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Constructive Criticism for the developers of Warframe


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Here are some helpful tips that will allow you to keep your player base intact:

1) Fix your support model to actually SUPPORT the players instead of having support techs say "Sorry, we can do nothing for you regarding this issue" or copy and paste pre-scripted responses (I have received many of these).
2) Fix age old bugs that people report on a consistent basis.
3) Stop adding new features that break functionality (see No. 2).
4) Stop adding new features/items that just place a Band-Aid over old bugs and draw attention away from them (loc-pin).
5) Focus on real. playable content instead of "fashion items" i.e. skins, syandanas, attachments, etc.
6) Remember that your rating established by the ESRB and similar rating systems indicate that this game is for audiences 17+. This means you can stop with the extreme "scorched earth" method of censorship and bans/suspensions. Your player base should be mature enough (according to the official rating) to handle words and the usual internet tomfoolery. If not, they should NOT be playing your game.
7) I understand that Digital Extremes is owned by Leyou Technologies Holdings Limited, a Chinese company. I know you are unable to change that, but maybe try to influence them to move away from the content-killing prices that lock players out of certain items.
8) Know that when someone thanks you in a reply to patch notes, it is out of genuine relief that a serious or game-breaking issue was fixed. It is not an excuse to break game mechanics or postpone bug fixes to see more people say "thank you".

These glaring issues are why I only login for rewards anymore. I am considering quitting this game altogether. I know that one person who has never spent a single [currency type here] doesn't seem to mean much compared to a whale who shells out thousands of [currency type here], but we do, and networking and reviews are more powerful than all the money in the world.

All in all, the game is great fun if you look past all these issues, but it is hard for someone like myself to do such a thing, especially when said issues degrade quality of gameplay.

Note that I have not violated the community guidelines in the slightest. Most moderators see this kind of talk as "inappropriate", "aggression" or "hostility".* I can assure you that this is not the case; it is but simple constructive criticism.**
I intend to harm or seek to maliciously attack anyone. I simply strive to help identify the issues that prevent myself and others to fully enjoy this game.

*   6) COMPLAINTS – We will not tolerate inappropriate, aggressive, or hostile complaints posted on the Forums. If you have a complaint about a player, report the issue. If you have a complaint about how your behavior on the forums has been moderated, send the Moderator a private message. They will do what they can to sort out any issues.  
**  2) QUALITY STANDARDS – Use our forums to talk to us and talk to each other in a constructive and respectful way that encourages interaction and thoughtful discussion. Stay on-topic, be constructive and use descriptive Topic titles. Don’t rage/rant post, name and shame, have misleading topic titles, post spam, advertisements, unreleased Design Council information, pornography or any other inappropriate, offensive or irrelevant content to the Forums in text, image, or video form. We will delete/edit it, and there will be consequences as per our warnings.
*** For clarification:
What is an insult? “This Warframe is trash, whoever came up with it should be fired.”
What is constructive feedback? Constructive feedback, whether positive or negative, is about detailing what the situation is, and use details/personal experiences to explain your reasoning as well as include ways to improve it, in your own words. 


Please do not delete this post. I have had many issues with moderators and their "information control". I am honestly trying to help and do not appreciate the dictatorial approach of removing forum posts that individuals deem "unsavory". Please keep in mind that even if you may not like it, it may be true. Hiding the truth is just as bad as lying.

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Your post isn't constructive criticism. It's not even criticism, just telling them not to do something is hardly any feedback. 

1. Support probably gets thousands of tickets a day. To not have automated messages would probably slow support down even more.

2. Would you please refer to these "age old bugs"? Because I'm not sure what you are referring to.

3. No, new features is what makes Warframe fun.

4. Again, please elaborate. It's not criticism if there's no context.

5. There are people that like being fashionable just as much as those who don't. Also the art team handles that. It's separate from the programming team.

6. The game is rated M for the contents within. It does not refer to the chat or the players using it. If you don't use the words it flags you'll be fine.

