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Empyrean Release Date?


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21 minutes ago, Lost_Cartographer said:

If it doesn't release tomorrow, it probably won't release until next week.  I think we'll know if it's next week if they end up skipping this week's devstream due to DE's brand of "crunch," which involves pausing all other projects to push the nearest one out.

wait so how many days until the next devstream? Cos it's monday in australia as of this post and i don't know the time/day schedule of cANADA

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1 minute ago, NotAnAbrams said:

wait so how many days until the next devstream? Cos it's monday in australia as of this post and i don't know the time/day schedule of cANADA

This week. But devstreams have been very inconsistent this year.

They left Rebecca as the sole person doing the last one while they prepared to deploy Phase 1, nothing says wont happen again.

So Cart saying "if doesnt release tommorrow it wont likely be for another week" has no weight.

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Either they will release it this week, or after christmas. They can't just release Empyrean right before christmas, and leave poor Pablo to deal with all the bugs.

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Edited by Furebel
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2 hours ago, DrivaMain said:

This week will definitely determine that Empyrean will launch this year or the next. Because DE only has 3 weeks to work on their 2 big projects which is Empyrean and New War. 

If it doesn't drop this week, I predict 3 scenarios.

1. Empyrean will drop near the end of the year, but delaying The New War to be a 2020 release.

2. Empyrean drop next week and DE will likely split The New War's content in 2 or 3 phases.

3. Both Empyrean and New War will be a 2020 update.

Possibility 4 - the one that I have become more and more doubtful of but is still possible since the tileset seemed reasonably done, including enemies, in Devstream 133 - That Railjack is the main hold-up for the New War, in which case time between releases may be minimal/simultaneous much like the Ghoul Bounties and Apostasy last year.

By now I'm very uncertain of this, but the possibility does still exist. And I was uncertain that Rising Tides would release on Friday two weeks ago, so DE have surprised me before.

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15 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

Possibility 4 - the one that I have become more and more doubtful of but is still possible since the tileset seemed reasonably done, including enemies, in Devstream 133 - That Railjack is the main hold-up for the New War, in which case time between releases may be minimal/simultaneous much like the Ghoul Bounties and Apostasy last year.

By now I'm very uncertain of this, but the possibility does still exist. And I was uncertain that Rising Tides would release on Friday two weeks ago, so DE have surprised me before.

Considering Steve's twitter posted some screenshots of the Sentient tileset and mentioned 'polish and tech passes', I think the release is closer than we think. 

Obviously, this is just wishful thinking, but I like to think it'll be today, so they can release it at the start of the week, and have the rest of the week to push out hotfixes and such. Obviously there's no basis for that, but it's what I like to believe 😄


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6 hours ago, CommanderEevee said:

ALSO here is a weird little bug I encountered (this was taken before you could customize the ship)

No one can customize their ships yet. Once you build it, the default red-brown color will return.

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16 minutes ago, HazelCapulus said:

Obviously, this is just wishful thinking, but I like to think it'll be today, so they can release it at the start of the week, and have the rest of the week to push out hotfixes and such. Obviously there's no basis for that, but it's what I like to believe 😄

I don't think DE would release Empyrean without advertising the release. There's even no hype page on Warframe's website.

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35 minutes ago, HazelCapulus said:

Considering Steve's twitter posted some screenshots of the Sentient tileset and mentioned 'polish and tech passes', I think the release is closer than we think. 

Obviously, this is just wishful thinking, but I like to think it'll be today, so they can release it at the start of the week, and have the rest of the week to push out hotfixes and such. Obviously there's no basis for that, but it's what I like to believe 😄


It likely is wishful thinking that Empyrean is today, and AFAIK they don't traditionally do releases on Mondays. Then again, Rising Tides was released on Friday with absolutely no 'Wednesday' macguffinry so who knows if they're even trying for a schedule anymore :tongue:. New War does seem to be on schedule since Steve says they're doing polish passes, and polishing usually only happens once things are more or less together.

That being said, I do think if we're seeing Empyrean is this week, we'll see it on Wednesday earliest. New War might well be able to make it for Christmastime, though I'm not counting my chickens yet.

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3 hours ago, HazelCapulus said:

Considering Steve's twitter posted some screenshots of the Sentient tileset and mentioned 'polish and tech passes', I think the release is closer than we think. 

Obviously, this is just wishful thinking, but I like to think it'll be today, so they can release it at the start of the week, and have the rest of the week to push out hotfixes and such. Obviously there's no basis for that, but it's what I like to believe 😄


2 hours ago, Loza03 said:

New War does seem to be on schedule since Steve says they're doing polish passes, and polishing usually only happens once things are more or less together.

