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A Veteran and Business Analyst's Report on the State of Warframe.


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Now, before we get into this, I feel it’s important to let you know the position I take in this, for lack of a better term, Report, as well as why my opinion here should matter at all. 

I started Warframe 3 Years ago, reaching MR26, and have since Quit and Uninstalled. This is my Goodbye to the game, half to get it out of my system, and half to hopefully maybe see some change for those Players left in the game. I have 3354 Hours on Steam in game, and around 1700 In Mission. 
I am also a Professional Business Analyst, starting in 2014. It is literally my job to look at stuff like this and pick out the Shortcomings, as well as, if they are not obvious already, come up with Solutions. I regret it, but I also used this knowledge and experience to become a rather successful Riven Trader.
This Report was written with the Input of around a Dozen Veterans, most of whom have left Warframe in the past 12 months, as well as the input of several Newer Players who have put at least 300 Hours Each into the game. 

Now, onto the Meat of the Matter. I’ve stuck to a rather simplistic layout for Clarity’s Sake, Left being the Topic, Right being an Explanation, with Examples if I felt the need.

I've said my piece, my Professional Opinion, it's up to DE whether they take this on-board, as they are the intended recipients of this post.

New Content

DE puts way too much emphasis on NEW rather than fixing and working on what we already have, and honestly, in my opinion, most recent content just exists to be New.

  • Baruuk for example, he felt rushed, weak and like his whole purpose was to *not* play the game. Turn 1 on and ignore enemies.

  • Fortuna continues to feel Empty, as the Plains do, with few Frames (Read: Zephyr) truly shining there due to the sheer scale of the place.

  • Arbitrations feel like artificial difficulty, and if you want Endo (Which is a core part of the game), feel like forced content.

  • Eidolons, if you want Arcanes (and also Plat and Riven Transmuters) feel like forced content.

  • Onslaught feels like a half-assed attempt at “Endgame”, and if it weren’t for community Outcry, would have been the new Dark Sectors, in only Name.


Who remembers Warframe Quests? Chroma? Mirage? Limbo? Mesa? What about the Syndicate Quests? We still have Steel Meridian and Arbiters of Hexis waiting for theirs. What happened? It honestly feels like laziness cancelling these.

New Primes

New Primes have developed a reputation for Power Creeping the game even further, with older Primes left to rot.

Every single Prime Release has just introduced more Over Powered Content into the game time after time, seemingly in an attempt to sell Prime Access and inflate Game Time artificially by forcing people to do the same older content over and over if they want the best gear.

And while we’re at it, why is Prime Access still so expensive? It costs more than Brand New AAA Releases.

Old Content and Reworks

Older Content, Warframes and Weapons feel forgotten, especially Older Primes, which need some Love (Which would help Unvaulting Sales).

The only Viable Weapons are either New or rely on Maiming Strike.

Reworks, since the Oberon Rework (with the sole exceptions of Saryn and Nezha), we’ve not seen any major and/or Beneificial changes to any frames, just small lackluster tweaks and Nerfs.

Community Interaction

To put it simply, DE is great at telling the community what is happening, showing off new stuff, but taking criticism, advice and suggestions? Not so much. Even when asked for, DE has a perception of not listening at all. A well earned one in my opinion.


Before I quit the game, I was a Riven Trader, which gives a rather honest view of Rivens in the game and how they affect the game as a whole, and it isn’t good.

Rivens require too much grind (3500 Kuva per roll is way too high), and are either worth Nothing or Way too much. There is no inbetween.  

Now, a good solution to this would be to Cheapen Rolls and Introduce Single-Stat Locking. This would make Rivens as a whole much more accessible to all players.

The likelihood of this happening? Zero. Rivens doubtless make too much Money in Plat Sales for DE.


Warframe Trade Chat is a joke.

The Spammy Nature of Trade Chat disincentivizes people from using it, as it’s chaotic and completely asinine, and also encourages Scam Artists and frankly just being Horrible.

A simply solution to this would be to introduce a Trading Market, akin to Runescape’s Grand Exhange, Guild Wars 2’s Black Lion Trading Company, etc.

This would Stabilize Platinum Costs, increase Trading Volume, and make it simply more pleasant to Old and New Players alike.

It would also make Scammers much more obvious, and also help players not get ripped off, as they can easily just look up what their Item is worth before selling, as is already done in Third Party sites like Warframe/Riven Market.

