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Regarding Nightwave

(XBOX)XArch AngelX86

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1 minute ago, TheSkunkyMonk said:

Thats why it would work better, you could take a year or two if you really wanted and just slowly progress and work through the ranks if you were still playing. Taking it at your own pace with Alerts running alongside...

i want alerts back, but having nightwave season two locked behind the heap of garbage that was season one doesnt sound good to me. maybe have a thing where you can pick which season you want to work on, so people can just skip to whichever one they want?

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1 hour ago, TheSkunkyMonk said:

Pressure? Nope just giving my opinion and reasons I barely load up the game anymore. I may not of been the most valuable but I still put a good hundred bucks or so into their pockets over the space of a couple of months.

If you wanted to do so, you wouldn't have talked about spending money.
You clearly wanted to pressure DE. You said, that you will spend money again, if the bring alerts back.
Pretty childish and far from proper feedback.

57 minutes ago, AvPCelticPredator said:

I think you are that most valuable player to DE!

Sure. If you think so.

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1 hour ago, TheSkunkyMonk said:

New players need Nitian for MR badly, so no they can;t really do without it.

"Badly" around 10 weapons (most of them not even that good) and like 10 warframes, of which 4 are not prime (and for just one or two parts aside for wukong).

So if they really want the item they can farm them, but there's plenty of other items if they want that mr

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12 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

If you wanted to do so, you wouldn't have talked about spending money.
You clearly wanted to pressure DE. You said, that you will spend money again, if the bring alerts back.
Pretty childish and far from proper feedback.

Sure. If you think so.

How so? DE want to make money from their players, I am telling them what would extract more money from me as a player as in the games current state it just doesn't do it anymore for me. I thought that was actually perfect feedback?

11 minutes ago, (NSW)Fiftycentis said:

"Badly" around 10 weapons (most of them not even that good) and like 10 warframes, of which 4 are not prime (and for just one or two parts aside for wukong).

So if they really want the item they can farm them, but there's plenty of other items if they want that mr

Erm its pretty much every prime frame that needs Nitian and a fair few weapons, where do you get this nonsense? Saryn for example needs 6 NE all by herself, Nekros another 5, 20 for Vauban and so on.

And no we can't really farm NE at the moment can we and who would after getting one per mission, sorry but a 1% or so chance on a special mission isn't really farming.

Edited by TheSkunkyMonk
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40 minutes ago, TheSkunkyMonk said:

Erm its pretty much every prime frame that needs Nitian and a fair few weapons, where do you get this nonsense? Saryn for example needs 6 NE all by herself, Nekros another 5, 20 for Vauban and so on.

Yeah, I misscounted, 12 primes and 4 normals, still, nothing a new player is in an hurry to obtain.

42 minutes ago, TheSkunkyMonk said:

And no we can't really farm NE at the moment can we and who would after getting one per mission, sorry but a 1% or so chance on a special mission isn't really farming.

So you can't farm for adaptation? Or an ephemera? There are lot of things that have worst drop rate than nitain from reactor sabotage (ship parts), but still, as long as you can get it somehow you can farm it, it just take longer than usual resource farming.

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56 minutes ago, TheSkunkyMonk said:

How so? DE want to make money from their players, I am telling them what would extract more money from me as a player as in the games current state it just doesn't do it anymore for me. I thought that was actually perfect feedback?

"DE, you want money from me? Give me a weapon that one shots everything in the game".
No, this isn't feedback.

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Think differently. That's the point of removing alerts over than forcing you to buy stuff? That's the point of putting old items as rewards in a totally new game mode?

Edited by TeaHawk
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52 minutes ago, TheSkunkyMonk said:

How so? DE want to make money from their players, I am telling them what would extract more money from me as a player as in the games current state it just doesn't do it anymore for me. I thought that was actually perfect feedback?

I just wanna comment on this one sentence:

Through all my time in warframe I believed this wasn't true. But with the recent loot nerf (which I honestly still am not sure if it's a nerf or just plain bug) and the fact the new mode had pretty low drop rates on the new resource (yes it was patched after a bit but you get the point) makes me think this is just another try at stretching the time people take to finish content in order to prevent us as players to finish quickly OR just a way to promote us to waste plat on boosters ... which is kind of a bad way to increase game time and I hope I'm wrong about this.

As for Nitain, yes, it's either that 1% chance or Ghoul bounties and those aren't always available.

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And when it comes to the nightwave itself. I hate the way this system was implemented. I like to play the game. But with it forcing me to farm another specific currency with repetitive and boring tasks it feels like a S#&$ty job.

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40 minutes ago, (NSW)Fiftycentis said:

Yeah, I misscounted, 12 primes and 4 normals, still, nothing a new player is in an hurry to obtain.

So you can't farm for adaptation? Or an ephemera? There are lot of things that have worst drop rate than nitain from reactor sabotage (ship parts), but still, as long as you can get it somehow you can farm it, it just take longer than usual resource farming.

