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Returning veteran, and Nighwave.


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I've been playing Warframe since release on ps4, I love this game and it always felt like even when I get busy with real life, I can always come back with an ease of mind that I can always get everything I missed. I just recently got sick, and wasn't able to play everyday or finish the weekly acts of the Nighwave system. Now I have this feeling that I really dislike of "oh I missed out on that content forever". Even though I don't know what DE has planned in the future in regards to how Nighwave will function, I think it's safe to assume that lots of players who play Warframe casually and take breaks from the game will share the same feeling.

I love this game, and I preach to my friends about how amazing it is, and how it doesn't force you to play or spend, you just play because it's that awesome.

Finally, the point I'm trying to make is that everytime I took a break from Warframe, or worked during the week, when I came back, I was able to grind, and enjoy my way to getting everything I missed. Now, Nightwave is almost finished, and no matter how much I play waframe everyday, the weekly challanges are done, and I can't do anything to climb the rewards ladder to the things I really want.

Edited by (PS4)Mr-iF0X
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Normally reading "veteran" in a post causes me to immediately lose interest in it, that said if it means anything I've been trying to rally against this very scenario since Nightwave was first implemented. 

I'm hoping that if/when there is a series 2 they take it in the direction that Weekly challenges unlock week to week but do not expire until the end of the event. 

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24 minutes ago, Oreades said:

against this very scenario since Nightwave was first implemented.  

people got really angry when you mentioned this kind of situation in the beginning. "it's fine for me, so go #*!% yourself" that kind of thing. this Nightwave thing is so half baked, how they thought it would be a good idea to release it on all platforms at once is baffeling

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23 minutes ago, Rawbeard said:

people got really angry when you mentioned this kind of situation in the beginning. "it's fine for me, so go #*!% yourself" that kind of thing. this Nightwave thing is so half baked, how they thought it would be a good idea to release it on all platforms at once is baffeling

Yes, it could use some improvements, and yes, total surprise for me when I found out that an actual update, not a hotfix, was being released universally. My guess was that this was an experiment of sorts, given how this was a fairly big change/update, but not as big as a true mainline.

I do wish they had considered better some aspects such as challenges, cred supply and distribution, wolf rng on top of rng, etc. Truly"half-baked", as I find no better words to describe it.

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Imo the idea of a 10 week event, which is supposed to be played by everyone (noob, veteran, returning, casual,...), is bound to leave a lot of players unhappy.
The noob might find he just can`t do it yet, the veteran might be bored quickly, the returning player entered too late, the casual can`t invest enough time.
I guess the group it is perfectly fitted for is relatively small.

Imo DE should keep the daily/weekly challenges and the wolf cred store, looping in a similar fashion like alerts did, but completely remove the 10 week timeline.
There are plenty of other ways to distribute the high-tier rewards, e.g. through really difficult weeklies which target high-level players, if need be even gated by MR.

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44 minutes ago, Airwolfen said:

The umbral forma is a gimmick. We were fine when it didn't exist, We will be fine without.

It's not fine if it's not a skin because it affects "gameplay" or something, but it's just my opinion and i don't think others feel same.

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56 minutes ago, Oreades said:

Normally reading "veteran" in a post causes me to immediately lose interest in it, that said if it means anything I've been trying to rally against this very scenario since Nightwave was first implemented. 

I'm hoping that if/when there is a series 2 they take it in the direction that Weekly challenges unlock week to week but do not expire until the end of the event. 

Well not all veterans act the same, I'm pretty much a veteran myself( *Mogamu seal of approval* lol) and honestly feel that Nightwave is an awful replacement for the alert system.

Alerts were primarily there so that mostly new players could get all the necessary stuff like aura mods and some resources to get thing going but now Nightwave seems to be tailored more towards veteran players, especially those who have plenty of time to waste on, which honestly isn't a good design and goes against what DE was saying on making things faster.

Personally I have plenty of free time but even then I don't feel like wasting most of my free time on what feels like homework, lets be honest nobody likes homework. I'd rather do something that I want in WF or play another game instead, but with this I'm starting to feel burned out on WF.

And to make it worse we have to do this stuff for about 10 weeks in order to get all of the rewards and then we get a new season of the same chore.

So yeah as soon as I reached rank 30 I was done with this and I ain't bothering with it any more.


Honestly this system needs to go away, in it's current state it's bad for the game.

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I guess I don't understand some of these points made in this thread?

Don't the vast, vast majority of games have systems, initial or otherwise, that players miss out on if they didn't even know the game exists at that point in time? There are even pre-order events for games that offer benefits which are entirely game changing.

I see those things and I think "Ok, I missed out on something but it was there to reward players who are dedicated or have faith in this particular game and it's devs and that it'll be around and popular for a while."

If real life/work/health problems made you miss out on a video game thinger, it's ok since it's just a video game. I think devs can't know about the individual's extenuating circumstances and continually make allowances so no one gets left out, ever. Leaves fall.

I think it's ok to reward those that were/are able to do something that requires commitment beyond the norm.

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12 minutes ago, (XB1)AdolphBinStalin said:

I guess I don't understand some of these points made in this thread?

Don't the vast, vast majority of games have systems, initial or otherwise, that players miss out on if they didn't even know the game exists at that point in time? There are even pre-order events for games that offer benefits which are entirely game changing.

