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Warframe drops out of steams top 10 just after releasing an Big update.


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My name is LOKOUBA and I consider myself a semi-casual Warframe player. My gameplay as of last year, and 2018 too, consisted of mostly eidolon hunting because I considered fashion frame the endgame of my gameplay and arcane market was my main source of plat.

1) The reason why I consider myself a semi-casual Warframe player is because I take periodic breaks from the game that usually last several months.. this is just my method not get addicted to the game to the point I dry all it's content within weeks.. and for long I believed this was best way to play the game. Unluckily for me, nightwave was introduced during one of my breaks.. when I returned the game was within a few weeks from ending the season 2 of nightwave: Emissary and sadly for me I saw the emissary operator collection which was the reward I wanted the most but there was no way for me to grind enough rank within the remaining weeks so I just gave it up. Up until recently I accepted the fact that I lost that set and that I perhaps should wait until the next intermission with the rewards rerun.. but how long am I going to have to wait?

2) I made peace with the fact I might not get the set if the rewards rerun started after I have already been playing the game again for a few months, I really wish to avoid to play this game so intensely because otherwise I WILL get addicted, so I just thought it was better for me to stop obsessing over the Emissary operator set.. but this newer dev stream presented a new bad omen for me. And I am talking about the removal of self damage. As player with time so limited to play the game.. I have only got to experience eidolon hunting with Chroma, it took me months to gear up an appropriate build for chroma and learning the whole process of eidolon hunting, and pretty much an entire year and some to optimize my gameplay and builds to be able to do 4x3 runs with Chroma. Even after Fortuna and Railjack, eidolon hunting was still my favorite activity in the game because a lot of game theory is applied to it and it also feels similar to Monster Hunter a game I loved so much when I was a teenager. My goal for a bit was to become capable of doing 5x3 hunts with Chroma but I had to adapt to several things in order to be able to (swapping from Lanka to Rubico, getting a decent Rubico riven) and the last adaptation that allowed me to finally and proudly reach my goal: polarize a Chroma slot with an umbra forma, a reward that's exclusive to Nightwave too.

But what does self damage removed have to do with all I stated some of you might wonder, and the answer is simple.. It feels like all my learning process just got disregarded and I have to start over maybe on a new role, or perhaps DPS with a newer frame. This is upsets me because I am feeling like all hours I spend grinding, learning and optimizing my build got wasted because now I have to swap to another warframe or role in other to become capable of doing 5x3s again. And while that was something that I intended to do when I felt ready for it, I feel so helpless being forced to do it so early.. Being a prideful 5x3 Chroma hunter only lasted a few weeks for me until next patch ruins that for me. Not to mention that the ONLY umbra forma I managed to get off nightwave will be on a suboptimal outdated Warframe.


1) Nightwave rewards being time locked punishes me for my way of playing.

2) Chroma nerfs make me feel so naked as a semi casual player.

But I didn't just post this thread to complain; I also would like to suggest some suggestions I feel aren't too much to ask. And hope someone in DE staff reads this and finds these reasonable?

1) For the nightwave rewards issue: I think that players should be allowed to level up previous nightwave series with missions from an ongoing series after they reach rank 30. Or add important previous nightwave rewards like the operator emissary set and umbra forma into the list of items you can purchase with intermission creds.

2) For the self damage removal issue: Keep deliberate self damage as an option in the game via new mods(perhaps an updated to vex armor's augment mod?)


I am aware that I am in the minority when it comes to disliking these changes but.. I believe the solutions I presented will make less people upset.. maybe?

Discuss.. maybe someone in DE gets to read this. sigh.


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5 minutes ago, (PS4)SolarPhantom82 said:

So it’s the “it’s a free game “argument,  in the next coming years,  there’s going to be a lot of free games that aren’t pulling this BS..  DE well not survive if things don’t change.  And making excuses for them, will only help them to dig their own grave,

Or, "the only game that has this much" argument, or can you find a lot of free games that has fluid ground combat to space combat without pulling this BS as you said? Also, no mandatory paid DLC to enjoy the content, no RNG involved, no mandatory pay wall and able to trade real money currency, everything can be obtained by putting your effort through it

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A: past NW rewards come back in intermissions. That is their while point. And thanks to the catch up mechanic it's really easy to just grind through challenges and gain ranks, you can get to 30 in a few days. 

B: you don't need self damage to charge chroma, there is plenty going on that you find to damage you. Such as standing in front of a turret. 

