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Anybody actually enjoy the Gift of Lotus Alert?


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Well, Survival is without question my least favorite game mode. 30 minutes of soul crushing boredom. My buddy and I went Hydroid and a Nekros and hit YouTube. Quality "content".

I know some people enjoy Survival but to me it was absolute torture.

I'll hope for something more engaging the next time.

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Well, I wasn't bored in the one time I tried the mode. I was occupied reviving players that couldn't handle that particular survival. Just to be clear, I'm not blaming them because this mode is open to pretty much everyone without really stating the conditions and everyone wants the gift of having a shot at something vaulted.

Having said that, I don't think I will play this again for this weekend. Even with an affinity booster (daily reward) I barely managed to level up the secondary I had in mind and with a credit booster (sortie reward a bit earlier) I got something like 100k credits. And it's 30 minutes which is kind of a time-waste for someone who has limited gaming time on the weekdays.

Overall, from my point of view, meh...

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20 minutes ago, ArcKnight9202 said:

Well, Survival is without question my least favorite game mode. 30 minutes of soul crushing boredom. My buddy and I went Hydroid and a Nekros and hit YouTube. Quality "content".

I know some people enjoy Survival but to me it was absolute torture.

I'll hope for something more engaging the next time.

Most of my mates used a G3 beacon lol. I feel your pain man

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8 minutes ago, DazedMattress said:

Honestly zilchy I don't think this game is healthy for you anymore.

You may really want things to improve but look at how it's making you act.

You might not see it, but I hope somehow my words help you find some peace even if just for a moment.

My heart goes out to you.

How it's making me act? Is it wrong to use a General Discussion forum to discuss problems with the game? There's too much new age sensitivity these days, what's wrong with telling a developer how it is?

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)Onder6099 said:

^ This, megatimes this. You don’t care about new players and you’re surprised that DE must do the job for you.

If you knew how much assistance I've given to casual clan members in the past you wouldn't make this comment and would feel foolish doing so.

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15 minutes ago, rastaban75 said:

Well, I wasn't bored in the one time I tried the mode. I was occupied reviving players that couldn't handle that particular survival. Just to be clear, I'm not blaming them because this mode is open to pretty much everyone without really stating the conditions and everyone wants the gift of having a shot at something vaulted.

Having said that, I don't think I will play this again for this weekend. Even with an affinity booster (daily reward) I barely managed to level up the secondary I had in mind and with a credit booster (sortie reward a bit earlier) I got something like 100k credits. And it's 30 minutes which is kind of a time-waste for someone who has limited gaming time on the weekdays.

Overall, from my point of view, meh...

Maybe I should've gone public lol, I did it solo and was bored to tears. As for levelling stuff, I'd rather spend 5 mins in ESO to max a weapon than 30 mins in a survival anyday so I hear ya on that one.

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34 minutes ago, (PS4)Mono-Pop said:

Cosmetics.... are for new players....?

what? 😂🤔

Never said that, I said new players buy them ie they are an enticement for new players. The more a game has, the more enticing it becomes. Hence why DE churns out more and more garbage cosmetics. Yes there are a few gems in there but the majority of decent ones come from Tennogen and the others are simply there for players to spend their plat on. In the case of new players, that's play they've just bought hence why I say they target newer players because older players already have plenty of plat.

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6 minutes ago, Zilchy said:

How it's making me act? Is it wrong to use a General Discussion forum to discuss problems with the game? There's too much new age sensitivity these days, what's wrong with telling a developer how it is?

I use to speak just like you when I was frustrated with a different game. 

I know it can be hard to see when something isn't healthy for you anymore. When it's time to move on 

I know there's a weight in you itching to be lifted, a hole waiting to be filled.

You can pm me anytime, I'm here for you brother.

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1 minute ago, Cubewano said:

I thought it was pretty okay, kind of wish the mobs scaled a bit higher, but otherwise the mob density was nice and I don't mind grinding 30 mins for ten vaulted relics. (thank god it wasn't defense or that would have gutted it for me)

Defense would've been quicker at least. Both are still generic and absent of creation though.

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Just now, DazedMattress said:

I use to speak just like you when I was frustrated with a different game. 

I know it can be hard to see when something isn't healthy for you anymore. When it's time to move.

I know there's a weight in you itching to be lifted, a hole waiting to be filled.

You can pm me anytime, I'm here for you brother.

I understand, thankyou. Also you have a great profile name.

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It was a fun experience lol, got meself like 5 orokin cells, ranked up my zenith and amp, and the best of all, i got like 5k simaris standing lol, i was with a limbo and trin and i just scanned all the enemies i could see 😄 it was boring AF but we made the most out of it 😄


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5 minutes ago, Castlefrost said:

It was a fun experience lol, got meself like 5 orokin cells, ranked up my zenith and amp, and the best of all, i got like 5k simaris standing lol, i was with a limbo and trin and i just scanned all the enemies i could see 😄 it was boring AF but we made the most out of it 😄


Yeh I guess I could've farmed plastids lol. In terms of ranking there's just far better ways of doing it but casual mastery is always nice. Simaris standing nice 😄

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All the events that I have experienced in the game (acolytes, razorback, fomorian, ghoul purge) seemed incredibly underwhelmig to me, so I don't expect much from DE events anyway.

