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Great Dislike for Kuva Bramma , staticor and simulor - not for the reason you may think


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Just to clarify i do not have a complaint about the power levels or damage of these weapons.

I have a problem with its GAZZILION PARTICLE EFFECTS.


Every time i play the game i gamble that someone is using one of these weapons, fortunately simulor sucks , so no one normally uses it.

But the staticor is good for specific mission *cough arbi cough* and the bramma is just popular right now so there is a very high probability to have a player using it.

As long as the weapon is targeted away from my frame i dont see many issues , but in the off chance that the projectile is near my frame .... BOOM!


My computer powers off, and i have to restart, sure as hell can forget about any progress i made in the mission. The Particle effects are already at low.


i have a bit of heating issues at  my current place , so i run warm near 75 degrees in most missions but anything with one of these weapons shoots it to near 90, and a direct hit probably pushes it into danger zone causing the shutdown

Sure its partially my problem, but why is there a weapon (not an environmental visual object) that kills my computer? should there not be some checks such that setting it to low would not do this?


This has been so problematic for me in the last few days due to the lich changes and easy availability to the bramma.


I REALLY REALLY want a no gpu effect for just these weapons if possible.



Issue still exists even after setting GPU graphic particles to disabled.

Edited by 0_The_F00l
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4 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:

Just to clarify i do not have a complaint about the power levels or damage of these weapons.

I have a problem with its GAZZILION PARTICLE EFFECTS.


Every time i play the game i gamble that someone is using one of these weapons, fortunately simulor sucks , so no one normally uses it.

But the staticor is good for specific mission *cough arbi cough* and the bramma is just popular right now so there is a very high probability to have a player using it.

As long as the weapon is targeted away from my frame i dont see many issues , but in the off chance that the projectile is near my frame .... BOOM!


My computer powers off, and i have to restart, sure as hell can forget about any progress i made in the mission. The Particle effects are already at low.


i have a bit of heating issues at  my current place , so i run warm near 75 degrees in most missions but anything with one of these weapons shoots it to near 90, and a direct hit probably pushes it into danger zone causing the shutdown

Sure its partially my problem, but why is there a weapon (not an environmental visual object) that kills my computer? should there not be some checks such that setting it to low would not do this?


This has been so problematic for me in the last few days due to the lich changes and easy availability to the bramma.


I REALLY REALLY want a no gpu effect for just these weapons if possible.

I believe you can turn off particles.

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5 hours ago, Godzilla853 said:

I believe you can turn off particles.

It's a universal disablement, I am advocating a disablement specifically for these problem causing weapons as I still do enjoy the subtle particle effects of many of the other weapons, frames and environments. 

Your suggestion is the equivalent of cutting off your legs cause you keep getting tripped. 

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this is an issue that you can surely look to mitigate and resolve yourself - unless you're talking about ambient temperatures reaching upwards of 130°F/54.5°C or something, thermals should not be in such a borderline runaway situation from just normal use.

if this is a Notebook then the Cooling system needs some forced air to overcome how basically useless the Cooling solutions in most Notebooks are. if this is a Desktop, this is absolutely something that can be remedied and runtime Temperatures dropped by 20+°C, probably 30+ even.


(also Simulor is not a bad Weapon, Synoid isn't atleast)

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22 minutes ago, taiiat said:

this is an issue that you can surely look to mitigate and resolve yourself - unless you're talking about ambient temperatures reaching upwards of 130°F/54.5°C or something, thermals should not be in such a borderline runaway situation from just normal use.

if this is a Notebook then the Cooling system needs some forced air to overcome how basically useless the Cooling solutions in most Notebooks are. if this is a Desktop, this is absolutely something that can be remedied and runtime Temperatures dropped by 20+°C, probably 30+ even.


(also Simulor is not a bad Weapon, Synoid isn't atleast)

I agree with this also.  Your thermals shouldn't be spiking like that.  I would highly recommending check your case fans for dust build up, etc.  Also as Taiiat suggested, check the airflow.  

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2 hours ago, taiiat said:

this is an issue that you can surely look to mitigate and resolve yourself - unless you're talking about ambient temperatures reaching upwards of 130°F/54.5°C or something, thermals should not be in such a borderline runaway situation from just normal use.

if this is a Notebook then the Cooling system needs some forced air to overcome how basically useless the Cooling solutions in most Notebooks are. if this is a Desktop, this is absolutely something that can be remedied and runtime Temperatures dropped by 20+°C, probably 30+ even.


(also Simulor is not a bad Weapon, Synoid isn't atleast)

Its a desktop ,

Ambient temperature is near about 58 C on idle, 75 to 80 C is average during moderate to slightly heavy graphic usage,

there are multiple reasons for this and cooling air flow is part of it .

again , i do know the issue can be mitigated on my end but am currently unable to apply these methods due to real life limitations,

but having very specific weapons that can spike my system to cause a forced shutdown is not something that should exist or at least a means to minimize them should exist.

and if it can be fixed in game without compromising the rest of the graphic effects i would like it a lot more.

(Simulor does suck after its rework , though that could be a relative suckness)

4 hours ago, DrivaMain said:

Possibly disabling other player’s weapon FX or tuning down their intensity would be a good solution. 

