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A good reason not to kill space mom (old dev video)


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You know Steve from blues clues had identity issues because he actually was named Steve often and wore green sweaters. 

So in public he was the character from the show due to popularity.. And it caused a lot of mental problems for him later on. 

You should separate space mom & Rebecca at least a little. 

However I still get a chuckle when anyone calls Megan, Rebecca on stream. Where it shows you her name. And she gives that look as she corrects viewers.

Edited by (NSW)Evilpricetag
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Rebecca can be another character. But LOTUS MUST DIE!

But if the next character given to Rebecca is a bad one too, then she is being trolled by her company.


If anyone cannot separate Rebecca (a irl human) from Lotus (a game character), I suggest they go see psychiatrist.

Edited by kyori
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11 minutes ago, (XB1)Cubic Clem said:

I think you get this a bit wrong.. we love Rebecca, at least I do, but the character Lotus, which betrayed us, yeah.. you get where this is going..

you mean we are not going to spacey?


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24 minutes ago, OriVerda said:

Stumbled across this old video while chatting with friends, thought it was appropriate given how murderous the community is regarding space mom.

Look at her, she's too pure for this world. Must protecc!

Nice tactic, OP. +1

But I was already going to vote to save Space Mom.

Maybe you’ll garner the all-important swing votes from the 1-2% “undecided”.

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That was very emotional, and I'm glad you reminded me about that. I love Rebecca and am glad she's a part of developing this amazing game and this community.

With that said...I'm going to enjoy murdering the Lotus....to death. Literally since day 1 I've felt something was off about the Lotus, even before we started getting lore quests. The motives were always questionable and the fact that we've spent the years committing genocide across the solar system made me wonder who was really the bad guy.

If given the option to select confirmation bias for my preconceived belief and to shank SpaceMom, or to forgive and forget....well darn skippy you best believe I will start sharpening that toothbrush...

Edited by (PS4)Ozymandias-13-
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8 minutes ago, (PS4)Ozymandias-13- said:

That was very emotional, and I'm glad you reminded me about that. I love Rebecca and am glad she's a part of developing this amazing game and this community.

With that said...I'm going to enjoy murdering the Lotus....to death. Literally since day 1 I've felt something was off about the Lotus, even before we started getting lore quests. The motives were always questionable and the fact that we've spent the years committing genocide across the solar system made me wonder who was really the bad guy.

If given the option to select confirmation bias for my preconceived belief and to shank SpaceMom, or to forgive and forget....well dark skippy you best believe I will start sharpening that toothbrush...

Good.  Let there be Civil War then.  I’m glad you are on PS4. Because you sitting sharpening your shank will end like the last episode of The Sopranos if I have my way.


Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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2 hours ago, OriVerda said:

Stumbled across this old video while chatting with friends, thought it was appropriate given how murderous the community is regarding space mom.

Look at her, she's too pure for this world. Must protecc!

Spacemom is luv...Spacemom is lyfe... :inlove:


Edited by FlusteredFerret
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15 minutes ago, (PS4)TheRealTommo said:

I vote Teshin for space Dad

Yeah, because he never lied to us and turned out to be leading us into an enemy trap... Oh wait, he almost got my body stolen by a Grineer Queen!

I mean, sure, they had sway over him because of the Kuva so we can't really hold him responsible for his actions but...  Do we really know Lotus/Natah is not acting under duress too? 
I definitely think we should wait until we know the whole story before issuing an execution order.

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Just now, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

Good.  Let there be Civil War then.  Because you sitting sharpening your shank will end like the last episode of The Sopranos if I have my way.

This would be an interesting twist in the story if they can pull it off. Divide the Tenno between kill/save Lotus and THEN the sentient attack... 

Though dividing a community in a CO-OP game is probably not the best idea, lol. 

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2 minutes ago, (NSW)Badger said:

This would be an interesting twist in the story if they can pull it off. Divide the Tenno between kill/save Lotus and THEN the sentient attack... 

Though dividing a community in a CO-OP game is probably not the best idea, lol. 

I hope it happens.  In a PvE way.  It would be glorious.  I understand Diablo 2 Hardcore isn’t for most. It would likely be in the aftermath of the New War.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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50 minutes ago, OriVerda said:

Stumbled across this old video while chatting with friends, thought it was appropriate given how murderous the community is regarding space mom.

Look at her, she's too pure for this world. Must protecc!

This was very awesome. I didn't see them do a christmas stream last year... I'd love to see move of things like this ALONG with new stuff. Good ol' Devs. 

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