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warframe needs Public test servers


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2019 was not a bad year but Updates lacked any polish and number quality. Im not saying that updates should be stable on release date but every major update being broken on release paints a different picture. Rather than polising and fixing major issues most of the time devs find updates are stable enough and just "ship it". Also on past year I have never seen an update where numbers was good and kept like that on release. Its always update goes out and drop chance fixes comes along after that. We as an warframe community can do more than just playing the game and paying for prime releases. We can test updates for you. Im pretty sure there is a lot of players that will volunteer for testing numbers and new content for no gains. Even simple sigil will make those guys happy. Devs can give restricted access to dev build and let us test it to see the bugs and drop chance is intended or update is  working properly. 

Let players help to build more stabe game faster than before. 

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In case you might have missed it -- we the PC users are the test servers.  The missions results -- including gaming data we are not privy nor have access to -- are all aggregated into happy little spreadsheets for which DE then begins the arduous task for tweaking the game enough for the product to then be handed over to certification for the various consoles.  While it's true that the console versions are by no means much better -- at least the wilder bugs and statistical anomalies are worked out of the game for cert to accept.  

It has been done this way for over 7 years (which includes the time for the closed beta).  

Don't believe me?  Look for some of the wackier YouTube Videos from the earlier days from QuietShy (like Vivergate and the Kubrow/Kavat abominations) or the more recent rash of content creators and Warframe partner bannings for not reporting their exploits to DE before going public.  

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Personally I would gladly volunteer for it also. As least for a solo player perspective, not to make things easier but to keep an actual challenge and try to prevent them from treating us as weak players. 

Yeah yeah, I know PC players are the testers blah blah, but that's getting old hearing so many times after each update. 

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10 minutes ago, MBaldelli said:

In case you might have missed it -- we the PC users are the test servers.  The missions results -- including gaming data we are not privy nor have access to -- are all aggregated into happy little spreadsheets for which DE then begins the arduous task for tweaking the game enough for the product to then be handed over to certification for the various consoles.  While it's true that the console versions are by no means much better -- at least the wilder bugs and statistical anomalies are worked out of the game for cert to accept.  

It has been done this way for over 7 years (which includes the time for the closed beta).  

Don't believe me?  Look for some of the wackier YouTube Videos from the earlier days from QuietShy (like Vivergate and the Kubrow/Kavat abominations) or the more recent rash of content creators and Warframe partner bannings for not reporting their exploits to DE before going public.  

I don't know how this helps with regards to the suggestion. This would solve the problem you have. 

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8 minutes ago, MBaldelli said:

In case you might have missed it -- we the PC users are the test servers. 

And I'm happy to help. That's why I participate on the Forums. But most players aren't happy with the bugged version.

So, instead of adding a test version, how about adding a stable, console-like version to the launcher? That way, people can choose to NOT play the bugged version.

The problem is that the playerbase would split and matchmaking would suffer. I don't know... Would it be possible to link the stable version with Xbox?

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what ever factually gave you the idea that such a thing does or does not exist?


anyways, if Updates are rushed out the door, how would this make them not rushed out the door? if Updates are often crunching for deadlines as it is, how would anything one might theoretically do change the results?

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27 minutes ago, Uthael said:

But most players aren't happy with the bugged version.

That's because they didn't read the TOS (which is an esoteric nightmare not to mention typical legal quagmire to we non-legal/lawyer peasants), nor do they watch the devstreams because they're working on the assumption that the game the final product by the time it gets to their PC.  

27 minutes ago, Uthael said:

So, instead of adding a test version, how about adding a stable, console-like version to the launcher?

In all seriousness, watch a few console players stream the game and you'll see that the final product they get has bugs as well.  Some of them just as annoying as they were in the PC versions and a few seem to be native to the console environment that DE can't always fix.  The main difference is that most of the issues that were discovered in the game on the PC side of things were "normalized" by the time it went to cert.  

Want to see when the game is going to be most stable?  Pay attention to when DE announced the game is going to certification with Sony and/or Microsoft.  That is as stable as Warframe's going to be before they decide to throw new content at the game (to appease the players screaming about "boring" and "content drought").  Well that and their whiteboard streams that they try to live by for their promises.  

29 minutes ago, SpicyDinosaur said:

I don't know how this helps with regards to the suggestion. This would solve the problem you have. 

Personally I have no problems per se.  I've been with the game for more than 6 1/2 years and I've learned this back during Update 7 (Between 7.8 and 7.8.1 if my anniversary date is any indication).  The problems I had with DE stems not from the game itself but the cronyism/favoritism that Rahetalius drew attention to at the beginning of last year of which has been since quelled.  Oh that and the melee changes that they promised to address almost immediately in March 2019 and then shut up and went dark for 8 months before actually making it workable once again.  Which was a change of pace (in the realm of not stellar) from them as they have had a long-standing record and reputation of addressing issues rather quickly.  But, I digress as this isn't the topic of this thread.