The fact that this isn’t already in the game is honestly just shameful.


Mastery Rank Up Tests, Standing Cap, Time Gated Missions like Eidolons or Kuva Siphon/Flood, Arbitrations and Fissures just serve to limit the players into Artificially Inflating Game Time.

Nitain Extract

Nitain has long been an issue in the game simply due to how it is acquired, seemingly only existing it it’s current state as an artificial Time Gate on certain content.

Modular Weapon Gilding

Shouldn’t exist. It’s just a way to artificially pad out Play Time for no reason at all.


Same Timegating Issue. Either make Crafting be Instant, or take 1 Minute, or 1 Day. That’s it. No Inbetween.

Old Resources

Resource Distribution in Warframe is honestly horrific. Orokin Cells, Neural Sensors and Control Modules are simply Unavailable to the majority of New Players, locking them out of a huge portion of the game until they access the Mid-Game Planets that hold them. Beforehand, they either have to get lucky in Quests or beg for someone to “taxi” them somewhere to get them or they can’t progress properly.

New Resources

Since The War Within, near every single Major Update has introduced New Resources, and this honestly just has to stop. All that is resulting is:

  • Pissing off Veterans, who now have to invest dozens of hours to maybe get these resources to be at the same level they were previously at. A good example of this is Atmo Systems. I personally have spent over 200 Hours just trying to get 10 to rank up in Vox Solaris, to be able to buy them.

  • Confusing New Players, wondering what and where these new Resources are


Warframe has always been a Grindy Game, we get it.

But since The War Within’s Focus Rework, Grind in Warframe has just started to skyrocket. I have personally spent over Two Hundred Hours total Farming and Grinding Focus, and I’m not even half way finished. And I’m one of the ones considered Far Ahead.

Raids Removal

Raids were apparently removed due to the amount of bugs, ‘low player participation’ and time spent fixing them each patch…

Conclave Still Exists.


Forcing Players into the Plains/Fortuna and into Eidolons/Profit Taker just to make Operators Worth Using for anything but Buffs feels, to scratch that broken record again, Forced and like a Slap In the Face.

And it’s *required* to progress now. Let’s use the Sacrifice as an example, without an Amp, I’ve watched Veterans get so angry at the game they once loved that they *Uninstalled the Game Permanently*


Amps instead should only change how Void Beam works, not increase the base damage to levels where it’s useful. It should already be useful.


Warframe is a very Aesthetic Game, this is an undisputed fact, but Animations are easily it’s biggest failing. Clipping movement and Actions are way too common, teleporting assets are common.

Also, Unique Warframe Animations should 100% be tied to their Animation Set. What if we don’t want Wisp to Fly? What if we want Zephyr to actually be able to fly instead of Walking?

Ain’t nothing wrong with a Hot Pink Floating Rhino.


One of the major problems with Warframe’s Fashion, is frankly, it only really comes in Four Flavours. Strange Tenno, Strange and Shiny Orokin, Bulbous Grineer and the rare piece of Sleek Corpus, but there’s nothing normal. Nothing out of the expected norms, nothing Normal, it’s just ABC or D, with the rarity of say Limbo Deluxe.

Nyx Deluxe was frankly a welcome addition Aesthetically, because it was a good design and it was Normal. There’s so little Variety in Warframe’s Aesthetic anymore that isn’t purely based on Colour.
Also, Capes. Can we get some actual Capes? Please? Or actual Scarves? Plz thx.

Cancelled/Delayed Updates and Projects

The problem with the Devstream approach that is currently in the game is we can’t be sure we’ll ever see the content that is Shown Off and Hyped Up.

Melee 3.0 has been in the works for Easily over a Year since first Showcase, and what we got was lackluster and sad.

Zephyr and Titania Deluxe, a lot of people were excited for that, and it’s been seemingly forgotten.


Rewards have long been lacking from Warframe.

There are two reasons people engage with new Content: Rewards and Fun.

And frankly, for a lot of people the Fun aspect has been ebbing for a long time, so, we need better Rewards to compensate.

Solution: Spread Arcanes around, Eidolons should not be the only way to get them. Rivens too. Give plenty of ways to earn different things.

Also, Implementing the Relic Reward Selection Screen to AABC rotations would help a lot as well, giving players a sense of choice.


Chroma has problems, this is well known. His 1 and 4 are still completely useless, and his 2 and 3 continue to break the game constantly. He needs a Total Rework, and he has needed it for Years.

