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Please lower the Bullet Jump requirement for Nightwave


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you use bullet jumps naturally when playing to move faster, you can finish it naturally after a mission or 2.

i fail to see the problem here.

*double posted by mistake, please delete this one*

Edited by BloodKitten
double post x.x
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1 hour ago, Hawk_of_the_Reborn said:

Because warframe has a history of making alternative ways to get items much easier and pretty damn trivial compared to their main or original method of acquisition. And if they were not, nobody would do NW, because apparently we got people like OP who thinks 150 bullet jumps is too high. Duh.

150 bullet jumps is entirely arbitrary and adds nothing over having 100 bullet jumps be the requirement, just as 100 is equally arbitrary but makes it slightly less monotonous compared to other daily challenges.

As for NW needing exclusive items, it is optional after all. If players don't want to do it then why is that a bad thing? The fact that DE feels the need to place items that have no other means to acquire them currently pretty much tells you that they do not believe NW has the pull it needs to keep players engaged.

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

150 bullet jumps is entirely arbitrary and adds nothing over having 100 bullet jumps be the requirement, just as 100 is equally arbitrary but makes it slightly less monotonous compared to other daily challenges.

As for NW needing exclusive items, it is optional after all. If players don't want to do it then why is that a bad thing? The fact that DE feels the need to place items that have no other means to acquire them currently pretty much tells you that they do not believe NW has the pull it needs to keep players engaged.

This is a game where we do things for loot. No loot, nobody cares. I mean, we're nothing but mercs fighting for scraps according to General Sargas Ruk after all

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1 hour ago, Hawk_of_the_Reborn said:

This is a game where we do things for loot. No loot, nobody cares. I mean, we're nothing but mercs fighting for scraps according to General Sargas Ruk after all

It's true, but you never once said the word exclusive in that summary of why we play.

Edited by (PS4)Hiero_Glyph
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Thank you for the entertaining responses to this topic. I feel like I should have paid $15.00 to $20.00 if were have seen these response live. Thank you I have not laughed this hard in a long time. Thumbs to all who took this topic seriously, you made my night. Yet seriously there should only be like 5 bullet jumps.

Edited by MattM01
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6 minutes ago, AJman14 said:

I don't bullet jump, because I can't aim and shoot while bullet jumping!

Meh. I grew up on arena shooters like Quake and Unreal Tournament. I just hip-fire while in the air.

Do it all the time when running fissures with my Mirage and her Astilla. Bullet jump, hip-fire, wipe out a mob in less than a second.

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4 minutes ago, KnossosTNC said:

Meh. I grew up on arena shooters like Quake and Unreal Tournament. I just hip-fire.

Do it all the time when running fissures with my Mirage and her Astilla. Bullet jump, hip-fire, wipe out a mob in less than a second.

Honestly, I don't care how you play.

Snipers do not like Bullet Jumping... or hip-firing.

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11 minutes ago, AJman14 said:

Honestly, I don't care how you play.

Snipers do not like Bullet Jumping... or hip-firing.

Not this sniper. I love my flying and hip-fired headshots. One of my favourite things to do in UT2004; jump from height, nail a hip-fired headshot while in the air.

So when I discovered this game's aim glide mechanic... *blows kisses*

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16 hours ago, carbman95 said:



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1 hour ago, KnossosTNC said:

Not this sniper. I love my flying and hip-fired headshots. One of my favourite things to do in UT2004; jump from height, nail a hip-fired headshot while in the air.

So when I discovered this game's aim glide mechanic... *blows kisses*

Yeah... HF with that LACK of crit.


Also, you contradicted yourself. Do you hip-fire, or aim glide?


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7 minutes ago, AJman14 said:

Yeah... HF with that LACK of crit.

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Also, you contradicted yourself. Do you hip-fire, or aim glide?


Both. Whenever I feel like it. The one constant here is being in the air.

Variety is the spice of life.

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46 minutes ago, KnossosTNC said:

Variety is the spice of life.

Thank you. I couldn't agree more!

That's why I think 150 Bullet Jumps is too much. I want variety in how I move; Roll, Run, Bullet Jump, Aim Glide, Void Dash, etc. I don't like being locked into one movement type for such a long time for a Daily Act.

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4 minutes ago, AJman14 said:

Thank you. I couldn't agree more!

That's why I think 150 Bullet Jumps is too much. I want variety in how I move; Roll, Run, Bullet Jump, Aim Glide, Void Dash, etc. I don't like being locked into one movement type for such a long time for a Daily Act.

A daily that lasted three days, and involved pressing two buttons a few times...

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9 minutes ago, KnossosTNC said:

A daily that lasted three days, and involved pressing two buttons a few times...

Point is, if it's not how a player moves around, it's extremely annoying to complete. Nightwave acts shouldn't be annoying for anyone.

