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Open Call for Warframe Theme Ideas!


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Galahad is a Warframe based on medieval knights of earth. Galahad was one of the Tenno generals in the old war. With the coming of the new war, information is uncovered about him, and it is time he was restored to help fight back against the sentient threat to the origin system. Galahad’s fleet went missing after the old war, so it’s up to the Tenno to gather a crew to track down his whereabouts. Galahad is a strategist, using his abilities to summon soldiers and buff them as well as his allies. Galahad can command his summoned troops to attack certain targets or protect his allies. Knowing this, the Tenno will need to work together to find out where Galahad went. Aboard the railjack, the crew will fly to various old war towers used by Galahad as footholds against the sentient invasion. They will explore these ruins and slowly uncover what happened to Galahad’s army, while obtaining his component blueprints. When the Tenno have all the pieces, it is time to reassemble this old veteran and take the helm against the sentients.

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Hi my idea is a native American spirt guide like warframe that can call on different animal spirits to buff speed defense strength or other aspects. It could be themed around certain animal constellations. 

Thanks for the opportunity.

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Я предлагаю идею Варфрейма Палача, убийцы тех кого приговорил высший суд Орокин к смерти, мастера пыток и медленных убийств, короче того кому убийства и страдания врагов приносит неизмеримое удовольствие, и имя ему Бегемот(Begemot) он очень любит свой топор Аякс который отнял миллионы жизней во имя правосудия.

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 A flesh and bone warframe themed around boogeyman aspects, i made a quick concept to visualize easily :


Don't be naughty and do your tasks as a good boy. Otherwise he will come at night to feast on your flesh.
So sleep before he arrives, my child.

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Maugrim: The General

Maugrim is Thematically inspired by an Alpha wolf, much in the same way Valkyr is inspired by cats. His abilities would center around buffing allies and summoning a pack of wolves to fight for him. 


Maugrim is a male warframe with a light brown/dark grey coloration, similar to that of a timber wolf. The lower front part of his face extends out slightly, and his cheeks are slightly sunk in; giving the impression of a growling snout. Two curved, metal plates sick out of the top of his head, mimicking ears. These plates fold down and backwards while crouching and crouch-walking. Fur lines the back of his forearms, as well as creating a V shape across his collarbone and down his back. a line of fur also starts at the base of his "ears" and traces down to the small of his back.


His signature weapon would be the Chulainn spear, this could either be a normal weapon or an exalted weapon. Either way it would have the special property of making an enemy explode into bramble when they're killed by a Crit, binding nearby enemies.

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A new warframe designed from sentient science a lab experiment of a warframe which is nano tech machines that make up the warframe with this the possibility for this warframe abilities would be huge and could fit into the current story ongoing in warframe 

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Hello! My first fear for my design is that the combination of two disparate themes - plantlife and stars - as well as several goddesses may be too many sources to reconcile. My inspiration was the white organic growths found in Orokin tilesets. Of course, the gender of the 'frame is also up for change, but the sky is usually considered "feminine" to the ground's "masculine." Her name comes from a Titaness, one of her titles from The Morrigan as well as her war-orchestrating efforts, and several names and references to Morwel from D&D.

Rule the fight with this noble lady of stars.

This is (Astraia, Astraea, Asteria). The Phantom Queen; the Starry One. With the power of both the ground beneath and the firmament above, she weaves a deadly force across the battlefield. 

In the age of the Orokin, most frames had a singular purpose: destruction of their enemies. Asteria was slightly different. She was created as a commander, a general for those who served. From atop the great living spires she watched, and from what became known as the Court of Stars she influenced the greatest battles involving Warframe technology ever seen by her masters. She accrued great power and fame through her signature sudden and drastic tactics, and used it without pause. Favors traded became augments to herself - first, a body. Then, armor. Then, powers befitting a queen. She dreamed of one day being able to stride across the battlefield, exacting her will not through soldiers or the roots of her Orokin towers but through her own eyes and hands. And she will have that dream.

Favors do not come without cost. She needed to prove herself again and again, though the swift demolition of her enemies afforded few battles for many wins. And thus she began to strike preemptively, citing that fights now would save more in the future. She began orchestrating war, all to gain more strength for herself. It hurt her to look back at the suffering she has caused, but she fell victim to her own explanations: that the ends justify the means. If destruction now means more lives in the future, then so be it.

Her regret did not exist long after she strode to the battlefield for the first time, sensors alight with the heat of Sol. Something she had no need to feel in the Tower.

In her presence, day turned to night as the sky itself attacked her enemies, shining beams with the smallest of widths eliminating one soldier at a time. Starfall. Great tendrils of silver grasped legions, created cover for her own. Growth. Flowers of her own creation - she named them Lunar Pitchers - lit the way for troops when those she fought could not see. Blossom. 

This was Asteria.

