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"Take your time and plan ahead" - how I avoid burnout & stress.


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4 minutes ago, Lutesque said:

So basically what you're saying is treat it like its work ? 

See the flaw in your Mantra ?


See my third to last paragraph, the one with the bolded sentences.

Not saying you shouldn't give feedback to the developers, but at the same time, this is a looter shooter. Grind and RNG have to be expected at some level.

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1 minute ago, KnossosTNC said:

See my third to last paragraph, the one with the bolded sentences.

Not saying you shouldn't give feedback to the developers, but at the same time, this is a looter shooter. Grind and RNG have to be expected at some level.

I expect to grind. I expect some RNG.... what I never anticipated was being borderline having literally all progress grind to halt because of RNG....

Thats just bad design.... 

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Just now, Lutesque said:

I expect to grind. I expect some RNG.... what I never anticipated was being borderline having literally all progress grind to halt because of RNG....

Thats just bad design.... 

Not here to defend it. As I said, I'm not a DE dev. I'm just sharing how I coped with it.

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1 minute ago, KnossosTNC said:

Not here to defend it. As I said, I'm not a DE dev. I'm just sharing how I coped with it.

Thats alil, well I don't want to say ignorant, but you undestand that how you say something may have a knock on effect ?

In this case if you maje a thread about coping with Said design then do you expect the devs do anything to fix it ?  After all.... they are coping right ? Lets leave them to suffer farming Khora/Harrow Systems....

Im just saying you can't just say somethinh and then not think about its repercussions. Inconvenient as they may seem.

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1 hour ago, Lutesque said:

Thats alil, well I don't want to say ignorant, but you undestand that how you say something may have a knock on effect ?

In this case if you maje a thread about coping with Said design then do you expect the devs do anything to fix it ?  After all.... they are coping right ? Lets leave them to suffer farming Khora/Harrow Systems....

Im just saying you can't just say somethinh and then not think about its repercussions. Inconvenient as they may seem.

As I said, I didn't say anything about not giving feedback. I've said repeatedly on many occasions; without honest criticism, there is no impetus to improve. I therefore actually encourage people to give feedback and criticise the devs. I fully support that.

That being said, this is not a zero-sum game, and you can do both. You can give firm and honest critical feedback, while at the same time making sure a game doesn't make you miserable. I myself gave DE a comprehensive feedback and critique of Nightwave back in Season 1, despite being generally okay with it. I have also, on multiple occasions, complained publicly how the Khora grind was one of the worst I've ever experienced in the game. At the end of day, however, life is too short to let some video game make you miserable, and it is partially on the player to not let that happen. I simply hope I can help someone on that part.

Edited by KnossosTNC
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4 hours ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

pretty much this, tho burnout for me it's not really too much to do. rather the Lack Of things. (content).

Sounds more like you want something new because you can play anything

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32 minutes ago, -Temp0- said:

Your grand schedule is absolutely useless for majority of adult's that work standard 8 hours for 5 days and spend about 2 hours more each day getting to it and from it. All I freaking want to do after work is to drop dead. Not playing that half dead game for shtty rewards or hoping that the only relatively interesting game mode like Arbitration would rotate to excavation, the only mode that is bearabke thete. 

But saying that, if there wont be bullsht Challenges in nw that either take enormous amount of time like several sorties or those that you cant complete in one day like syndicates, nw is no longer an issue. 

useless for majority? says who, you? lmao.

I work 8h everyday, and I also synergise my workload in warframe after irl work. differently ofc, now also including the NW, but I like to check the episode status to see what to equip, and then I try to get on the sortie train (I do the last one  the day after, so I get my double credit from 50k mission regardless if I have a booster, and whatever specification of the mission appears, I run this through fissures/syndicates/whichever farm I am doing now. 

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33 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

I'm sorry?

What do you mean

Lack of things doesn't sound like you don't have anything to do, it's more to "I want new things because I'm bored with old contents" because you can keep playing everything from missions to orbs even after you have everything

correct me if I'm wrong

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For me, playing other games before going to Warframe makes me relaxed.

I usually go with games such as Empire Earth, Freedom Planet, Enter the Gungeon, Starbound, Megaman Maker, Slime Rancher, M.U.G.E.N., Don't Starve Together, and such... And as such, i can feel prepared for the upcoming.