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14 minutes ago, 844448 said:

Or, "the only game that has this much" argument, or can you find a lot of free games that has fluid ground combat to space combat without pulling this BS as you said? Also, no mandatory paid DLC to enjoy the content, no RNG involved, no mandatory pay wall and able to trade real money currency, everything can be obtained by putting your effort through it

I understand that the game is different from a lot of games and dose its own thing really well...  but if players get burnt by, bugs, grind, broken promisers, and so on,

they will find a “ FUN “ game to play somewhere else..  And heart of what people are saying is their not having fun right now...  And the completion is only going to increase.

and update like Railjack just won’t cut it…  player will start looking at games like “ the division 2, borderlands 3,, and so on,, 

people don’t play warframe because its free….  But because it’s fun….  Who here hasn’t put money into the game…   and if warframe doesn’t release something good soon,

player will take their money elsewhere…

Edited by (PS4)SolarPhantom82
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damn you're doing 5x3... I felt like a filthy casual not even finishing a single hydrolyst.

1) they already have a catchup system. Granted it's still very much a grind but you got a few weeks
2) Chroma's rework is a matter of when, expect even more changes. Meta shifts all the time, but all they've done in the upcoming patch is that you need to spend extra 5 sec getting hit, which is very easy to adapt. You have shown that you are capable of that

10分钟前 , LOKOUBA 说:

My gameplay as of last year, and 2018 too, consisted of mostly eidolon hunting because I considered My goal for a bit was to become capable of doing 5x3 hunts with Chroma but I had to adapt to several things in order to be able to (swapping from Lanka to Rubico, getting a decent Rubico riven)


improvise, adapt, overcome
and pray pablo will sprinkle his pixie dust on chroma

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4 hours ago, DreisterDino said:

It took them 2 years to release this 1 single Railjack Mission, so what can we even expect in the future?

2 years with content releases while working on railjack and information on devstream that railjack will be released in phases

4 hours ago, DreisterDino said:

but the sad reality is that DE just fails to deliver some content which is simply fun and enjoyable for once without relying on RNG and Grind too much.

Perhaps you can give an example from other games that has something fun and enjoyable without relying on RNG and grind?

4 hours ago, DreisterDino said:

Just because its a F2P-Game it doesnt mean they can get away with sacrificing fun gameplay and instead focus on cheap mechanics to keep us busy all the time.

I've seen worse

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5 minutes ago, 844448 said:

People say quality comes with price, and since we're still getting content from Plains of Eidolon to Fortuna before lich and railjack, I give them the slack since they're still adding content while working on RJ and lich

What content are we getting with plans and Fortuna? We still haven't gotten the next orb. We got tusk troopers and a mini boss in plains how long ago? The plains and Fortuna have no new lore expansions mission updates rewards in line etc. They are getting a graphical update like the rest of the game and as of right now we haven't gotten anything to refresh content in plains  or fortuna. 

Quality does come with a price. And de is far from quality with the state of updates etc. Quality is less rushed updates and more on schedule etc.. Something DE has yet to provide 

15 minutes ago, 844448 said:

The grind itself is hardly on the level I see on other games, where you need huge amount of materials, surpassing what warframe needs and that even still has chance to fail where you either get nothing, lose a level or outright break the gear you've worked so hard on, easily making you waste your time, effort and get nothing

The grind isn't worth it or fun at the moment for Many. Also warframe is not like other games.

It dosent excuse the fact that the grind is stale repetitive as there is only one current mode to rj on top of that the release was so bugged it turned players off. Even after the massive grind to build the ship it dosent matter that parts can't break or lose value or efficiency. It's still not fun to many. 

18 minutes ago, 844448 said:

Should they work harder? I believe so, but if they want to completely focus on railjack, that means they should drop everything else and fully focus on it with no content drop for long time. And considering that consoles are always behind PC for bug fixes, I have a feeling that if DE did release all railjack and lich content in one go, consoles might get completely bricked

No they should work harder all around. Time management and management projects are something they should work on. We're just getting major qol fixes rumored this year. That is sad. Things that should've been implented fixed or looked at are just being glanced at this year. Theyve dug themselves this pile and they need to dig out. Also if they were to properly manage content and optimize they wouldn't be in this mess. They can't focus on one project because of years of unfinished  projects and content left out to dry. Leaving players at an odds such or right now.

