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Do you think the nail is in the coffin?


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18 minutes ago, Zimzala said:

Many of us just enjoy playing the game...regardless of the rewards...even sometimes in spite of them I bet...

I realize a lot and possibly a majority play for rewards and advancement over fun, because 'getting things' trips thier dopamine.

Me, I get that dopamine hit just from playing the game - just having the free time to chill out and play alredy makes me happy and the power fantasy of WF is fun...

So, the only incentive I need to play more WF is to simply have the free time, because the game is fun, killing the pixels is fun, being a magic space ninja is fun.

I can totally see if you just look at the game as a rewards per minute machine for dopamine hits, that for many it would get old once most items have been acquired...IME, when I get to the point I have all the things, the next layer of fun is tryin out new ideas, not just copying the meta...

So from my POV, there are plenty of incentives to play, because there are always Evil-Bad 'Puter Men to kill...


The thing that keep players in a game can vary but in order to stay for a long time its the "why".

Why are you playing this? Answer can vary but it is almost about a certain goal, a point to reach; scoreboard, a particular set of items, a particular look, anything really that makes you play.

Warframe is a looter shooter so the most common reason to play this game is to get a reward in the end, grinding in in order to have something worthwhile.

Currently we have Scarlet Spear but after that there is nothing to aim for, even Eidolons became irrelevant on last update.


There is no "why" for me since the lastest patch and changes to the Arcanes because it made me realize that it was the thing that kept me playing.... Brutal realization i might add.

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10 минут назад, Bacl сказал:

I spend on average four hours per key (when i had the time of course) so no sarcasm, plenty of prime parts at the end and plenty of fun while doing it.

Seriously missing it since, the void relic system sucks, more grind for less in the end.

Well there was a period when the Orokin endless rewards were terrible like when we could only get a single reward and we were getting the rare cores to do so.

After fixing that shower of prime parts however was a very good motivation to jump in endless missions.

I'm sorry, you just convinced me you never played it, or have your rose-tinted glasses in full mode.

I'm not of high opinion on relic system myself, and avoid it as much as possible. You need to be completely #*!%ing insane though to ever, ever pretend that it's less rewarding or more grindy than void keys. Just don't. Even if we pretend, for a moment, that endless missions were "rewarding", and not just an hour long boring camp-fest for the bunch of formas or some other trash you never wanted, there were non-endless keys too. And whenever your needed some prime item from them, you were really out of your #*!%ing luck.

And no, there was never a "period" when void rewards were unrewarding. Droptables for them were filled with useless trash right till the end.

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9 minutes ago, Bacl said:

The thing that keep players in a game can vary but in order to stay for a long time its the "why".

Why are you playing this? Answer can vary but it is almost about a certain goal, a point to reach; scoreboard, a particular set of items, a particular look, anything really that makes you play.

There is no "why" for me since the lastest patch and changes to the Arcanes because it made me realize that it was the thing that kept me playing.... Brutal realization i might add.

My only goal is to enjoy my free time.

I have played pretty much every major and several indie Live games at one point or another, I started out making MUDs back in the day.

I get where you are coming from, one of the gamers I played with for more than a decade will not play games in which he does not feel like he 'progressed' at the end of a play session...

I simply do not have any of those goals in games these days, if I ever did, in term of making me want to play the game...sure, I hunt for new things to have new fun, but it's not why I play.

Over the years I have gotten/lost/traded/sacked/liquidated/had stolen/borken down for parts more loot in virtual games than I could possibly recount, it's been decades of playing things...

It's just flags in a database to me, not accomplishments, not anything of real value, beyond enjoying my time playing a game.

And when I get 'to the end', for whatever reason, I just leave the game and go on to another...I don't show up on the forums trying to convince everyone they need stop playing because I don't want to play any more...when the game is not really fun and interesting, I just move to the next one...no muss, no fuss...

Edited by Zimzala
word are hard
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5 hours ago, Sahansral said:

Back to start?
Why should people give WF2 another chance if DE would drop WF1 like a hot potato? That would be an immense disrespect for the investment people made in this game.
Some people pay 50 bucks for Warframe Accessories several times per year. Do you think they start all over again, loosing all their cosmetics/progression/platinum? 