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My number 1 tip to avoid burnout is have other games to play, 'Content' within this game is few and far between and always overhyped so dont let is sway you too much no matter what playing this day in and day out will burn you out as theres nothing to do at one point except login and wait for new content, DE tends to block the shortcuts to alot of content so you sit for longer playing the game racking up hours, sure their timers can help you get off the game and go for physcial activity if thats your mindset but itll #*!% you up mentally if you take it serious since the stuff your probably wanting have extremely low drop chances made worse by de removing double dipping and having no alternatives yet, im still suprised they havent buffed any drop rates and made their stupid percentages better all around but who am i kidding, they have a major part of their income coming from people wanting to buy rng mods (rivens) lol in which the resource needed to roll that stuff will either take AGES to obtain or itll become your second job good luck not getting burnt out after that

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1 hour ago, Lutesque said:

Thats alil, well I don't want to say ignorant, but you undestand that how you say something may have a knock on effect ?

In this case if you maje a thread about coping with Said design then do you expect the devs do anything to fix it ?  After all.... they are coping right ? Lets leave them to suffer farming Khora/Harrow Systems....

Im just saying you can't just say somethinh and then not think about its repercussions. Inconvenient as they may seem.

WTF?!  This coming from you is laughable at Best and hypocritical at worst.  

OP explained extremely well in the very first post his reasons for doing this and why he's sharing.  There is nothing wrong with his method or methodology.  It's helping other Tenno as well as giving feedback to DE on something that they might not have been aware of at the same time.  


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9 hours ago, KnossosTNC said:

I've been hearing quite a few cries of Warframe "burning" and "stressing" people out - and I get it. I've been there, multiple times. This game has so many different ways of potentially burning you out, and there have been multiple times I could have quit and left forever. Yet here I am, a year and half after I started playing this game, and I have never enjoyed it more. I have often replied to these complaints with my "take your time and plan ahead" mantra. Today, I would like to explain what this mantra means and how it works for me.

First off, every time I see a problem that might make me feel daunted and threaten to burn me out, whether it be a reward or game mode, my process is as follows:

  1. Take emotions out of it and analyse the facts. What do I need out of it? What is the priority on it? What is the realistic time frame I would go about doing it? etc.
  2. Spread it out and cap everything. I will play this much, and no more. I will do other things and take breaks in between. Doesn't matter if I don't make much progress in it, I will simply come back another day.
  3. Group it together and mix it up. See if I can't join things up and do them together or in sequence. Mix things up to keep things fresh.
  4. Write everything down and track them. I have a notepad on my phone detailing all my plans for the day and week. It tracks my progress and keeps me on the path.

I have developed this process instinctively over time, until it crystallized into the formal process and plan I have today once the little squares on a map that would have popped out of nowhere and ruin them or make me regret having them disappeared. These days, I can determine exactly what to do, how much, and when. As a result of this process, I now play the game in four daily sessions, with breaks and non-Warframe stuff in between:

  • Morning Short Session: I have about an hour where I would otherwise be doing nothing each morning, so I log on. Currently, this consists of three Credits runs, Sortie and a single Kavat DNA run attempt.
  • Afternoon Long Session: This is where I put in all the most time-consuming and least immediately rewarding regular activities. Currently, this consists of running for 3 relics of each type, 3 Bounties, and 6 relics cleared. Clearing relics each day gives me Void Traces and Ducats, while controlling the relic stacks. This session is also intended to be expendable; if I need an extra 90 to 150 minutes to do absolutely anything else, I will simply cancel my Long Session for the day.
  • Night Session: This currently just consists of a set of Tridolon. Why only at night? Let's just say even I succumb to superstition and ritualism on a rare occasion, as much as I hate to admit it. This takes about 25 minutes.
  • Special Session: Effectively an extension of the Night Session, and will become one and the same once I get 2 more Arcane Barriers and Arcane Aegises each. This is where I do my non-regular activities, such as Nightwave acts, Riven unveiling, cracking relics, fast levelling, and 4 Arbitration rotations. I plan it all out over the week ahead.

