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Regarding Pablo's recent stream about saryn


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Well, we have this thread about Pablo's stream regarding saryn, so I'll step in and put my opinions

From what I see from saryn, there are several things that makes her spores to be a viable solo ESO as listed

1. Spores scale up until a cap which is very high for an ability that can be left unattended and will stay running rampant with 280% range as long as there's an enemy that can be infected on range while other abilities need some management and don't reach that high

Based on wiki, the hard cap is 100,000 which is pretty absurd considering most abilities can't do more than 2000 if used alone (correct me if I'm wrong) and you can reach it by simply sitting somewhere letting the outbreak do the job

Possible fix I can think for it

a. From that thread, it's said the range will be fixed so overextended build will be not so important

b. I think the damage cap should be way lower than that since 100,000 damage per second when you can be somewhere else is too high. The spores won't spread if enemies die from DoT but the nuke is the spores instead of miasma when you keep it long enough so I think it should be more to utility or nuke fuel

1,000 damage per second would be more in line so it's not a one ability show

2. Spores status chance.is lowered to 15%, this is something is strongly refuse because I use spores as armor stripping ability instead of nuke so I think it's fine to have as a preparation phase before jumping into the battlefield and 15% status chance will hurt a lot for my 200% strength umbra saryn

Anything else you want to add?


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2 minutes ago, 844448 said:

Based on wiki, the hard cap is 100,000 which is pretty absurd considering most abilities can't do more than 2000 if used alone (correct me if I'm wrong) and you can reach it by simply sitting somewhere letting the outbreak do the job

That doesn't happen. Put spores on one enemy and afk and they will not spread to whole map. 


3 minutes ago, 844448 said:

From what I see from saryn, there are several things that makes her spores to be a viable solo ESO

Why do people have issues with other people who solo ESO with Saryn? Responding because I am the guy who solos everything and only use Saryn for ESO and lich exterminate or defense. 

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"recent" like he hasn't been making these statements for months

but honestly we just need to remove the damage from spores, it doesn't need it, its one of the most potent debuff in the game more or less. or maybe like the stream suggested make the spores store damage that you have to pop with other abilities to have deal damage so it isn't at least a constant self acting wave of death. 

Edited by Cubewano
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1 minute ago, --C--Nehra said:

That doesn't happen. Put spores on one enemy and afk and they will not spread to whole map. 

I know, but since you can stay somewhere far away and spread it using toxic lash, the damage cap feels a bit too high

2 minutes ago, --C--Nehra said:

Why do people have issues with other people who solo ESO with Saryn? Responding because I am the guy who solos everything and only use Saryn for ESO and lich exterminate or defense. 

No clue, but from what I see saryn is the meta for ESO because spores. I'm a Nezha main so I can't say much

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5 minutes ago, --C--Nehra said:

Why do people have issues with other people who solo ESO with Saryn? Responding because I am the guy who solos everything and only use Saryn for ESO and lich exterminate or defense. 

People don't have a problem with what you do solo, but what happens when you're not. Balance doesn't happen in a vacuum, and while Saryn being broken in isolation is probably a more tolerable user experience, when met by other players and she's still cleaning house with impunity that's not a fun experience for many more than just the Saryn player. She can toggle off gameplay for others, asked for or not, and that's not good for those not asking for it.

That said nobody wants her to stop functioning in solo either so you shouldn't be worried in that case so far as aims for her nerfs go, people largely just don't want her to be massively overpowered to the point of invalidation she currently rests at. 

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***Note:*** I understand that Pablo's stream was a personal stream and in no way a confirmation of a nerf.....with that being said.......

I personally feel Saryn needs to be left alone. I think ESO is a terrible game mode to compare her damage potential. I only (and rarely) see Saryn on low level or mob intensive game modes. I've seen more Volts nuking ESO than anyone else and don't even get me started on what Mirage can do in there *grin*. I understand that some folks feel that Saryn is "overpowered", but I think the nerfing training is just running wild right now. I'd much rather see different kinds of enemies (like nullifiers that can wipe abilities or vampire modes that can turn the spores on the teams). Make the game itself more interactive. I think there are much better places to put efforts into "reforming" the game. Please let's not end up with another Ember incident.

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10 minutes ago, --C--Nehra said:

Only one question? Will I get my umbral forma on Saryn back if nerf happened? Or should I use this as a lesson to never put umbral forma on any decent frame that might be on the nerf radar??


Saryn is a top tier frame and even with a nerf she will likely still be top tier.

If anything I am more worried about how OP she will be after a nerf...The last two times she got nerfed she wound up becoming even more powerful anyway.

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Just now, Padre_Akais said:


Saryn is a top tier frame and even with a nerf she will likely still be top tier.

If anything I am more worried about how OP she will be after a nerf...The last two times she got nerfed she wound up becoming even more powerful anyway.

