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The Duviri Paradox

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57 minutes ago, Morrow said:
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I think Hunhow uses "Orokin" and "Human" interchangeably. He might not even use the word human, but I'm not sure on that.

You know, that's a fair point. For him, he really only knew of people as Orokin rather than as Humans, so you might be spot on for that. I never considered it 😃 We need more Hunhow interactions.

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1 minute ago, Eis_Katze said:

You know, that's a fair point. For him, he really only knew of people as Orokin rather than as Humans, so you might be spot on for that. I never considered it 😃 We need more Hunhow interactions.



Hopefully we'll get some of that with The New War, if it's not all just Space Uncle.

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52 minutes ago, Morrow said:
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imo concocting an elaborate backstory is more reaching than expecting our operators to grow up after seeing one do so.

................ You think that it's over reaching to expect an elaborate backstory................. When..... The entire point of DE doing this is to grant an elaborate back story to attract new players and make the new player experience more engaging.... 

You.... You think that it's over reaching... To expect from DE... The exact and stated thing that DE says they are trying to accomplish... Okay.... I'm moving on to another topic...

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52 minutes ago, Morrow said:
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imo concocting an elaborate backstory is more reaching than expecting our operators to grow up after seeing one do so.

................ You think that it's over reaching to expect an elaborate backstory................. When..... The entire point of DE doing this is to grant an elaborate back story to attract new players and make the new player experience more engaging.... 

You.... You think that it's over reaching... To expect from DE... The exact and stated thing that DE says they are trying to accomplish... Okay.... I'm moving on to another topic...

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Personally im happy with the idea of playing a older us with  some time paradox or   dimension on the side, its a good  thing to me, beside if we do get the choice of having them older and stay that way il do it ina hearth beat, to me  second dream was good but heavily broke what i was expecting us to be, i would have prefered having the choice of age right of the start but i get it they have to tell a story personally us being child juste broke the  ''power play''  i got used to it but hell if i get to be a grown  up gimme, anyhow  that whole paradox is what we really wanna chat ehre not tenno age and identity who really care? expect a loud minority like the SJW or what not >,> , As for  the idea of  the guy being stalker  im not against the idea but i highly doubt it, we know they still wanna introduce stalker mode so maybe? but i do think its more gonna eb a personal journey of our operator

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On 2019-07-07 at 4:25 AM, (NSW)UltPumpkinPie said:

some time tomfoolery happens and our Tenno doesn't remember the old war because it hasn't actually happened to them yet. 

And here we got the paradox.

I am glad we will know more about the zariman ship, the void itself and maybe the man in the wall.

Edited by AnGeL_KRoM
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12 hours ago, (PS4)Black-Cat-Jinx said:

................ You think that it's over reaching to expect an elaborate backstory................. When..... The entire point of DE doing this is to grant an elaborate back story to attract new players and make the new player experience more engaging.... 

You.... You think that it's over reaching... To expect from DE... The exact and stated thing that DE says they are trying to accomplish... Okay.... I'm moving on to another topic...



All I'm saying is rather than creating an entire life's story in your head, a simpler explanation was that she was simply out of her ship or transferred out of her warframe.

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The Duviri Paradox = N64 Zelda Ocarina of Time...I am calling it now. We will be able to go there and be adults and when we leave...back to operator kid mode. I dont think warframes will be involved and it will show us the potential of the operator and what we COULD have been if we never learned transference...



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On 2019-07-07 at 8:53 AM, Mints said:

I wouldn't be too quick to try to rationalize any part of the Void. The first thing anyone needs to remember about the Void is that it is a non-place composed of paradox. Its name is Nothingness, Emptiness, Non-Existence; and yet it is Something, Occupied, and Tangible. Alive/Dead, Past/Future, Good/Evil, etc. are all meaningless dichotomies in the Void. We could be seeing a past, present, or future that never was but could come to be. Maybe the opposite: The past, present, and future that is and will come to pass if we don't change something. The Void's chaotic nature precludes us from ever drawing logical conclusions and trying to do so is a one way road to madness.

What I have noticed: The Horseman's first charge may have been to establish the Operator's identity. That means its first reaction was not overt lethal aggression. This implies some kind of intelligence and ulterior motive other than violence. Whatever that ulterior motive is it quickly disappeared the moment that the Horseman figured out who the Operator is. Despite being of the Void the Operators are clearly not welcome in this place.

