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railjack time gate is a joke


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48 minutes ago, MirageKnight said:

Just to point something out...you're rebuilding a multi-crew spaceship, one that's possibly bigger than the player's Orbiter. Honestly, one should reasonably expect that putting the thing back together from salvaged components would be time consuming and expensive.

That being said...

There are 6 sections, each taking 12 hours to repair and 1 mil credits per section. No, build time cannot be rushed.

You'll personally need:

  • 15 Argon Crystals ( for one section)
  • 30 Orokin Cells
  • 30 Neural Sensors
  • 35 Neurodes
  • 50 Morphics
  • 100 Cubics
  • 100 Pustrels
  • 120 Copernics
  • 120 Carbides
  • 200 Control Modules
  • 500 Detonite Ampules
  • 500 Fieldron Samples
  • 1000 Cryotics
  • 3000 Plastids
  • 4500 Polymer
  • 5000 Circuits
  • 10000 Ferrite
  • 10000 Salvage
  • 15000 Rubedo
  • 20000 Nano Spores
  • 27000 Alloy Plate

The Railjack sections are (in build order):

Fuselage > Propulsion > Port Nacelle > Starboard Nacelle > Tail Section > Engine Cowling.


Hope that list helps people in their planning.

tks for the heads up. Time to get some Argon.

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Isn't that the point of it? Give us a time sink that will LEAD to railjack? My only issue is seeing the mutagen/detonite/fieldtron stuff and thinking about my clan and how I'm gonna have a brain hemorrhage while helping prepare us for it Because both bounties and Invasions bore me to tears. It'll suck, but least it's giving you something other to do than just liches and least it is productive. It won't matter now, but in that DE TM Soon it'll have been time saved.

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12 hours ago, (PS4)Kamil-the-KamiKa said:


what were DE thinking?

i watched someone live streaming the new quest and it took him a hour just to farm for the 100 cubic diodes with a nekros and a hydroid, but before even that he had to farm 5 mutagen mass, fieldrone and injectors from invasions and then wait additional 6 hours to build railjack cephalon (he rushed it for the stream obvsiously) and now there is a 12 hour wait time to build the actual railjack part which is NOT rushable.

i feel deeply sorry for him. He spent plat to rush, time to farm and now he is blocked by a 12 hour time gate and he had to end the stream. Imagine streaming to get new lore and the new ship built just to grind to be able to wait to grind again.

DE, seriously? this is a HUGE time gate and probally the most grindy and tedious quest up to date

EDIT: i know even after we build it we cannot use it, i am aware of that. Its just seems it is meant to barely support interest until something useful from it actual comes about.

EDIT part 2: my bad, looking back at old dev streams and comments i now realise that DE did actually say this will happen.


Research/Invasion components like Fieldron shouldn't take 24 hours to make.

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5 minutes ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

Research/Invasion components like Fieldron shouldn't take 24 hours to make.

Those are relics of time when they were actually rare and had no other way to get them.

Now we can get them in Invasions and Bounties. The BPs remained unchanged.

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26 minutes ago, MirageKnight said:

I'd hold off on that! Only the Tail Section requires that and it's section number 5!


Well in better news I managed to get about 1mil more credits due to piggybacking off the kindness of a Rhino player in the index.

Now I only need 3 million credits...joy >_>.

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6 minutes ago, Aldain said:

Well in better news I managed to get about 1mil more credits due to piggybacking off the kindness of a Rhino player in the index.

Now I only need 3 million credits...joy >_>.

Are those amounts of materials to benefit the whole clan or just the player?

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Just now, VanFanel1980mx said:

Are those amounts of materials to benefit the whole clan or just the player?

Apparently that is the personal requirements.

Judging by the Tactical potato video...I'd say this is all expected of one person.

I'm dying inside as we speak.

Also grab some mutagen masses and other such things because those are needed as well for making Cy.

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Just now, Aldain said:

Apparently that is the personal requirements.

Judging by the Tactical potato video...I'd say this is all expected of one person.

I'm dying inside as we speak.

Also grab some mutagen masses and other such things because those are needed as well for making Cy.

I am waiting for more invasions because I got plenty of injectors but none of the other two and only got one mass from an invasion, the rest of the ongoing ones are weapon parts, I wonder if I will be able to play the quest before I complete the Hema research in my ghost clan.

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1 minute ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

I am waiting for more invasions because I got plenty of injectors but none of the other two and only got one mass from an invasion, the rest of the ongoing ones are weapon parts, I wonder if I will be able to play the quest before I complete the Hema research in my ghost clan.

Thankfully I have everything shy of those invasion materials and the credits.

...Why DE decided on 6 million total credits as a buy-in for this I will never know, but hey, at least I don't have to farm #&^#ING TOROIDS...which I take as a gift from the heavens.

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1 minute ago, Aldain said:

Thankfully I have everything shy of those invasion materials and the credits.

...Why DE decided on 6 million total credits as a buy-in for this I will never know, but hey, at least I don't have to farm #&^#ING TOROIDS...which I take as a gift from the heavens.

I bet they are monetizing this thing one way or another.

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Just now, VanFanel1980mx said:

I bet they are monetizing this thing one way or another.

They have to be REALLY desperate if they are trying to get people to buy those credit packs.

Honestly I think they did this because it isn't going to be 1 week until it is ready to fly, I'd guess it'll be more like 2.5 weeks.

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6 minutes ago, Aldain said:

They have to be REALLY desperate if they are trying to get people to buy those credit packs.

Honestly I think they did this because it isn't going to be 1 week until it is ready to fly, I'd guess it'll be more like 2.5 weeks.

Man, it's more likely after Christmas. Loads of time. Do some Index runs, be grand.

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45 minutes ago, Oreades said:

Thanks for the exacting breakdown,

Thank Tactical Potato for that - I'm just sharing the info with as many people as I can 🙂

37 minutes ago, Toppien said:

is there anything interesting on the quest?

Just finding the salvageable sections on some tilesets and running into some...annoying old friends.

Edited by MirageKnight
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The requirements are not all that high. You can make the credits with a few index runs for each phase. Also you don't have to rush it as phase 2 of Empyrean is at least weeks away. For the Europa and Ceres materials just join a dark sector defense and stay at least until wave 20. That should give you most of the cubics or carbides in one good run.

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13 hours ago, Reakacemrz said:

this is better than a buggy thing and gives a reason to wait and the time  wall isnt  a new thing  in warframe i was suprised wy its only 12 hr i was sure it will me minimum 24 or 3 days

It's not just 12 hours. It's 6 consecutive builds of 12 hour builds each.

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