Also it wouldn't brick Consoles. Software is very unlikely to do such alone. Even anthems bricking of consoles was more so due to the hardware vs the software. But Sony won't tell you that. Plus cert is a thing to minimize things like this from happening. It's more so virus and male ware protection though as for software being able to brick a console just by software itself is very slim on current gen.


27 minutes ago, 844448 said:

Unfun for those who think it's unfun, but I personally find flying on archwing breaking rocks after the railjack mission is somewhat relaxing, seeing the space while flying without care

And I hate to break it to you. But you're a minority in this case.im not trying to be rude at all by saying such. But if the majority enjoyed breaking rocks after such a grind we wouldn't be in this spot right now. 


28 minutes ago, 844448 said:

DE already stated that the mode will come in phases and I find it to be being careful and putting the foundation first instead of shoving all of them and brick everything

So implementing one variation of a repetitive gamemode that had required a massive grind beforehand is okay and acceptable no matter what phase it's in there should've been more. At the cost of time it should've been more. We shouldn't need phases for content or expansions like this de should manage time and resources so such is avoided  

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)SolarPhantom82 said:

I understand that the game is different from a lot of games and dose its own thing really well...  but if players get burnt by, bugs, grind, broken promisers, and so on,

Bugs? Every game has bugs and I haven't seen much bugs for some reason that it makes me feel so left out seeing people finding bugs left and right and I don't find any, either because I have good specs laptop, adequate internet or another reason, I don't know

Grind? I've played numerous before and I haven't seen any game with milder grind than warframe. Not only that, warframe watered down the grind so hard that it feels really casual where you can just loot the place and get what you need compared to games I played where you do genocide and pray to be lucky enough to get a drop with all farming techniques and abilities, not counting god rolls

Broken promises? I don't know what promises they broke but they already said that railjack is released in phases, and so on through their devstreams. Too long? I watch Quiette Shy's abridged version and that has enough information to find

8 minutes ago, (PS4)SolarPhantom82 said:

they will find a “ FUN “ game to play somewhere else..  And heart of what people are saying is their not having fun right now.

No one forbidding you to play and find fun somewhere else anyway, it's not like someone somewhere will start a global scale manhunt just because they say they're bored with warframe and playing other games. It's your choice

9 minutes ago, (PS4)SolarPhantom82 said:

and update like Railjack just won’t cut it…  player will start looking at games like “ the division 2, borderlands 3,, and so on,, 

And for some reason, they go to loot based games like the division 2, borderlands 3 but complain about warframe grind? I find that weird

10 minutes ago, (PS4)SolarPhantom82 said:

people don’t play warframe because its free….  But because it’s fun…

And what is fun to you? Perhaps you want to ask yourself that first because I've found my fun in warframe, being an omnipotent god with fluid movement and able to do other things from flying ship to playing shawzin flawlessly

12 minutes ago, (PS4)SolarPhantom82 said:

Who here hasn’t put money into the game

I haven't at all, my weapons are made in foundry, potatoes and forma from missions, skins from platinum I got from trading and so on

13 minutes ago, (PS4)SolarPhantom82 said:

and if warframe doesn’t release something good soon,

player will take their money elsewhere…

And didn't people say vote with your wallet?

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13 minutes ago, (PS4)SolarPhantom82 said:

I understand that the game is different from a lot of games and dose its own thing really well...  but if players get burnt by, bugs, grind, broken promisers, and so on,

they will find a “ FUN “ game to play somewhere else..  And heart of what people are saying is their not having fun right now...  And the completion is only going to increase.

and update like Railjack just won’t cut it…  player will start looking at games like “ the division 2, borderlands 3,, and so on,, 

people don’t play warframe because its free….  But because it’s fun….  Who here hasn’t put money into the game…   and if warframe doesn’t release something good soon,

player will take their money elsewhere…

Divison two is really fun pve wise the pvp meta is meh but overall endgame is fun and replay able 

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Just now, 844448 said:

And for some reason, they go to loot based games like the division 2, borderlands 3 but complain about warframe grind? I find that weird

Division two grind isn't bad at all. Nor is borderlands. But its also more fun so people don't mind the grind because they are actively having more fun and are engaged in the game more while grinding. If your less engaged the grind is seen as sloggish and as most players who play warframe say "I turn my brain off and just pop heads" they  aren't really engaged and just use it as a stress relief which isn't bad. But then when it comes to grind it's annoying because it's just seen as that. Grind 

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Here I am just finding out that apparently Chroma players prefer to stand there shooting their feet with explosives like big brains, when they should be out actively playing and taking damage instead.


