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Mastery rank 9 test and the Stealth mechanic


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Mastery Rank 9 is definitely far to difficult. The only appropriate way to beat it that i have seen is cheesing it. That is not how these tests should work. I have been in multiple situations on this mission that showed how faulty the stealth mechanic is. One example in the last play through i was behind pillar not moving and observing the enemy movements to choose when to make my kill and after sitting there for 60 seconds getting the timing right one of the enemies got spooked and detected me. With absolutely no movement from me in a full minute. That is a bug. This MR test is breaking this game for me a bit. I'm being held back from progressing because of it. Please fix the stealth system or at minimum make this mission easier. I've played it 20 times already (14 of which were practice in preparation)


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14 hours ago, CaptainMojojojo said:

Mastery Rank 9 is definitely far to difficult. The only appropriate way to beat it that i have seen is cheesing it. That is not how these tests should work. I have been in multiple situations on this mission that showed how faulty the stealth mechanic is. One example in the last play through i was behind pillar not moving and observing the enemy movements to choose when to make my kill and after sitting there for 60 seconds getting the timing right one of the enemies got spooked and detected me. With absolutely no movement from me in a full minute. That is a bug. This MR test is breaking this game for me a bit. I'm being held back from progressing because of it. Please fix the stealth system or at minimum make this mission easier. I've played it 20 times already (14 of which were practice in preparation)


Either I've played far too much Assassin's Creed or you guys are being super unlucky. Only a few comments ago I posted a video of me doing it with unmodded MK1-Furax..... That recording is 2 days old

Edited by TwinDrags
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19 hours ago, CaptainMojojojo said:

Mastery Rank 9 is definitely far to difficult. The only appropriate way to beat it that i have seen is cheesing it. That is not how these tests should work. I have been in multiple situations on this mission that showed how faulty the stealth mechanic is. One example in the last play through i was behind pillar not moving and observing the enemy movements to choose when to make my kill and after sitting there for 60 seconds getting the timing right one of the enemies got spooked and detected me. With absolutely no movement from me in a full minute. That is a bug. This MR test is breaking this game for me a bit. I'm being held back from progressing because of it. Please fix the stealth system or at minimum make this mission easier. I've played it 20 times already (14 of which were practice in preparation)


You need more practice. No cheesing, just timing, enjoy my tutorial recorded yesterday. No primed reach, no rivens, no specific frame or weapon. The guard patterns are scripted, this will always work.


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1 hour ago, Zilchy said:

You need more practice. No cheesing, just timing, enjoy my tutorial recorded yesterday. No primed reach, no rivens, no specific frame or weapon. The guard patterns are scripted, this will always work.


All you need is banshee and a gunblade and it can be cheesed.  Same for tank 19.

Its not hard. Annoying but not hard.

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2 hours ago, Zilchy said:

You need more practice. No cheesing, just timing, enjoy my tutorial recorded yesterday. No primed reach, no rivens, no specific frame or weapon. The guard patterns are scripted, this will always work.


I recorded this on 24.09.19 with Wukong Prime and unmodded MK1-Furax using only finishers, no channeling and not even flipping camera. People keep suggesting cheese-strats, and newer players struggling with this has started believing it's too difficult or impossible without a cheese strat. Clearly not the case...


I think the funniest complaint was someone not having enough damage to kill an enemy with a basic or slide attack, when all the enemies/grineer are a grand level of 1. Which is why I only used finishers.

Edited by TwinDrags
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47 minutes ago, TwinDrags said:

I recorded this on 24.09.19 with Wukong Prime and unmodded MK1-Furax using only finishers, no channeling and not even flipping camera. People keep suggesting cheese-strats, and newer players struggling with this has started believing it's too difficult or impossible without a cheese strat. Clearly not the case...


I think the funniest complaint was someone not having enough damage to kill an enemy with a basic or slide attack, when all the enemies/grineer are a grand level of 1. Which is why I only used finishers.

Not enough damage? Oh looord, they must need a riven 😂

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I found an easy way to beat master rank number 9 with about three or four or five practice runs so you can get your timing down you can be that my six year old grandson beat it when I'm on Xbox one STL hammer just send me an invite I'll tell you how to beat it I managed 110 people and they've all done it it's no trick no gizmos



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I jumped into the test to re-check, in the third segment you can get detected very often, I was able to do the test long ago and there were not even gunblades in the game by then, they certainly increased the detection rate but didn't bother to adjust everything else, spin2win works to an extent but the test is certainly pretty bad now.

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  • 1 month later...

I have never posted on the forum before now, and as a new player who has neither Banshee or a ranged melee weapon, getting through the third phase of this seems impossible. I've sunk 200 hours in this month and this test is so broken it is making me consider quitting. Please, please PLEASE DE, Please fix this test or reduce the 24 hour cooldown. I can't continue the game until I pass this test.

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Enemy detection is completely messed up, noticed recently while playing a lot with Wukong and his "specter" that game AI completely ignores elevation and ofthen actual line os sight, with both specter and enemies starting firing whenever they had anything in their fiedl of view.

Meanwhile our radar is broken since the origina Razorback operation when we lost most of its vertical precision and range!

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I've had multiple new players in clan all talking about how hard it was for them to complete the MR9 test and had to go check myself. I failed twice from overconfidence, and almost a third time from getting spotted from odd angles.

The best way to do it these days is with a big weapon like a fragor and to just use the heavy slam. Heavy slam apparently goes through walls if you're using hammers which makes cheesing the test pretty easy.

