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Dev Workshop - Cannot Cast in the Air: Friend or Foe?


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All frames should be able to cast in the air.  Many powers that don't interact with the ground work in the air already (take frosts Ice Wave as an example, he punches the ground yet it can be done in the air and isn't an issue).
As to disabling the suspension of disbelief, many things in warframe cry out "you are playing a game" (even to the point of mission structure), so unless the majority are addressed, some minor ones (like aerial powers) are not worth while to focus on. 
Thus just focus on the game being fun to play, not all games need to have a high level of suspension of disbelief to be fun. 
After all, how space magic would actually work is entirely up to your (DE's) vision of how it works.

That said the rhino animation given looks really terrible and not very fluid.  It would be better if he stomped from the air (even if just like a fast/heavy fall), forcing a downward move and stomp work when he hits the ground (if suspension of disbelief is an major issue adjust the animations to fit, but make them fluid).

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While we are in Air Topic, I wanna suggest to make zephyrs fly ability (Her-1) to be like hold to use 

like u can control the distance u want to fly pls do it now it just goes too far and slams on things 

thank you for awesome game , this is my first ever post  so pls forgive my poor english and/or grammar 

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Just played Trinity after the changes: thank you so much. It really makes a world of difference to be able to cast from the air, and she feels so much more fluid to play. Congratulations on the great work, and I look very much forward to this treatment getting applied to all frames!

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ALL "DASH" ABILITIES - those where the frame charges forward in an attack.


If Air-cast at a sufficient angle downwards, also using the ground slam mechanics, the ability would perform a ground slam. 
The area of effect and strength of the ground slam would be affected by how much of the normal travel distance of the ability will be cut short by the ground slam, trenghtening the ability's effect.

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Thank you so much for this.  Being a Trinity user it always frustrated me endlessly that I couldn't cast Link in midair.  Next thing I would ask you to consider is if some (not all) abilities being able to be cast from zip lines.  So often I've wanted to hang out on those lovely little wires and support from afar but not being able to cast any sort of abilities on there usually forces me off quicker than I would like.

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On 2019-04-03 at 9:45 PM, [DE]Bear said:

Let’s see your thoughts, Tenno!

Great for Trinity and some of the others. Harrow's Condemn on the other hand? It's awful. Completely breaks the flow of combat for him and also leaves him very vulnerable. His change needs to be reverted for now until a smoother animation can be put in place. Either that or make it like Trinity where it's just castable in the air/no ground slam 😕

Edit: A response from a friend who is a Harrow main who doesn't frequent the forums:


Being able to bullet jump through enemies and chain them as you go by added to his survivability. But it doesn't even chain them the same way now.

Before you could be to their sides and it’d still hit. Now? You have to land directly in front of them to chain them, though that’s if you’re still alive after the few seconds animation delay from the landing/ground slam.

We may not have been able to cast it in the air before, but you could do it during a bullet jump close to the ground. Doing so added to his maneuverability and survivability, and now that’s gone. His forward momentum is gone. Condemn's cone/range also feels a lot smaller after this change.

If anything, this change to Harrow forces him to be on the ground even more now for his Condemn to work right, and that ability is very important in his arsenal...

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The idea is that we take the mechanics used in the new Melee rollout and apply them to powers that require the floor, potentially with new effects. See above that Rhino can ACTUALLY cast Stomp in air now, which results in slamming into the ground to cast!

this would be fantastic if there were a new animation to go along with some of them? Like rhino for instance instead of quickly moving to the ground and stomping the same could put both feet together and bullet into the ground creating the stomp effect? I really like this idea I just think it’d look odd if he wastes all the momentum of falling just to raise his foot and stomp.

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Yes, definitely a good idea. A great QoL change!

Another great QoL change would be being able to recast Rhino's 2, or have a life-save mechanic like the one Nezha has (and getting the invulnerability the moment you cast it like Nezha again... Nezha is so updated)

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1 hour ago, Evhel.nVbs said:

Yes, definitely a good idea. A great QoL change!

Another great QoL change would be being able to recast Rhino's 2, or have a life-save mechanic like the one Nezha has (and getting the invulnerability the moment you cast it like Nezha again... Nezha is so updated)

You can recast Rhino's 2, with the augment. He is also invulnerable for ~3 seconds I think when he takes damage to charge up his skin.

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May I suggest you to change the animation for "Rhino stomp" just for that mid air cast? Because that landing on two legs than immediately rise one to stomp feels really unnatural, maybe that stomp can become a two feet hard landing imbued with energy, using the same dynamics used for the melee slam, but landing in a cool pose (adding a delay for the user to move, just balancing the "faster" casting time for smaller jumps)

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23 hours ago, RealGaston said:

The idea is that we take the mechanics used in the new Melee rollout and apply them to powers that require the floor, potentially with new effects. See above that Rhino can ACTUALLY cast Stomp in air now, which results in slamming into the ground to cast!

this would be fantastic if there were a new animation to go along with some of them? Like rhino for instance instead of quickly moving to the ground and stomping the same could put both feet together and bullet into the ground creating the stomp effect? I really like this idea I just think it’d look odd if he wastes all the momentum of falling just to raise his foot and stomp.

Sorry I didn't read the full amount of posts, but I feel the same oddity in those moves

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I just came here after a long time without interacting with the forums to ask: pls revert Harrow's condemn back to how it was before, it's really awful to use his ability now since forcing him to go to the ground while casting completely breaks his mobility. One of the reasons I main Harrow is his mobility/versatility in combat and now it's broken to the point that it's annoying to use him now

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Am 5.4.2019 um 14:07 schrieb Numerikuu:

Great for Trinity and some of the others. Harrow's Condemn on the other hand? It's awful. Completely breaks the flow of combat for him and also leaves him very vulnerable. His change needs to be reverted for now until a smoother animation can be put in place. Either that or make it like Trinity where it's just castable in the air/no ground slam 😕

Edit: A response from a friend who is a Harrow main who doesn't frequent the forums:

If anything, this change to Harrow forces him to be on the ground even more now for his Condemn to work right, and that ability is very important in his arsenal...

I see that just like your friend.

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On 2019-04-05 at 5:48 PM, Nasair said:

You can recast Rhino's 2, with the augment. He is also invulnerable for ~3 seconds I think when he takes damage to charge up his skin.

Pity i don't have a slot to waste for an augment like that. Yes he has, but not immediatly. I died so many times during the animation. If you are under heavy fire you don't have time to recast it, you'll pop immediatly. Nezha instead has a life-saving warning that your 3 is over, not only with the icon animation but sound and invulnerability too. Better under every aspect.

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On 2019-04-05 at 5:00 AM, DeltaPangaea said:

By the looks of it though that Rhino animation is fairly jilted. He just moves to the ground entirely before starting his stomp, whereas a more natural look would be the landing BEING the stomp, y'know?

Came here to comment something similar.

It would be cool if instead of moving to the ground and *then* stomping, he stomped as soon as he impacted.

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On 2019-04-05 at 8:07 AM, Numerikuu said:

Great for Trinity and some of the others. Harrow's Condemn on the other hand? It's awful. Completely breaks the flow of combat for him and also leaves him very vulnerable. His change needs to be reverted for now until a smoother animation can be put in place. Either that or make it like Trinity where it's just castable in the air/no ground slam 😕

Edit: A response from a friend who is a Harrow main who doesn't frequent the forums:

If anything, this change to Harrow forces him to be on the ground even more now for his Condemn to work right, and that ability is very important in his arsenal...

Going to do some testing tonight.  This has me concerned as I usually default to Harrow unless I need something specific and I really enjoyed how he originally played. 

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