I never had any issues playing Chroma and getting his buffs, never had to resort to standing there blowing up my feet either. Now you'll just have to work a little harder for it.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

What content are we getting with plans and Fortuna? We still haven't gotten the next orb. We got tusk troopers and a mini boss in plains how long ago? The plains and Fortuna have no new lore expansions mission updates rewards in line etc. They are getting a graphical update like the rest of the game and as of right now we haven't gotten anything to refresh content in plains  or fortuna. 

Quality does come with a price. And de is far from quality with the state of updates etc. Quality is less rushed updates and more on schedule etc.. Something DE has yet to provide 

What I'm afraid is that DE made the third orb close to my rough concept for the fight as the Fortuna Endgame, combining squad link, ralijack, submersible archwing, terrestrial archgun, operator, canister throwing and so on and I hope that doesn't make people nail me as whatever they call me

That means there will be some mandatory payment for that quality, perhaps $10 DLC with mandatory payment to buy things instead of trading for less rushed updates and more on schedule

5 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

The grind isn't worth it or fun at the moment for Many. Also warframe is not like other games.

It dosent excuse the fact that the grind is stale repetitive as there is only one current mode to rj on top of that the release was so bugged it turned players off. Even after the massive grind to build the ship it dosent matter that parts can't break or lose value or efficiency. It's still not fun to many. 

And for some reason people want to make warframe like other games, and I can name some of them, starting from saying warframe is unbalanced with the power, energy economy, and so on and they should need more management like other games, putting our power down to make challenge, etc so why say warframe is not like other games now when people want to make it like other games?

And for some reason people can stand the stale repetitive on other games and say it's fun

9 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

No they should work harder all around. Time management and management projects are something they should work on. We're just getting major qol fixes rumored this year. That is sad. Things that should've been implented fixed or looked at are just being glanced at this year. Theyve dug themselves this pile and they need to dig out. Also if they were to properly manage content and optimize they wouldn't be in this mess. They can't focus on one project because of years of unfinished  projects and content left out to dry. Leaving players at an odds such or right now.

Also it wouldn't brick Consoles. Software is very unlikely to do such alone. Even anthems bricking of consoles was more so due to the hardware vs the software. But Sony won't tell you that. Plus cert is a thing to minimize things like this from happening. It's more so virus and male ware protection though as for software being able to brick a console just by software itself is very slim on current gen.

With people melting down just from 3 days of not getting the old blood when it's a 4 months time window, I sort of questioning if they can do it. Also, those unfinished projects tend to be added later when the other systems are made into the game at the later time

We don't know and we want to risk another anthem incident? Plus, cert is taking long enough for consoles, right?

12 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

And I hate to break it to you. But you're a minority in this case.im not trying to be rude at all by saying such. But if the majority enjoyed breaking rocks after such a grind we wouldn't be in this spot right now. 

And why do we have to go through this grind now if not people being insane enough to finish them all in one go? That one tenno with 10/9/10/10 in intrinsics in 2 weeks is absurd enough

14 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

So implementing one variation of a repetitive gamemode that had required a massive grind beforehand is okay and acceptable no matter what phase it's in there should've been more. At the cost of time it should've been more. We shouldn't need phases for content or expansions like this de should manage time and resources so such is avoided

Easier said than done

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1 minute ago, Lion said:

Here I am just finding out that apparently Chroma players prefer to stand there shooting their feet with explosives like big brains, when they should be out actively playing and taking damage instead.


I never had any issues playing Chroma and getting his buffs, never had to resort to standing there blowing up my feet either. Now you'll just have to work a little harder for it.

Always knew. Chroma mains were suicidal. 

Never knew they did it sideways for attention though 

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13 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

Division two grind isn't bad at all. Nor is borderlands. But its also more fun so people don't mind the grind because they are actively having more fun and are engaged in the game more while grinding. If your less engaged the grind is seen as sloggish and as most players who play warframe say "I turn my brain off and just pop heads" they  aren't really engaged and just use it as a stress relief which isn't bad. But then when it comes to grind it's annoying because it's just seen as that. Grind 

I played borderlands and it's just that, grind, and I don't touch it ever since.

The division 2 though, it feels like cover shooter and looking at the past review where you can pump a magazine to an enemy head and still not dead, I'm sort of hesitating on buying it

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1 minute ago, 844448 said:

That means there will be some mandatory payment for that quality, perhaps $10 DLC with mandatory payment to buy things instead of trading for less rushed updates and more on schedule

Not at all. Poe 

Blade and soul 


Heck even aq worlds a browser based flash mmo has weekly content drops 

etc don't require money for non rushed updates. They just.... Manage their time better. Why should I pay them for what they should've been doing? 


