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A fair Saryn Nerf that Supports new players and Keeps her Viable Infinite Scaling Untouched.


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2 minutes ago, (XB1)Thy Divinity said:

This would drop Saryn's popularity to zero.  As much as her ridiculous attracts braindead gameplay, disabling her ability to kill using her.....abilities seems counter productive.

... except it wouldn't disable her ability to kill, because Miasma would still deal damage, and bringing an entire room of high-level enemies to literally 1 health is still insanely strong. "This warframe needs to be insanely overpowered or else no-one will want to play them" is a baseless claim, contradicted by prior evidence, that if true would be all the more reason to rework the frame in question.

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17 hours ago, taiiat said:

revert Saryn to Saryn 2015, and then apply the Bugfixes that should have come but never did to that design.
that would be my avenue of attack if there was to be any.


more practical than mapwide Percentage of Total Health, at any rate. which is just overall better than what Spores is now.

if you wanted to really tackle an identified issue of Killing Trash Units too quickly - well, why do 90-95% of the Enemies have basically no EHP and so a single shot from a Lato will Kill that Enemy basically up to like Lv100.
generally if you pick a random Enemy out of a crowd from a Solar Map Mission, that Enemy has like 500-600EHP, and an Assault Rifle already easily reaches that in Damage per Shot with like, 4-6 Mods. not even 8 Mods.
so then, the only goal is to have the widest possible AoE, because hitting Enemies with any Damage will probably Kill them, so any Damage across the biggest AoE is just better.

I would like to know why you think bringing turret saryn back is a good idea.

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17 hours ago, (PS4)FK2P said:

Eventhough I’m against nerfing saryn, I agree that I’m low level missions she is extremely effective, and this is a way to ensure she doesn’t completely expose new players to missions where a single enemy won’t be visible for them.

You get Saryn by defeating the highest level assassination node on the star chart (Sedna). 

Making her balanced for low level content is just not a design objective for Saryn. She's designed for level 50+, and it's good that some frames are.

If you want a nuker frame who's better balanced for mid star chart level content check out Ember. You can get her from Saturn and can nuke most pre-Saturn content. She's useless for endgame though, which is why we have frames like Saryn.


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15 hours ago, (XB1)Zweimander said:

Line of sight on an Airborne contagion? That makes zero sense and you know it...

Line of sight or otherwise, airborne contagion that literally corrodes armor in seconds also makes no sense. Game design and function is far more important than realism, otherwise the game Warframe would literally not exist.

Just pointing out that this argument is irrelevant to the debate, one way or the other.

Edited by (PS4)Ozymandias-13-
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2 hours ago, (XB1)Knight Raime said:

I would like to know why you think bringing turret saryn back is a good idea.


i'm sorry, but using Saryn 2015 that way was literally the least effective way to use Saryn.
in order to discourage Players from doing that and being the laughing stock of any real Saryn Player, all that would have been needed was a reduced Spread Range from Spores that were Hosted off of Molt.

but ofcourse, there were some features missing from that, such as that Molt couldn't receive Spores. even though that would have been a really neat feature, for Molt to be able to serve as a distribution node that could help with strategically spreading Spores to an area that was not currently in Range, or holding them until some new Enemies come into Range.

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5 minutes ago, taiiat said:


i'm sorry, but using Saryn 2015 that way was literally the least effective way to use Saryn.
in order to discourage Players from doing that and being the laughing stock of any real Saryn Player, all that would have been needed was a reduced Spread Range from Spores that were Hosted off of Molt.

but ofcourse, there were some features missing from that, such as that Molt couldn't receive Spores. even though that would have been a really neat feature, for Molt to be able to serve as a distribution node that could help with strategically spreading Spores to an area that was not currently in Range, or holding them until some new Enemies come into Range.

I was not asking for a solution to turret saryn nor was I looking for your elites attitude about that way to play her. I am asking why you are advocating for her prior rework state. Preferably an answer that is detailed and informative. 

I used the term turret saryn because that's what she was known for then and one of the reasons why she was reworked again. Calling her turret saryn is far more recognizable than "saryn 2015."