7 & 8. I don't know what to say

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Thanks, everyone, for taking me as a joke and giving me the "haha" emoji. You continue to bully and pester people who just want to enjoy a game. You are antagonistic and need to reevaluate your responses to a serious issue. This is why nothing ever gets done. People just hop on the "Here's another complaining idiot" bandwagon when there is a real issue being brought to light.

People say that the Warframe community is wonderful and not toxic at all. I have found the very opposite to be true.

Laugh and tell me I am wrong all you want, it doesn't change the fact that these are real issues that need real solutions.

Criticism is not always enjoyable, that doesn't mean that a problem does not exist.


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3 minutes ago, Kraus0614 said:

This is why nothing ever gets done

Or maybe the reason why "nothing" ever gets "done" is that feedback threads are usually uninformative and unhelpful.

Dude, while I understand your bitterness, the response you received about your feedback was much more informative than your feedback itself.


Try giving on-point feedback.

For instance: what content-killing price that locks players out of certain items? I can swear to you that I, as a f2p player, feel there is nothing locked out of my reach (not even premium skins, of which I have many).

Do you have any particular "age-old bug" that bothers you? What are the "band-aid" features that cover old bugs that you dislike?

9 minutes ago, Kraus0614 said:

Laugh and tell me I am wrong all you want

Dude, no one is laughing and no one has said you are wrong. You are being told that you are not clear and not helpful.

Just consider this: if you are being so vague and self-victimising that not even your fellow players (who encounter the same issues as you) can understand what you are referring to, what is the chance that DE is going to understand?

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24 minutes ago, Kraus0614 said:

Thanks, everyone, for taking me as a joke and giving me the "haha" emoji. You continue to bully and pester people who just want to enjoy a game. You are antagonistic and need to reevaluate your responses to a serious issue. This is why nothing ever gets done. People just hop on the "Here's another complaining idiot" bandwagon when there is a real issue being brought to light.

People say that the Warframe community is wonderful and not toxic at all. I have found the very opposite to be true.

Laugh and tell me I am wrong all you want, it doesn't change the fact that these are real issues that need real solutions.

Criticism is not always enjoyable, that doesn't mean that a problem does not exist.


We’re not laughing at the issues, they’re very real and affect all of us to a certain degree. What these people are criticizing is the responses and ‘fixes’ you gave, pointing out problems with no real context or examples. You’re basically saying there’s something wrong with the game without pointing out what the problem really is 

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25 minutes ago, Kraus0614 said:

Criticism is not always enjoyable, that doesn't mean that a problem does not exist.

I agree, because when we criticised your criticism you got very defensive. 

Look, it's not that we're saying you're wrong, but the way the you are presenting your criticism is not proper feedback. I would take a look at the link Yxivi provided, that way we can start a conversation about it. What you have now is just a bunch of complaints. Just trying to help ya.

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1 hour ago, Kraus0614 said:

6) Remember that your rating established by the ESRB and similar rating systems indicate that this game is for audiences 17+. This means you can stop with the extreme "scorched earth" method of censorship and bans/suspensions. Your player base should be mature enough (according to the official rating) to handle words and the usual internet tomfoolery. If not, they should NOT be playing your game.

The things I see people being suspended for aren't "tomfoolery", they are verbal abuse. Being "mature" involves knowing what is verbal abuse and not using that language, thinking that kind of language is ok is the opposite of mature.

The rest of your post makes me think you don't really understand how game development works and are just ranting because you are either bored of the game or dislike it because they don't cater directly to your tastes over everyone else's. Probably the latter since you think verbal abuse is acceptable "tomfoolery".

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2 hours ago, Kraus0614 said:

Thanks, everyone, for taking me as a joke and giving me the "haha" emoji. You continue to bully and pester people who just want to enjoy a game. You are antagonistic and need to reevaluate your responses to a serious issue. This is why nothing ever gets done. People just hop on the "Here's another complaining idiot" bandwagon when there is a real issue being brought to light.

People say that the Warframe community is wonderful and not toxic at all. I have found the very opposite to be true.

Laugh and tell me I am wrong all you want, it doesn't change the fact that these are real issues that need real solutions.