3 minutes ago, 844448 said:

And for some reason people want to make warframe like other games, and I can name some of them, starting from saying warframe is unbalanced with the power, energy economy, and so on and they should need more management like other games, putting our power down to make challenge, etc so why say warframe is not like other games now when people want to make it like other games?

And for some reason people can stand the stale repetitive on other games and say it's fun

Warframe is unbalanced with power even the devs think so because if it wasn't the case nerfs would be less and less frequent but they are becoming more frequent. 

Same thing with energy economy -energize Nerf.

It's not making it like other games. It's making it balanced like other games so we don't run into issue like where we're at now. Sitting atop of a fundamentally broken game where the devs are just now trying to dig up that pile.

Again. They are more engaged. But here quote me a game that's grind is stale and repetitive and what makes it such. 

6 minutes ago, 844448 said:

With people melting down just from 3 days of not getting the old blood when it's a 4 months time window, I sort of questioning if they can do it. Also, those unfinished projects tend to be added later when the other systems are made into the game at the later time

We don't know and we want to risk another anthem incident? Plus, cert is taking long enough for consoles, right?

More people get upset at buggy and unfun updates. So you want even more people made cause Billy and his group were upset things aren't coming out fast enough? For you to rush and drop content now Billy and Timmy and Sashas groups are upset cause the content is rushed and unfinished? You can't please everyone I'm aware but des choices have been displeasing more then satisfactory for many. 


Of course you don't know. But ea Sony and most devs know this. Cert is in place and actually really dosent take as long as the consumer would think. Same day cert is there for Xbox and ps4 as well. I do not honestly know about Switch but it's likely the same. The cert process is dependent on the team not the distributer. At least that's how my boss explained it. 

8 minutes ago, 844448 said:

And why do we have to go through this grind now if not people being insane enough to finish them all in one go? That one tenno with 10/9/10/10 in intrinsics in 2 weeks is absurd enough

I'm all 10s across the board. I did the ivara intrinsics thing before patch. Because the content was not fun after the 10th rj run so I just wanted to get it over with and call it a day. I got my parts for my ship used my rush drones and now what? People were more akin to glitching and using exploits rather then actual play because the actual play wasn't fun to the masses.

Also? What does that have to do with what you quoted? 


10 minutes ago, 844448 said:

Easier said than done

Yes and no. Currently working in level design where I'm at but the guys that are working on neural networks and AI and functionality of the project have stated not just to me but to everyone in the team in almost an annoyed fashion (cause some of us are lazy lol) if things are managed properly no matter how big the task is. It will be trivial once the we can work efficiently.



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11 minutes ago, 844448 said:

I played borderlands and it's just that, grind, and I don't touch it ever since.

The division 2 though, it feels like cover shooter and looking at the past review where you can pump a magazine to an enemy head and still not dead, I'm sort of hesitating on buying it

Story is great to many and many have differing opinions. The gameplay loop is fun and can provide challenge. It's also a loved franchise and a great experience in the looter shooter category with great characters and all. It can keep many engaged for hours with its expansive skill trees and leveling.

Yes it's very true it's a cover shooter but it's an rpg shooter as well. You're not going to necessarily one shot anything in d1 or d2 (I play a sniper role so if it's not dead in one it's dead in two) but the dps can be there and it can be very fast to burst down certain enemies. 

That being said you can't run into a fight blind. 

Also it's a fair buy for $3

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58 minutes ago, LOKOUBA said:

My name is LOKOUBA and I consider myself a semi-casual Warframe player. My gameplay as of last year, and 2018 too, consisted of mostly eidolon hunting because I considered fashion frame the endgame of my gameplay and arcane market was my main source of plat.

1) The reason why I consider myself a semi-casual Warframe player is because I take periodic breaks from the game that usually last several months.. this is just my method not get addicted to the game to the point I dry all it's content within weeks.. and for long I believed this was best way to play the game. Unluckily for me, nightwave was introduced during one of my breaks.. when I returned the game was within a few weeks from ending the season 2 of nightwave: Emissary and sadly for me I saw the emissary operator collection which was the reward I wanted the most but there was no way for me to grind enough rank within the remaining weeks so I just gave it up. Up until recently I accepted the fact that I lost that set and that I perhaps should wait until the next intermission with the rewards rerun.. but how long am I going to have to wait?

