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Operation Scarlet Spear: Bug Reporting Megathread (Read First Post!)


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  • TYPE: in Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Every time I try to enter the event, either by land or if I am invited to a group
  • EXPECTED RESULT: to load the fleet correctly
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Most of the time it charges me as shown in the picture
  • VISUALhttps://ibb.co/87Hj3qs
  • asasa.png
Edited by GusTerror
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tengo un bug muy pero muy molesto empiezo la mision en el railjack en el evento y justo cuando llego a la murex dejo de manejar el rail paso la puerta o antes de salir del railjack pumm c me cierra el juego asi sin mas total y ya me ha pasado varias veces dios es muy molesto no se si a alguien mas ya le paso esto porfavor DE arreglalo plz

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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Playing ground mission solo as Limbo and halfway through the oplink started losing HP for no apparent reason
  • REPRODUCTION: Drop oplink
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Oplink not losing HP
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Oplink was losing HP at an even rate even when there were no enemies nearby and it was inside Stasis+Cataclysm
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Rare, happened twice during the whole event
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4 minutes ago, Unimira said:
  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Playing ground mission solo as Limbo and halfway through the oplink started losing HP for no apparent reason
  • REPRODUCTION: Drop oplink
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Oplink not losing HP
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Oplink was losing HP at an even rate even when there were no enemies nearby and it was inside Stasis+Cataclysm
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Rare, happened twice during the whole event

I can confirm this exact issue. I thought it was just me not being a "good" Limbo and doing something wrong with my abilities, but this happened to me multiple times playing Limbo since hotfix 27.3.12. Some during the same mission, but at least once during each Condrix ground attack run using Limbo (for a total of nine mission runs, with the loss of Oplink HP occuring about twelve times. (Yes, I played WF all day yesterday and am about to start again today! :D) I'll post if I experience it again. Thanks for the post Unimira! Cheers!

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Bug #1

  • TYPE: In-game
  • DESCRIPTION: Did not board host's railjack upon launching space mission
  • VISUAL: n/a
  • REPRODUCTION: 1) English client, region set as Asia, located in China, no VPN; 2) accept host's invitation; 3) join squad; 4) enters a flotilla; 5) host triggers space mission
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Got invited to a squad, Join squad, goes to one flotilla, and board railjack with other squad members once host triggers the space mission
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Got invited to a squad, Join squad, goes to one flotilla, and got left behind in flotilla while other squad members board railjack once host triggers the space mission

Bug #2

  • TYPE: In-game
  • DESCRIPTION: Cannot receive kill code as host, whether having additional squad members or solo
  • VISUAL: n/a
  • REPRODUCTION: 1) English client, region set as Asia, located in China, no VPN; 2) enters a flotilla; 3) triggers space mission as host without any squad member
  • EXPECTED RESULT: When hosting, as Flotilla chat keeps notifying ground squads transmitting kill code, I'd get my turn to receive kill codes.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: When hosting, as Flotilla chat keeps notifying ground squads transmitting kill code, I received NO kill code.

Bug #3

  • TYPE: In-game
  • DESCRIPTION: Cannot join existing random squad
  • VISUAL: n/a
  • REPRODUCTION: 1) English client, region set as Asia, located in China, no VPN; 2) enters a flotilla; 3) triggers space mission by joining a not-full, random space mission squad; 4) wait for game to load
  • EXPECTED RESULT: 1) UI shows squad is found; 2) squad members' name popped up in UI one by one with message "XXX joined"; 3) the game loading UI with landing craft flying launches; 4) game loaded, all squad members board host's railjack
  • OBSERVED RESULT: 1) UI shows squad is found; 2) squad members' name popped up in UI one by one with message "XXX joined"; 3) the game loading UI with landing craft flying launches; 4) pop-up message prompting "Session Unavailable", and was kicked back to Flotilla

It wasn't like this prior to the most recent patch.

To sum it up, the only way I can play any space mission is to ask a host who already started the space mission to invite me, then I can properly load and participate.


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1 hour ago, TheCruelVegetarian said:

Bug #2

  • TYPE: In-game
  • DESCRIPTION: Cannot receive kill code as host, whether having additional squad members or solo
  • VISUAL: n/a
  • REPRODUCTION: 1) English client, region set as Asia, located in China, no VPN; 2) enters a flotilla; 3) triggers space mission as host without any squad member
  • EXPECTED RESULT: When hosting, as Flotilla chat keeps notifying ground squads transmitting kill code, I'd get my turn to receive kill codes.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: When hosting, as Flotilla chat keeps notifying ground squads transmitting kill code, I received NO kill code.

It wasn't like this prior to the most recent patch.

To sum it up, the only way I can play any space mission is to ask a host who already started the space mission to invite me, then I can properly load and participate.


