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Let us turn off the warframe's flashlight, please.


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It's 2019 and I'm tired of looking at this every time I'm in a cave on the plains or on the Vallis:


I'm fairly sure better PCs don't look like this, but until I'm in a position to upgrade from this old Intel 4600 HD GPU, this is what I have to look at.

And who even needs this thing anymore?

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Why can't we just have a flashlight toggle button? Maybe let it toggle between on/off/auto if you really HAVE to, but come on! Why not just let me decide when the game's dark enough that I need extra light and when it's bright enough that extra light will flare the camera? The game's automatic flashlight is terrible at deciding when I actually need it!

While we're at it, can we maybe have a better flashlight? Maybe even a customisable flashlight? The current one is super-bright but it only illuminates an area the size of a large pizza on the ground. That does very little to help me see in dimly-lit areas. Can I have one with less range but a wider cone? Or even one that's just an omni-directional light which illuminates around me? Actually...


On 2019-12-02 at 9:59 PM, taiiat said:

there could even just be a Flashlight toggle in the Gear Menu. no, not on the Gear Wheel christ no - just a button on that menu.

Why not in the Gear Wheel, though? You could give players multiple Flashlight gear items with different light patterns as I described above. Players could then select that item to toggle its state between "Always on," "Always off" and "Automatic." That way, players could also carry multiple flashlights on them and choose the appropriate one, as turning one flashlight on would disable all the others.

Or alternately, I guess the Flashlight could be added as a customisation item in the Arsenal, so we can pick its type, the light shape, its colour, maybe even a stencil in case someone wants their flashlight to be the Bat Signal, etc. Anything would be better than the current awful implementation.

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6 hours ago, Steel_Rook said:

Why not in the Gear Wheel, though?

because that would add another item in there for no reason? instead of having a permanent button for it so that you:
always actually have one
can easily turn it on/off.

what other friggin' Flashlights would you even want? the only useful Flashlight is one that lights things up. making shadow puppets with some Lens covers is not useful whatsoever.

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hours ago, taiiat said:

what other friggin' Flashlights would you even want? the only useful Flashlight is one that lights things up. making shadow puppets with some Lens covers is not useful whatsoever.

I'd like one with a wider beam, for starters. Warframe's flashlight is quite terrible due to its very narrow beam. Although ideally, I'd prefer some kind of space light which illuminates the full area around me, even if that ends up resulting a light with shorter falloff. And if you read to the end - I did propose an alternative to the gear item, such as the Flashlight being made into an item accessed and customised through the Arsenal, so that it wouldn't need to be a gear item.

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53 minutes ago, Steel_Rook said:

I'd like one with a wider beam, for starters.

well, why not just have said Flashlight provide more illumination, then - no need for 13 different modes when 'lighting up the general area' is all you're looking for anyways, so that's the only mode it really needs :p

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10 hours ago, taiiat said:

well, why not just have said Flashlight provide more illumination, then - no need for 13 different modes when 'lighting up the general area' is all you're looking for anyways, so that's the only mode it really needs 😛

In theory, sure. Just improving the flashlight would work for me, personally. Not everyone likes the same flashlight I do, though. That's kind of Ty OP's point - flashlight is too bright, can I turn it off? It's entirely possible for my personal flashlight choice to be too bright and washed-out for other people. Having some amount of customisation per person rather than a one size fits all flashlight would help, even if most people end up using similar settings. I mean, volume sliders for Ordis, Nora, Lotus, etc. are themselves not really needed... But they don't hurt to have 🙂


4 hours ago, GruntBlender said:

So, like, mounted on the sentinel? 

Kind of - I thought about proposing this, myself. It's what Destiny 2 does and it helps solve the "light out of nowhere" issue Warfare has. However, I couldn't figure out what to do for people using beast/Moa pets, or no pets at all. For them, the light would still have to come from nowhere. It honestly feels like Warframe's flashlight was a throwaway afterthought they threw together when the lighting system wasn't turning out well.

I know Warfare isn't exactly hard sci-fi, but would it have killed them to have some prop on our characters which lights up to signify where the beam is coming from? Because at point, I'd rather just have my character illuminate the area around me, Diablo-style.

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12 hours ago, Steel_Rook said:

In theory, sure. Just improving the flashlight would work for me, personally. Not everyone likes the same flashlight I do, though. That's kind of Ty OP's point - flashlight is too bright, can I turn it off? It's entirely possible for my personal flashlight choice to be too bright and washed-out for other people. Having some amount of customisation per person rather than a one size fits all flashlight would help

we could just make it into something a little more..... scientifically up to date than a Flashlight(this game is literally in the year 3000 and some change, what the heck), ala a toggle mode for some BS Sci-Fi version of Night Vision that amplifies low light values while leaving high light values alone.
then it covers everything within sight at once, too.