I always leave if I see someone using very bright color for their staticors. They are one of the biggest scums.

i would not mind this , just like it exists for Octavia.


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45 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:

Ambient temperature is near about 58 C on idle, 75 to 80 C is average during moderate to slightly heavy graphic usage,

there are multiple reasons for this and cooling air flow is part of it .
again , i do know the issue can be mitigated on my end but am currently unable to apply these methods due to real life limitations,

(Ambient Temperature refers to outside of the computer, i doubt that your Ambient is almost 60+  because that's life threatening to even be in :P)


Cooling is all of it, since we presume that this is a Temperature related issue. if whatever enclosure the system is in is poorly setup or just incapable of providing reasonable Airflow, removing a panel could be beneficial, but only in extreme cases. though this does sound extreme.
or if the enclosure is boxed into some drawer or something akin to sealing it inside of a box, whatever is possible to not do that is obviously preferable.

even with the cheapest Cooling possible, staying outside of emergency shutdown Temperatures is more than typical of any Computing Hardware.
unless we're talking about some crucial Fans like the one(s) directly attached to a Heatsink being nonfunctional, this should be totally achievable. even in such a case, having any and all other Fans ramp up to try and compensate and temporarily removing such a dead Fan to not restrict Airflow, should also serve as a solution.

or if all else fails, you could Underclock what seems to be Overheating.


the sort of Effects we're talking about here, are Effects that games use just about everywhere - if you want to try and reduce the impact of calculating those Transparency Effects, you can try turning Texture Filtering and Anti-Aliasing down considerably, disable Local Reflections and Blur Reflections, Depth of Field. if needbe you can try lowering Particle Quality (note that Particle Quality and GPU Particles are not the same thing, Particle Quality controls the number of Particle Effects, GPU Particles controls how smooth the 'animations' of some types of Particles are).

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3 hours ago, taiiat said:

(Ambient Temperature refers to outside of the computer, i doubt that your Ambient is almost 60+  because that's life threatening to even be in :P)

What if i told you it is next to a stove in the kitchen  😛

But yes i was referring to the cabinet temperatures, The ambient temperature would be somewhere near 35 C.

3 hours ago, taiiat said:

Cooling is all of it, since we presume that this is a Temperature related issue. if whatever enclosure the system is in is poorly setup or just incapable of providing reasonable Airflow, removing a panel could be beneficial, but only in extreme cases. though this does sound extreme.
or if the enclosure is boxed into some drawer or something akin to sealing it inside of a box, whatever is possible to not do that is obviously preferable.

even with the cheapest Cooling possible, staying outside of emergency shutdown Temperatures is more than typical of any Computing Hardware.
unless we're talking about some crucial Fans like the one(s) directly attached to a Heatsink being nonfunctional, this should be totally achievable. even in such a case, having any and all other Fans ramp up to try and compensate and temporarily removing such a dead Fan to not restrict Airflow, should also serve as a solution.

or if all else fails, you could Underclock what seems to be Overheating.

Cooling is one of the probable reasons of the crash, might as well be bad power supply or hardware faults. I have on occasion opened the side panels and quite literally let there be a table top fan to provide some ventilation. I am considering liquid cooling in some time as the air quality near my work area is currently poor due to construction causing chokes at times and makes the system unreliable.

I tuned the GPU to have its fans at full speed alt all times and it minimizes some of the problems barring a direct shot to the face.

Under clocking helps but it causes frame drops - preferable over a crash for sure.

As i said it is a problem of my area and there are means to mitigate it , but not a means to immediately solve it,

3 hours ago, taiiat said:

the sort of Effects we're talking about here, are Effects that games use just about everywhere - if you want to try and reduce the impact of calculating those Transparency Effects, you can try turning Texture Filtering and Anti-Aliasing down considerably, disable Local Reflections and Blur Reflections, Depth of Field. if needbe you can try lowering Particle Quality (note that Particle Quality and GPU Particles are not the same thing, Particle Quality controls the number of Particle Effects, GPU Particles controls how smooth the 'animations' of some types of Particles are).

Already done all of these, the crash problem still persists.

The fact that it is possible to crash someones PC by shooting them in the game is the part i have significant problems with.


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I just can’t see a damn thing when they’re in use. Played in a game with a revenant spamming the Bramma the way most people spam Ignis, and I couldn’t see anything - enemies, objects - it was just clouds of debris.

Very annoying. Made me stop using mine as a courtesy to other players. 

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Imma comment here again.
It would be nice if they add an option to tone down effects of teammates (visual and sound). I don't want to set the graphic settings to the lowest possible just because some people like to spam these weapons (some abilities are also visually disrupting too) because I also enjoy these nice particles and sfx myself. An old game I used play had an option like this, so I think it is possible for something like this to be added.
Not only does it prevent trolling (I experienced people spamming simulor or the other bright energy weapon in defense mission just to blind everyone) it will also help those with lower hardware setup.