Well, paying for WF accessories is a voluntary act. I paid lots for plat, tennogen and prime accessories myself.

But whether DE moves on to another game or not, WF will end at some point. They won't keep developing WF just because they feel like they are indebted to paying customers.

I think everyone is/should be aware of that.

Game is on a decline, most people are aware of that also. And the reason for that isn't just absence of substantial content. It is many things, some of which go deep down into the games core. 

Knowing that DE won't do a complete overhaul at this stage, I think a fresh start, taking all the experience from this to a new project, without making the same mistakes seems like a better option than to keep pumping resources to a dying game. 

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8 minutes ago, White_Matter said:

Well, paying for WF accessories is a voluntary act. I paid lots for plat, tennogen and prime accessories myself.

But whether DE moves on to another game or not, WF will end at some point. They won't keep developing WF just because they feel like they are indebted to paying customers.

I think everyone is/should be aware of that.

Game is on a decline, most people are aware of that also. And the reason for that isn't just absence of substantial content. It is many things, some of which go deep down into the games core. 

Knowing that DE won't do a complete overhaul at this stage, I think a fresh start, taking all the experience from this to a new project, without making the same mistakes seems like a better option than to keep pumping resources to a dying game. 

IMO, your outlook on the game being in decline is an opinion, not a commonly held outlook/fact as you try to portray it.

Sure, it will not last forever, totally agree, none of these games do...but most of them take a long, long time to 'die'.

But this idea of a Live game having a dip in popularity meaning it's dead/dying is just hilarious when these same things have happened to other games that are still chugging along, just like this one...just because a game is not 'on top' or 'number one' or 'top ten' someplace does mean it is a failure, only that it is not the most popular...

This idea that 'because I think, then everyone will agree' is just not reality.

And just because we have a few gamers post "well, I cannot see how they will ..." does not mean they won't, only that the poster has no clue about how to solve something they see as an issue.

I know it's just part of the human condition to think this way, but it is so funny to see it in action.

Until DE annouces 'no more work on WF', the game is alive, no matter how much that ticks off some (ex)players.

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1 hour ago, Bacl said:

The game past its golden period at this point.

Veterans are feeling like this and now there is an exodus from the partners as well, that says it all.


Pretty much this. The game is done. 

The exodus of the partners was an indication that DE is dropping the project to move on. 

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4 hours ago, Serafim_94 said:

I'm sorry, you just convinced me you never played it, or have your rose-tinted glasses in full mode.

I'm not of high opinion on relic system myself, and avoid it as much as possible. You need to be completely #*!%ing insane though to ever, ever pretend that it's less rewarding or more grindy than void keys. Just don't. Even if we pretend, for a moment, that endless missions were "rewarding", and not just an hour long boring camp-fest for the bunch of formas or some other trash you never wanted, there were non-endless keys too. And whenever your needed some prime item from them, you were really out of your #*!%ing luck.

And no, there was never a "period" when void rewards were unrewarding. Droptables for them were filled with useless trash right till the end.

I dont see what i said that could convince you i never played it, lol this is what i spent most of my time doing when the void keys were still a thing and i wasnt talking about the "single use" ones, just the endless types so do not drive the conversation elsewhere.

"And no, there was never a "period" when void rewards were unrewarding. Droptables for them were filled with useless trash right till the end."

Are you sure about that statement ( even more ironical since you accuse me of not playing it lol)? For a time, a long time in fact we could only get ONE reward at the end of a mission but in endless types we could chose to keep a certain item or discard it and keep on going until the next checkpoint. So how many bloody rare cores did you cast aside i wonder?

Then there was the "Golden age of Prime farming" (pun intended) when in endless types of missions we would keep all the items at each checkpoints: Endless defence, you get something every 5 rounds, you stayed 25 rounds, thats 5 items for you to take home as long you complete the mission.

Did you forget about these? I didnt because the endless defence and survival i did for hours during that period were the most fun i had in this game. Until you need that rare Neuroptic or System from a T4 capture and you had to do these over and over again and be lucky....

Like i said i was writing about the endless void mission and nothing else. Void relics still sucks.

P.S. I will be honest i dont know why I try to defend the fact that i enjoyed that system and for some reasons a random guy on the forum pointing at me pretending i never played it?