2) I made peace with the fact I might not get the set if the rewards rerun started after I have already been playing the game again for a few months, I really wish to avoid to play this game so intensely because otherwise I WILL get addicted, so I just thought it was better for me to stop obsessing over the Emissary operator set.. but this newer dev stream presented a new bad omen for me. And I am talking about the removal of self damage. As player with time so limited to play the game.. I have only got to experience eidolon hunting with Chroma, it took me months to gear up an appropriate build for chroma and learning the whole process of eidolon hunting, and pretty much an entire year and some to optimize my gameplay and builds to be able to do 4x3 runs with Chroma. Even after Fortuna and Railjack, eidolon hunting was still my favorite activity in the game because a lot of game theory is applied to it and it also feels similar to Monster Hunter a game I loved so much when I was a teenager. My goal for a bit was to become capable of doing 5x3 hunts with Chroma but I had to adapt to several things in order to be able to (swapping from Lanka to Rubico, getting a decent Rubico riven) and the last adaptation that allowed me to finally and proudly reach my goal: polarize a Chroma slot with an umbra forma, a reward that's exclusive to Nightwave too.

But what does self damage removed have to do with all I stated some of you might wonder, and the answer is simple.. It feels like all my learning process just got disregarded and I have to start over maybe on a new role, or perhaps DPS with a newer frame. This is upsets me because I am feeling like all hours I spend grinding, learning and optimizing my build got wasted because now I have to swap to another warframe or role in other to become capable of doing 5x3s again. And while that was something that I intended to do when I felt ready for it, I feel so helpless being forced to do it so early.. Being a prideful 5x3 Chroma hunter only lasted a few weeks for me until next patch ruins that for me. Not to mention that the ONLY umbra forma I managed to get off nightwave will be on a suboptimal outdated Warframe.


1) Nightwave rewards being time locked punishes me for my way of playing.

2) Chroma nerfs make me feel so naked as a semi casual player.

But I didn't just post this thread to complain; I also would like to suggest some suggestions I feel aren't too much to ask. And hope someone in DE staff reads this and finds these reasonable?

1) For the nightwave rewards issue: I think that players should be allowed to level up previous nightwave series with missions from an ongoing series after they reach rank 30. Or add important previous nightwave rewards like the operator emissary set and umbra forma into the list of items you can purchase with intermission creds.

2) For the self damage removal issue: Keep deliberate self damage as an option in the game via new mods(perhaps an updated to vex armor's augment mod?)


I am aware that I am in the minority when it comes to disliking these changes but.. I believe the solutions I presented will make less people upset.. maybe?

Discuss.. maybe someone in DE gets to read this. sigh.


I ran Eidolons on the daily , 4x3 on PS4 because load times were so slow on PS4 compared to PC. 1k caps and I have been burnt out since. Price of Arcanes  have dropped significantly. Since raids, the time spend on obtaining the rare arcanes increased. When I say that, I mean running 4x eidolon runs per night. vs 1 JV run a day. 3-4 per DAY with multiple accounts if you had them.. wink wink. Eidolons though, running the same boss fights... The same thing over and over again..... x amount of times per day just to say "finally got one." Where as with raids you would run 1 time per day and eventually get what you wanted. Didnt require as much tedious grinding. Hats off to anyone still doing Eidolon runs because it is boring af now.

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7 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

We've had what? 4 different threads here with that info from several different gaming sites since fall of 2019.

Have we?

7 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

In this case we have however been able to find info that things would change.

I think at this point people need to see it to believe it. "They've lost a lot of goodwill" has been stated enough times now.

Edited by DeMonkey
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1 hour ago, Miser_able said:

B: you don't need self damage to charge chroma, there is plenty going on that you find to damage you. Such as standing in front of a turret. 


42 minutes ago, Lion said:

Here I am just finding out that apparently Chroma players prefer to stand there shooting their feet with explosives like big brains, when they should be out actively playing and taking damage instead.


I never had any issues playing Chroma and getting his buffs, never had to resort to standing there blowing up my feet either. Now you'll just have to work a little harder for it.

Miser_able and Lion. I don't know how much experience you have on 5x3 runs but I am just going to say that the eidolons get captured so quickly to the point "taking damage" from them is very unreliable.. not to mention depending on when teralyst spawns chroma will be forced to mount archwing to reach shrine which will disable VA and reset the buff count. So basically you're saying I should take damage from both terry and garry in other to for chroma to do the only thing he's useful for.