Criticism is not always enjoyable, that doesn't mean that a problem does not exist.


I can tell you're relatively new to the forums... 

1. Posts like this don't occur for a reason

2. None of your bullet points offer "constructive critiscm"

3. If you're going to comment on DE's support and its quality, you better have a solution on how they can hire more people without allocating too much money to new employees (taking away from those they currently have).

4. Most people can't ^, which is why you dont see true "feedback" on the matter.

Tl;dr- dont be surprised if this gets locked...

Also, bullet point 8 makes me cringe a little. It's not a good idea to assume DE purposely doesn't patch bugs just to get a reaction from players.

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6 hours ago, Kraus0614 said:

Here are some helpful tips that will allow you to keep your player base intact:

1) Fix your support model to actually SUPPORT the players instead of having support techs say "Sorry, we can do nothing for you regarding this issue" or copy and paste pre-scripted responses (I have received many of these).
2) Fix age old bugs that people report on a consistent basis.
3) Stop adding new features that break functionality (see No. 2).
4) Stop adding new features/items that just place a Band-Aid over old bugs and draw attention away from them (loc-pin).
5) Focus on real. playable content instead of "fashion items" i.e. skins, syandanas, attachments, etc.
6) Remember that your rating established by the ESRB and similar rating systems indicate that this game is for audiences 17+. This means you can stop with the extreme "scorched earth" method of censorship and bans/suspensions. Your player base should be mature enough (according to the official rating) to handle words and the usual internet tomfoolery. If not, they should NOT be playing your game.
7) I understand that Digital Extremes is owned by Leyou Technologies Holdings Limited, a Chinese company. I know you are unable to change that, but maybe try to influence them to move away from the content-killing prices that lock players out of certain items.
😎 Know that when someone thanks you in a reply to patch notes, it is out of genuine relief that a serious or game-breaking issue was fixed. It is not an excuse to break game mechanics or postpone bug fixes to see more people say "thank you".

These glaring issues are why I only login for rewards anymore. I am considering quitting this game altogether. I know that one person who has never spent a single [currency type here] doesn't seem to mean much compared to a whale who shells out thousands of [currency type here], but we do, and networking and reviews are more powerful than all the money in the world.

All in all, the game is great fun if you look past all these issues, but it is hard for someone like myself to do such a thing, especially when said issues degrade quality of gameplay.

Note that I have not violated the community guidelines in the slightest. Most moderators see this kind of talk as "inappropriate", "aggression" or "hostility".* I can assure you that this is not the case; it is but simple constructive criticism.**
I intend to harm or seek to maliciously attack anyone. I simply strive to help identify the issues that prevent myself and others to fully enjoy this game.

*   6) COMPLAINTS – We will not tolerate inappropriate, aggressive, or hostile complaints posted on the Forums. If you have a complaint about a player, report the issue. If you have a complaint about how your behavior on the forums has been moderated, send the Moderator a private message. They will do what they can to sort out any issues.  
**  2) QUALITY STANDARDS – Use our forums to talk to us and talk to each other in a constructive and respectful way that encourages interaction and thoughtful discussion. Stay on-topic, be constructive and use descriptive Topic titles. Don’t rage/rant post, name and shame, have misleading topic titles, post spam, advertisements, unreleased Design Council information, pornography or any other inappropriate, offensive or irrelevant content to the Forums in text, image, or video form. We will delete/edit it, and there will be consequences as per our warnings.
*** For clarification:
What is an insult? “This Warframe is trash, whoever came up with it should be fired.”
What is constructive feedback? Constructive feedback, whether positive or negative, is about detailing what the situation is, and use details/personal experiences to explain your reasoning as well as include ways to improve it, in your own words. 


Please do not delete this post. I have had many issues with moderators and their "information control". I am honestly trying to help and do not appreciate the dictatorial approach of removing forum posts that individuals deem "unsavory". Please keep in mind that even if you may not like it, it may be true. Hiding the truth is just as bad as lying.