75-100 Bullet Jumps would be the same Act, just less annoying for those that don't naturally Bullet Jump, or that use other means of travel.

I in no way want DE to remove the act. I think it's a good one. It helps new players learn about the game mechanic, but 150 can turn into a tedious process.

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Also, it's not about how to do it. I know it's 2 buttons. Like I said though, there are other methods of travel used by many. Void Dash is the same key pressing, but a completely different thing.

Should DE add an Act "Run 5000m"? No, that's too high. After all, you Bullet Jump, not run!!

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1 minute ago, AJman14 said:

Point is, if it's not how a player moves around, it's extremely annoying to complete. Nightwave acts shouldn't be annoying for anyone.

75-100 Bullet Jumps would be the same Act, just less annoying for those that don't naturally Bullet Jump, or that use other means of travel.

I in no way want DE to remove the act. I think it's a good one. It helps new players learn about the game mechanic, but 150 can turn into a tedious process.

Literally pressing two buttons a few times over the course of three days = "extremely annoying."


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12 minutes ago, AJman14 said:

Also, it's not about how to do it. I know it's 2 buttons. Like I said though, there are other methods of travel used by many. Void Dash is the same key pressing, but a completely different thing.

Should DE add an Act "Run 5000m"? No, that's too high. After all, you Bullet Jump, not run!!

Depends on whether it's a Daily or a Weekly, and the comparative estimated amount of time it would take to complete. Pressing two buttons for a few minutes =/= running equivalent of Olympic medium distance race.

Still, might be an excuse to bust out my Volt and role-play the Flash on PoE.

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17 hours ago, KnossosTNC said:

Literally pressing two buttons a few times over the course of three days = "extremely annoying."


Like I said, if it's not how a player plays the game, it would be annoying. A few times? More like 150 times.

17 hours ago, KnossosTNC said:

Depends on whether it's a Daily or a Weekly, and the comparative estimated amount of time it would take to complete.

If a player is behind in the progression, they would want to complete all dailies to get the highest level possible... or if they are planning a vacation... or if they are a newer player and can't complete the Elite Weeklies.

17 hours ago, KnossosTNC said:

Pressing two buttons for a few minutes =/= running equivalent of Olympic medium distance race.

Running 5000m is easy! You could literally do that in 2 excavations! You just gotta stop Bullet Jumping for a bit.

You starting to see the flip side to your argument? You don't run in missions, so for you the proposed act could seem extremely annoying. Some players don't bullet jump in missions, so for them, the current act is extremely annoying.

17 hours ago, KnossosTNC said:

Still, might be an excuse to bust out my Volt and role-play the Flash on PoE.

That would actually be pretty fun.


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49 minutes ago, AJman14 said:

You don't run in missions, so for you the proposed act could seem extremely annoying. Some players don't bullet jump in missions, so for them, the current act is extremely annoying.

And this is when you just skip the annoying challenge.  It's already been said and proven that you don't need to do all the challenges to still get all the rewards.  

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21 hours ago, AJman14 said:

Honestly, I don't care how you play.

Snipers do not like Bullet Jumping... or hip-firing.


1 hour ago, AJman14 said:

Like I said, if it's not how a player plays the game, it would be annoying. A few times? More like 150 times.

If a player is behind in the progression, they would want to complete all dailies to get the highest level possible... or if they are planning a vacation... or if they are a newer player and can't complete the Elite Weeklies.

Running 5000m is easy! You could literally do that in 2 excavations! You just gotta stop Bullet Jumping for a bit.

You starting to see the flip side to your argument? You don't run in missions, so for you the proposed act could seem extremely annoying. Some players don't bullet jump in missions, so for them, the current act is extremely annoying.

That would actually be pretty fun.


This all seems more and more like a you having a tantrum rather than a gameplay issue.

Edited by (PS4)Puckish_Rogue125
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19 hours ago, AJman14 said:

Also, it's not about how to do it. I know it's 2 buttons. Like I said though, there are other methods of travel used by many. Void Dash is the same key pressing, but a completely different thing.

Should DE add an Act "Run 5000m"? No, that's too high. After all, you Bullet Jump, not run!!

Isn't there or wasnt there something like that when PoE initially released? Pretty sure folks did that without a peep. 

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30 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:

And this is when you just skip the annoying challenge.  It's already been said and proven that you don't need to do all the challenges to still get all the rewards.  

Like I said, that's totally an option for most people, but it's not a solution!

6 minutes ago, (PS4)Puckish_Rogue125 said:

This all seems more and more like a you having a tantrum is us than a gameplay issue.

Maybe I don't word my sentences very well. I don't mean to sound upset at all. I just want to discuss reasons for or against the idea of lowering the number. Honestly, what harm would it cause to ease a simple Daily?

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