It honestly surprises me that the events in this game are this way. They have so many variables and tools, yet they manage to make something so seemingly uninspired every time.

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4 minutes ago, (XB1)Lwyu said:

Waaaa a survival mission which took more time than I usually do because I extract at 10 min... God you cant release anything without a complaint somewhere about it.

Are you kidding me? I regularly do runs over the 2 hour mark for fissures, just like a lot of other players, what a silly comment to make. Besides you could complete this in under 2 minutes if you wanted to.

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5 minutes ago, Mr.Fluffins said:

All the events that I have experienced in the game (acolytes, razorback, fomorian, ghoul purge) seemed incredibly underwhelmig to me, so I don't expect much from DE events anyway.

It honestly surprises me that the events in this game are this way. They have so many variables and tools, yet they manage to make something so seemingly uninspired every time.

The old events were great, the original Shadow Debt Acolytes event was also decent but they haven't added that to the acolytes event since the first time sadly.

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To be honest Warframe events generally suck anyways.

This game's architecture doesn't really allow DE to do anything truly unique. Every event is really just a mish-mash of old content.

I cleared the event no problem. I groaned loudly when I saw the 30 minute timer. I was hoping to log on, knock it out, then go back to Kingdom Hearts 3. Instead it ate up a half hour of my free time. I was pissed it was 30 minutes.

But seeing how some if the vocal playerbase have been begging for longer missions I wasn't surprised.

I understand you (the OP) wanting more challenge. But if DE had catered this to the Endgame/Veteran community then they would cutting out a massive portion of the playerbase. The backlash from that would be extreme. Additionally, folks would be whining about having to carry the team/new/casual players.

While I personally disliked the unexpected 30 minute timer, I found the event to be well implemented. It was all-inclusive (mostly) which is proper for an Anniversary event.

As for it devaluing relics...

I mean no offense but stfu on that.

10 relics isn't worth a damn considering the bad RNG. Aside from Saryn & maybe Nikana nothing else in the relics is any good. Spira Prime? Braton Prime? These have actual value?

Saryn goes for what? 150-180p Some fools overpriced her at 200p. Average price for a prime. The relics won't make a dent in the price.

I understandthe desire for challenge. But to make the event something players like us can sink our teeth into alienates far too many for am anniversary event.

And don't forget Alerts are going away for good (DE_Steve has announced this) once Wolf of Saturn launches.

So DE is working on a new system to mix things up & remove some of the monotony. So hang in there?

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8 minutes ago, (PS4)Zero_029 said:

To be honest Warframe events generally suck anyways.

This game's architecture doesn't really allow DE to do anything truly unique. Every event is really just a mish-mash of old content.

I cleared the event no problem. I groaned loudly when I saw the 30 minute timer. I was hoping to log on, knock it out, then go back to Kingdom Hearts 3. Instead it ate up a half hour of my free time. I was pissed it was 30 minutes.

But seeing how some if the vocal playerbase have been begging for longer missions I wasn't surprised.

I understand you (the OP) wanting more challenge. But if DE had catered this to the Endgame/Veteran community then they would cutting out a massive portion of the playerbase. The backlash from that would be extreme. Additionally, folks would be whining about having to carry the team/new/casual players.

While I personally disliked the unexpected 30 minute timer, I found the event to be well implemented. It was all-inclusive (mostly) which is proper for an Anniversary event.

As for it devaluing relics...

I mean no offense but stfu on that.

10 relics isn't worth a damn considering the bad RNG. Aside from Saryn & maybe Nikana nothing else in the relics is any good. Spira Prime? Braton Prime? These have actual value?

Saryn goes for what? 150-180p Some fools overpriced her at 200p. Average price for a prime. The relics won't make a dent in the price.

I understandthe desire for challenge. But to make the event something players like us can sink our teeth into alienates far too many for am anniversary event.

And don't forget Alerts are going away for good (DE_Steve has announced this) once Wolf of Saturn launches.

So DE is working on a new system to mix things up & remove some of the monotony. So hang in there?

I read everything you say, your point on the relics, that's fine I can take that. It doesn't even have to be harder though, just different. Something as simple as keeping a VIP alive in a survival is a change of pace, a lot of people used a cheese method to finish the alert in under 2 minutes which speaks volumes of what they think of it. There weren't even any Nox's in there, just run of the mill, 1 hit KO enemies, no imagination, just a generic Saturn survival with a slightly longer timer. Hell throw something in there to search for like an anniversary trophy for the orbiter or add some syndicate medallions - in short give me something to do for 30 minutes. It isn't challenging and more importantly, it isn't interesting. 

The old events were great, they were creative and fun, that hasn't happened for a long time now. More and more they seem to rush out content instead of taking their time with it to ensure it's something we appreciate. How many people still do Arbitrations? Or how about Lunaro? Or maybe Sanctuary Onslaught? Orb Spiders? They were all great ideas, well though out and playtested  yeh?

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