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im starting to feel the pain of limbo mains after giving him a try on fractures


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15 minutes ago, Zilchy said:

It's impossible for any combination, the fractures are on timers.

And certain enemies are immune to cataclysm, which is why Mesa is optimal. Add in scouting for the next fracture and at least 2 players are needed to decrease the downtime between fractures. Plus the 2nd player can carry a cannister to allow for another rotation instantly.

Edited by (PS4)Hiero_Glyph
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1 minute ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

And certain enemies are immune to cataclysm, which is why Mesa is optimal. Add in scouting for the next fracture and at least 2 players are needed to decrease the downtime between fractures.

Maybe for a bad player I guess. You can always shoot the enemies immune to cataclysm and as for the fractures, the spots weren't random so using itzal and using energy pads found each one in seconds.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Zero_029 said:

Heh. Don't let it get you down OP. Just solo the event & laugh cause you're SIGNIFICANTLY more efficient & faster than the team could ever hope to be.

I've just been soloing this event due to that.

I prefer Frost personally but the few times I pubbed and was in a group I saw Limbo getting Hate for defending the canister (Ironically the objective...what a crime!). So he stopped using Rift. I stopped using Snowglobe per their request.

Well guess what happened in seconds?

They couldn't defend the canister. Cause sometimes the waves of enemies are literally to dense, spread out, you have multiple Snipers, one very angry Raknoid, or that 1 enemy that melts players decides to be smart & targets the canister which dies just as fast if not faster than players do.

When they all freaked out after 3 failures the Limbo & I left them to Wally in defeat & made our own team. We'd defend 2 fractures separately until the final fracture. Haha. We killed the event. Over 100 Fractures in no time at all. God that was fun.

The Limbo & I made them eat crow. Was very satisfying.

Ultimately however it's up to the team, I rarely pub with my Limbo. When I do it's because I KNOW it's a mission that'll be a PITA to defend the objective. If the team ask me to not use rift/Cataclysm then I don't but I let them know that if we fail it's 100% their fault. When we easily fail I rub their noses in it.

I love when folks act all shocked at how much dmg the enemies can dish out to a frail & stationary target. *eye roll*


Didn't hear any complaints about a limbo or frost during my 100, and that's including one that was banishing enemies instead of dropping a bubble on the canister. 

I think that for the event, people rapidly remembered out how valuable his protection could be. 

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4 hours ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

No way a Limbo solo is more efficient than a Limbo+Mesa. I'm sorry you had issues in public matches but please don't lie about such things.

I wasn't the Limbo player if you actually bothered to read my post.
I disagree with you as well. He was very well geared from what I could tell & we had a great time.

I only had 2 groups complain about Snowglobe. which was mind boggling for me given how vicious the enemies are.
1 being the mentioned Limbo incident another being when I was helping a friend with the event.
Rather than use the globe for defense they chose to complain about 1 or 2 out of every 10 shots being blocked by it. I mean, it's not like I used more than 1, I didn't litter the battlefield with them, I literally had only 1 spot per fissure to use it on...so....I dunno what else to say.

Edited by (PS4)Zero_029
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My issue with Limbo is mainly the massive area the effect can take up, it takes A BIG area that you have to go into to shoot the targets, cant just nail them from a distance, because they're encased in the void bubble, frosts globe doesnt usually get as large and area & can come down with enough damage, Limbos thing is on a timer so all you can do is wait for it to dissipate.

Otherwise thats really it, Limbo essentially puts the brakes on my murder fest & AoE powers because the only way to get everything is to be in the bubble, then you cant hit anything outside it either.

In the right hands a limbo is amazing, ive gotten to play with a few, same with saryn, yeah you CAN just spam murder everything, but that bores people, if players can be NICE and ASK you to stop, then by all means, dont forget the magic word folks, its not hard to be polite. But if they whine, make them experience the true horror the troll frame Limbo is capable of!

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Limbo's kit is unusual because it allows the Limbo player to take agency away from allies, very often by accident. Very few multiplayer games have a character whose kit can do that and for good reason - it can be used to troll/grief teammates. I've never seen an honest to god Limbo troll but I have seen many Limbos that just press buttons and don't think about when and why they are doing it or how it affects their allies.

Being able to move allies to the rift at will makes Limbo uniquely powerful, but you need to use that power responsibly. There is an etiquette to be observed. As a rule of thumb, you only want your Cataclysm radius large enough to cover the objective and no more. In all Defence/Mobile Defence missions this will be minimum range or not much more than that.

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Limbo sucks in Warframe right now because he slows kills per second, Warframe 90% of the time needs u to kill enemies fast, the only missions u can really take him  on is where enemies do not need to die, like rescue missions, capture mission maybe another option but that's really it u can spy with him but why when there's Loki and ivara, limbo is just a frame that's stuck in limbo hahaha 

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19 hours ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

tl;dr: It's a stereotype that has developed over years of playing with Limbo in groups. Limbo is the best troll in the game.

How? It's nearly impossible to troll as a Limbo anymore and literally every single Limbo I've seen is effective. Having a constant cataclysm over a defense target, especially one with a stasis, is extremely useful. If being unable to shoot through the cataclysm is the problem, you can just stay inside the cataclysm and shoot them when they go in.

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Reee i couldnt cheese this mission with cheap af tactics with my limbo, REEEE (tears drooling out of my face). Only mission that was somehow fun and "challenging" cause enemies were coming from everywhere in good numbers.

So you got rarely hit inside cataclysm, omg such gamebreaking stuff! Rework! We DEMAND rework. Potatoes unite! Fight for our cheese limbo! 

Btw you could drop cataclysm and switch to operator for complete double layer durex protection!

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3 hours ago, (PS4)MOGREASE said:

Limbo sucks in Warframe right now because he slows kills per second, Warframe 90% of the time needs u to kill enemies fast, the only missions u can really take him  on is where enemies do not need to die, like rescue missions, capture mission maybe another option but that's really it u can spy with him but why when there's Loki and ivara, limbo is just a frame that's stuck in limbo hahaha 

Categorically false.

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On 2019-03-09 at 8:58 AM, SupremeDutchGamer said:

and hassles are not fun.

Agreed. And the thermia fractures are a hassle. They were fun the first 10 fractures... My farming group started off with random frames just kicking ass and even lost a few canisters in the process. Then it got to be tedious and a big hassle so Limbo it was for the next 90!

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