If I had to commit to a wild guess as to the nature of the Duviri Paradox it is this: This Void is the Underworld. If one is pulled into the Void they should be very dead, and yet we are not. Instead of being dead we are aged. But running through all this stuff in my head makes me wonder: If we woke up from the Second Dream then what was the First?


i'm shook.




...WHAT did they do to me?...

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On 2019-07-07 at 12:30 AM, (NSW)UltPumpkinPie said:

That's what I'm thinking is the case. As soon as I saw that guy's hat I, too, thought Dax. There's also an image you can see in the fade out or whatever that was shown in a previous devstream (I think?) That reminded me of Ballas and the Dax which is what brought all the pieces together for me. 

In terms of tone it’s a ringer for the Platform Western Red Dead Redemption.  Right down to the shotgun, horse, and scruff, it’s shockingly similar to Mr. Morgan.

The “Dax” I think, suggests some sinister intelligence at play, as does your mask and loss of your power.

If you look closely, the Dax is slumped forward so that his helm resembles a giant cybernetic insect staring down at you, before the “Dax” wakes...perhaps a nod to said intelligence.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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17 hours ago, (PS4)Black-Cat-Jinx said:

If they force unwanted permanent changes on my character I will leave the game and never give them another dollar. I am far from the only person who will feel that way if it happens. Try to defend it how ever you want but this is a topic that DE needs to drop like it's hot if they want to maintain their current popularity. For every one person who is happy with the change, two more people will leave and not come back. If they want to look at what happens when you force changes that players do not want all they need do is look at the repeated collapses of and ongoing financial craptastrophe that is Bungie. 

Funny I'm in the same boat.  I feel our tennos are ageless due to exposure in the void and who knows how much more while we were in the pods asleep.  Since the moon was in the void too.  Could be our body is like Vor's which is made of energy and truly can't die.

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The only hope i have for this entire content block. is we finially get the choice, to play a NOT CHILD , operator. Im so tired of the child face, one liners that are horrificly timed, i want to look like they wont melt if something looks at them while outside a warframe.

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2 minutes ago, Bleanienia167 said:

I want to look like they wont melt if something looks at them while outside a warframe.

I mean, in the face of acid spewing space abominations, flame-throwing genocidal clones, and laser blasting corporate henchmen, I don't think being an adulr=t or a child would make much of a difference. But I get what you mean.

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11 hours ago, Morrow said:
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All I'm saying is rather than creating an entire life's story in your head, a simpler explanation was that she was simply out of her ship or transferred out of her warframe.

Look I'm not saying my investment in my head canon of this universe isn't tainting my view. But. There's too much that can't be balanced with the assumption that we're just normal kids growing at a normal pace. Were all of the tenno just that one warframe being woken by vor? No that was you. So who are the rest of them? What are there stories? Who built the tenno relays? Why are there absolutely no adult tenno? Were all tenno woken when the stalker made a deal with the Sentiments? Did each and every one of them have the same experience of fighting him on the Orbiter as Ordis watched helplessly? There are many tenno out there. Common sense tells you that life is taking all of them down different paths and journeys. The one you've seen is just ours. There is too much that doesn't make sense if we are just mortals with odd powers.

And as to it just being transference. No. It is flat out stated that is our powers. That is how we would fight if we were denied our warframe. It is how we did fight WHEN we were denied our warframe.  I don't know what happened to the one tenno that died of old age. But it just can't be reconciled. If DE wants to take away our powers at some point and cause us to start aging normally that makes sense. But right now. We are every bit as corrupted by the influence of the void as vor is. We are in the same undying state he is in. 

Or maybe I'm wrong. I don't care. As long as DE doesn't FORCE me to be an adult character to continue the story line. I can work with that. But I have invested to many cosmetic purchases to be happy about them taking away my space kid. So as long as there's an option to stay who I identify as, they can do what ever they want. And make you happy in the process. But there needs to be an option to stay spacekid if the player wants. There is an option to just not use the operator if you really, really want that.... I don't ant my spacekid to be a spaceadult. That needs to be an available option too.

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11 hours ago, (PS4)Thealteregoroman said:

The Duviri Paradox = N64 Zelda Ocarina of Time...I am calling it now. We will be able to go there and be adults and when we leave...back to operator kid mode. I dont think warframes will be involved and it will show us the potential of the operator and what we COULD have been if we never learned transference...



I don't think it's that our operator's will grow up so much as that it's because of transference that they lost their original bodies.