I see those things and I think "Ok, I missed out on something but it was there to reward players who are dedicated or have faith in this particular game and it's devs and that it'll be around and popular for a while."

If real life/work/health problems made you miss out on a video game thinger, it's ok since it's just a video game. I think devs can't know about the individual's extenuating circumstances and continually make allowances so no one gets left out, ever. Leaves fall.

I think it's ok to reward those that were/are able to do something that requires commitment beyond the norm.

If I can't get the shiny, no one is allowed to get the shiny. Remove the system now. 

That's what I read from all of this, tbh. 

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2 minutes ago, sleepychewbacca said:

If I can't get the shiny, no one is allowed to get the shiny. Remove the system now. 

That's what I read from all of this, tbh. 

Tbh "I can't get the shiny, remove the system now" is pretty much enough.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Mr-iF0X said:

@(XB1)AdolphBinStalin I never once mentioned that they need to “remove” the whole thing, I was thinking that they can maybe adjust it in a way where it’s more forgiving for those who can’t play the game everyday.

@sleepychewbacca @Test-995 I’d like to hear your own opinions, not a quote from the previous reply.

I was saying "I don't like it, should be removed" is pretty much enough to be a valid opinion.

No offense, sorry if it was vague.

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8 minutes ago, (PS4)Mr-iF0X said:

@(XB1)AdolphBinStalin I never once mentioned that they need to “remove” the whole thing, I was thinking that they can maybe adjust it in a way where it’s more forgiving for those who can’t play the game everyday.

@sleepychewbacca @Test-995 I’d like to hear your own opinions, not a quote from the previous reply.

I thought they did extend the amount of time we have to complete Nightwave stuffz? That's like what you're asking for, right?

My first response was to the entire thread as well, did I accidentally quote you? If so my bad, still new to this forum and all the buttonz.

Edited by (XB1)AdolphBinStalin
Clarification + waffles
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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Mr-iF0X said:

@(XB1)AdolphBinStalin I never once mentioned that they need to “remove” the whole thing, I was thinking that they can maybe adjust it in a way where it’s more forgiving for those who can’t play the game everyday.

@sleepychewbacca @Test-995 I’d like to hear your own opinions, not a quote from the previous reply.

There's a lot of mindless drivel that comes out from the FOMO mentality. Now, it can be for perfectly valid reasons to the player making them, but not one that others would agree or be sympathetic to. In my case, no. I am not sympathetic unfortunately. 

In this case, I was summarising what it looks like to me. I am not referencing you directly, nor anyone specific. Just generalising. 

Here's a quote from this thread - "Honestly this system needs to go away, in it's current state it's bad for the game." 

Yet, with the quote above, I have an entirely different experience. I think it's good, just the reward mechanics are in need of a review. Does this mean the comment above is invalid? No. It's merely the way I see it. 

Hope this answers you? :) 

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1 minute ago, (XB1)AdolphBinStalin said:

I thought they did extend the amount of time we have to complete Nightwave stuffz?

That’s entirely besides the point. I just think that the system is too strict on casual players, and it might need some adjustments. Also, while I do understand some of the points you made in regards the whole “battle pass” system. But maybe that’s why I played Smite, then left because I couldn’t get the skins I liked, and why I keep coming back to Warframe after all these years, that’s all I’m saying.

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8 minutes ago, (PS4)Mr-iF0X said:

That’s entirely besides the point. I just think that the system is too strict on casual players, and it might need some adjustments. Also, while I do understand some of the points you made in regards the whole “battle pass” system. But maybe that’s why I played Smite, then left because I couldn’t get the skins I liked, and why I keep coming back to Warframe after all these years, that’s all I’m saying.

Oh for sure, I feel you no doubt. It stinks not having stuff that we think makes our characters the coolest, I'm with you there. There will be future cool stuffz we will be able to get though!

I guess I viewed the devs extending NW longer like a professor giving you an extension on a paper due to an emergency situation: it's a fair compromise. Especially since they didn't have to do it at all.

What kind of a compromise would you like to see from the devs regarding NW?

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Just my pov, the rewards don`t even matter that much to me. The game could as well say "mysterious grand reward" instead of "umbral forma", and I`d still try to get there.
My issue is that it asks for a crazy time investment of 10 weeks, no matter if I am in the mood for it or not.
It really changed from playing to have fun to playing to finish the damn event.
Afaik Warframe is kinda famous for it`s bite sized content (which is one of the reasons I like it). Nothing against some stuff breaking from that, but NW is the polar opposite.

You can argue "don`t play it then", but it is the current main event, naturally I started it.
If they don`t change the format for the next season, I`ll know better though.

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I haven't bothered with nightwave but since each week offers 43K reputation and the system requires 300K rep to be completed, anyone can lose up to 3 complete weeks in order to reach max rank, lose a bit more and you'll have to farm for saturn six prisoners to make up for it (some players did it to get the umbral forma a week before anyone doing the challenges).

As much as i don't like the chorewave, it seems to have been planned tightly enough to make players reaching rank 30 rewarded for it while making it loose enough to let even casual players get the armor. Players joining late to the party, either for not knowing about warframe or because they are just getting back after a break are the only ones being "punished", but still have a way to compensate for it.

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