You're actually not as important as people who spend money on the game and its a silly notion to think otherwise. 

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17 minutes ago, Fallen_Echo said:

According to that thread we cant talk about networking issues at all.

Its a contradicting collection of statements what makes sure that no player can actually make "real" feedback here.

Not entirely true, players just simply shouldn't be providing feedback based on things they have no knowledge about. For example, I have no place in creating a thread asking for dedicated servers, because I don't know DE's "budget" and I have no idea how much those cost for a company (just that they're expensive). I think that's kind of what's going on here. Asking for things like a "toggle host option" or "setting the player with the lowest overall ping as the host" thread is different however. Players have no right to criticize DE on the efficiency at which their company runs simply because... well, said player doesn't know every factor affecting that company (Ex: this thread).

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)Young Boy HT said:

they have no knowledge about.

Just because im not a pilot i can still go and make a feedback about doing barrel rolls in a commercial plane is a terrible idea.

Just because i cant cook a perfect steak i can still tell you when the beef is charred into coal.

4 minutes ago, (XB1)Young Boy HT said:

Players have no right to criticize DE on the efficiency at which their company runs simply because... well, said player doesn't know every factor affecting that company (Ex: this thread).

But in reality i have all the rights to go and critize a restaurant for their slow service and quality problems without knowledge on their budget and other factors.


DE has no rights to dismiss, ignore critism and feedback on the basis that we dont know better.

It is not our job to provide the fixes but theirs.


Heres something copy-pasted from another thread what was made to adress the problems of that dev post:


1.) Well, first of all don’t be afraid of what people have to say and of the language they use to say it.

 I know, this single sentence is already going to be a huge red flag for a lot of people; and that’s a problem in and of itself. Patience, one might argue, is a much more important virtue for a Developer than for a player. Users aren’t obligated to provide any feedback at all, and perhaps some humility in the face of the fact that they care enough to do so anyway is required. You be judge, I am not going to insist on any of my suggestions listed here.
 There is also another issue of requiring of the players “polite feedback”, or however you might choose to call it. This requirement communicates more as, basically: “don’t say anything upsetting in a language that might sound even remotely offensive”. And one who knows anything at all about feedback ...and people, would be perfectly aware that people don’t always stick to sugarcoating while expressing their thoughts over topics they care about. So developer probably wouldn’t want to exercise excessive fragility on the matter of feedback presentation, if they are indeed willing to receive any. It’s like being a doctor: the louder the patient screams, the more it is an indication that something is most likely amiss. And you most certainly don’t want them to suddenly stop screaming at all (too much?). 

2) Actively search for long-winded negative feedback and take time to listen/read what people have to say. Positive feedback, on the other hand, is useless.

 This goes directly against the notions of brevity and simplicity of feedback. Players who actually care and have something of value to communicate about the game (any subject), tend to write walls and walls of text that are often, however, remarkably well thought-through. Users who have a lot to say are usually the ones who think the most on the topic.
 You will also rarely, if ever, hear anything of value with a positive connotation. Positive feedback doesn’t exist, it’s just praise; and praise targets no flaws, no mistakes. Thus offering only petty gratification. Which might be nice, but still a waste of your attention span.

3) Most importantly, engage in conversations: anonymously, unless you have a particular reputation for opinion tolerance ...for not permabanning people with opposite views (which, let’s face it, is a hard trait to develop).

 People won’t speak out honestly and heartily if there’s a constant threat of EULA looming over their heads whenever they interact with devs or the moderators. Fundamentally EULA is “I’ll do whatever the hell I want to you”-declaration: and its power is based on the sole fact that our user-to-publisher relationship is yet to be properly legislated.
 Engaging with the users regularly would allow Devs to have a finger on the pulse of the community. Don’t leave this job to community managers, they aren’t a part of the decisionmaking process; and trying to extract any sensible feedback off of them is akin to playing a “broken telephone” game, but with one of the players’ livelihood depending on the other’s contentment: so they just nod on everything even if you’re wrong. 
 Youtubers are mostly the same case.    

4) Find time.

