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Anyone play, Frost?



Good afternoon.

Back in the day, Frost was my go-to warframe. Now, I've moved on to new favorites and crazier builds.

I've been cleaning out my inventory, deleting those base frames and weapons that have a prime, and creating usable builds. I'm currently using Frost for my daily scans, where I can use his globe to knock away mobs from the scan target and lock it down.

I was wondering if anyone here uses Frost on a somewhat regular basis, as I'm looking for a build where he can be used in most situations. I have a globe build now, and wanted to know if it can be improved upon or should I go for a more balanced build? 


Thank you for your time and consideration. 


Edited by GrazeZeroLow
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19 minutes ago, GrazeZeroLow said:

nd wanted to know if it can be improved

1. Use a better Aura. There are plenty, mainly CP or Energy Siphon for your purpose.

2. And for sure drop Armored Agility

3. Why don't you use Umbral Vitality as well if you already use the 2 others? Would really bump your HP. If capacity is a problem switch Fiber for Vit. 

4. What's the duration for? Globe has HP and doesn't profit off of duration. So ditch Continuity

5. Use more Range. Bigger Globe = more CC

6. Efficiency mods. Recasting Globe while inside stack its HP, so less Energy spend = more casts = higher HP for your bubble


edit: I am using 3 builds atm

1. against Corpus 



2. against Infested (mainly Excavation). Would suit your playstyle for scanning



3. Nuking even Lv 100 enemies



edit 2:

19 minutes ago, GrazeZeroLow said:

I'm currently using Frost for my daily scans, where I can use his globe to knock away mobs from the scan target and lock it down.

Why don't you use Equinox, e.g.? Sleep the target.

Or use Ivara/Loki/Octavia. When invis the target doesn't run.

Edited by GnarlsDarkley
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The build I am currently working on is Stand United, Power Drift, Umbral Fiber, Umbral Vitality, Umbral Intensify, Primed Flow, Adaptation, Augur Secrets, Streamline, and Stretch. You could use Corrosive Projection as well for your aura instead of stand united. This is a good standard build that I have been experimenting with. It has some range for the bubble and if you use his four, and has over 200 strength when your Umbral mod's, Power Drift, and Augur secrets mods are maxed. So you have a decent health on your bubble while also being able to do some okay damage/armor stripping with four. I used to have Duration on my build, but I found that I wasn't really needing it. I hardly use his 2 and only use his 1 if I am freezing a Nox or Heavy gunner. His four is okay but the standard Duration has been working fine for me. If you wanted more Duration, you could switch out the Augur Secrets for Continuity/Primed Continuity, but that is entirely up to you. It would have roughly the same strength as your current build but have a bigger bubble. Also, if you wanted to have an Augment you could get rid of Augur Secrets and use Chilling globe as you have right now or any other augment that you enjoy. I haven't really used many of his augments except chilling globe. With my build I am going to use my Umbra Forma since Frost will benefit from all three mods. 

I hope this helps!

Edited by --Aegis--TaDoogThtWas
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9 minutes ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

Bigger Globe = more CC

You don't always want to have big globe. Standard one (100% range) is just enough in 99% of missions. Why? It have to protect main objective, not whole map. Exception is build with max range, where you spam snowglobe and crush enemies on walls.

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10 minutes ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

1. Use a better Aura. There are plenty, mainly CP or Energy Siphon for your purpose.

2. And for sure drop Armored Agility

3. Why don't you use Umbral Vitality as well if you already use the 2 others? Would really bump your HP. If capacity is a problem switch Fiber for Vit. 

4. What's the duration for? Globe has HP and doesn't profit off of duration. So ditch Continuity

5. Use more Range. Bigger Globe = more CC

6. Efficiency mods. Recasting Globe while inside stack its HP, so less Energy spend = more casts = higher HP for your bubble


edit: I am using 3 builds atm

1. against Corpus 



2. against Infested (mainly Excavation). Would suit your playstyle for scanning



3. Nuking even Lv 100 enemies


My globe build was based on protecting objectives and maxing out the globe HP (Strength & Armor). Duration shrank the size of the globe, so it just fitted over the defense objective without blocking firing lines. 

It's preastoric, I know. Since this was the globe build back in the day.

7 minutes ago, --Aegis--TaDoogThtWas said:

The build I am currently working on is Stand United, Power Drift, Umbral Fiber, Umbral Vitality, Umbral Intensify, Primed Flow, Adaptation, Augur Secrets, Streamline, and Stretch. This is a good standard build that I have been experimenting with. It has some range for the bubble and if you use his four, and has over 200 strength when your Umbral mod's, Power Drift, and Augur secrets mods are maxed. So you have a decent health on your bubble while also being able to do some okay damage/armor stripping with four. I used to have Duration on my build, but I found that I wasn't really needing it. I hardly use his 2 and only use his 1 if I am freezing a Nox or Heavy gunner. His four is okay but the standard Duration has been working fine for me. If you wanted more Duration, you could switch out the Augur Secrets for Continuity/Primed Continuity, but that is entirely up to you. It would have roughly the same strength as your current build but have a bigger bubble. Also, if you wanted to have an Augment you could get rid of Augur Secrets and use Chilling globe as you have right now or any other augment that you enjoy. With my build I am going to use my Umbra Forma since Frost will benefit from all three mods. 

I hope this helps!

Sounds interesting. I was thinking of adding the adaptation mod, but wasn't sure how to fit it in.

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18 minutes ago, GrazeZeroLow said:

My globe build was based on protecting objectives and maxing out the globe HP (Strength & Armor). Duration shrank the size of the globe, so it just fitted over the defense objective without blocking firing lines. 

