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Orokin Catalyst/Reactor Sap the Fun out of Warframe


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The weapons and frames, fundamentally work the same with and without mods.    If I took a 30 capacity no forma frame or weapon to the first mission on earth vs a full modded frame or weapon to sortie 3...the TTK is actually pretty close (actually faster for the 30 capacity and low level).   Therefore your argument of not being able to experience the weapon because of the catalyst/reactor is not fair.   The weapons or frames stand on their own in terms of play.   All the mods/reactors/catalysts/forma do is give a grinding path to continue playing the same "enjoyable content" again and again with some semblance of progression.    If you do not enjoy the frame/weapon the first missions you play....then why would using those same weapons against the most difficult content be any more "fun"?

Edited by Chappie1975
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13 hours ago, Worsin said:

You do not get my point i think.  A new player that is under 100 hours play time will NEVER have the resources to experiment with the low MR weapons while he/she progresses through the game so is forced to trash them and make them later when they are useless.

As a newbie i wanted to try out a lot of the low MR weapons but it was unrealistic to do so due to the fact that these upgrade items exist and are rare.

Allow me to correct your assumption. New players should not be worried about experimentation. They should be focused on learning how to play. Catalysts and reactors 'should' be rare or hard to get for beginners. Technically DE gives you enough plat to get 2 right away. It's a choice you make on how you spend your starter plat. Master the game and in that time, you will have learned how to get them easier. Don't waste reactors and catalysts on frames and gear you don't like. It wont make you like it better. It's also not a requirement.

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If you are a new player, then you shouldn't need to be concerning yourself with "higher" end content. It's like me jumping into an MMO and saying, "hi, new player here. Why don't I have the mats to craft the gear to do endgame raids? Developers should give this stuff out or it devalues the player experience".

It's called progression. As a new player, that is where you are at. Once you've progressed far enough and you are no longer a new player, you'll be laughing at how easy it is to obtain those items and you may be the person in the forums telling other new players it's easy. Also keep an eye out for Alerts or events that give those items as well.

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18 hours ago, 844448 said:

Any weapon can do well up to end game if you invest well enough so don't worry about things like top or best rated weapons and frames. Play as you wish

This is a lie. Making any weapon good in endgame requires having most of the important mods maxed. As many of them have 10 ranks a new player will usually be at rank 8. As these mods also have higher costs they would require catalysts and forma as well. Even kit guns which are widely considered the best weapons in the game take 5+ forma to optimize.

So basically you need maxed mods, a catalyst and multiple forma to fulfill what you claim and by then you might as well just wait for a top tier weapon to invest into. And yes, this is coming from an MR27 player with several thousands of hours played so I've used almost every weapon and been around for multiple rebalances.

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56 minutes ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

This is a lie. Making any weapon good in endgame requires having most of the important mods maxed. As many of them have 10 ranks a new player will usually be at rank 8. As these mods also have higher costs they would require catalysts and forma as well. Even kit guns which are widely considered the best weapons in the game take 5+ forma to optimize.

So basically you need maxed mods, a catalyst and multiple forma to fulfill what you claim and by then you might as well just wait for a top tier weapon to invest into. And yes, this is coming from an MR27 player with several thousands of hours played so I've used almost every weapon and been around for multiple rebalances.

you missed the point the key work in the statement was invest with a few exceptions all normal weapons without a riven can make it into and be used in sortie 3.  to do that you must invest time into forma, mods, and potatos that is how the game works.  as a new player I hit the exact same wall and I still don't have a loki or ember prime because I sold them so I could get frame and weapon slots.  because of my slot and potato limitations I had to invest into my weapons and I will tell you it was a pain in the but.  I would often sink 1-3 forma into a gun before I had a spare potato to put in it.  now 1.75 years later I have 9 spare blue spuds and 12 gold ones thanks to steady regular play the devs literally handing them out and careful use.  I don't potato a gun right away unless I have an outside reason to do so (riven or meme loadout) I have spent 0 plat on spuds but a few hundred on slots for weapons, frames, and Ark-guns.  I will tell you there are times when I pull out a old favorite just for fun (most of them have been sold as they were not spuded) or as a comparison.  