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1 hour ago, (XB1)Knight Raime said:

I am asking why you are advocating for her prior rework state.

unfortunately, i don't feel like writing a short scientific paper at this time. i've explained the Warframe on numerous occasions in the past however, so with the help of a search engine (because you can't search Archived stuff through the Forum, but a search engine can), you could find said posts of mine in the past.
tl;dr they're just so long that i am not currently inclined to say all of those things over again. a couple hours of typing, Et Cetera.

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4 hours ago, MegaloStrikeBack said:

Why are you asking for nerfs? I get it on a PvP game, but on a PvE game just makes 0 sense to me. "Makes the game too easy" - It's not by nerfing Saryn that you'll make Warframe harder. 

If every 'frame was buffed up to Saryn's level, there would be no game. The powercreep in this game wouldn't be as bad if the Devs designed enemies that can't be mindlessly one-shotted by boss killers like Chrome, or nuked by frames like Saryn (and no, ability immune enemies are not "a challenge"; they're a bandaid solution for broken damage 'frames). It's no longer PvE if one 'frame can make half the team irrelevant.

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On 2019-07-08 at 12:14 AM, Kwikwilyaqa said:

Saryn is not unbalanced - damage types are.

She have the only damage types that actually have functionality/viability in the game (viral/corrosive), missing only radiation to have all the "good" ones. When other types of damage actually have any uses besides the Profit Taker (and are able to do damage), only them Saryn will not look as good as she is now. And remember that there is "scenarios" where frames are good - Saryn is tied to only a few, so as other frames that became or are good just because they can dominate one or two specific "scenarios" (what does not make them OP, just useful).

She also has toxin...and toxin bypass shields and ignore a percentage of armor so there's that

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On 2019-07-07 at 11:36 PM, (PS4)FK2P said:

My change is simple:

This is really easy to implement. Firstly each tick of spores has a maximum damage potential of 20% of the enemy health, which means, a level 10 enemy would take 5 ticks of damage for it to die, instead of being completely nuked away and new players not being able to encounter an enemy in their mission.

A level 50 enemy would take far less than 20% of its health per tick of spores unless that has been raised significantly over time with the damage increase. As your damage builds you would not encounter the cap at all above level 45, which is where saryn becomes most balanced. She is most broken in low levels, and this change ensures that she doesn’t kill too fast without completely clearing entire maps. I think 5 ticks of damage over time is a fair minimum to take at any level. 

Of course this poses a problem because this removes the flaw of killing too fast being a punishment for her, making her spores die off early! But a good counter for this is to increase the percentage by 1% per successful integer of damage increase, this means that at higher levels the risk of building too fast is still there, but this is rarely seen in low level as enemies die out too fast anyway.

Eventhough I’m against nerfing saryn, I agree that I’m low level missions she is extremely effective, and this is a way to ensure she doesn’t completely expose new players to missions where a single enemy won’t be visible for them.

You dare question the mighty pablo!!! To the void with you 😠


In all seriousness i think her OPness works against her in some way...because the spores kill so fast you can't shoot the enemy fast enough to keep a consistent spread of spores...on lower levels and trash mobs that is


But since 80% of this game is lower levels and trash mobs ...i can understand why she's a bit strong 

To be honest saryn is the only warframe in the history of this game that has had like 4 or 5 reworks and fixes 

Giving her another rework is unfair for other warframes that truly need it 



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12 hours ago, (PS4)Hopper_Orouk said:

You dare question the mighty pablo!!! To the void with you 😠


In all seriousness i think her OPness works against her in some way...because the spores kill so fast you can't shoot the enemy fast enough to keep a consistent spread of spores...on lower levels and trash mobs that is


But since 80% of this game is lower levels and trash mobs ...i can understand why she's a bit strong 

To be honest saryn is the only warframe in the history of this game that has had like 4 or 5 reworks and fixes 

Giving her another rework is unfair for other warframes that truly need it 



You can keep it up because you can just recast since there’s no incentive to build damage that early anyway.

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The best thing you can do for beginners is to balance the missions themselves, so that they do not stagger on the star map alone, and found an ally of this rank, which about sarin did not even hear. Personally, when my party caught rang 1-5 I see them trying to explore the map, but I need to do the mission quickly and go further and there is a conflict of interest that destroys the gameplay.

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