However, every once in a while people work under the assumption that DE has an in-house beta test team (which they don't and the couple of times they mentioned they have something of the sort, it's pretty clear to this beta tester, that have an alpha-test team of code clean up that clearly misses them when it goes to hotfix release) and that they offer to volunteer their PCs and they're time and would like to see the game a bit more raw to help with the code clean up.  

They just didn't read the Terms of Service and never realized...  They already are.  

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I want community to be able to test new content. Not play through and report back so they can fix it. Why not fix it before PC release as well? Some people can tolerate broken numbers and bugs but other ones (mostly new players and players that have less time)  wont play or tolerate it. 

Im fine with updates being broken because they fix it eventually. But you wont need to fix an update that is less broken this much every time. 

The time they fixing stuff back to back they postpone updates even more. We saw railjack 2 years before and what we go was very less enjoyable version of it. Remember lich system being inside of railjack?

All of this content keep getting postponed because they are busy fixing current one to playable state. They cant find bugs fast enough. They cant get numbers right. They need to do more tests on dev build. How are they going to do that? Let the warframe community help before updates released. 


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Well, there ARE people who'd play the most bugged version and report bugs in detail for free. Spoilers aside, I don't see any downsides for an opt-in to a test server. Even if it's only up sometimes.

Edit: check this out:

I once participated in Warframe in some Duality-like test where a lot of people got invited into the same squad. The host had a white profile icon, don't remember the name. I believe everyone who typed "LF" in the Looking for Group chat on that day got invited once. And many of us stayed in that dojo-like area for over an hour. Some were trying to break stuff (that's helping if it's a test), some enjoyed the company in the bar area and others stayed hoping for a reward.

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Test servers does no good when we still see bugs that existed for years. A lot of topics is locked "Archived" with no fix. Robots can automatically lock forum topics, but robots cannot fix bugs. Only humans can fix bugs with programming and coding.

There are some small bugs that PS4 and Xbox one have to go through for several weeks, which is fixed on PC a few days later with newer update. The infrequent update on consoles might be a problem.

Can often just ignore the new buggy content and wait a few weeks to start playing on it after giving some time to see bug fixes. But, some archwing control changes or ability changes just don't have good options to avoid it.

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As others have said, PC version is basically the beta test server. We as the community discover and report bugs to the devs that they evidently don't have time to catch.

I do understand the desire for a more stable version of the game, but the simple fact is such a thing doesn't exist. Even if you choose not to participate in new additions, there are times new bugs crop up in older, seemingly unrelated areas of the game, or even bugs that were previously fixed popping up again. Console versions aren't any better. What we get is what we get, we're all testing their game.

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well... yes... but i certainly have no interest in starting a new account just for (extra) testing in warframe... if, on the other hand we would get our normal account duplicated into a test-environment, i would like to test their newst harebrained schemes with pleasure ^^)   it would also enable us to test everything from low-level missions to high-lvl contend.

on that note: aren't we PC-player not already the test-servers for the console players?

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a PBE for warframe would be a lot better because 

  1. DE ships updates with really awful progression systems that always need to be retuned after player feedback
  2. grinding awful progression systems makes the game-breaking bugs that much worse to suffer through
  3. a PBE would let you evaluate progression and bugs separately and without a burning hatred of DE because it's a hypothetical space that doesn't affect your main account progress (burning hatred is a joke btw)
  4. edit: trying to build false hype by keeping secrets already bites them in the ass anyways, and a PBE would enhance dev-playerbase communication instead by giving players some actual participation in the development of the game and probably actually get players more invested and thus more excited. right now devstreams are mostly a one-way street and the prevailing sentiment is that DE listens very little to feedback from the average player
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Thought to consider: Give PBE access only to players who have been flagged as helpful at least once or twice in the upcoming Guides of the Lotus replacement program. Those are probably more likely to send feedback and complain about bugs.

And/or: people who're posting feedback on some social network DE checks (more than just attacking others or memes).

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Don't look now, but it's us

It's worth noting that there's certainly no real pressure coming from the playerbase to institute such a thing: it's not like we're refusing to play buggy content and bad grinds. The cycle is very predictable: content is dropped, we burn down the forums, while playing through the content anyway. Most of us swearing "I'll play this time, but By God, The Lotus, and Brian Boru I'll make good on my threats next time!"

If we - at least, a large majority of us - just said "Nope" to badly tuned / broken content (like Railjack stuff - if we said "neat idea, we'll play it later after you fix it"), the cycle would change. Might not be a test server - just better testing - but I'd expect it would change.

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