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New and old Chroma

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Sure, Chroma is the Meta Warframe today, let's buff his main damage ability by x15 just for the lulz.

Something broken was fixed, I'm sure it was pretty fun to play with, but it was a bug. Bug is fixed, they won't re-implement it just for you.

The same way the Telos Boltace was fun to use, it was changed for totally justified reasons, they won't revert it back. The game is evolving. The direction may not please you, but in general, Warframe's evolution goes in the correct one.

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13 minutes ago, Chewarette said:

Sure, Chroma is the Meta Warframe today, let's buff his main damage ability by x15 just for the lulz.

Something broken was fixed, I'm sure it was pretty fun to play with, but it was a bug. Bug is fixed, they won't re-implement it just for you.

The same way the Telos Boltace was fun to use, it was changed for totally justified reasons, they won't revert it back. The game is evolving. The direction may not please you, but in general, Warframe's evolution goes in the correct one.

So bite size community or world of world craft community? We can't be both.

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Since joining Warframe the game had a lot of arcade mechanics that made the game fun and original. With self damage Rhino, Bad Match Chroma, corpus killer Mag, 95% blessing trinity, endless hyseria valkyr, and map wide cc Mirage there was a lot of fun with these characters ontop of the old void. Ontop of those characters we had a contant flow of classic events, Nightwatch, and original events like Shadow Debt up to Ambulas Reborn.


Events and excitement in the characters, story, and content has been a driving force for the game. The flow of content was more rapid and the quests were full of life. Seeing the new generation of warframes from Titania had it's potential. We went from the defender of the forest to the nidus and slowly started to see the lore just come off over time. Garuda, Baruuk, and Hildra have not been introduced as boldly as Titania and Nidus. Next is considering the story arch and events. When it comes to the story AND the one time events we had the opportunity to experience some of the potential of the game to release new and consistent content; but also have something to engage us in than a time gating event or a few events constantly recycled.


   When it comes to the coming and going of people as well we had no problem saying goodbye to the trolls and toxic people who were still clinging onto Destiny, while getting onto Warframe to get both games nerfed into the ground. Warframe almost became unplayable when the arcane mechanics and stead top notch content was released more slowly over time. We went from what Destiny could have learned from and what could have been a more down to earth World of Worldcraft MMORPG experience to politicall correctness. We started with people who enjoyed the game and asked for more of the trend to be expanded on, especially with the mutiverse concept into the game; but we have been leaning on the trolls who have wanted to run this game into the ground. The people who want everything for the player's experience to be watered down, those who want things to change and retract their statement to act indecisive, and those who are trying to police the fan base into thinking the game is something else than what it has been in the ambitious past. 


   In all what is being said is we as fan the the developers can have our cake and eat it too. Those people who want to take away the flavor of our effort because they don't want to make their own cake have to grow out of it and stop making the rest of us miserable with them. Some of us are going to have our berry flavors, coco flavors from fudge chocolate dark with white chocolate and mocha, and camel to maple as a metophor to put it. We have all these flavor options before we ice the cake and have it as delivered content. Sure, jokingly some of it will be delayed; bur it's better served right than sent back in the kitchen with hair and danderuf flakes on it at the end. If we can focus on making new content filled with creativity than making more female rhinos and female characters stronger than male warframes to be politically correct, then we can see more growth.

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)XGN DrFeelGood said:

We want Warframe not Disney.

Warframe is what DE wants it to be, not what you want it to be.

And going to spam your topics (even with different titles) will only get you sanctioned so I advise to either accpet their decision or leave

Edited by GnarlsDarkley
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11 hours ago, (XB1)XGN DrFeelGood said:

If we can focus on making new content filled with creativity than making more female rhinos and female characters stronger than male warframes to be politically correct

This accusation is absolutely ridiculous.

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With the old Void system retired for a fast economy trade chat it has the potential to be used often than sometimes. One option is to allow every void missoon to be played with relics. Another is intergrating the old void system back into the game by the extent thay players wouldn't need relics and still pick from the reward pool OR be rewarded with random parts to each player that is not vaulted. Currently people have to wait for a fissure to pop up here and there to get a piece of the original idea. After a few weeks when Harrow was released Warframe's 80 gig file was folded in half to 40 and has been built on since then. Adding the old void experience back to a degree would be possible currently.