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

This is a lie. Making any weapon good in endgame requires having most of the important mods maxed. As many of them have 10 ranks a new player will usually be at rank 8. As these mods also have higher costs they would require catalysts and forma as well. Even kit guns which are widely considered the best weapons in the game take 5+ forma to optimize.

 So basically you need maxed mods, a catalyst and multiple forma to fulfill what you claim and by then you might as well just wait for a top tier weapon to invest into. And yes, this is coming from an MR27 player with several thousands of hours played so I've used almost every weapon and been around for multiple rebalances.

With a riven you generally need 6 forma on  guns and rifles. on melee 3 or 4, rarely you need more. BTW you can use low builds with much less formas but without a potato you will not kill anything during sorties.

Edited by bibmobello
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2 hours ago, spirit_of_76 said:

you missed the point the key work in the statement was invest with a few exceptions all normal weapons without a riven can make it into and be used in sortie 3.  to do that you must invest time into forma, mods, and potatos that is how the game works.  as a new player I hit the exact same wall and I still don't have a loki or ember prime because I sold them so I could get frame and weapon slots.  because of my slot and potato limitations I had to invest into my weapons and I will tell you it was a pain in the but.  I would often sink 1-3 forma into a gun before I had a spare potato to put in it.  now 1.75 years later I have 9 spare blue spuds and 12 gold ones thanks to steady regular play the devs literally handing them out and careful use.  I don't potato a gun right away unless I have an outside reason to do so (riven or meme loadout) I have spent 0 plat on spuds but a few hundred on slots for weapons, frames, and Ark-guns.  I will tell you there are times when I pull out a old favorite just for fun (most of them have been sold as they were not spuded) or as a comparison.  

When I talk to friends that are just starting or coming back from a long break, or making suggestions to clanmates I always give them a short list of weapons to use. The vast majority of weapons are simply not worth the time to upgrade despite many of them being fun to use.

Fun weapons are great for veterans that have nothing else to do, but for new players they need reliable weapons that require minimal investment. Of course as their MR increases and more content becomes available they can continue to improve their loadouts, but generally speaking maybe 1 in 20 weapons are worth using longterm and that is being generous.

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1 hour ago, bibmobello said:

With a riven you generally need 6 forma on  guns and rifles. on melee 3 or 4, rarely you need more. BTW you can use low builds with much less formas but without a potato you will not kill anything during sorties.

Rivens shouldn't even be mentioned to new players. They will have limited kuva and unless they absolutely love a specific weapon they will get far more return selling the veiled rivens and using that plat for slots and potatos.

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On 2019-08-01 at 12:13 AM, (XB1)OneNastyNupe said:

This I agree with.  

Which I think is completely fine considering that getting items to trade for plat is quite easy.  DE (if they wanted to be scummy like some other F2P games) could impose relic opening limits so you can only open X relics a day.   It's quite surprising to me they allow us to get so much premium currency for free. It's daunting because there is so much to buy and new players think because they got a new shiny weapon they should deck it out first with forma/potatoes - instead of realizing that those are things you save for those weapons you really like.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

When I talk to friends that are just starting or coming back from a long break, or making suggestions to clanmates I always give them a short list of weapons to use. The vast majority of weapons are simply not worth the time to upgrade despite many of them being fun to use.

Fun weapons are great for veterans that have nothing else to do, but for new players they need reliable weapons that require minimal investment. Of course as their MR increases and more content becomes available they can continue to improve their loadouts, but generally speaking maybe 1 in 20 weapons are worth using longterm and that is being generous.

this I don't disagree with there is a reason newbs are told to get a hek, lex prime and guandao

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11 hours ago, Goodwill said:

If you are a new player, then you shouldn't need to be concerning yourself with "higher" end content. It's like me jumping into an MMO and saying, "hi, new player here. Why don't I have the mats to craft the gear to do endgame raids? Developers should give this stuff out or it devalues the player experience".

