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Nightwave Weekly - 5 Sorties REALLY?


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20 minutes ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

Except that Nightwave tiers govern wolf credits which are a replacement for random alerts. So basically not doing Nightwave means you get less than what a random alert would even provide.

The problem is that Nightwave as a concept is fantastic but as long as wolf credits are exclusive to it the system fails. If DE could seperate wolf credits from Nightwave then both new/casual and vetern players would be happier for it. DE could make challenges actually challenging and new players wouldn't feel locked into a 10 week grind to get what was a 5-10 minute previously.

Oh I don't know about that. The impression that I got was that someone said that when it returns it'd all be prestige ranks for those who are at max standing. 

I have seen several people saying that they hit some of the rewards passively, and I know that it's happened to me as well. Some stuff I've had to work for, but other stuff she just starts mouthing off in the middle of a mission and I'm left wondering what I did because there weren't any convicts. 

That leads me to think that even the newbs will be able to make a few ranks each time with a little effort. And the older heads will cool off as people realise once more that we already have everything that's on offer. 

I'm thinking that we will probably still have people who are willing to help out weaker players even though we may not need that reward (which is how so many of us have entire stacks of helmets and heat daggers or whatever it was).

I don't know how they'll separate the two, but I'm thinking that you might be right and they very well might do that between events. 

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26 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

Oh I don't know about that. The impression that I got was that someone said that when it returns it'd all be prestige ranks for those who are at max standing. 

I have seen several people saying that they hit some of the rewards passively, and I know that it's happened to me as well. Some stuff I've had to work for, but other stuff she just starts mouthing off in the middle of a mission and I'm left wondering what I did because there weren't any convicts. 

That leads me to think that even the newbs will be able to make a few ranks each time with a little effort. And the older heads will cool off as people realise once more that we already have everything that's on offer. 

I'm thinking that we will probably still have people who are willing to help out weaker players even though we may not need that reward (which is how so many of us have entire stacks of helmets and heat daggers or whatever it was).

I don't know how they'll separate the two, but I'm thinking that you might be right and they very well might do that between events. 

What I mean is that the wolf credits are very spaced out on later tiers. And until you hit 31+ you won't reliably earn wolf credits. So the system caters to veteran players since they will be hitting the highest tiers but they are the players who need the least from the wolf credit rewards. It really is a backwards system.

And the worst part is that the Nightwave on its own is really, really great! It is just completely undermined by the distribution of wolf credits as new/casual players need these. I mean just think about how long it would take a new player to earn an aura on their own. And then consider that the weekly rotation may not even have what the need/want. So it may take another 2-3 weeks to get Steel Charge or Energy Siphon. And if they want a reactor or catalyst then they have to save up for 3-4 weeks without being able to purchase anything else. At that point they are better off just waiting for a dev stream alert which kind of defeats the purpose of the store.

EDIT: And don't forget that daily challenges have a 72 hour expiration timer. So even if a new/casual player does them passively unless they complete the oldest ones first they may end up completing 80% and then having it expire. Or they may not have the correct elements yet so they can do the daily for today but not yesterday and once they acquire those elemental mods it has already expired. Why it isn't up to 3 Daily challenges with no expiration is beyond me as every other game does it this way. It's just another small way that DE is screwing over new/casual players.

Edited by (PS4)Hiero_Glyph
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34 minutes ago, FillyRarity said:

Better for players with some play time; buggery for players with not a lot of time to play.

Yes and no really. Depends if when hopped on in the past there was a decent alert reward available. In my timezone most of the catalyst and forma alerts were at about 5am...

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

What I mean is that the wolf credits are very spaced out on later tiers. And until you hit 31+ you won't reliably earn wolf credits. So the system caters to veteran players since they will be hitting the highest tiers but they are the players who need the least from the wolf credit rewards. It really is a backwards system.