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6 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

What if i told you it is next to a stove in the kitchen  

Cooling is one of the probable reasons of the crash, might as well be bad power supply or hardware faults. I have on occasion opened the side panels and quite literally let there be a table top fan to provide some ventilation.
I am considering liquid cooling in some time as the air quality near my work area is currently poor due to construction causing chokes at times and makes the system unreliable.


The fact that it is possible to crash someones PC by shooting them in the game is the part i have significant problems with.

if it really has to be there, hopefully it's the right side panel that is adjacent to it? as then you could plop a sheet of material to act as insulation to insulate against you literally cooking your Computer.
a sheet of wood would do okay enough, though an intentional insulation material would be preferable.

you could run various types of stress tests to help you understand the cause of the problem so that you can better mitigate it - Prime95 or another sort of stress test of that sort would definitely cover Temperature and Wattage, though for most other sorts of Hardware issues you'd probably want to run a 'real' stress test. 3DMark has a free version and you could run the Physics tests + maybe uh.... Firestrike since Firestrike has many Particle Effects and so shares some direct similarities with Warframe.


it's not the fault of the game, so i'm not entirely sure what you expect the game to do about it - even a Napalm shooting withing your Camera space would probably have similar results since it is also creating a large Transparency Effect + extra Light Sources.
the game could try to remove stuff, but the game isn't going to know what stuff to remove, since reproducing the same issue on another Computer wouldn't exactly be commonplace, so to speak.

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3 hours ago, Ham_Grenabe said:

I just can’t see a damn thing when they’re in use. Played in a game with a revenant spamming the Bramma the way most people spam Ignis, and I couldn’t see anything - enemies, objects - it was just clouds of debris.

Very annoying. Made me stop using mine as a courtesy to other players. 

I think that was me Ham I remember seeing your name before. I play a revenant a lot and use a Bramma.

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I mean I have my Staticor set to either blue for kamehamehaing or purple for hitting em with the galick gun but sometimes I do make it crazy yellow orange redish to make the screen go crazy so I guess I'm one of those bad guys

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9 hours ago, taiiat said:


it's not the fault of the game, so i'm not entirely sure what you expect the game to do about it - even a Napalm shooting withing your Camera space would probably have similar results since it is also creating a large Transparency Effect + extra Light Sources.

It partially is, as my game runs fine when these weapons are not present, 

I face no issues when taking a Napalm hit. 

I want the ability to disable the effects of other players as a choice, that is the minimum I would like them to do. 

even barring the specific issue of my PC and its problem , being able to blind a player, and so causing grief, should still be considered and rectified (as mentioned by a few players I see in this thread) 

9 hours ago, taiiat said:

if it really has to be there, hopefully it's the right side panel that is adjacent to it? as then you could plop a sheet of material to act as insulation to insulate against you literally cooking your Computer.
a sheet of wood would do okay enough, though an intentional insulation material would be preferable.

you could run various types of stress tests to help you understand the cause of the problem so that you can better mitigate it - Prime95 or another sort of stress test of that sort would definitely cover Temperature and Wattage, though for most other sorts of Hardware issues you'd probably want to run a 'real' stress test. 3DMark has a free version and you could run the Physics tests + maybe uh.... Firestrike since Firestrike has many Particle Effects and so shares some direct similarities with Warframe.

The part about the stove was a joke if you did not get it, but I do have my pc is a warm pocket of the house, buy we will be going slightly off topic if we keep pursuing this, 

But yes, I should run a few of those tests again in the new environment, it's been a while and I have made some changes since I got the GPU.

3 hours ago, IamLoco said:

OP, I understand your concerns, but then, most people run the game fine and with particles enabled.

You can´t really ask the developer to change their game because your PC has issues. And that´s probably what it is.

I can ask the developers, 

Whether they choose to look into it or not is kinda on them. 

it may be just me because of very specific combination of my PC and game settings - yes it is quite possible.

I had an issue, I highlighted it,

And as others have highlighted, even if it does not crash their system it is still an annoyance for some and a griefing method for others. 


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32 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:

even barring the specific issue of my PC and its problem , being able to blind a player, and so causing grief, should still be considered and rectified (as mentioned by a few players I see in this thread) 

there isn't a good reason for PFX to be so out of touch with the game that one blinds themself too just by using something, either.
no shortage of scenarios that the game blinds the Player, and none of those should happen. especially since almost none of those are even trying to blind the Player.

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1 hour ago, taiiat said:

there isn't a good reason for PFX to be so out of touch with the game that one blinds themself too just by using something, either.
no shortage of scenarios that the game blinds the Player, and none of those should happen. especially since almost none of those are even trying to blind the Player.

Intention=/= result

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I had the Cooling Problem a while ago after putting in a new GPU and CPU. 

Had Temps around 70-80 degrees. 


Bought three 140mm fans and then installed them and checked how the air is flowing. 

Because sometimes in the new PC chassis the airflow is S#&$ af, which made me construct a little bit for making it work. 


Now after getting a good airflow GPU Temp dropped down to 50-55 max and even on full power it wont go over it. 

CPU was at 80 sometimes, now at 60 max.


So might check how the air flows, because air is a slow as monkey that doesnt like moving and needs pushing. 


All the temperature tests were midsummer in my flat (38 degrees). 

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