 If you can't find time to learn and play the game as actively as any veteran, talk to players, look for feedback; understand the vanity of praise and the value of raw emotion, then you probably wouldn't even care to read this far

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2 minutes ago, Fallen_Echo said:

Just because im not a pilot i can still go and make a feedback about doing barrel rolls in a commercial plane is a terrible idea.

Just because i cant cook a perfect steak i can still tell you when the beef is charred into coal.

But in reality i have all the rights to go and critize a restaurant for their slow service and quality problems without knowledge on their budget and other factors.


DE has no rights to dismiss, ignore critism and feedback on the basis that we dont know better.

It is not our job to provide the fixes but theirs.

I understand what you're saying here, (cut out the long part because I didn't need to quote it), but i personally feel that criticizing DE's efficiency isn't really the best option. Take last year for example, when we had a content drought because of fortuna. Had DE not been working on Fortuna, criticism of their time management is warranted, but because their entire team was dedicated to one project, I personally felt it was unnecessary. 

However I recognize that i still have much to do and grind for, so my perspective is different than those who have essentially "beaten" this game. To each their own I suppose.

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6 hours ago, Kraus0614 said:

Thanks, everyone, for taking me as a joke and giving me the "haha" emoji. You continue to bully and pester people who just want to enjoy a game. You are antagonistic and need to reevaluate your responses to a serious issue. This is why nothing ever gets done. People just hop on the "Here's another complaining idiot" bandwagon when there is a real issue being brought to light.

People say that the Warframe community is wonderful and not toxic at all. I have found the very opposite to be true.

Laugh and tell me I am wrong all you want, it doesn't change the fact that these are real issues that need real solutions.

Criticism is not always enjoyable, that doesn't mean that a problem does not exist.


Not gonna lie, I'm with you on this.

In my short time here, people have shown me they're proficient in looking for every single last excuse they can possibly scrounge from the bottom of the barrel, just to shut down either your idea, or any productive discussion. Some even say, some criticism isn't productive, it's destructive, but wouldn't the same go of members on the forums arguing about the usefulness of an idea in a bid of saying that it's bad, useless, or harmful to DE, or impossible and that you shouldn't bother?


Well, they're not wrong. There's no point in yelling at anyone, when the result of all this nonsense is self-evident. If people want to gatekeep the game's direction, that's fine, have the game all to yourselves my dudes and dudettes, you have the ball and the court as far as I'm concerned.

also, expect this thread to be locked.

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6 hours ago, Kraus0614 said:

People just hop on the "Here's another complaining idiot" bandwagon when there is a real issue being brought to light.

You didn't mention a single real issue in your post. You complained about bugs without listing a single one you wanted fixed. You complained about support without providing any examples of bad or good support (other than a fairly generic comment about automated replies). You complained about not having enough 'real' content without providing even a hint over what sorts of content you want to see more of. 

I don't know how you can think any of those qualify as 'real issues' or 'constructive' as you suggest you are.

Complaining about chat bans is at least kind of specific, so maybe focus there... just expand on it. Explain why you think the current system is bad for the game's health and why your vision of it would be better instead of just being angry about it. 

I mean, everything else aside, you're literally here trying to convince DE to change the way they develop the game toward a vision you find more preferable. How is... all of this even remotely persuasive?

37 minutes ago, toxicitzi said:

arguing about the usefulness of an idea

"Just fix all the bugs and make better content" isn't an idea. It isn't anything. If you want to martyr yourself over big mean forum users daring to disagree with someone, at least pick something with substance.

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15 minutes ago, Elementalos said:

"Just fix all the bugs and make better content" isn't an idea. It isn't anything. If you want to martyr yourself over big mean forum users daring to disagree with someone, at least pick something with substance.

Remember. You're the one who strawmaned this and I'm willing to bet it's this hostility you put on display here why you probably did that.


8 hours ago, Kraus0614 said:

2) Fix age old bugs that people report on a consistent basis.