Whatever.... I put 2 umbral forma on her, and now I am mad at myself and at Pablo too for giving me this worry! XD, now I wouldn't even place my next umrbal forma on Inaros Prime when he drops, because apparently people are venting at him for being all tanky and naught else too over at forums.

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7 minutes ago, --C--Nehra said:

That's a very irresponsible move on his part in that case.

He's talking about a game he works on, at the company he works at. Not every thing he says will come to pass obviously, not even everything Steve himself does either. But Pablo's not a lowly employee either he's respected by the community and at the office.


And if the person who reworked Saryn into the top teir warframe they are today and nerfed her (desrvingly) after said rework. Well it's obviously going to be believed. 

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19 minutes ago, Cubewano said:

"recent" like he hasn't been making these statements for months

Recent or not, it's about time someone chained some DE staff to a chair and made them PLAY the actual game for more than a bit. You know, the one where you can encounter enemies with 7-digit effective health under half an hour into some modes, and if you get serious,  (hint, hint, armor scaling HAS BEEN BROKEN FOR YEARS) 70 million eHP bombards at level 300 which are NOT funny if you don't bring 4xCP.

Or where ESO can fail not because you've been overwhelmed by the enemy, but because said enemies went and got lost in some geometry/geography?

9 minutes ago, Cubewano said:

She can toggle off gameplay for others, asked for or not, and that's not good for those not asking for it.

If you don't want your day "ruined" by someone <insert deity of choice here> forbid helping you too much you can always recruit a team and kindly ask them NOT to use a frame that cripples your ability to personally tickle Grineer to death. You can't expect people in PUGs to cater to YOU and you alone when the goal of that particular game mode, and even the condition of NOT failing it is killing as many enemies as you can, as fast as you can. 


Edited by Reifnir
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2 minutes ago, Fire2box said:

He's talking about a game he works on, at the company he works at. Not every thing he says will come to pass obviously, not even everything Steve himself does either. But Pablo's not a lowly employee either he's respected by the community and at the office.


And if the person who reworked Saryn into the top teir warframe they are today and nerfed her (desrvingly) after said rework. Well it's obviously going to be believed. 

Exactly! He shouldn't have said it so causally, even if he was working on a nerf, which he clarified he isn't.

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3 minutes ago, --C--Nehra said:

Exactly! He shouldn't have said it so causally, even if he was working on a nerf, which he clarified he isn't.

If Pablo is serious about not nerfing her anytime soon, he should go and ask Tactical Potato to remove the video about it. I found out today due to it when taking a break from my bike ride/pokemon go. 

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Just now, Fire2box said:

If Pablo is serious about not nerfing her anytime soon, he should go and ask Tactical Potato to remove the video about it. I found out today due to it when taking a break from my bike ride/pokemon go. 

Watching that video, I am certain the nerf is coming. The way TP handled it, gave me this vibe. 

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Just now, DarkSkysz said:

Am I the only one that think asking for nerfs on a game that is mostly PVE is bs? There is no competition here...who cares if someone else kills more than you...

Especially when there are other things more worthy of valuable Dev time and attention. Agree with you quite a lot. 

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2 minutes ago, Reifnir said:

Recent or not, it's about time someone chained some DE staff to a chair and made them PLAY the actual game for more than a bit. You know, the one where you can encounter enemies with 7-digit effective health under half an hour into some modes, and if you get serious,  (hint, hint, armor scaling HAS BEEN BROKEN FOR YEARS, 70 million eHP bombards at level 300 are NOT funny if you don't bring 4xCP!) and stuff like that? 

Or where ESO can fail not because you've been overwhelmed by the enemy, but because said enemies went and got lost in some geometry/geography?

And they're still all so easily wiped out.

Spawns and pathing for ESO being improved would be nice though yeah.

3 minutes ago, Reifnir said:

If you don't want your day "ruined" by someone <insert deity of choice here> forbid helping you too much you can always recruit a team and kindly ask them NOT to use a frame that cripples your ability to personally tickle Grineer to death. You can't expect people in PUGs to cater to YOU and you alone when the goal of that particular game mode, and even the condition of NOT failing it is killing as many enemies as you can, as fast as you can. 

You can, but that's not a reasonable standard to regulate your every moment of play for a game, much less a supposedly co-op centric one. Having to avoid public matchmaking, limiting you weapon arsenal, and only allowing yourself to group with select other players isn't at all how you should have to play in Warframe to have a healthy casual experience in co-op. The expectation though is only for pugs in a co-op game to cater to a reasonably healthy co-op experience, nothing more. That means all players in a group having the opportunity to engage with and contribute to play in matches they join, and not a single player being able to turn off that experience for an entire squad on whim.

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Just make it so using toxic lash only works on melee weapons and only affects 2 or 3 enemies within 2 meters or so of the spored enemy. That stops afk-style Saryn players while still allowing a non-lazy player to do plenty of damage. The issue is not the large amount of damage she can do, it's how EASILY she can do it.

Edited by -CdG-Zilchy
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