Chroma Dynasty would have been a perfect time.

Chroma Prime would have been a perfect time.

Maiming Strike

Akin to the old Roflcopter days, Maiming Whips, Staves and Polearms still dominate the game, but rather than removing Low Level Content like Ember did, they remove ALL Non-Open World/Boss Content.


Chesa Nerf

What the actual #*!%. Nerfing the Farming in a Farming Game…

What the #*!%.

Gameplay Experience

Over-Saturation on Varied things to do, with little depth. All fundamentally the same, but slightly retooled.

Nothing truly changes how the game is played.

  • Stealth is just Invis/Hiding with Silenced Weapons

  • ‘Kill em all’ is always the same, yet it’s several game modes, not limited to Exterminate, Capture, Survival and Defence.

Bandaid Solutions

Promising that longstanding Problems in the game would be fixed, then introducing Mods to remedy the problem, instead of actual fixes. Examples include: Kavat’s Grace, Handspring, Primed Sure Footed.


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8 minutes ago, Sicarius_Avindar said:

and half to hopefully maybe see some change for those Players left in the game.

And here lies the issue with your post.
You leave the game because you don't enjoy playing anymore (I would assume so), and you want changes to happen for people that still play the game. The people that still play the game like the to play it still.
So the question is: Why do you want those changes? Making those changes that YOU want would mean that maybe you start playing again. But the people in the game might not like YOUR changes.

11 minutes ago, Sicarius_Avindar said:

I am also a Professional Business Analyst, starting in 2014.

Sorry, but not sorry to say this: Who cares?
What makes your opinion on the game more valid than anyone else's opinion? You could be lying about your profession. There is no reason at all to mention your job.

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I got to strongly agree with the new primes thing, now most new primes are just way better than any preexisting primes, redeemer. gram, pyrana. They havent gotten back to change or buff older weapons so players use them instead they just make the new prime access weapons so good so players buy them and its frustrating how you get a weapon with good stats and a riven and all is good and then they release a new prime that without a riven it melts everything(gram prime).

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24 minutes ago, Sicarius_Avindar said:

Eidolons, if you want Arcanes (and also Plat and Riven Transmuters) feel like forced content.

I stopped reading here.

My word, you need to do a specific task to get a specific item? Gods be good.

25 minutes ago, Sicarius_Avindar said:

Arbitrations feel like artificial difficulty, and if you want Endo (Which is a core part of the game), feel like forced content.

Really? Arbitration is the only Endo farm? Really?

Cries in Vodyanoi

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This is more game play based influenced by business practice. Not really the same.

I can also safely say it's also not going to change because I've seen the actual analytics.

If you are a business annalist then you already know exactly why they do these things and that this post won't help. At best it will just get more players to realize and quit but that still doesn't matter because the model in place is based on new blood not veteran so it will have minimal impact. In fact I'd go far to say DE actually wants it's veterans to quit. They want the old-school Youtubers to be replaced by new ones and it's all working out that way in fact.

Edited by Xzorn
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Any economists, nuclear physicists or secretaries of state want to chime in by stating their occupation and then listing off the same issues we see in feedback forums every day, without any added perspective from said profession?

Honestly, I was looking forward to a unique take on the state of Warframe, but essentially what we got is that you're a business analyst, and you've got opinions on the game, and those two facts are not connected whatsoever.

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36 minutes ago, Sicarius_Avindar said:

I am also a Professional Business Analyst

the person that gave you what ever degree in analysis, should be put in prison for forgery. (maybe you dont have one or know what an actual analysis is)
FYI: detailed examination of the elements or structure of something.

this is really just opinions and complaints.
i have only 422 hours in steam and 269 hours in mission and MR15, yet i have picked up on more fundamental problems than the ones you have specified.
1) no real group finder feature
2) constant crashes from host migrations
3) joining games that lag because the host has a bad connection

i could go on, but these are just a few fundamental problems to the actual structure of the game, not how pretty my frame looks or how hard it is to grind for arcanes.

this game is all about the grind, nobody is holding a gun to your head, forcing you to play.

just because you have loaded your account with plat and got everything maxed out in a short amount of time, compared to those that have earned everything. WILL inevitably make every grind game boring..

leeches are there partly because they are tired of the grind.
complaints about leeches in some areas like ESO, are there because people want round rewards, where as most others dont.