I'm pretty sure I used a glaive way back in the day to complete it.

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10 hours ago, (PS4)Kakurine2 said:

Easiest way to cheese this and the other similar test.  Is to use banshee and any gunblade.  Then snipe things from a vantage point.

Join a clan with the blueprints and use these items.

Both hunblades can be bought via a reasonsble bundle.

Even newer folks do have options.

Ok, that or a glaive are both a viable solution, but the actual issue under discussion is that stealth is currently malfunctioning and the mastery test is particularly bugged.

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50 minutes ago, Ikusias said:

Ok, that or a glaive are both a viable solution, but the actual issue under discussion is that stealth is currently malfunctioning and the mastery test is particularly bugged.

in my experience, using the glaive will just alert enemies because it locks you into a silly animation for the throw (for example, if you try to throw it from a pillar, you'll fall in most cases).

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I hate nekros main

@HamletSandwich there is nothing wrong with the test. There is nothing to fix. I’m sorry to say this but the test is there to simply test how well can you plan your move while being discrete, you’re just not good enough yet.

If you keep failing then perhaps you need some times to assess what you’ve done wrong.

And the best part of these MR test is that you can do multiple tryouts first before the real test. Just go to simaris. Also you can still continue playing the game and level up wepons and frames without doing the MR test.

The third phase is not impossible at all. I’ve done this test with an excal and a dagger (the mobs are level 1).
keep in mind that, just like a ninja, height gives you advantage.. but its not the high that matters but the Elevation angle.

and don’t necro a thread please. If you need help, there’s a player helping player subforum


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2 hours ago, novalery said:

I hate nekros main

@HamletSandwich there is nothing wrong with the test. There is nothing to fix. I’m sorry to say this but the test is there to simply test how well can you plan your move while being discrete, you’re just not good enough yet.

If you keep failing then perhaps you need some times to assess what you’ve done wrong.

And the best part of these MR test is that you can do multiple tryouts first before the real test. Just go to simaris. Also you can still continue playing the game and level up wepons and frames without doing the MR test.

The third phase is not impossible at all. I’ve done this test with an excal and a dagger (the mobs are level 1).
keep in mind that, just like a ninja, height gives you advantage.. but its not the high that matters but the Elevation angle.

and don’t necro a thread please. If you need help, there’s a player helping player subforum


No need to be rude pal.

This mastery rank test had problems since a while ago, some of the updates broke detection range on those npcs and there's never been a fix, the changes to enemy Ai that made unalerted enemies react to corpses also compounded the problem, that was not an issue when the test was released originally, but is now.

Sometimes mobs get alerted during takedown animations failing the test anyway, or spot the tenno trough obstacles for no reason and a host of other small but grating inconsistencies  - heigh not being accounted for enemy line of sight, our radar being very imprecise on Z-axis since the original Razorback operation, etc.

You telling "nothing wrong, nothing to fix" feels more like  "git gud and shut up" and doesn't help solve the actual problem.

Tl:Dr : The test isn't working properly since a while ago and isn't following stealth rules like in the rest of the game, stealth sistem itself is bugged and inconsistant since DE made changes to avoid "cheesing" tactics for powerleveling, and the issue has been reported multiple times already but it's a very low priority on DE laundry list.

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Yet another video. No cheese, just a bit of practice to learn the timing and pathing of the Grineer.



The important thing is to practice a little until you're consistent in your own route and timing. If there's some part you can't pull off consistently with a particular route/timing/manoeuvre, then find a different way that you can.

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1 hour ago, schilds said:

Yet another video. No cheese, just a bit of practice to learn the timing and pathing of the Grineer.

  Hide contents


The important thing is to practice a little until you're consistent in your own route and timing. If there's some part you can't pull off consistently with a particular route/timing/manoeuvre, then find a different way that you can.

very interesting choice of path. I usually took the left path in that test and solved the problem of the double guards on the right part (one on top and one below the platform) with a double jump.

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  • 1 month later...
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  • 1 year later...

Reviving this because, while possible to complete, there's 2 points that makes this challenge a luck-based (and not a skill-based) trip to hell.

1) The enemies bodies might not drop toward to proper direction or with the proper force.

Since the update which made the enemies to be alerted when moving close to bodies, rank 9 turned from a simple timing & path test to a test that requires second-based precision AND direction AND path with a large margin for luck. First, you need to strike the enemies from the proper angle, or they fall too close to another's path which instantly fails you. The enemy must not fall from the edge if any other are close as they instantly detect any who fall off the platform (even if they are not facing it) within a radius.

On top of that, the grineers' body, sometime, fall shorts regardless of the type of weapon you use instead of flying off while, other time, it flies off 10 meters away. Completely inconsistent for a challenge that requires you to put bodies at specific places to avoid being seen by other.

2) The enemies detection is going through walls and grounds 1 out of 2 times.

This is making the last part especially either harder or mostly luck based because the 3 grineer at the back can see each other at any time except for a precise point that is the far extremity of the ones on the sides' path. And even there, some time, the bodies gets detected.

I have practiced that part multiple times, completed it multiple times in practice mode and each time I tried to do it like I did it in practice, I find myself failing because either, A) a body fly in a totally wrong direction (or a body part) or, B) suddenly the AI sees through walls and pillars a body and I instantly fails.

I'm not writing that it's impossible, but it's such a glitched part which might return inconsistent results that there is some fixes needed.

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