17 minutes ago, da_blok_is_hot said:

I ran Eidolons on the daily , 4x3 on PS4 because load times were so slow on PS4 compared to PC. 1k caps and I have been burnt out since. Price of Arcanes  have dropped significantly. Since raids, the time spend on obtaining the rare arcanes increased. When I say that, I mean running 4x eidolon runs per night. vs 1 JV run a day. 3-4 per DAY with multiple accounts if you had them.. wink wink. Eidolons though, running the same boss fights... The same thing over and over again..... x amount of times per day just to say "finally got one." Where as with raids you would run 1 time per day and eventually get what you wanted. Didnt require as much tedious grinding. Hats off to anyone still doing Eidolon runs because it is boring af now.

Yeah, eidolons get repetitive I guess. What keeps it entertaining for me is the learning experience mostly. (and as a f2p, the plat I get from it is nice even with how low energize and grace are). I don't think I could go beyond 1k caps myself at that point I would have probably peaked all knowledge and skill required for optimal eidolon hunting, I believe. im at 250 caps rn.


Edited by LOKOUBA
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1 hour ago, _Urakaze_ said:

1) they already have a catchup system. Granted it's still very much a grind but you got a few weeks

the "catch up system" is time gated by itself, what if a player missed both series 1 nightwave and this intermission? how much longer do they need to wait for series 1 exclusive rewards?

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2 hours ago, 844448 said:

Jokes on you because there are numerous players with all MK 3 parts installed. Even Sigma MK 3 parts are more than enough to carry you through veil with adequate investment on avionics if you actually bother to play through the progression in that 2 months

I'm just here enjoying the upcoming salt for their refusal to invest on railjack while I'm ready to bring 3 people for railjack anytime

Which is why I'm going to rank Engineering up as high as I can, the others too, then just crew =D

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34 minutes ago, 844448 said:

Bugs? Every game has bugs and I haven't seen much bugs for some reason that it makes me feel so left out seeing people finding bugs left and right and I don't find any, either because I have good specs laptop, adequate internet or another reason, I don't know

Grind? I've played numerous before and I haven't seen any game with milder grind than warframe. Not only that, warframe watered down the grind so hard that it feels really casual where you can just loot the place and get what you need compared to games I played where you do genocide and pray to be lucky enough to get a drop with all farming techniques and abilities, not counting god rolls

Broken promises? I don't know what promises they broke but they already said that railjack is released in phases, and so on through their devstreams. Too long? I watch Quiette Shy's abridged version and that has enough information to find

No one forbidding you to play and find fun somewhere else anyway, it's not like someone somewhere will start a global scale manhunt just because they say they're bored with warframe and playing other games. It's your choice

And for some reason, they go to loot based games like the division 2, borderlands 3 but complain about warframe grind? I find that weird

And what is fun to you? Perhaps you want to ask yourself that first because I've found my fun in warframe, being an omnipotent god with fluid movement and able to do other things from flying ship to playing shawzin flawlessly

I haven't at all, my weapons are made in foundry, potatoes and forma from missions, skins from platinum I got from trading and so on

And didn't people say vote with your wallet?

Your whole argument comes down too, 

Well I didn’t get that many bug,   I didn’t spend money,,  I’m having fun, and I don’t think they lie to use,   so you should all feel the way I feel about the game… 

And if you think it is not a lie to change all you plains one month before you release it. After two years of hype. Again that’s you…   some of us don’t buy the “ well we told them excuse… “ 

NeW WaR ChIsTmAsS 2019... BiG CNeMaTiC QuEsT , You can say they change their plains  ,,,,   I say its false advertising     it was all over the big gaming web sites...



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1 hour ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

Unique or not it's not an excuse to ship content in the state of rj liches etc because youre the "only space ninja pirate looter shooter with amazing fluidity and combat" it dosent excuse the ridiculous grind in game or bugs it ships with. If anything it's more of a reason to be harder. If a company was to take advantage of the fact that this market of mmo space looter shooters with great fluid combat and movement besides de at this point I think they'd be in trouble.if.done well. As far as manageable many things are. That dosent mean you should tolerate them. Before I startet with my.new job I used to work with lazy people who never got their work done. Sure working with them and getting things done was manageable and I could do it. Does not mean I should have to. 

With Square Enix about to enter the looter shooter genre with a Destiny 2 competitor... this is not going to go well for DE if they can't get their act together.