I was one of those people sending codes and no one was receiving them. (I distinctly remember TheCruelVegetarian's handle (because I'm a vegetarian, not that you need to know that) and I also live in China, playing on the Asia region servers, also no VPN. I sent a total of 21 sets of kill codes, I started my run when the Murex timer started, I saw my first set of codes (presumably) being received over an hour later, and by the time I finished my fourth run (I'm low level and weak, and I only make it wave six or so before I have reset at the flotilla), it looked like only my first set of codes was listed in the flotilla chat as having been sent, some of which has not been received.

I know there is a huge lag in the chat feed and another huge lag between what's being sent and what's listed on the flotilla scroll (it almost always says I'm sending codes or attacking condrixes when I'm on the flotilla looking at the scrolling information), but it seem like this has gotten exceptionally more severe since hotfix 27.3.12, at least for those of us living in China.

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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Void Damage sometimes doesn't strip Sentient defenses
  • REPRODUCTION: unknown, but it happens fairly often
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Void damage should always remove Sentient resistances
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Void damage often doesn't remove Sentient resistances
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: often, but not always
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Type: Scarlet Spear (only space squad so far, have yet to experience it in ground squad)

Description: I can enter tenno mode and use all of my tenno abilities, but I can't re-enter my warframe unless my tenno dies. When I try to enter my warframe, it says "Ability Use Prevented." But Transference is the only ability prevented. This issue persists throughout the mission.

Visual: I don't really have a visual, sorry

Replication: use transference while in the Murex. Happens to me most of the time.

Expected Result: I should be able to go in and out of my warframe as needed.

Observed Result: I can only go out, but not in.

Reproduction Rate: unsure, but as a percentage its at least 60%


Please look into this and fix this as soon as possible. I love Warframe, and I hope no one else has had this issue.


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Edited by (XB1)Sexy Paydaybar
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see am not the only one that losing that damn kb+mouse controls when is tech going fix that it happens all the damn time in mission or coming out mission even in reg games and all time in sspear when leave the warframe come back lost controls again nothing tech has done to fix that problem !!!!

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Is the mastery lock for purchasing weapon blueprints a bug or a decision by the developers? 

If it is a bug, please fix it before the event ends so those of us at MR10 and below can purchase weapon blueprints with our hard-earned scarlet credits and build them later when we have ranked up.

If not, why would DE allow players MR10 and below even play in the event and grind for hours and hours all month long simply to get no rewards (from trading with Little Duck)? Maybe this is the bug - us lower-level players were never meant to be able to play? Admittedly, I never got a cinematic introduction at the beginning of the event - I just went to a flotilla and started playing. Maybe I was meant to be excluded from the event and that's the bug?

Still, we have been playing (MR10 players and below) and personally, I have ~130000 credit to show for it. I would like to be able to get the weapon blueprint for which I have been grinding these past several weeks, please, as I'm sure several others would as well. Waiting to have to build the weapon is fine and expected. Not being allowed to get the blueprint at all is not expected or seemingly typical, as I have several other blueprints I cannot build, yet, until I rank up further. Thank you for a very fun event! Please make it such that our joy of Scarlet Spear is not tainted by being kept from the goals and rewards of participating.

Edited by Kingseesar
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  • TYPE: Murex Raid - public
  • DESCRIPTION: Joined crew of 3 others and deployed for first Murex.  When arrived, only the host/pilot could enter the Murex, even though all of us could exit the Rj and approach the Murex entry point.  When attempting to enter, would begin the entry animation, but warframe would not drop onto landing site.  Only movement on Murex landing pad was a dragonfly-like fluttering insect which would appear for about 2 seconds, and then I would be popped back out into my archwing.  I could fly around outside as much as I wanted, I could re-enter the RJ, fight a few sentient boarders, exit the RJ, attempt to re-enter the Murex, and the same thing would happen.  Thankfully, the host/pilot was able to handle the OpLink/Kill Code uploading by himself inside.  We were able to drive away one Murex, then returned to Flotilla.  Attempted another run with same crew, and the same thing happened.  No successful uploads completed this time, but still got a measly amount of credits.
  • VISUAL: [Sorry - haven't attempted this before, and not proficient with it.  Didn't think about doing it while in the mission.
  • REPRODUCTION: Never happened before, happened just a few minutes ago, starting at about 1340h, MDT.
  • EXPECTED RESULT:  Should be able to enter the Murex after exiting the RJ.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: See above.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: 100% for this one entry into Scarlet Spear.  Has never happened before.  Last Murex raid was <24h ago.

Will try again and see if I can capture any video.  If so, I'll upload.