It's preastoric, I know. Since this was the globe build back in the day.

Sounds interesting. I was thinking of adding the adaptation mod, but wasn't sure how to fit it in.

Also, this is just a suggestion for a build. I don't really like any of the augments or haven't tried them. I'm still working on the build, this is just a general plan for one. If you find some thing that you enjoy better, then go for it mate. Also like GnarlsDarkley said you can stack the bubbles by putting more up while in the same spot. This will increase the overall durability of your shields. And having some range will help when doing defenses. I'm not sure about Adaptation yet. I will probably use it since it make him harder to kill, but if he is fine without it I would probably add on strength (to increase his bubble strength) or maybe an augment if I find one I like. Honestly, if you find Adaptation isn't needed all that much you could put on whatever you like. The current build gives you enough range and a good bubble health, especially when you stack them. Like if you really wanted to be faster, throw on a run speed mod. I will probably spend sometime experimenting with it for a little while. Or add some extra armor for a tankier frame and stronger bubble.

The last slot is basically yours to have something you like. If you want him to be tankier put in Adaptation or any mod that you feel would make it better, or that you just enjoy. Have fun with it. Customize it how you like.

Edited by --Aegis--TaDoogThtWas
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2 hours ago, GrazeZeroLow said:

I'm looking for a build where he can be used in most situations

I'd say give a high Efficiency and Range build a try, mass Avalanche spam is so dang effective, and not least,
with the Icy Augment, giving the entire Squad Iron Skin for 4x 0% Damage Taken on the Mission Summary = yes please 😄

Many people declare a high-Range Globe as bad but I've often found it nifty
to have a decently-sized safe space to shoot out of in more stationary missions,
just gotta keep a look out for Nullifiers and enemies sneaking into your Globe
(Enemy Radar Mods FTW, anything that still moves after Avalanche is a Nullifier).

A good Frost should IMO never stray too far away from his Globes,
including so he can toss enemies out via recasts (yay wall slams for Finisher damage).

And yes, Globe spam to keep absorbing the previous Globe's health is a lot more effective than building for high Strength.

Ice Wave clearing everything in front of you on lower-level missions,
or prepping enemies for Condition Overload en masse and for cheap, there's some use for that as well, surely.

So, FWIW, this is my general use build:

Corrosive Projection, Vigilante Pursuit
R9 Umbral Intensify, Transient Fortitude
Stretch, Overextended
R4 Streamline, R4 Fleeting Expertise
Primed Continuity, Icy Avalanche

Might seem weird to have no survival Mods on, but all I can say is,
it simply works really well for me, at least up to and including Sortie 3 missions.

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@GrazeZeroLowHello! Frost is my main and i use it pretty much every day. My build is suited for my playstyle, but you can use it as reference to make your own build. As you can see, i have an aura forma on my frost, and also umbral forma.


Handspring is personal choice, i use it to avoid any knockdowns that may come. I run a high power strength value to make use of Avalanche armor stripping. Adaptation for added survival, and Ice Wave augment for some CC, or you can swap it with the Icy Avalanche mod for even more survival or if you dont run with augments, i recommend more either more power str, or range to cover more area. I run base duration since i do not need my Avalanche to freeze the entire field for all eternity, it would only annoy my squad, so 8 seconds is more than enough for me.

Arcane grace is just personal choice. Energize keeps my energy up, and since i do not run efficiency mods, i use as my companion, Dethcube Prime (can just use dethcube if you do not have the prime one) Heres its build


This little cube makes me pretty much self sustainable. After 10 assists of the dethcube, i get an energy orb, which procs arcane energize, and this is how i keep my energy up. Synth Fiber is for the dethcube survival, but synth deconstruct works very well too, as it has a chance to drop health orbs, which gives armor to the sentinel, and heals you too. Repair kit is personal choice for me, but you can replace it for Medi - Ray, so you have a way to heal yourself

As for the weapon, it can be any weapon tho, but with my build, i suggest a sentinel weapon high in status that can also hit multiple enemies at once, or a weapon that can shoot fast enough to proc a status. I had no problems so fat with the deth machine rifle prime. But you may wanna look more into the Cryotra.

Again, this is how i play my frost, not the meta or the most min maxed build, but it works for what i do, and is a pretty good all rounder, it has CC, it has armor stripping, it has defense, and it has survival.

Hope it helps.

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don't have the build image but I boosted it's duration and range to somewhat more than 200~230%, with 130% efficiency, and 40% strength.

Most of the time I just use 4 to freeze enemies up. Unlike some other frame's CC which need to wait until the status is gone, I love how Frost's freezing time refresh upon recast. Very useful in synthesis scan, mobile defense and bounties in orb vallis as long as I keep my energy up with zenurik school. 3 is also used to push away unwanted enemies, like the "capture without killing bounty" in the plain, in which I cast 3~5 globes around the target before capturing to slow down enemies walking close, then at the center to push away the enemies dropping down while my teammate is capturing. However this way I won't be able to AoE kill, which makes me heavily rely on weapons.

Edited by SHArK-FiN
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I have kinda a jack Frost build that is good enough for most content. 

You don't really need a lot of duration for Frost. 

About 60% is enough for most, can go even lower. 

160% efficiency let's you drop globes and cast Avalanche frequently. 

145% range let's you cover more enemies in Avalanche for the armor stripping and also helps with icy Avalanche augment that doubles up for status immunity and is commonly overlooked. 

210% strength for decent globe health and Avalanche armor stripping. 


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