3) Stop adding new features that break functionality (see No. 2).
4) Stop adding new features/items that just place a Band-Aid over old bugs and draw attention away from them (loc-pin).
5) Focus on real. playable content instead of "fashion items" i.e. skins, syandanas, attachments, etc.

I never even said the OP had made great points all throughout the board, I just agreed with his/her sentiment of hostility being prevalent in these parts when it comes to feedback, or criticism of things in the game.

I think feedback should just be for plain and simple feedback and just about the feedback. Everything else coming from an emotional position, or a position of assumption of DE's inner workings, that isn't feedback, that's something I've seen more as resistance and who knows, maybe it's not even any ill will intent meant in it, but people should understand, our positions are that of players and what we are expected to provide, as well as should provide in this forum, is, Feedback, this works, this doesn't work.

We're not working for DE here. We're not their HR management, not their game developers, not their database engineers, nor their game creative lead, we're just players. Try to keep that in mind in the future, I'm not saying this just to you, but to everyone else as well, because this is a piece of feedback to the community on the forums.

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2 hours ago, (XB1)Young Boy HT said:

Take last year for example, when we had a content drought because of fortuna. Had DE not been working on Fortuna, criticism of their time management is warranted, but because their entire team was dedicated to one project, I personally felt it was unnecessary. 

The whole drought was caused by their inability to segment up the team to keep the players busy while the big project gets worked on.

If they would have been rolling out some smallscale events, those wacky nightmare challanges and some other stuff people wouldnt even notice the drought.

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53 minutes ago, toxicitzi said:

We're not working for DE here. We're not their HR management, not their game developers, not their database engineers, nor their game creative lead, we're just players. Try to keep that in mind in the future

I never said any of us were, but if you're trying to bring light to topics that you feel aren't getting enough attention or trying to get DE to change the direction they're developing the game "fix the old bugs and make real content" isn't particularly persuasive and isn't very specific. Being hostile and bitter over someone disagreeing with those opinions certainly isn't going to help you either.

Even if I did work for DE and even if I desperately wanted to make Kraus0614 happy... I wouldn't know where to begin, because I don't know which bugs he has a problem with or what 'real content' is. 

Contrast with, say, the post right above mine where we have a conversation specifically about the content drought surrounding Fortuna, which is specific and substantive.

Edited by Elementalos
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40 minutes ago, Elementalos said:

I never said any of us were, but if you're trying to bring light to topics that you feel aren't getting enough attention or trying to get DE to change the direction they're developing the game "fix the old bugs and make real content" isn't particularly persuasive and isn't very specific. Being hostile and bitter over someone disagreeing with those opinions certainly isn't going to help you either.

Even if I did work for DE and even if I desperately wanted to make Kraus0614 happy... I wouldn't know where to begin, because I don't know which bugs he has a problem with or what 'real content' is. 

Contrast with, say, the post right above mine where we have a conversation specifically about the content drought surrounding Fortuna, which is specific and substantive.

Here's a start.

When are DE if ever, or if they even know about it, going to fix mobs jumping on and off crates in Defense missions?


How ancient is that bug? I'm not going to be surprised if it exists since the game was made and I am going to bet you, the first answer I get is going to be an excuse, any way to excuse this bug existing despite how bad DE look for still not having fixed it.


Not to mention how many patch notes I'm scrolling through right now, keep going back to hotfixing content that was always current at the time and all the way back to Chains of Harrow, then Hydroid prime and so on. I'm not even saying those shouldn't be fixed, obviously all bugs should, But is Anyone working on the others? Is that not a legitimate question to ask, or should we just wait for it to be 2022, or 2025 before we're allowed to bring up to light that, old bugs need attention too and there's lots of them archived in these forums?

There's more than that. Some include AI behavior that keeps missions like Excavation from working, because power cell Grineer stay behind in corridors, or hide somewhere that doesn't even make sense, far away from the battle and hide is the keyword here, it's not the same as taking cover. There is no conceivable way this kind of bug wasn't reported, especially with all the threads complaining about the lack of power cells in long distances between excavators, these should be some of the oldest and most well known ones that there are.