And the worst part is that the Nightwave on its own is really, really great! It is just completely undermined by the distribution of wolf credits as new/casual players need these. I mean just think about how long it would take a new player to earn an aura on their own. And then consider that the weekly rotation may not even have what the need/want. So it may take another 2-3 weeks to get Steel Charge or Energy Siphon. And if they want a reactor or catalyst then they have to save up for 3-4 weeks without being able to purchase anything else. At that point they are better off just waiting for a dev stream alert which kind of defeats the purpose of the store.

Yeah I can see what you mean. I'm just thinking that maybe in between wos6 events, maybe it will be just creds, so basically treating everyone as though it were maxed out, perhaps in smaller drops. 

So a newer player may be able to make a couple of ranks per week, and have enough every couple of weeks to buy a large bunch of the vital supplies. And a more experienced player may make many ranks every couple of weeks and be able to buy a few helmets. 


I dunno. 

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Personal opinion: sorties is a bad challenge not because it's hard or time consuming but because it's the one piece of content most people will do esch day amyway. Therefore having it as the Nightwave challenge just reduces the amount of content offered per week by this season mechanic. And ultimately, that's the point of seasons, to give us content.

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But that was supposed to be the benefit of having nightwave instead of alerts... but it being flawed is disregarded because you don't have to do it? A lot in this game should then be removed because you don't have to do it. Like fortuna.


My thoughts and prayers goes out to all the newbs that need to farm 20 nitain extracts for Vauban prime with this anti-newb feature.

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1 minute ago, Cyclouros said:

My thoughts and prayers goes out to all the newbs that need to farm 20 nitain extracts for Vauban prime with this anti-newb feature.

There's always the ghouls for that and it's not like Vauban is a hot item, meta must have. They'll get it over time just like everything else in the game.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

Yeah I can see what you mean. I'm just thinking that maybe in between wos6 events, maybe it will be just creds, so basically treating everyone as though it were maxed out, perhaps in smaller drops. 

So a newer player may be able to make a couple of ranks per week, and have enough every couple of weeks to buy a large bunch of the vital supplies. And a more experienced player may make many ranks every couple of weeks and be able to buy a few helmets. 


I dunno. 

As an added bonus if DE separates wolf credits from Nightwave they can really go crazy with the difficulty and try out some things that are actually challenging instead of just a time sink.

I definitely think Nightwave is great, I just don't like how it slows down progress for new players. Also, if wolf credits are removed from Nightwave, DE could add in rare mining resources, Wolf of Saturn beacons (these would be so great!), Eidolon shards, Greater Focus Lenses, etc.

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25 minutes ago, Zilchy said:

There's always the ghouls for that and it's not like Vauban is a hot item, meta must have. They'll get it over time just like everything else in the game.

It's a more important item than whatever crap we get from nightwave.

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2 hours ago, (XB1)ECCHO SIERRA said:

That's some premium quality salt you got there. I suppose I should address this point but first I gotta chuckle. I dont see anybody "boasting" or "belittling". I do see you being salty though.


Okay, first of all, it does NOT take "hundreds of hours" to be ready to solo almost every sortie in the game. And then there is the fact public matchmaking exists and recruiting chat exists.

It's just silly that some people think that even though they cant or wont invest X amount of time in the game, they should still get the same rewards as somebody who does.

More boasting? 'Kay.

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1 hour ago, SordidDreams said:

More boasting? 'Kay.

Please tell me where I boasted about anything.


Like where specifically. And on a related note, if me and you have the same job, and the same hourly pay, should you get more money than me if you work 50 hours in a week and I work 15? Or is that UNFAIR because SOME people have a LIFE?

I look forward to hearing from you but first i have to run to the store. My saltometer exploded.

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4 minutes ago, (XB1)ECCHO SIERRA said:

if me and you have the same job, and the same hourly pay, should you get more money than me if you work 50 hours in a week and I work 15? Or is that UNFAIR because SOME people have a LIFE?

You'll have to explain to me how this analogy is analogous to RNG-based drops. Or are you unable to muster a valid argument and are being disingenuous as a last resort?