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By the void, not this guy again. 

OP, it's pretty obvious you don't have the capacity to adapt to changes seeing as you're still crying for reverts to stuff that happened years ago. Warframe is going to constantly evolve. If you can't handle that then it's time to admit that the game obviously isn't for you. 

Yes, I would love to go back to Chroma's broken damage numbers, but hey now I buff my teams damage. That's a good compromise.  Mag is much better than she was in the past. Rhino getting iron skin from self damage is really dumb.

Also, making an accusation about the devs being politically correct for a design decision is really reaching into stupid territory. 

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I never saw anybody getting all annoyingly SJW about Zarya in Overwatch.  Soo... what's so different about Hildryn?

I swear some people are addicted to political social drama that they see controversy where there is none.  I'm not saying there aren't cases of it but this is blatantly not one of them.
The humanoid body comes in all shapes and sizes.  Some just can't seem to handle that little fact.

We get a male Warframe with a effeminate shape (Nezha) and the stupid immature among us lose their minds (and their chat privileges)  because they can't control themselves.
Now we get a female Warframe with a masculine shape, we get this.....  :facepalm:

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4 hours ago, Chewarette said:

Something broken was fixed, I'm sure it was pretty fun to play with, but it was a bug. Bug is fixed, they won't re-implement it just for you

The broken thing of VA was that the elemental dmg was multiplied again after the "normal" buff, instead of fixing this they completely changed his maths, that why all the dmg fans have been enraged and other are enraged because his scorn buff has been nerfed too, without being to great


I personally would like to have VA a bit nerfed and focused around the other abilities

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8 hours ago, Chewarette said:

Sure, Chroma is the Meta Warframe today, let's buff his main damage ability by x15 just for the lulz.

Something broken was fixed, I'm sure it was pretty fun to play with, but it was a bug. Bug is fixed, they won't re-implement it just for you.

The same way the Telos Boltace was fun to use, it was changed for totally justified reasons, they won't revert it back. The game is evolving. The direction may not please you, but in general, Warframe's evolution goes in the correct one.

People werent upset because of the dmg nerf, it was understandable 300x more dmg is just dumb. Poeple are salty because he lost over 70% of his total ehp (100k to only around 30k ehp). Even gara outclass him in the tankiness department.

Edited by BlachWolf
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3 hours ago, Dark_Chroma_Prime said:

The broken thing of VA was that the elemental dmg was multiplied again after the "normal" buff, instead of fixing this they completely changed his maths, that why all the dmg fans have been enraged and other are enraged because his scorn buff has been nerfed too, without being to great


I personally would like to have VA a bit nerfed and focused around the other abilities

VA is good as it is right now, the dmg is on point and the armor to. Chroma just needs a bit higher ehp (around 40k instead of 30k), elemental scycling to repalce his one, meaningfull buffs from his elements and stackable auras. Effigy on the other hand needs a total overhaul cause it just sucks.

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12 minutes ago, BlachWolf said:

People werent upset because of the dmg nerf, it was understandable 300x more dmg is just dumb. Poeple are salty because he lost over 70% of his total ehp (100k to only around 30k ehp). Even gara outclass him in the tankiness department.

Something for something. Gara has no ridiculous damage buff. I mean, you can get almost +1000% damage through VA.
The current Chroma is still very strong regarding survivability, I never managed to fully utilize Gara's tankiness, not even in Arbitration.

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1 minute ago, -CoI-IAmNotMatthew said:

Something for something. Gara has no ridiculous damage buff. I mean, you can get almost +1000% damage through VA.
The current Chroma is still very strong regarding survivability, I never managed to fully utilize Gara's tankiness, not even in Arbitration.

She has endless scaling dmg which can easily reach 2 mio dmg with the right stat stick, which basically oneshots everything that comes near here at level 100. Also something for something doesnt really matter in warframe, a good example of this would be mesa who has double the ehp of chroma and can push a lot more dmg then him. Octavia is also a good argument against this cause she can basically do everything aside from tanking.

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9 hours ago, (XB1)XGN DrFeelGood said:

bite size community

If I had to guess from your use of "bite size" and dislike for the current game state, I'd say you were a Life Of Rio fan.

For the sake of backing up your argument, why exactly do you want him to go back to the old formula? What content is he not durable enough or strong enough to do in his current state? 

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