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Oh God yes pls give us the chance to disable it... ever tried enjoying the caves of Orb Valis? Good luck with a blinding white area in front of you. Its get even more ridiculous when  I try to mine. I can barely see the glowing points yo mine them... pls DE.

Edited by DerGreif2
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12 hours ago, taiiat said:

we could just make it into something a little more..... scientifically up to date than a Flashlight(this game is literally in the year 3000 and some change, what the heck), ala a toggle mode for some BS Sci-Fi version of Night Vision that amplifies low light values while leaving high light values alone.
then it covers everything within sight at once, too.

I would actually love that. Remember Aliens vs. Predator 2? Easily my favourite part of that game, especially in PvP multiplayer, was the multiple view modes. Marines couldn't see for S#&$ in the dark, but had a combination of throwable flares and night vision goggles which would white-out and not display areas of decent illumination. Preadtors had three (technically four, including standard eyesight) vision modes, each of which showed one type of enemy but made seeing the others harder. Aliens were the only ones with a copout "enemies outlined through walls" vision. If Warframe had even a FRACTION of that, I would be absolutely ecstatic.

Something as simple as monochrome light amplification mode shouldn't be outside the realm of possibility. I'm sure DE can come up with a clever way to make it look good, but simply not drawing lightmaps altogether in that mode should be doable. Would lead to a flat-looking world with no shading, but also no darkness or overly bright light sources. Some kind of thermal/scanner mode which shows enemies through walls and obstacles might be nice, though that might require additional work to make it look good. Probably some drawbacks, too, to make it worth NOT using all of the time. More games should learn from the flaws in Arkham's Detective Vision. We kind of already have that in the Codex/Synthesis Scanner, though that device is cumbersome to use for a variety of reasons. Could maybe have a few different vision modes adapted to different enemy types, such as one which only highlights objectives (Capture/Synthesis Target, Thrall, Defence console, etc) while ignoring regular enemies. Maybe one which highlights specific enemy groups, such as one for JUST infested.

I absolutely agree that "Predator vision" would be a far more interesting take on navigating dark environments than a "Space Flashlight," especially as compared to the S#&$ one we have right now. I think my only concern is I don't know how many people would enjoy such a thing as much as I do, and these are not themselves trivial to create. Then again, DE put inordinate amounts of effort into Shawzin programming for something I personally see as a massive waste of effort, so who knows? Maybe a better flashlight or straight-up sci-fi alternate vision modes might be another one of these things. It has a lot of potential from simply navigating dark areas to more creative target recognition to perhaps even puzzle-solving where elements only show up in specific vision modes. I'd love to have this, though.


37 minutes ago, Sibernetika said:

Allowing us to change the colour of the flashlight could also help since the bright white light and how gladly anything goes to supernova bloom levels when light and white is combined

That's a good point. Being able to change the flashlight colour isn't just useful for tinting it, but also for controlling brightness. Unless DE is using some kind of REALLY weird lighting system, lights mix additively. The less bright the colour of a light source (such as the flashlight) is, the less bright of a light it casts. Same as setting your aura colour to black causing your Warframe effects to all but completely disappear.

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4 hours ago, Steel_Rook said:

I absolutely agree that "Predator vision" would be a far more interesting take on navigating dark environments than a "Space Flashlight," especially as compared to the S#&$ one we have right now. I think my only concern is I don't know how many people would enjoy such a thing as much as I do, and these are not themselves trivial to create. Then again, DE put inordinate amounts of effort into Shawzin programming for something I personally see as a massive waste of effort, so who knows? Maybe a better flashlight or straight-up sci-fi alternate vision modes might be another one of these things. It has a lot of potential from simply navigating dark areas to more creative target recognition to perhaps even puzzle-solving where elements only show up in specific vision modes. I'd love to have this, though.

they already have to build in regional flags manually to say that areas are dark and the Flashlight should turn on when entering said region, there's already a fair amount of manual labor involved for the unimpressive, 1000 years out of date results. :P

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  • 3 years later...
On 2019-12-03 at 3:46 AM, Geraaltix said:

It's 2019 and I'm tired of looking at this every time I'm in a cave on the plains or on the Vallis:


I'm fairly sure better PCs don't look like this, but until I'm in a position to upgrade from this old Intel 4600 HD GPU, this is what I have to look at.

And who even needs this thing anymore?

if you dont have at least a gaming pc with amd cpu and rtx 3090 or better dont turn on enhance graphic engines in video settings. it will do the light box thing. not sure it will affect high end gaming pc or not.

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22 hours ago, nghoomoine4 said:

if you dont have at least a gaming pc with amd cpu and rtx 3090 or better dont turn on enhance graphic engines in video settings. it will do the light box thing. not sure it will affect high end gaming pc or not.

Not true; I'm running 1080p at max settings with a pretty constant 60 fps with a 1050 ti and an 8700.

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