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

Not at all. Poe 

Blade and soul 


Heck even aq worlds a browser based flash mmo has weekly content drops 

etc don't require money for non rushed updates. They just.... Manage their time better. Why should I pay them for what they should've been doing? 

From what I heard from this forum Poe is a mess and once patch can make your meta useless instantly, means back to grinding over and over especially with the reset, with cosmetics costing money and no way to bypass that through trading

Blade and soul, can you get everything from gears to cosmetics without paying though? Or there are several things that you need to buy and you can't trade at all to go bypass that?

Same goes to terra

Also, on the games you listed, can you change your class as you wish? I stay with warframe because I can change my character without having to start over from level 1 again

And are you sure you don't require money at all? No DLC, no required payment even for cosmetics and such? I may test them out

They should manage their time better? Maybe that can start from not doing multiple content at the same time, focus on the railjack first, then once the whole system are complete, focus on the next content or content to finish

21 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

More people get upset at buggy and unfun updates. So you want even more people made cause Billy and his group were upset things aren't coming out fast enough? For you to rush and drop content now Billy and Timmy and Sashas groups are upset cause the content is rushed and unfinished? You can't please everyone I'm aware but des choices have been displeasing more then satisfactory for many. 


Of course you don't know. But ea Sony and most devs know this. Cert is in place and actually really dosent take as long as the consumer would think. Same day cert is there for Xbox and ps4 as well. I do not honestly know about Switch but it's likely the same. The cert process is dependent on the team not the distributer. At least that's how my boss explained it. 

Let's say it to DE to take their time, surely that will make the updates better albeit slower

So can you explain why console warframe get so slow on cert process when it's dependent on the team? Does that mean the cert team is slow on warframe?

24 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

I'm all 10s across the board. I did the ivara intrinsics thing before patch. Because the content was not fun after the 10th rj run so I just wanted to get it over with and call it a day. I got my parts for my ship used my rush drones and now what? People were more akin to glitching and using exploits rather then actual play because the actual play wasn't fun to the masses.

Also? What does that have to do with what you quoted? 

See that all 10s across the board you have? You did ivara intrinsics to finish it quickly, granted that you don't find it fun but doing all of that for the sake of getting it over with is sort of unsettling and that's the reason many games put the insane grind because some people can't bother to learn to enjoy and progress as they wish, but that's just me I guess

29 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

Yes and no. Currently working in level design where I'm at but the guys that are working on neural networks and AI and functionality of the project have stated not just to me but to everyone in the team in almost an annoyed fashion (cause some of us are lazy lol) if things are managed properly no matter how big the task is. It will be trivial once the we can work efficiently.

And that's without counting bugs and whatever that may happen during the development?

28 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

Story is great to many and many have differing opinions. The gameplay loop is fun and can provide challenge. It's also a loved franchise and a great experience in the looter shooter category with great characters and all. It can keep many engaged for hours with its expansive skill trees and leveling.

I find it to be completely boring and I'm just blasting enemy faces with bullets, story is great but doesn't feel much other than you're a vault hunter on pandora for the vault that turns out to be a sort of prison made by the eridians. After that i'm just blasting those psychos heads for no reason and I don't see any good from facing bosses again and again for the random roll

30 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

Yes it's very true it's a cover shooter but it's an rpg shooter as well. You're not going to necessarily one shot anything in d1 or d2 (I play a sniper role so if it's not dead in one it's dead in two) but the dps can be there and it can be very fast to burst down certain enemies. 

That being said you can't run into a fight blind. 

Also it's a fair buy for $3

With the angry joe review on the first game where you can fire all of your bullets to someone's face and they're still alive, I'm not too interested considering I've played destiny 2 and the bosses are bullet sponges

Also, I don't have credit card

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13 minutes ago, (PS4)SolarPhantom82 said:

Your whole argument comes down too, 

Well I didn’t get that many bug,   I didn’t spend money,,  I’m having fun, and I don’t think they lie to use,   so you should all feel the way I feel about the game… 

And if you think it is not a lie to change all you plains one month before you release it. After two years of hype. Again that’s you…   some of us don’t buy the “ well we told them excuse… “ 

NeW WaR ChIsTmAsS 2019... BiG CNeMaTiC QuEsT , You can say they change their plains  ,,,,   I say its false advertising     it was all over the big gaming web sites...



Either you're being ignorant or don't understand the word "cinematic trailer", I don't know but I don't take trailer at the face value and if they said they changed their plans, that means they have something to change and where did they say it's a big cinematic quest?

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