Think about it - the Zariman 10-0 was a military vessel, not a civilian transport.  The Tenno were running from adults that lost their minds while stuck aboard a vessel that had no business carrying children in the first place.  What.  Does.  Umbra.  Do.  When we transfer out of him?  Before we calmed him?  What did proto-Rhino do without a Tenno transferring into him in his codex?  What are the last few lines in Ember's codex?

The Tenno bring a calm to the storm, so to speak.    

DE's game design may always be shaky in its execution, but their over arching story writing is stellar.  

Edited by Lost_Cartographer
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7 hours ago, (PS4)Black-Cat-Jinx said:

And as to it just being transference. No. It is flat out stated that is our powers.

Yeah, Tenno powers. Judging by her facial decorations, she was most likely an operator, I don't get you point.

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7 hours ago, Lost_Cartographer said:

I don't think it's that our operator's will grow up so much as that it's because of transference that they lost their original bodies.

Think about it - the Zariman 10-0 was a military vessel, not a civilian transport.  The Tenno were running from adults that lost their minds while stuck aboard a vessel that had no business carrying children in the first place.  What.  Does.  Umbra.  Do.  When we transfer out of him?  Before we calmed him?  What did proto-Rhino do without a Tenno transferring into him in his codex?  What are the last few lines in Ember's codex?

The Tenno bring a calm to the storm, so to speak.    

DE's game design may always be shaky in its execution, but their over arching story writing is stellar.  

me reading this on the couch...


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This is sorta random but I feel like some of the formations on the ground are spirals that follow the Fibonacci sequence. Probably not relevant to anything but I figured I would put that out there

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1 hour ago, 45neo said:

This is sorta random but I feel like some of the formations on the ground are spirals that follow the Fibonacci sequence. Probably not relevant to anything but I figured I would put that out there

the fibonacci sequence, the spiral and the associated golden ratio are all associated in the west with aesthetic perfection, and biz mentions how the vallis used to be an "orokin playground", so it's likely that the planes of duviri were just entirely built from scratch as a place for orokin garden parties.

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While speculating on the lore is exciting and all, I'm more concerned with how many syndicates within syndicates we will have to grind. 

None of these reveals will retain a shred of the cinematic excitement if it just devolves into plains 3.0. 

If I have to grind another time gated syndicate and fart around with tiered fish bait and minerals again. I'm out. 

I'm also concerned about the operator heavy theme of the reveal. I'm getting the impression this new zone is very operator focused. We see him pull a rifle out of a literal plot hole. I can hardly wait to grind another faceless npc faction for one of them.

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Hopefuly they'll use re-use the minerals and only add 1 or two. Orokin fish that arn't mechanical though, I'd like that tbh. Think of the Orbitor fish tanks! We need dojo fish ponds with our fished fish! Though granted only one thing seemed alive in the trailer... I doubt there will be living fish. 😢    

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I haven't read everything yet, but here's my theory. (Watch this be exactly the same as someone else...)


So basically, it seems like the adult "Tenno" is kinda confused and disoriented throughout the whole thing. That's the important thing that made this theory different to the rest.

My theory is essentially that the Duviri Paradox is actually in a time far into the future, but in the Void. The Tenno lost connection to the Warframe, as shown, then ended up stranded on this odd little planet thing in the trailer, but stay in the Railjack for years to survive on the resources left inside such as food and water for the crew and everything. We've already seen that adults are driven mad by the Void, so the crew would have been long-gone. They make trips outside periodically, doing light scouting and such to see if it's dangerous at all, but keep going back to the ship at the first sign of life so as not to be seen.

 The Tenno end up running out of resources and go outside the ship with a mask just in case they can't breathe and they come across the big space worm thing. From there, the trailer is pretty simple. The Tenno are attacked and they try to use their powers, but they can't because- well, whatever reason that is. maybe they just haven't used them in too long and it's like how you can't talk properly after not doing it long enough? *shrug*

So the Tenno can't use their powers and their mask is removed. They freak out, thinking they won't be able to breathe, only to find that it's okay, but they still have to deal with the Dax rider thing. The image of the young Tenno planting the Tigris in the ground is actually a memory of the adult from one of their scouting missions. They get the gun, kill the guard, then the rest isn't really worth speculating on yet since we really have absolutely no idea what the plot is gonna be. My guess is that the Tenno are gonna try to investigate the ship that looks like the Zariman, but I dunno.

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