This brings me to this week's Nightwave acts, and how I plan to go about completing them:

  • Venus Miner: Bounties detour. I'll finish my 3 daily Bounties, then take a quick detour to burn a few rocks.
  • Earth Fisher: Tridolon detour. I'll finish my daily Tridolon, then take a quick detour to stab a few fishes.
  • Good Friend: Wednesday Special Session.
  • Sortie Specialist: Passive.
  • Eximus Eliminator: Passive.
  • (Elite) Grove Guardian: Tuesday Special Session. If I was to farm this from scratch, I would say Twilight Apothics seem to be the easiest and quickest to farm. Luckily, I still have 16 left.
  • (Elite) Silent Eliminator: If not passive, then Thursday Special Session.

With this in mind, my plans for this week's Special Sessions look like this:

  • Monday: Riven Unveiling. It has been... ...a freakish few days.
  • Tuesday: Grove Guardian (NW).
  • Wednesday: Good Friend (NW).
  • Thursday: Silent Eliminator (NW) or cracking relics.
  • Friday: Cracking relics or Arbitration.
  • Saturday: Arbitration.
  • Sunday: Arbitration.

Someone recently complained to me that planning ahead isn't fun - which I concede, it isn't. However, planning ahead has allowed me to avoid burnout and stress, keeping things fresh each day, and clearing a space for me to have fun. I personally think it was worth the effort.

Now, some of you at this point are probably thinking; "Wait, this looks like a weekly schedule for a job. Are you turning this game into a job?" Yes it does, and it would be exactly that - if my problem was underplaying. That is, I drew up this elaborate plan because I wasn't playing enough and I was looking for a minimum checklist of things to do. In my case, however, all of this planning ahead is actually intended to solve the exact opposite problem: overplaying. What I'm actually doing here is countering my temptation to overplay and become miserable by putting hard caps on how much I play while still getting what I want eventually. Three Credits runs a day - doesn't matter if I need more, come back another day. Set of 3 relics of each type a day - doesn't matter if I don't get the relics I want, come back another day. One set of Tridolon a day - doesn't matter if I don't get the Arcanes I want, or I'm just one Brilliant Shard short of upgrading my Focus skill, come back another day. Four rotations of Arbitrations per session - doesn't matter if I don't get what I want, come back on the next scheduled session. "Am I doing this to solve underplaying or overplaying?" is the single most important question I ask myself constantly. As long as it's the latter, I think it's fine, but if it's the former, I must cut back and do something else.

Lastly, I play almost exclusively solo, and I am in no way trying to tell anyone how to play their games - two of the many, many reasons that if someone was to ask me to craft a similar sort of plan for them, I will reject it out of hand. Instead, I am simply sharing my experiences, in hope that people will pick and choose what works for them, be inspired to come up with their own solutions, share their own experiences and solutions, and maybe even teach me a thing or two in turn. That said, it is possible to have structured planning that incorporate flexibility, such as making my Long Session so expendable.

Basically, I just hope this thread helps someone. That is all.

Brilliant post which pretty much sums up my approach to Warframe (and some aspects of my life in general).

Unfortunately I don't think the people who need to read this will...or if they do, will likely dismiss it as rubbish.

10/10 for effort though. :thumbup:

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43 minutes ago, 844448 said:

Lack of things doesn't sound like you don't have anything to do, it's more to "I want new things because I'm bored with old contents" because you can keep playing everything from missions to orbs even after you have everything

correct me if I'm wrong

No, not excaly

While I can easily play older content, it's to the point where not only myself, but other Vets have nothing to do due to "same :poop:, diff day" and besides the chore's of Nightwaves, it's log in, check whats up, log out, it may not be the same for you, but it is for others.

Now the simplest thing whuold be just to move on and play another game, but if EVERYONE did that (as in a % of players) then who will be playing Warframe and supporting the Devs? (Besides the hard-core fans). What I am trying to point is: No Content, No Play and of course a handful of players, won't mean anything at all, but what I am worried about is the inevitable.

So in one viewpoint, you are correct, while I don't get "Bored" as such, I do feel very down and dispointed in the lack of new content, to keep the game fresh and enjoyable. (Besides going with pals and doing random stuff). But in the other viewpoint, people need to understand that "online games live and die by community".