That being said, I do think if we're seeing Empyrean is this week, we'll see it on Wednesday earliest. New War might well be able to make it for Christmastime, though I'm not counting my chickens yet.

Steve says alot of things on Twitter

I am pretty sure that they are only there for hype and not the actual close to release

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1 hour ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

Steve says alot of things on Twitter

As far I recall, none have been ture 

Aside from the melee changes? His twitter was where we first heard of the 2.99 changes

And the Particle updates?

And the glitches that he demonstrated, but didn't wind up in Fortuna? Indicating he fixed them

And Lighting Changes? He talks about that a lot.

And the Dead Zone code fixes a while back?

Or Railjack itself? The tech for that showed up a year or more on his twitter before it was shown off.


Steve's twitter might represent an ever-changing dev build, and I'll freely admit he has a tendency to up-sell things he's excited about, but it is a good way of gauging the current state of the dev build and what's the main focus. Arguably more so than devstreams in some cases.

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10 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

Steve's twitter might represent an ever-changing dev build, and I'll freely admit he has a tendency to up-sell things he's excited about, but it is a good way of gauging the current state of the dev build and what's the main focus. Arguably more so than devstreams in some cases.

And this helps us how excaly?

Do you remaber the "Show and Tell" drama?, that pretty much made Old Blood, burned out within a week?, this is exclay whats going on. Now in case you're unsure what I mean.

Show/Tell: Over-hype, falsely teasing and showing and telling about X, rather then giveing actual useful information such as, an release date   

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3 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

And this helps us how excaly?

Do you remaber the "Show and Tell" drama?, that pretty much made Old Blood, burned out within a week?, this is exclay whats going on. Now in case you're unsure what I mean.

Show/Tell: Over-hype, falsely teasing and showing and telling about X, rather then giveing actual useful information such as, an release date   

They don't like to give release dates because things can always go wrong and push things back. Then people whine and complain in the forums. 

The only time they're ever completely sure of a release date is when the update is in the middle of uploading to Igor, like they did with Old Blood. Basically just keep an eye out for Steve's stream going live, and that'll be a good indication.

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Just now, Circle_of_Psi said:

And this helps us how excaly?

Do you remaber the "Show and Tell" drama?, that pretty much made Old Blood, burned out within a week?, this is exclay whats going on. Now in case you're unsure what I mean.

Show/Tell: Over-hype, falsely teasing and showing and telling about X, rather then giveing actual useful information such as, an release date   

That's neither here nor there, considering what we're talking about 'what's in a good state of completion/being worked on'.

In this situation, we're discussing the fact that TNW's tileset is, according to Steve, undergoing polishing. 

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I'm guessing Thurs or Fri of this week. Maybe Wed. Not today or tomorrow. If they still want to hold to their target of New War at Tennocon for Christmas 2019, which I believe is the 3rd "Find answers" part of Empyrean, It would have to be pretty soon before they go on their vacation.

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14 hours ago, HazelCapulus said:

They don't like to give release dates because things can always go wrong and push things back. Then people whine and complain in the forums. 

An little late for that, an date was legit given on the Trailer and they said countless times in Devstreams they want Phase 2 & New War out by 2019.


14 hours ago, Loza03 said:

That's neither here nor there, considering what we're talking about 'what's in a good state of completion/being worked on'.

In this situation, we're discussing the fact that TNW's tileset is, according to Steve, undergoing polishing. 

14 hours ago, HazelCapulus said:

.Basically just keep an eye out for Steve's stream going live, and that'll be a good indication.

Ture, let's just hope its kept to its word

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1 minute ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

An little late for that, an date was legit given on the Trailer and they said countless times in Devstreams they want Phase 2 & New War out by 2019.


Ture, let's just hope its kept to its word

And it's still 2019, and will still be 2019 for three weeks.

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12 hours ago, Schkrapnel said:

I'm guessing Thurs or Fri of this week. Maybe Wed. Not today or tomorrow. If they still want to hold to their target of New War at Tennocon for Christmas 2019, which I believe is the 3rd "Find answers" part of Empyrean, It would have to be pretty soon before they go on their vacation.

Not sure why people think Monday-Tuesdays are release dates, it's always been Wes-Thurs (or Friday if all else fails), Tho even then Wesday are barely the days updates comes out, not sure why, feels quite weird to be honest. But we'll see whats more top priority? 

Btw I LOVE the profile pic you have

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1 minute ago, HazelCapulus said:

And it's still 2019, and will still be 2019 for three weeks.


But them 3 weeks end quickly, I mean, xmas maybe 25 days away, but you blink and then suddenly someone is waking you up telling you to go open your gifts 


Nah that never happened to me, why you ask? 🤣

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