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Cool things i've seen so far:

Blind hunter (traditional stealth, my vote)

Puppet master

True sentient

Gravity control

Grineer experiment

Sniper specialist

one with multiple exalted weapons

computer/cephalon/digital frame

writer frame (pen is mightier than the sword)


Popular things that I don't personally like, but feel obliged to compile:

beastframe/kubrow theme

one that can climb on walls/ceilings (combined with previous?)

various mythology themes

various horrors

pure void-based






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When I heard that we could come up with new warframe ideas, I started where any sane person would; pokémon types. After glancing over a list of the types, I decided there wasn't really any representation for bug! Although I'd like to get more ghost-type poké-- er, warframes, I think an insect or arachnid would be an awesome as a unique frame. Spiders in particular are extrememly adept and ninja like.

First of all, spiders' inate abilities are quite impressive. Their silk stringing and eight adept legs give all varieties of spiders incredible control of their environments as well as super agility. On top of that, many different varieties of spiders are capable of using their silk for speacial skills in mobility like making their own parachutes and diving bells, and hunting techniques like long range lasso-style web throws and body doubles of themselves to confuse prey. Even if you hate spiders, you have to admit, they're pretty darn creative.

This spider-themed warframe would be a highly mobile and be heavily crowd controlling. With abilities related to using webs, multible limbs and indominable control of the battle field, the unique powers would tie in to their design.

I'm super excited to see whatever this frame is! Community collaborations are always my favorite thing that game devs do!

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I just want a grappler of some kind with a pro-wrestling flair to them. Of course not real wrestling, just those hype over the top attacks like slams and elbow drops and drop kicks, lariats, etc.


EDIT for more context: I guess they'd also have that crowd pleasing persona too, i'm talking taunts and dramatic poses and such.

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A Warframe based around old-timey big game hunting, but instead of animals he hunts The Enemies of The Tenno. He's noble, refined, a gentleman and a scholar, and a bit of a show-off. His abilites would be old-school, like caltrops, cleaning his weapons and applying a buff, tranquilizers, and would apply stuns, strip armor, and reduce enemy damage, for instance. Self buffs could include bonus armor/shields/health, ammo regeneration, increased headshot damage, etc. His signature weapon/his 4th ability would be a rifle similar to an elephant gun that deals high puncture damage and deals increased damage with headshots.

Central Themes: hunts big animals for sport, old school, the most dangerous game is man, rough rider, refined gentleman, seasoned hunter.

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So I resolved at first to go through other suggestions before posting my own but seeing as there's 178 pages already with more being posted all the time I'm just gonna dive right in.

Warframe already has several names drawn from Celtic mythology and a frame based on the Fae but I propose one based on the people themselves!

A Warrior Queen Warframe drawing inspiration from figures such as Grace O'Malley, Queen Maeve, and Boudica. Irrepressible warriors and leaders who shaped the emerald isle into what it is today! There's still plenty of untapped mythology to delve into for unique powers and quirks such as the Geas(pronounced "gesh") which was a supernatural vow taken by a person not to take certain actions or partake of certain things(or possibly use certain weapons). People who took these were sometimes blessed with supernatural strength and vigor. Great option for granting buffs
The Wild Hunt was a phenomenon where spirits, faeries, or other entities would breach into the real world, hunting down any unfortunate enough to get in their way and either killing them or spiriting them away to the other world. Would make for an excellent ultimate or forward blast ability!
There is Woad, the blue pigment celtic warriors would adorn themselves with before charging into battle, earning the picts their name as "the painted people" and also believed to have regenerative properties.
The celts also had some fascinating armor innovations as well as intricately crafted shields which could serve as inspiration for defense oriented exalted weapons.
Then of course there's the Druids and all their associated lore that can be delved into for such a character.

There is a tremendous possibility for interesting powers coupled with elaborate design options drawing from the intricate art styles of the people which I think would make a Celtic Warrior Queen an excellent theme for a warframe!

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Что на счёт двух варфреймов? Брат и сестра по какой-то причине (DE могут придумать сами) были захвачены/завербованы двумя враждующими между собой фракциями, т.е. Гринир и Корпус. После экспериментов или каких-либо модификаций двое выходят в свет, представляя каждый свою сторону.

Брат славился своей физической мощью и выносливостью, своего рода реальный танк с хорошей защитой и контролем. На стороне гринир соответственно.


Мощный варфрейм с башенным щитом и оружием по тематике гринир - Механический кастет с дробящим уроном.

Призыв щита и оружия можно сделать как пассивное умение повышающее свою эффективность по мере роста уровня варфрейма. Со своими слотами под моды. Моды можно разделить на две группы такие как Выживаемость и контроль. Можно комбинировать.

1 умение: Ставит щит перед собой и притягивает в определённом радиусе противников с последующим оглушением. Повторным нажатием клавиши выпускает заряд энергии и отбрасывает противников от себя. (Не хочу заморачиваться с цифрами, время оглушения, радиус и прочее с Вас, с меня идея.) =)

2 умение: Атакующая способность. Вбивает колом щит в землю создавая поле без входа и выхода из него, и начинает бить кастетом по земле создавая внутри этой сферы землетрясение. Выжившие враги получают эффект "контузии" после чего замедляются, ну скажем на 50%.