What you're reading right now from me is frustration, because I remember many of these since I stopped playing in 2016. People keep reporting them as I always find threads whenever I bump into another one, but that's all that happens, they just keep getting reported and then nothing.

Edited by toxicitzi
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7 minutes ago, toxicitzi said:

Here's a start.

When are DE if ever, or if they even know about it, going to fix mobs jumping on and off crates in Defense missions?


How ancient is that bug? I'm not going to be surprised if it exists since the game was made and I am going to bet you, the first answer I get is going to be an excuse, any way to excuse this bug existing despite how bad DE look for still not having fixed it.


Not to mention how many patch notes I'm scrolling through right now, keep going back to hotfixing content that was always current at the time and all the way back to Chains of Harrow, then Hydroid prime and so on. I'm not even saying those shouldn't be fixed, obviously all bugs should, But is Anyone working on the others? Is that not a legitimate question to ask, or should we just wait for it to be 2022, or 2025 before we're allowed to bring up to light that, old bugs need attention too and there's lots of them archived in these forums?

There's more than that. Some include AI behavior that keeps missions like Excavation from working, because power cell Grineer stay behind in corridors, or hide somewhere that doesn't even make sense, far away from the battle and hide is the keyword here, it's not the same as taking cover. There is no conceivable way this kind of bug wasn't reported, especially with all the threads complaining about the lack of power cells in long distances between excavators, these should be some of the oldest and most well known ones that there are.


What you're reading right now from me is frustration, because I remember many of these since I stopped playing in 2016. People keep reporting them as I always find threads whenever I bump into another one, but that's all that happens, they just keep getting reported and then nothing.

Your point is valid, but I always wonder how many people consider if those bugs can be fixed.  They could be situations like the old Bastille bug that DE just couldn't fix so they had to add a new function to get around it. There's also considering that DE might not have those bugs as priority. Does the box jumping bug make the game unplayable or break anything? If not then maybe just isn't a big enough issue. Perhaps if DE wound be a bit more transparent on what can be fixed or not....

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11 minutes ago, toxicitzi said:

What you're reading right now from me is frustration, because I remember many of these since I stopped playing in 2016. People keep reporting them as I always find threads whenever I bump into another one, but that's all that happens, they just keep getting reported and then nothing.

I totally get that. It's really frustrating. I remember taking an almost year long break from this game and coming back to find that major problems I had back then still existed and all a bunch of massive fixes to modding and damage calculations that were coming soon the year before not only weren't implemented yet, but not even being talked about anymore.

2 minutes ago, Atsia said:

There's also considering that DE might not have those bugs as priority.

I'm not sure how much box jumping screws things up but the excavator bug described sounds pretty awful. I've seen missions that will just stall out for a long period of time because power cell enemies stop coming, I'm not sure if that's the issue specifically being described there or something else but an issue that can grind an entire mission category to a halt feels like it should be up there on the priority ladder.

3 minutes ago, Atsia said:

Perhaps if DE wound be a bit more transparent on what can be fixed or not....

I feel like communication is definitely a big source of frustration with DE.

We have these planned announcement streams where DE will talk about upcoming and future features but there's very little back and forth dialog between the devs and the community, which makes it incredibly frustrating when there's a bug that we simply never hear anyone talk about or there's some big game feature that gets announced and then not brought up again for months with no clue whether it's been shelved or delayed or reworked or if it's still on the table or anything.

It can make it feel like people are just shouting into a void and then waiting for months to see if anything comes of it.

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1 hour ago, Atsia said:

Your point is valid, but I always wonder how many people consider if those bugs can be fixed.  They could be situations like the old Bastille bug that DE just couldn't fix so they had to add a new function to get around it. There's also considering that DE might not have those bugs as priority. Does the box jumping bug make the game unplayable or break anything? If not then maybe just isn't a big enough issue. Perhaps if DE wound be a bit more transparent on what can be fixed or not....


1 hour ago, Elementalos said:

I totally get that. It's really frustrating. I remember taking an almost year long break from this game and coming back to find that major problems I had back then still existed and all a bunch of massive fixes to modding and damage calculations that were coming soon the year before not only weren't implemented yet, but not even being talked about anymore.