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  • TYPE: [In-Game]
  • DESCRIPTION: [Since the release of scarlet spear I've been getting a ton of "could not update account information" messegages after missions. Like really noticable difference, which pretty anoying, cause of all the lost progress.]
  • VISUAL: [didn't take a screenshoot, just your regular "could not update account information. abandon update" pop ups, and no option to see results of the last mission in orbiter, no progress etc.]
  • REPRODUCTION: [I'm not sure, but I believe it usually happens after first time launching a game and a mission, each day]
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: [I haven't been trying o reproduce it but i'm getting those errors practically every day now (before the update it was rather a rare occurance)]
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Type: In Game (Space)
Description: Multiple bugs started during 1 run. Wave 1-2 were fine. Suddenly after wave 3 I started to bug. To the point of "i dont even know what is happening".
I kept being teleported between ship, space and oplink spot.
When using the omni to go back to ship I literally went to ship for 1 second, back to space. Then I tried to fly into murex, didn't work.
Multiple times I used "/unstuck" and got unstuck. But then I couldn't move again, when trying to enter murex again I got teleported everywhere.
Instead of seeing my frame, I only saw it POV-point.
I literally had to wait for the mission to end, because I couldn't even leave. When pressing ESC I saw only teammates names and my nightwave mission.
When I was stuck in space, my map showed I was on the RJ. When I got killed, I went for 1sec to RJ, but when pressing X to respawn, I got thrown back in space again.
All of it happened with the same POV, no enemies seen, I could see the "basic" outload. 

Reproduction: First time occurance. 

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  • TYPE: Basmu's ingame functionality
  • DESCRIPTION: As a client in a squad, the healing pulse of the basmu doesn't heal
  • REPRODUCTION: join a public squad, run up to some enemies, take some health damage, try to heal using the healing pulses
  • EXPECTED RESULT: health should be restored to full
  • OBSERVED RESULT: nothing happens
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: every time
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TYPE: Launcher
DESCRIPTION: Missing elements (icons, text, images), not responsive, crash
VISUAL: See spoiler area below
EXPECTED RESULT: Working Launcher with proper icons, text, elements, etc.
OBSERVED RESULT: Launcher starts, but elements are not loaded. Launcher is unresponsive and crashes.
REPRODUCTION RATE: Every time when launching the game.




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21 hours ago, Sniper222011 said:
  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: In orbiter in inbox
  • VISUALhttps://imgur.com/Sqljy8i
  • EXPECTED RESULT: 10 000 scarlet credits + 1 Tier 3 Murex raid emblem
  • OBSERVED RESULT: 15 968 scarlet credits + 1 Tier 1 Murex raid emblem + 1 Tier 3 Murex raid emblem

You can get a maximum of 10k bonus credits for each flotilla.

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  • TYPE: in-game
  • DESCRIPTION: Scarlet Spear space mission failed when 100/100 Murax reached.
  • VISUALhttps://www.twitch.tv/videos/600139520
  • REPRODUCTION: Start Scarlet Spear space with about 98/100 Murax, and do not complete the first Murax. Tried to complete one, not enough time to complete any Murax in this squad.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Game should tell us to return to Flotilla with mission success.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Got Mission Failed, why so negative when we completed it with 100/100 Murax driven away?
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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Scarlet Spear condrix emblem bugged. It shows wrong number of received emblems. For me, it's ground emblem I. It shows 11, but i counted manually by Little Duck inbox messages, and i have 13. If in doubt, you can count my emblems manually.
    I guess i even figure it out how to reproduce this bug. I have two messages from Little Duck with two (2x) same emblem (ground I), and it seems that counted only one.
  • VISUAL:https://imgur.com/4mbr7kq
  • REPRODUCTION: So, to reproduce this bug, you should meet two criteria:
    1. Got two same emblems in one Murex raid (at different flotilla ofc)
    2. This two emblems should be in one LD message -> so both flotillas should fail.
    I got same emblems in one raid, but in different messages, and they works fine.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: emblem shows 13 
  • OBSERVED RESULT: emblem shows 11
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: 2/2, so 100%
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I cant receive or send kill codes when I host a mission.

I have no idea what is happening, since I already verified my connection and hardware, but ever since the Matchmaking problem, I cant host SS missions otherwise I wont get any kill codes.

The game and matchmaking works just fine, but for some reason the flotilla has a weird and massive delay to my presence.

The notification that I joined the flotilla or started a mission takes several minutes to show.
When I place the Uplinks, it takes several minutes for a kill code to get received, even though there are several ground squads sending extra codes.
The chat works fine, but the yellow notifications are out of sync or delayed. It doesnt shows that my squad is "Waiting for codes" when it is.
Leaving the mission makes my squad to linger in the flotilla for several minutes.

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On 2020-04-24 at 2:14 AM, Aila said:
  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Scarlet Spear condrix emblem bugged. It shows wrong number of received emblems. For me, it's ground emblem I. It shows 11, but i counted manually by Little Duck inbox messages, and i have 13. If in doubt, you can count my emblems manually.

I have this exact issue (sort of): Mine should say 17 by my calculation, but it is also stuck on 11. (I am also referring to Ground Emblem I) I have not done any Murex runs, though. Only ground (I'm not to railjack missions, yet, in my game), so I cannot speak to that. For me, this is a minimal bug, but I wanted to post that I can confirm Alia's situation.

Update: Now my number has changed. I'm not sure if it is the correct number, though. No worries. I'll work with it. :) It says 15 now. (Went from 11 to 15 to 12 then back to 15.) I still am counting 17, but again, this is an extremely minor bug. Just reporting it.

Edited by Kingseesar
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