3 умение: бафф связанный с "ультой" т.е. 4 умением варфрейма. Связывает себя с игроками из команды, само собой только с теми кто находится в определённом радиусе, давая им, скажем щит который перенаправляет какой-то % урона с игрока на Вас, а у Вас в это время повышается защита. Ну, это же танк как-никак.)) Так же активирует накопление гнева для "ульты", да, как раз тут и раскрывается само название варфрейма))

4 умение: Имеет 3 градации в зависимости от накопленной ярости:

1) при использовании повышает регенерацию Вашего здоровья, мы же танк - нам надо жить и приносить пользу))

2) при использовании издает вопль от чего противники бросают оружие и с ужасом убегают прочь

3) Впадает в ярость отбрасывая щит и кастет в сторону начинает прыгать создавая реальное землетрясение, земля ломается сбивая противников с ног. (Аля второе умение только помасштабнее и с большим эффектом)

Сестра же была больше тактиком, стратегом. Умение управлять врагами, выставлять турели и отходить на безопасное расстояние для прицельной стрельбы больше привлекло Корпус.

(Название так и не придумал)

Призыв мощной снайперской винтовки на треноге без возможности перемещаться с ней имеющая один мощный выстрел раз в несколько секунд, над кд можно подумать. Через прицел винтовки можно отдавать приказы какую цель будут атаковать управляемые Вами враги.

1 умение: На первом уровне ставит турель стреляющую лазерным лучом имеющим статус "пронзание" с перезарядкой в несколько секунд (Чтобы не было слишком имбово)

2 умение: Телепорт дающий два прыжка на определённое расстояние с умеренным кд, дабы не скакать по карте как с шилом в заду. А если без шуток для быстрого перемещения по полю боя. Прибежал, выставил турели, сделал что надо и быстро отступил на безопасное расстояние для прицельной стрельбы.

3 умение: Берёт под контроль противника. С повышением уровня умения число контролируемых растёт до 2. Взяв врага под контроль даёт ему щит, дабы он принимал весь урон на себя пока мы в сторонке отстреливаемся и управляем ими.

4 умение: Телепортируется в указанную точку и устанавливает механизм, в котором через какое-то время появится боевая единица на определённое время. Это может быть как Занука, Шакал или что-то совсем иное, новое, может DE сами придумают. Иными словами что-то мощное, что создает на поле боя хаос нанося большой урон.

Ну, как-то так)))

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A Warframe that that primarily uses the blast damage proc, we don't have a Warframe that primarily uses the blast damage type. I imagine Having Satchel charges that can be deployed and manually detonated to rag doll enemies. Able to amp any weapon to have explosive AoE rounds to shred armor. A toggle ability expand their shields to allow allies to seek shelter. A missile Barrage type 4th ability to lay waste to that remains standing.

I would imagine the design of the frame is as not elegant as other frames, it would be a bit bulkier in design and could take a beating. (kinda like Marvels War Machine, a design that is more bulky to the standard iron man armor)

The name: Amatol - A British word for a highly explosive material that was used in bombs during war in WWII.

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Decay-based lich warframe who would be somewhat supportive through the use of disabling debuffs and area lockdown/area debuffing, but still very capable by itself. Maybe throw some type of lich-like element in where you sap a target's very life essence and cause that target to wither away until it can barely move or function correctly, then reuse it's husk as a barely living decay bomb to leave a decaying cloud in its wake. (robotics and semiorganics would rust or age accordingly). 

As far as it's role in the actual game itself, the general idea is to be offensively supportive (eg. not like Trinity, closer to Harrow) by inflicting debuffs to enemies that cause them to become more vulnerable to allies, deal less damage, harness them for life, or something like that. This'll differentiate it from Trinity, who is a more traditional support, and Harrow and Oberon who are more similar as far as offensive supporting goes, but in a new way. Ideally it would have mods dictate whether the offensive or the supportive side of the warframe would take precedence. 



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Blood, and time are two themes I'd want to see explored. However, how about a void energy-themed warframe? They would be an artillery glass cannon who has a built-in primary that fires energy bolts (can be used in the same manner as garuda's claws).

Lore: This frame would have been the result of an early experimentation with void energy in the old war; to make the frame itself be able to weaponize void energy.The people in charge of this project would later become some of the key figures in weapons development for the corpus after the old war has ended. However, the project was not approved until the final months of the old war. Due to the fact that this project started near the end of the old war, it was mothballed once the war has ended, but not without building a prototype frame. Fast forward... The tenno faction, needing to bolster its own forces, dug through the Orokin archives, and found that a prototype frame was still in cryogenic stasis deep inside a development facility in the void. They recovered the prototype, and finished the final developments themselves, mainly on its built-in weapon systems.

As for a name, Ruinier. A play on ruinierene, German for to ruin.

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I kinda think we need an alchemy-themed warframe, to be honest. Each ability having the capacity to combine with the others, maybe either having the first three being individually useful and then the ult being able to combine them, or have it so that when you cast one, it applies a buff that when you cast another different one, it combines to make a new ability or effect, in either order. Could delve into the lore of alchemy rather in-depth, seeing as there's many different fictional accounts of it. Nicholas flamel, the philosopher's stone... It would be really neat to see this in action.

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