyond a beloved fan-concept)?


I don't know about anyone else, but I kind of would like to know how the boss would attack and how, and perhaps have a quest. 


He exists a little bit in a vacuum for me, and that would make him more tangible.


Overall, a very aesthetically and lore rich concept. Good job.

Edited by Rhekemi
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You know, Bones, I remember a while back you had been kinda struggling to find a place for this guy story wise... With the Jordas Golem's introduction of the Infestation as a proper character-thing I think I might have a suggestion:


This guy is an Infestation-created Warframe, a proper attempt by them to match the power of the treacherous flesh (Tenno) that constantly strikes at and defiles them. Something tied fully to the Infestation, sharing its mind and lacking any resistance that the likes of Jordas put up, but having all the power of the most powerful consumptions the Infestation has ever made. With the knowledge they gained from assimilating Alad V they were able to create their own monstrosity, a creature to match the Tenno and put an end to the purge of flesh once and for all: Baphomet.


"You are our flesh; we are your form."

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You know, Bones, I remember a while back you had been kinda struggling to find a place for this guy story wise... With the Jordas Golem's introduction of the Infestation as a proper character-thing I think I might have a suggestion:

This guy is an Infestation-created Warframe, a proper attempt by them to match the power of the treacherous flesh (Tenno) that constantly strikes at and defiles them. Something tied fully to the Infestation, sharing its mind and lacking any resistance that the likes of Jordas put up, but having all the power of the most powerful consumptions the Infestation has ever made. With the knowledge they gained from assimilating Alad V they were able to create their own monstrosity, a creature to match the Tenno and put an end to the purge of flesh once and for all: Baphomet.

"You are our flesh; we are your form."

I have allways liked the ties to the Orokin. What you propose removes that entirely.

Anyway, what I want for a true villain for the infested is like Queen of Blades. Created by the Hive, but free of them and ultimately dominating them.

"We must have Unity, Tenno. We must have freedom. As one, there will be peace at last. All will be protected within Us. No fear. No regret. No conflict."

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