Bottom line is, you are bored and this is your (MAYBE) final rant about the game.

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1 hour ago, iLightning13 said:

I stopped reading here.

My word, you need to do a specific task to get a specific item? Gods be good.

I mean, if they've put nitain in nightwave where we can do whatever we want and still get it, I see no reason why they can't make arcanes more widely available.

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1 hour ago, AKTKWNG said:

Any economists, nuclear physicists or secretaries of state want to chime in by stating their occupation and then listing off the same issues we see in feedback forums every day, without any added perspective from said profession?

Honestly, I was looking forward to a unique take on the state of Warframe, but essentially what we got is that you're a business analyst, and you've got opinions on the game, and those two facts are not connected whatsoever.

Even business analysts are allowed to express their views on things freely from other perspectives. I see your point though.

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8 minutes ago, RWBY-WhiteRose said:

As you can see, those are his reactions


8 minutes ago, RWBY-WhiteRose said:

information about reactions to a product

He didn't provide information about his reaction. Just that he didn't like it. That is not proper feedback.

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Just now, RWBY-WhiteRose said:

I mean, if they've put nitain in nightwave where we can do whatever we want and still get it, I see no reason why they can't make arcanes more widely available.

Nitain IS exclusive to nightwave. It only appears as a purchasable in Nightwave or as a Gift of the Lotus event or Twitch drops between Nightwave Seasons. It's also a crafting component for equipment, some of which can be quite low level, which is nowhere near comparable to endgame equipment.

And if you want to get pedantic, there's an Arcane Energise in the Nightwave offerings too, so thanks for reminding me that even endgame gear isn't fully exclusive to Eidolons or Orbs.

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1 minute ago, iLightning13 said:

Nitain IS exclusive to nightwave. It only appears as a purchasable in Nightwave or as a Gift of the Lotus event or Twitch drops between Nightwave Seasons.

It can also be farmed from Ghoul events and as the third cache in Void/Reactor Sabotage and Lua/Kuva exterminates.  It's also a potential drop from the Wolf of Saturn Six.

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1 minute ago, (XB1)R3d P01nt said:

It can also be farmed from Ghoul events and as the third cache in Void/Reactor Sabotage and Lua/Kuva exterminates.  It's also a potential drop from the Wolf of Saturn Six.

Thank you for correcting me.

But I think my point still stands. Comparing Nitain being put into Nightwave is irrelevant, considering Nightwave is a replacement of Alerts and the main source of it was from Alerts - of course it would be put into Nightwave in that case.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)Shodian said:

Except the reworks have been good so far. Warframe is six years old and still going strong so they have to be doing something right. 


1 hour ago, WhiteMarker said:

I mean, all you do is looking like a spoiled child who lost his toy...
 Poor little one.

Six years old just means they're better than 99% of the other devs out there, they're still not great.

As for the reworks, Saryn and Nezha and maybe Nyx are the only ones worth talking about, with much thought being put into their synergies, etc.  Titania rework did pretty much nothing apart from encouraging further use of her 4, Nyx buff was better, making her at least barely useable, while the Ember changes destroyed one of the few areas she excelled at, mildly increasing her buff capabilities while ruining her potential to clear low levels. And before you say anything related to "it was too overpowered", Equinox exists.

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6 minutes ago, (XB1)Cubic Clem said:

Not really, I'm done after this with this thread, just letting you know the way he played Baruuk is wrong. Only idiots turn on his one and do nothing thinking they accomplish something or "that's the way he was designed to" because that's not it. 

I believe the issue is that he has an ability that rewards you by going against the core of the game. Warframe is a horde shooter where you kill stuff, yet Baruuk's 1 rewards you for *not* doing that. I'm aware that his 2 is a far better way to drop restraint, but the way that his 1 works at the moment goes against the game, which is what I personally have an issue with. A mercy-style heal would have fit his theme too, while allowing him to do something that the game rewards you by doing: killing stuff.

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2 minutes ago, RWBY-WhiteRose said:

And before you say anything related to "it was too overpowered", Equinox exists.

Meaning? Equinox's ult only puts slash procs on enemies. She actually has to work to deal large damage with her ult, while Ember's ult did large dagame and tracked the enemy. Ember is still a beast and if played right can still do the crazy damage she has done in the past. You just have to play her right.