And my main gripe with any game (not just Warframe) is that showing of new goodies, hpyeing it up, getting players worked up means nothing and it's pointless to give more information or sneak peaks, the lotto. Until its in the Players hand, then it matters and when it's delayed or hyped up for a whole year, then the "taste" of the enticement is gone. For example someone pointed on in a topic: I was watching via Twitch livestream then and didn't really hear any resounding claps or cheers for the demo.

And the result of that is Its lately more: "Oh cool something new, can't wait to play in 5 years from now" from "WOW!!!!!!!"



Edited by Circle_of_Psi
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4 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

No, not excaly

While I can easily play older content, it's to the point where not only myself, but other Vets have nothing to do due to "same :poop:, diff day" and besides the chore's of Nightwaves, it's log in, check whats up, log out, it may not be the same for you, but it is for others.

See? Having nothing to do due to "same thing, different day" shows that you're bored with old content. I've played warframe from 2014 with no break at all and haven't burned out at all, this isn't something I've ever experienced this on other games before. You want something shiny to play because if you're not, you would still enjoy doing fissures or just doing a random mission

If there's anything to do, maybe teaching new players on doing warframe or eidolons is a fresh thing to do for you

Or, try to take off those meta and build your new monster frame. Maybe try to make Excalibur as a sortie nuke, can you do it?

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2 minutes ago, 844448 said:

See? Having nothing to do due to "same thing, different day" shows that you're bored with old content. I've played warframe from 2014 with no break at all and haven't burned out at all, this isn't something I've ever experienced this on other games before. You want something shiny to play because if you're not, you would still enjoy doing fissures or just doing a random mission

If there's anything to do, maybe teaching new players on doing warframe or eidolons is a fresh thing to do for you

Or, try to take off those meta and build your new monster frame. Maybe try to make Excalibur as a sortie nuke, can you do it?

Hah, funny enough I don't have any "Meta builds" not a fan!

But I can see myself jumping into new player places and helping them, I used to do it, not idea why I stopped, and I perhaps I can do really weird builds and see how they are, so thanks for the ideas man.

Although now I feel like going onto a mission with just a excal and fist weapons 

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2 hours ago, DatDarkOne said:

WTF?!  This coming from you is laughable at Best and hypocritical at worst.  

OP explained extremely well in the very first post his reasons for doing this and why he's sharing.  There is nothing wrong with his method or methodology.  It's helping other Tenno as well as giving feedback to DE on something that they might not have been aware of at the same time.  


Because DE listens to feedback ?

Sorry...try again...


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I still find it funny when people stress about a game. It's a game. If you're not having fun, log out.

Get your priorities straight.

I don't plan my sessions. I just log in and play if I feel like it. If there's something I don't feel like doing, I don't.

It probably helps that I work for a living, so I barely get an hour or two on weekdays, and mostly devote my gaming to weekend afternoons.

2 hours ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

 I was watching via Twitch livestream then and didn't really hear any resounding claps or cheers for the demo.


Um. I did.

My advice for you: if you have nothing to do in Warframe, step away for a different game. It will always wait for you to come back. As MR26 myself, I fully get what you're saying, but we have to accept that Warframe devs simply don't care about veterans, and only will put in more casual gameplay. So play the game casually, and play something else hardcore.

Edited by DrakeWurrum
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34 minutes ago, DrakeWurrum said:

I still find it funny when people stress about a game. It's a game. If you're not having fun, log out.

Get your priorities straight.

I don't plan my sessions. I just log in and play if I feel like it. If there's something I don't feel like doing, I don't.

It probably helps that I work for a living, so I barely get an hour or two on weekdays, and mostly devote my gaming to weekend afternoons.

Um. I did.

My advice for you: if you have nothing to do in Warframe, step away for a different game. It will always wait for you to come back. As MR26 myself, I fully get what you're saying, but we have to accept that Warframe devs simply don't care about veterans, and only will put in more casual gameplay. So play the game casually, and play something else hardcore.

Oh yeah, I forgot you did lol

But yeah, point taken, but I wait the day for when the whole player base does it. 😄

(Also for the love of god, I can't get Drake from Uncharted, I hear his voice when you type in the forms)

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