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So anyone else fought the wolf yet?


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Here is just a clip, if you want some advice when trying to hunt this guy make sure to take strong weapons since abilities don't work. He does a lot of damage and is a real tank so if you decide to hunt him make sure you have armor shredding mods etc.

If anyone has found a better way to kill him pls say

Also he drops crafting components for his hammer 😉

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How the hell are you supposed to fight him?

My wife and I fought him. Both with fully modded weapons, we ran out of ammo with both primary and secondary weapons and had to kill him with Amps. It took about 40 minutes.

He dropped a normal crappy mod.

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5 minutes ago, Wolfways said:

How the hell are you supposed to fight him?

My wife and I fought him. Both with fully modded weapons, we ran out of ammo with both primary and secondary weapons and had to kill him with Amps. It took about 40 minutes.

He dropped a normal crappy mod.

use ur operator and use specters


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I just ran circles around him and shot him in the head with Arca Plasmor.


Honestly, getting some Mr. X from Resident Evil vibes by seeing him, big guy trying to kill me.


For those who are interested, I was running a void capture mission when he first appeared for me - perhaps he spawns in missions related to the challenges you are doing, For example: If you are running capture missions and have a challenge to complete 3 capture missions, he has a chance to spawn.


Edited by Latiac
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So just finished the fight during an Axi Void Relic Interception mission...


I had an armor stripping Cycron.  So no ammo issues, but it still took forever.  I was even firing through Ember's Fire Blast (3) to boost damage on it a bit.  My teammates were melee when he still had 3/4th's health.


And nothing cool dropped.  So...lots of work...no reward...blech.

Heck, I'd have been happy with points towards my Nightwave rank, but nada.  So, dearest devs, please flag me for NO MORE FIGHTING THIS HUGE PUNCHING BAG OF ARMOR AND HITPOINTS.

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Fought him once last night during an invasion mission on either Neptune or Pluto. Ludicrous damage reduction or just high armor and health, because that SOB did not seem to take damage very quickly. I ran out of primary and secondary ammo before we had him down to 80%. I see on the wiki he's got high armor and is aparently (like most Grineer) vulnerable to radiation. He dropped a junk aura mod and nothing else. Lot of work and time for very little payout. Stalker and Zanuka are more interesting. Even the G3...

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  • 2 weeks later...

This guy has so much armor on him you could drop a relay onto his face from orbit and he wouldn't even blink...

I'm all for a boss that takes longer to kill than the Sargent, but this is bloody insane with how much damage he takes to down, nevermind that if you run into him on a defense mission you need to kill him for the last wave to end.

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He wasn't that difficult, I used an ancient healer specter to tarpit him and then my team nibbled him to death with Grakatas and sniper rifles.


This happened while I was levelling some gear rather than loaded for bear.

Edited by AltheusV
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Fought him 2 times.

One with my Nidus and hacked him with a Dokhram zam with a hybrid build.

And second time with Saryn and a plague zaw with a full status (gaz+slash) build.


I dont even bother to shoot him (nor with the tiberon prime nor the arca plasmor) but just slash him with melee and turned around him.

He have tons of HP and good DR. With my Dokhram zaw i land full red crits and only deal 10k damage on a hit.

He's attacks are not so dangerous with a little tanky warframe (my saryn and nidus are) and you can take some hits and even his dash without being OS.

Finally just take more time to take him down.

He drop his sleadgehammer blueprints.

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  • 3 weeks later...

High DPS melee weapon, Inaros and Kavat with the armor-stripping mod.

I use Kogake Prime with a CC, CD, Toxin and a harmless negative and use it to just punch 8k+ damage numbers on it with Berserker, it absolutely demolishes the wolf.

Sadly, I only fought it twice 😞

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Depends on what mission you are getting him at.

Been doing the 3 cache sabotage on Mars for the Xiphos Fusalage part and had him spawn in a few times now. He was only level 17 and went down in about 30 seconds to my Pocket Plasmor. Only got 2 of the handles and some crappy mods so far. Target Acquired is much easier to get with Ivara and the 3 operatives that spawn all the time, have gotten 6-10 of them just sucking them out as I am capturing them.

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