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3 minutes ago, RWBY-WhiteRose said:

I believe the issue is that he has an ability that rewards you by going against the core of the game. Warframe is a horde shooter where you kill stuff, yet Baruuk's 1 rewards you for *not* doing that. I'm aware that his 2 is a far better way to drop restraint, but the way that his 1 works at the moment goes against the game, which is what I personally have an issue with. A mercy-style heal would have fit his theme too, while allowing him to do something that the game rewards you by doing: killing stuff.

His abilities reward you by dropping your restraint so you can go ham with his ult. If you're in a tough spot, you active his 1 so you can not die, build your put then fight back. He has a different playstyle but that doesn't mean he goes against the core of the game.

People's problem is that they think all frames have to be the best at everything and no other frame can be better than another and that's simply not true. 

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31 minutes ago, (XB1)Shodian said:

Meaning? Equinox's ult only puts slash procs on enemies. She actually has to work to deal large damage with her ult, while Ember's ult did large dagame and tracked the enemy. Ember is still a beast and if played right can still do the crazy damage she has done in the past. You just have to play her right.


Edited by RWBY-WhiteRose
This build exists. And it works at roughly where Ember’s 4 used to work like magic.
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27 minutes ago, (XB1)Shodian said:

His abilities reward you by dropping your restraint so you can go ham with his ult. If you're in a tough spot, you active his 1 so you can not die, build your put then fight back. He has a different playstyle but that doesn't mean he goes against the core of the game.

People's problem is that they think all frames have to be the best at everything and no other frame can be better than another and that's simply not true. 

And the best way to deal with a bunch of mobs who are damaging you is still to outright kill them. Dead mobs deal no damage. I’m not saying having an ability that’s DR is bad (if that were the case I’d be complaining about Splinter Storm giving 90% DR). But if you lose that by trying to kill them, that’s what I have a bit of a problem with. That said it’s not completely unusable, just baffling to me

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50 minutes ago, iLightning13 said:

Thank you for correcting me.

But I think my point still stands. Comparing Nitain being put into Nightwave is irrelevant, considering Nightwave is a replacement of Alerts and the main source of it was from Alerts - of course it would be put into Nightwave in that case.

Thanks for correcting me too. Thing is, if they put arcanes and similar into regular content somehow it would make them much more manageable. Being able to do 2 different things to get one thing is probably more efficient if you don’t excel at one thing but enjoy the other (A better example would be relics I believe, you can speed run capture, or do defense, etc etc. For the same relic.) The initial point was having multiple ways of getting most things would be better than forcing you to do eidolons or similar right from the get-go.)

Edited by RWBY-WhiteRose
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MPlease tell me that he gave that plat away from being a Riven trader cuz if he was a good Riven trader, and is not gonna play anymore.....that plat he has on his account is just....dead.

I must be playing this game wrong as I still enjoy it and have been playing for about 5 years on the Xbox. I stopped doing Mastery Rank as I am at a good number where I am. No big reason to go forth to 27 for me....just as I do not enjoy the Void Demons and their trees, so I do not grind the focus out of them.

We all are playing a game that is the labor of a company doing something that started as a vision and is a way for them to be independent of the old system of make a game, sell it to the masses, make version 2.0 and sell that, and so forth. I look at this as the style of gaming I would prefer over the Madden/Call of Duty/etc ways of the past that made me upset games were not updated after dropping 60-100 (wit DLC) on them. We as the players have a choice in this. Play and not pay anything or give when the game feels like it is worth your money and time.

Everything in this game is not perfect and yet, I find it entertaining and fresh each time I come back to it since I am not in it for the power and reward system. I am in this for the story, the vision, the path to see where it goes and do the things I find fun. You did what you found fun and you moved on. Others do things they find fun and stay. It's a thing in life.

If the game loses it's "way" and you see what is wrong with it for yours and others view, good. This means it is showing you a path that you can venture and create something for those not digging this aspect. You are free to take your experience on what you do not like and make a game that "corrects" those and follow that path as best as it can go in the gaming age we are in. I wish you well in that.