I'm not sure how much box jumping screws things up but the excavator bug described sounds pretty awful. I've seen missions that will just stall out for a long period of time because power cell enemies stop coming, I'm not sure if that's the issue specifically being described there or something else but an issue that can grind an entire mission category to a halt feels like it should be up there on the priority ladder.

I feel like communication is definitely a big source of frustration with DE.

We have these planned announcement streams where DE will talk about upcoming and future features but there's very little back and forth dialog between the devs and the community, which makes it incredibly frustrating when there's a bug that we simply never hear anyone talk about or there's some big game feature that gets announced and then not brought up again for months with no clue whether it's been shelved or delayed or reworked or if it's still on the table or anything.

It can make it feel like people are just shouting into a void and then waiting for months to see if anything comes of it.

Thanks first of all for listening and the understanding here.. I don't like that I had to start how I started, but when things keep happening the same way, I'm just going to shutdown again and be gone for like another 4-6, or more months, as usual and I think this is very, VERY, typical Warframe player burnout and many factors play together in them.

For me it's this lack of forward thinking in the game that burns me out. Maybe Railjack and Tau system will be the change to that.

The way PoE and Fortuna kept us stuck in the same Star chart, with the same level caps on enemies, mostly all of the same enemies and even missions, almost all just slight remixes of the Star chart ones and just as easy/difficult, for the most part. I know mobs hit harder in Fortuna compared to other Corpus for instance, but I never was an advocate for, higher levels + same enemies = content, I'm more in the grounds of, New enemies of higher level = content. I'm the kinda guy that got excited for that Nox, all because it was a new enemy, even if it didn't mean something like, going from WoW Vanilla into WoW The Burning Crusade, in other words from Azeroth into Outlands. If I was playing WoW vanilla since 2004 to 2010, man... it would be fun, but you do at least understand just how old that would get after that many years, of Just That? and then Raids would be taken out, about 5 or so years later.


This is why I understand people like the OP, I feel pretty much the same.

It wouldn't be much, but DE could spare some people to work on fixing the current problems, before the big rework comes in. Maybe they already are for all I know and I'm being impatient, I can understand that, but things need to happen too, from the more high priority issues.



As for the Defense mission bug.

What happens is, mobs jump on and off crates and are stuck in a loop, doing that again and again. The problem with this one, is how much it slows down that Earth defense mission. The only other mission I found similar so far was Mars train rail tileset, although that one isn't as bad as this, it's the exact same problem with a much bigger crate. This means it's an issue that can happen in any mission, it needs is a crate and it being something that could be used for pathfinding.

I suggested in a post a very quick fix.

  • Delete the Crates.

That way, the bug just shouldn't happen again, that specific bug with the crates, because in all my long missions I've never seen enemies jumping straight on platforms and getting stuck.

A video example I found online.


Edited by toxicitzi
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Because if you're gonna create a thread of complaints and call it "constructive" people will expect it to be constructive. There's nothing constructive on his original post, just a bunch of complaints. Again, nobody said he's wrong or those problems doesn't exist. Just that...if you don't know what a constructive criticism is, then don't call your complaint (that also have an aggressive tone in it) a "constructive criticism" because it isn't...and that's just what most of the comments here are trying to point out. 

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23 hours ago, Kraus0614 said:

Thanks, everyone, for taking me as a joke and giving me the "haha" emoji. You continue to bully and pester people who just want to enjoy a game. You are antagonistic and need to reevaluate your responses to a serious issue. This is why nothing ever gets done. People just hop on the "Here's another complaining idiot" bandwagon when there is a real issue being brought to light.

People say that the Warframe community is wonderful and not toxic at all. I have found the very opposite to be true.

Laugh and tell me I am wrong all you want, it doesn't change the fact that these are real issues that need real solutions.

Criticism is not always enjoyable, that doesn't mean that a problem does not exist.


You may probably start to think that Warframe is "a stupid game for stupid people" lol. 

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