Erm I think most new players want to get their hands on their first prime frame and the one after that I know it was high up on my list the day I started playing... Ephemera's are supposed to be rare, Nitian is not and if it supposed to be now well thats me straight out the door for good. You must be an absolute push over and fool if you would accept that as decent game dev. Going from doing one mission to get the reward to needing to complete over 8 in some instances just for half a rank never mind the reward. Or to go from a guaranteed drop to a few percent, No thank you. Wonder what the reaction would of been like if they had removed all the NE and everyone had to work for it again.

2 minutes ago, (XB1)Shodian said:

During the last night wave I was able to collect almost 50 nitain, three cosmetics and a Catalyst. So sadly I just think you did something wrong during that time.

Nightwave season 2 should start once Consoles get the next update.

Good for you I walked away as soon as I got to rank 30, don't think I did anything wrong gameplay wise I just don't like the new system nor the dev's increasing the amount of work that is required to get stuff that would of taken 5 minutes previously. This update was about pushing people into the marketplace and slowing down progress as much as possible for new players it wasn't about fun or enjoyment it was about giving us as little as possible with the greatest return.

Won't be taking part in season 2 either whatever the improvements, 1 was enough and has ruined the game.

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16 minutes ago, TheSkunkyMonk said:

get stuff that would of taken 5 minutes previously.

Yeah, if you happened to be online and still pushed you outside of your plans, like in 5 years I never catched a ceramic dagger alert, thanks to nightwave I got it, same for nitain, it was a pain to get the 20 for vauban prime doing all those boring defense and survival alerts, now after s1 of nightwave that I enjoyed (waiting for S2 to have something to do in game) I have more than 100 nitain, plus some extra potatoes, a couple of skins and 2 wolf decorations for both orbiter and dojo.

I agree that the pause between the seasons is a bad thing, but mostly because of auras, which imo are way more needed for new players than nitain.

Edited by (NSW)Fiftycentis
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17 minutes ago, TheSkunkyMonk said:

Going from doing one mission to get the reward to needing to complete over 8 in some instances just for half a rank never mind the reward.

If that mission for the thing you needed came up and if you were online during the time it appeared...Yeah, it only took one mission, but you might not see that mission for months or even years under the old system.  This way, you can work towards what you want and get it when you want to get it.  That's a better system than waiting for RNG to smile on you, isn't it?

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1 minute ago, WhiteMarker said:

How about getting your facts straight before making such a thread?

I'm MR27 with ~1600 hours playing, never have i gotten a nitain from a sabotage cache. i dont understand the replies thinking this is an OK situation?

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5 minutes ago, waskely said:

I'm MR27 with ~1600 hours playing, never have i gotten a nitain from a sabotage cache. i dont understand the replies thinking this is an OK situation?

All this playtime... yet no reading comprehension.

Did I ever say that I'm fine with the situation? No.

You said, that there is NO OTHER WAY in obtaining Nitain. This is wrong. There are multiple ways.
So yeah, maybe you should stop farming MR in Hydron, and learn one or two things about the game...

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22 hours ago, random__noob said:

I dont REPLY to nonsensical hypothetical BS that has as much in common with the real world as Donald Trump has with the Vatican. You keep comparing apples with oranges and feel clever for it. I just shake my head there. But if you insist on more background input WHY I think your question deserves no answer: regular forma will boost your power level by at least 200%, in case of crit-weapons and status weapons a LOT more. Umbra Forma will give you max 30% extra compared to a fully forma'd frame or weapon. Your Scenario is therefore non-holdable. We can play without Umbra, we couldnt play Sorties without forma. Feel clever for amplifying a "treatment by DE" you consider unfair towards you.

Also you really dont have the capacity to have a diversified thought, do you? You failed every time to even grap the very core and essential meaning in my posts... You reply in rage, talking about things that dont even matter, and have nothing to do with what I actually said.

Im unfollowing from this topic now. A debate with you is about as likely to be a meaninful exchange as is trying to explain the theory of relativity to a drunk and deaf person.

Rest assured your comments will be read by DE. I wont assume what they will think about all this, but I got a strong feeling they arent going to give your rage any more substance than I do.

Why do you continue to insult me, it's almost as if you don't choose to understand what Im trying to say you actively refuse to and get mad at me for it. 

Let's put it this way then u think having umbra forma has such a petty effect on gameplay?  Do you not use all 3 umbra mods on a warframe ur looking at a 36% increase over a base intensify and the boosts to ur health and armour with all of them maxed and stuck onto the warframe I can go from 1300 health on a saryn to 1600 or even 1700 and the armour that's more than a basic steal fibre. You clearly seem to lack the knowlage of how these nods work and the ways you can unorthodoxly build ur warframes with more power than they normally would have using builds if you don't believe this has an impact you must be blind and also the tau resists gameplay will eventually require them and maybe one day you might feel sorry for ur blabbering and insults towards others. When you get sick of carrying people through things and tell them to "git gud" all because you were able to get something they will never get not even through trade you might realise things

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