Edited by SordidDreams
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2 hours ago, masrerz said:

At least they make u farm rivens mods xD

What if...what if they made us do 5 sorties because they know that we'll come out of that with 5 pineapples, so there are less complaints about "Fill 5 Ayatan Sculptures" when it comes back next week. >.>

[Sarcasm, in case that is not apparent. And it obviously doesn't address issues for people who are short on stars...]

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6 minutes ago, (XB1)ECCHO SIERRA said:

Please tell me where I boasted about anything.


Like where specifically. And on a related note, if me and you have the same job, and the same hourly pay, should you get more money than me if you work 50 hours in a week and I work 15? Or is that UNFAIR because SOME people have a LIFE?

I look forward to hearing from you but first i have to run to the store. My saltometer exploded.

Worker 1 works on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. They work for 12 hours each day for a total of 36 hours.

Worker 2 works Monday through Saturday for 6 hours each day totaling 36 hours.

Is worker 2 better because they worked more days that week? DE seems to think so.

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2 hours ago, SordidDreams said:

You'll have to explain to me how this analogy is analogous to RNG-based drops. Or are you unable to muster a valid argument and are being disingenuous as a last resort?

I would be more than happy to overlook your unnecessary, unwarranted hostility and explain the analogy to you.

First of all, this isnt about "RNG based drops". This is about Nightwave. About specific challenges that ask you to do specific things in exchange for faction standing.

A person who can only play, for example, 1 hour per day should not feel ENTITLED to getting as much reward as somebody who can play, for example, 2 hours a day.

This is like saying "I should get just as much money as my coworker did! It's not fair that I cant work as many hours as him".


Even if we were talking about something RNG based, and we are not, the same concept still applies. We all have the same RNG to deal with.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

Worker 1 works on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. They work for 12 hours each day for a total of 36 hours.

Worker 2 works Monday through Saturday for 6 hours each day totaling 36 hours.

Is worker 2 better because they worked more days that week? DE seems to think so.

That's a stretch. The guy I was responding to was talking about the amount of time not the allocation of time. There is an important difference there. But even so, here is my response:

Employee works 5 nights a week at a restaurant. He works 8 hour shifts and that includes dinner and lunch rush, times where you would get the most tips.


Employee b, CHOOSES to work the graveyard shift, and then throws an entitled hissy fit when he gets less tips than employee a.


This isnt even an argument over "participation trophies". Now people get mad if they dont get thr trophy... even if they barely participate at all.



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9 minutes ago, (XB1)ECCHO SIERRA said:

That's a stretch. The guy I was responding to was talking about the amount of time not the allocation of time. There is an important difference there. But even so, here is my response:

Employee works 5 nights a week at a restaurant. He works 8 hour shifts and that includes dinner and lunch rush, times where you would get the most tips.


Employee b, CHOOSES to work the graveyard shift, and then throws an entitled hissy fit when he gets less tips than employee a.


This isnt even an argument over "participation trophies". Now people get mad if they dont get thr trophy... even if they barely participate at all.



That's a heavily flawed analogy though since players do not get rewarded more based on the time of day they play, that was how random alerts worked. So now you can only compare days and total time played.

So far the only challages that have even cared about how many days per week you play have been the 5 sortie challenge and the 10 syndicate mission challenge. If I missed one please let me know.

So should players get rewarded more because they can play more days that week? Total time played doesn't matter in this case.


Edited by (PS4)Hiero_Glyph
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47 minutes ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

That's a heavily flawed analogy though since players do not get rewarded more based on the time of day they play, that was how random alerts worked. So now you can only compare days and total time played.

So far the only challages that have even cared about how many days per week you play have been the 5 sortie challenge and the 10 syndicate mission challenge. If I missed one please let me know.

So should players get rewarded more because they can play more days that week? Total time played doesn't matter in this case.


I think it's a stretch to say that days played is the only thing that matters.

And even if it was, pfft, and? You expect me to have a problem with that?

My point still stands. It is ENTIRELY reasonable that people who invest more time into the game, OR those who can log in more often (or, both, usually) progress faster than those who dont.

Also, some jobs have peak times that pay better so that's a thing.


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