WARFRAME has changed along the way it was when I first saw that video on my Xbox 360 back in 2014. It has gotten brighter, faster, open and expansive, as much as a free to play game can in the sea of gaming. We are coming up on 41 different frames, tilesets, open world, space flights, and soon space ships and during all this time, it has been a labor of lif for the people on the creative side of this game. Yeah, they put out new stuff before touching the old as much as we want but we are only seeing the MINE playing side. We forget they have to keep the attention span of new gamers, mid cards, and veterans while also giving something that can compete with those AAA games pumped out that get gobbled up for money right away. They have to earn that money from the players that play in crafting something that makes all come back again to play or craft or sell or mod or whatever we do and complain about. While we complain about this one of a few hundred bugs, they are doing what they can to FIX a thousand other things we have no idea about going on as well as get the updates coming and give people a reason to use that 7000 plat they sold a Riven for.

You gave some input on what you see as the problems of Warframe from your view and style of playing and that is how you see it. DE has to see it from the guy making a check to keep his lights on as well as the other players wanting it their way in a game that is not even getting money from every player that plays it. Thanks for playing and enjoy the next game you find out there


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Claiming to be a professional, yet basing opinions on incomplete information and passing off your opinion as something more than it is.

7 hours ago, Sicarius_Avindar said:

I have 3354 Hours on Steam in game, and around 1700 In Mission. 

You could just leave and not throw a match on your professional credibility.

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5 hours ago, (XB1)R3d P01nt said:

It can also be farmed from Ghoul events and as the third cache in Void/Reactor Sabotage and Lua/Kuva exterminates.  It's also a potential drop from the Wolf of Saturn Six.

The extract has a drop rate of 1-2% outside of Ghoul events. Wolf of Saturn Six drops it at a rate of 0.13%. That drop rate is ridiculously low for any actual farming, especially since it's always on the C rotation outside of Ghoul events. Ghoul events are the only place with reasonable drop rates to farm for it.

I do agree with bits of this post. Staggering and knockdown on players breaks the flow of the game so strangely, and I don't like it. With how Warframe's movement is setup, it feels like any animation should be cancel-able like rolling even when reloading or bullet jumping. You as a warframe feel dynamic and fluid, and any animation that pauses the warframe always feels immersion-breaking. My super-ninja suddenly feels like Grandpa while getting up off the ground. Abilities get a pass because those are actions you specifically perform 99% of the time and you can know ahead of time that you're going to be paused for a bit (though they could do with some more effects to make the pause more interesting).

A lot of the bosses are poorly designed (Ropalolyst comes to mind, but that might just be all the bugs I've experienced. Instant death beams are stupid unless extremely telegraphed, and the Ropalolyst's ain't), Eidolons among them. Then again, I'm not a min-maxer with the capacity to practice for hours and get every little jump and click down to perfection. I get caught on crap I wouldn't think you could get caught on all the time. Still, any boss I have to look up to understand and still don't get after several explanations (Is operator form sometimes bugged during the Ropalolyst fight, or is it an attack of some sort? Why do I not get a more visible indication of this attack's effect if it is one?) is a bad one.

7 hours ago, iLightning13 said:

I stopped reading here.

My word, you need to do a specific task to get a specific item? Gods be good.

Really? Arbitration is the only Endo farm? Really?

Cries in Vodyanoi

Well, first of all, it would be nice to have alternatives to farming timed bosses for specific resources. I'm no good at Eidolons, but I'd be able to do it without a time limit.

Also, Arbitration isn't the only Endo farm, but it is the most consistent without requiring a proper squad to farm.

6 hours ago, 5p33dy_01 said:


I agree with the crashing, group finding, and lagging. Limiting ping doesn't do much, and I think it might be due to the other player just having a bad PC.

I disagree with the whole 'the game is the grind' idea. The game isn't about the grind, it's about the rewards at the end of the grind (and the gameplay). Grind can easily be ridiculously stupid and long (look at the drop chance for Nitain from Wolf). I also have no problem with frames that are 'afk farms' (but DE doesn't want that, so I guess it's a valid complaint). If you want to avoid leeches, recruit a squad. If you want to avoid people rushing things and breezing through content like it's Valentine's and they forgot gifts for their lover, recruit a squad. Public is fine the way it is, and I have no problem carrying leeches if I enter a public match. I'm not here so I can play the same defense mission for the six-hundredth time only to not get the reward I wanted again. I'm here to get that reward, finish my build, and play my frame the way I want to play it.

Edited by Keylan118
Removed excess spacing
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Got to say, alot of this doesnt seem like a professional buisness analysis.

But rather than have a go or anything, i'd advise watching the 'No-Clip' documenterys on Youtube about DE, where they talk about alot of this stuff.

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