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(PC) The Old Blood Bug Reporting


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11 hours ago, Kreegs73 said:

When doing a quick melee attack with a Guandao will disable auto sprint, so you have to reactivate it each time.

Tested other melee weapons and even polearms and its just the Guandao, with or without mods.

I got the same issue with Hirudo, any stance, quick or fixed melee. Kogake Prime is unaffected.

3 hours ago, Furrow said:

Ran into an odd one with Gram Prime, melee swings turn off sprint. Tried it on several different warframes, tested all the stances, tried with no stance at all, same result. Also tried with no mods, same result. Any kind of melee attack toggles off sprint. Tried it with other melee weapons, including other heavy blades that use the same stance and they do not have this issue. I don't have a regular Gram to see if it has the same issue. Here's a quick video showing the problem occurring with Gram, and then Paracesis with the same stance for comparison.



Seems that we got a pattern going here.

5 hours ago, Gusoap said:

Using melee resets the sprint toggle. Also, didn't get relic from kuva flood.

7 hours ago, musAAAAA said:

It doesn't seem to have a specific trigger for it, but when attacking with a melee weapon, if your Warframe is running (toggle Sprint on), after attacking your warframe will go back to walking instead of running

8 hours ago, Silkman117 said:

Using any melee attack turns off your sprint if you have toggle sprint enabled. Every time you attack you have to turn sprint back on which really hurts momentum moving from enemy to enemy.

8 hours ago, Mephane said:

Something else I noticed: melee attacks that used to pause sprinting momentarily, now interrupt it entirely. I use shift bound to "sprint/roll" with "toggle to sprint" turned off. When I perform a melee attack while sprinting, after the attack sprint does no longer resume. I now have to release the shift button and then press and hold it again in order to resume sprinting.

Edit: Others have reported the same issue when "toggle to sprint" is turned on. So for either state of this setting, melee attacks cancel the sprint altogether and require re-engaging manually.


8 hours ago, Modus-Pwnens said:

1. Every melee attack untoggles toggle Sprint. This feels awful.

2. The Display UI is extremely buggy. Toggling the presets in particular makes random things get greyed out incorrectly, and after setting a number of things and restarting, the settings were completely different than when I saved and exited.

2. The UI is reading button prompts from Lunaro. I have chat set to Enter, but the lower left of the screen still shows "T". Similarly, my interact key is bound to F, but all the prompts say "X". Changing the bindings in the lunaro bindings makes the prompts correct (including outside lunaro).



Edited by crudebuster
adding another example of the glitch
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I did 5 lv 20+ Grineer missions no sorties, fissures etc.
on the first mission i did which was rusalka on sedna the message of the kuva guardian appeared, a symbol appeared ~160 meters away and after like 2-3 seconds the symbol dissapeared after i did the mission i got no notification of a kuva lich spawning or any signs of presence of it nor has anything changed on my map and i cant acces my kuva lich history
I was in a group of 4 when i did the mission so maybe one of them killed it. Since the first mission i got no signs of a lich or larvling spawning.
(edit): did a solo exterminate and a larvling spawned and i killed it and now i got my lich

Edited by NussNutella
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bug with killing kuva lich. If you are in a team and kill your lich, your screen freezes up in a cinematic. Currently the only way to kill a lich is by setting it to solo and then killing it which means you can't get help from team members.

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The Orvius can only capture enemies if you stand still while doing block + alt/heavy attack. If you move in any direction while trying to do the capture throw, it won't work and just bounce off of enemies instead. Dual-wielding with the Orvius also no longer has the capture mechanic on throws and just bounces now too.

There's also some really odd flight homing/tracking going on with throws at times. Sometimes the reticule will be dead center on the enemy but during flight after throwing, the glaive will just veer off to the side instead and completely miss (even on a stationary enemy).


Information above was from simulacrum.

I tested it out in a mission and the Orvius doesn't have the enemy capture mechanic working at all.

Edited by LotusAndFish
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9 hours ago, KaizergidorahXi said:

Inaros's Desicrate no longer allows for Melee finishers. 

Im having this issue too it makes inaros hard to use during low element battles where he can only use his first and cause of this you cant do melee finisher to get health back

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Kuva Flood relic rewards still appear to be inconsistent; the guaranteed relic drop did not appear for me in my latest Kuva Flood mission.. It could have something to do with playing clientside and not hosting four the group. I was also connected after the mission started, but before the siphon was discovered and engaged.

Edit: A second Kuva Flood mission where I joined in the same way and similarly ended up not receiving the relic.

Edited by BRCR
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I've seen a few people say that Gladiator Mods do not apply their effect, and this is true, but only partly.
Firstly, Gladiator Mod Set Bonus, as well as Blood Rush, have changed to multiply against the *base* critical chance. I.E., a weapon with 50% base crit, at 2x combo would have 1 stack of Blood rush, so 50 * (1+ 0.6) = 80% critical chance, and at 3x combo it would be 110% Critical Chance.

That said, Blood Rush and the Set bonus *do* apply if you have them both on your loadout at the same time. HOWEVER, the Gladiator Set bonus won't apply on its own, it only works with Blood Rush equipped, and that should not be the case.

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I can't create Kuva Lich.
I'm doing different LEVEL 20 + missions (exterminate, sabotage, defense, infiltration) the screen is flickering but the larva is not spawning. After some time, Kuva guy sais they retrieve the larva and that's it. I'm playing solo.

Edit: Going to the public mission solved the problem. Marker appeared and the larva was there.

Edited by Savanwertina
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Bug regarding Kuva Lich :

Stuck in cutscene when choosing whether to recruit or kill the lich. happened twice first time i was able to choose to kill the lich but nothing happened, second time didnt even get the choice prompt,  i was unable to do anything (cant use chat, cant open menu screen, cant move. ) except shake the screen around.

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I am currently up to date with all quests. I hit all requirements to have a kuva lich.


Bug: I got the message from the kuva guardian, a larvling spawned but I did not kill it. A groupmember did. After finishing the mission, nothing happened. I consistently check to see if I have a lich set up but I never do. When I go into 20+ grineer missions, no kuva guardian messages. Bug is that I did not get a lich generated from the killed larvling  

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The Gladiator mod set bonus does not seem to be doing anything, whether on top of Blood Rush or on its own there is no change to crit chance no matter how many you run or what the combo is at. Weeping Wounds also seems to not be working correctly unless I misunderstood something, my Galatine prime should be at 100% status chance with an 8x combo (without any other status mods), but even going up to 12x it is not proccing consistently at all, not even with the heavy attack.

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