It's called progression. As a new player, that is where you are at. Once you've progressed far enough and you are no longer a new player, you'll be laughing at how easy it is to obtain those items and you may be the person in the forums telling other new players it's easy. Also keep an eye out for Alerts or events that give those items as well.

I'd like to give more light to this statement right here.

OP's been playing the game for barely a month and already complains about the natural progress in the game.
I remember my first potatoed frame was Trinity P, from the Twitch give away and that was somewhere in Sedna.
To this day I recall the hijack that required you to progress to the next planet, doing it with Excal with no potato and ofc solo since nobody does it, changing mods and strategies. Felt so good once I did it, certainly better than how I feel doing sortie Hijack now, afk with Inaros on top of the thing for 2 minutes.
So actually enjoy the experience, since it's something vastly different, then when you get those potatoed, 6 forma frames and weapons.
Also, you don't need the extra 30 capacity to "see" the benefits of one weapon over another, since if we go by that logic we can then continue with "also not having 5 forma" to compare.

Edited by Ver1dian
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Il y a 14 heures, MakubexKido a dit :

so youre one of those unfortunate dudes who did not get the most of the alert system huh ? were you playing casually for 2 years ? like 1 hour a day ?
in that case, yeah , the alert system isnt suited for that kind of playstyle

im guessing you were a loner too because you had to ask for taxi everytime an alert pops up in a locked node
i had a generous clan early on in the game, members were generous to offer taxi to people who doesnt have the node unlocked everytime a worthwhile alert shows up
and i was happy to return the favor when i had mine fully unlocked, the alert system boosted interactivity in the clan in some way

and for me, most of my plat went to forma bundles, the forma bundles i bought was around double the amount of warframe slots ive bough, which they never hand out freely prior nightwave, now theyre giving away some, im sure they can afford to give away potates, but they insisted on removing alerts completely.


Well there's that thing called "life and obligations". Playing an hour or two per day is already a lot for many people. What, do you really think gaming sessions of 4 hours are intended play ? Don't be ridiculous, even games that are not afraid to waste your time are not built around that long sessions (notable exception for Arma and all simulation games, but that would be a pretty big leap).

And no, I had (still have) a clan. I never got to get taxid because I focused on clearing the starchart quickly. But here's a thing, if it's a friend, you are still being taxid, that is the same thing. And you can still help noobs powerthrough some NW challenges. Not all for sure, but you can still be of major help, I could argue, in a more interactive way. But the point stands, you still had to get taxid, you couldn't access everything either.

Good for you if you could camp the game for 5 hours straight and get all the potatoes, but again, for many people, we were just clenching until next lotus gift. And since formas are easily farmable, the priority naturally goes to potatoes for plat. For this last one it's pretty hard to gage, so I'll just leave my expérience as a counter point, not more.

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17 hours ago, Luciole77 said:

The rank itens from nw is nice but earn credits and expend this things in fried potatoes, nitain, cosmetics its....sux!


I hope they bring back alerts with potatoes, nitain, kavat codes, cosmetics....because they are very necessary to build sets and with low credits earned in nw we cant afford this things...we must choose! what to buy? potato? nintain? cosmetics?


Without alerts the game seens dead to me! No surprises anymore!🙄


Correction: Alerts with Potatoes's blueprints, 10x Kavat Codes, 5x nitain extract along the one in nightwave, aura mods and weapon blueprints, except alerts has 24/48 hours to get them.

The cosmetics are optional, and aren't necessary to progress.

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I think technically we get less potential potatoes now with NW. see here for an idea of frequency  https://twitter.com/warframerewards?lang=en

we still get the invasion alerts, but you'd often miss many of those as well as the regular alerts unless you have no actual life responsibilities.

This is also a F2P game. In my experience, generally in this genre, you kinda have to be prepared to pay the price of a full priced game in the end. WF is probably the best version of the model out there, but in reality the entire model and many systems are cleveraly designed to make you addicted and then promote you to pay to advance/increase enjoyment (or in the case of pvp, be on even footing with paying players). You will eventually get half a dozen of them from gift of lotus, catching an invasion, or NW for free. But you can of course buy them now with your bank card.

Or you can quit.


Edited by Ghogiel
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