OK mate whatever floats your boat.

Man what a waste of time you ended up being...

3 hours ago, Felsagger said:

Pretty much this. The game is done. 

The exodus of the partners was an indication that DE is dropping the project to move on. 

I never said the game was done, i am merely pointing out that they are on a very steep and slippery slope.


I m not positive about it in the slightest but i am not entirely cynical about it yet.

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At this point, i think warframe has no salvation. Plagued with old and bad systems, a poor foundation coming form an era were DE struggled to keep the game alive, and of late, bad direction. I think that instead of updating this game, they should release a fresh new sequel, with re-invigorated systems and a new chance to make things better with a stronger foundation.

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You’re really invested in your message, @Felsagger. For more than a few pages you have several posts on each page. I get that you’ve moved on from Warframe; it’s not uncommon and people have posted that they’re moving on too. But unlike a lot of the other people who left, you seem very actively involved in trying to drive those who still play away 🤔

What is your motivation with your message? I’d be quite interested to know (I like learning about people). It’s obviously important to you, and very rarely have I seen someone post so often in a topic outside their own.

Edited by (NSW)Greybones
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I think Harrows new Augment is the nail in the coffin for me I think it broke me, I took a break because of scarlet spear and since it's fixed I considered getting back in... but seeing this augment tells me they know nothing about his kit, playstyle and mod configurations and how the augment does nothing good and doesn't fix a single problem

I'm done, that's it, it broke me, the last nail was them finally destroying my hope for Harrows future, will come back later to see more game breaking updates but this game is now in mobile game status for me now, maybe worse when my free to play mobile gatcha game is both more fair and fun than freaking WARFRAME, 2020 must really be the end of the world.

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6 hours ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

......Unless you're on the WF team masquerading as a player, you're also a consumer......

Be more specific with using the term being thrown out. You're not the only customer being listened to.

Also....sin isn't real dude. 

Can we not get into religion here as someone who is religious and respects everyone’s beliefs. Could you all do the same for me and stay on topic?

2 hours ago, Aldain said:

"The game is done"

That's nice son.

-Logs into Warframe-

Everyone has those moments

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I would like the game more if it wasnt piss poor easy to the point of you needing no brain to do anything in the game,and anything that you struggle at you can just scream for help and someone can basically do the job for you...

The warframes are fun,the guns altho some has weird wonky gimmicks are also fun imo and the fashion is pretty versatile the gameplay couldve more work tho... you being able to beat anything on starchart with a well modded stick and a toy gun is pretty ridiculous and warframe buff basically makes everything melt just by looking at it.. and de doesnt really bring much anything new to the table in terms of gameplay much the newest thing implemented for warframe was disruption.

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6 hours ago, Bacl said:

How about making fun content again?

What do you see as fun?

6 hours ago, Bacl said:

Stop making any new ressources a "Rare" one so we dont spend hours on synthetic "hours of play".

Other games don't do this?

6 hours ago, Bacl said:

Bring back endless mission with suitable rewards in order to stay a long time in there.

Define "suitable rewards"

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52 minutes ago, (NSW)Greybones said:


What is your motivation with your message? I’d be quite interested to know (I like learning about people). It’s obviously important to you, and very rarely have I seen someone post so often in a topic outside their own.

I left the thread and here you are quoting me again. 

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26 minutes ago, 844448 said:

What do you see as fun?

1. New levels for exploration and more parkour diversity. The bounding boxes cuts the ability of Warframes explore the levels. 

2. Seamless integration of railjack with the open world arenas. The game is a big collection of unrelated isles. 

3. Enemies with advanced A.I. instead of walking lemmings. 

4. Animations and intricate designs on the levels other than an up and down lifter in Hydron. Many of the farming stages are a true bore to look at. For example look at the architecture of the levels in Doom Eternal. 

5. Newer enemy types with certain degree of military accuracy. 

6. Reduce grind hours and use Liches to introduce new weapons in the game. Make the grind interesting instead of repeating the same process to get some items. 

7. Promote end game with rewards that worth the time spent instead of depending on the constant RNG for everything in the game. 

8. Make the game less dependent on probabilities. Reduce the slot machine, endorse the effort and dedication. value the time of the player. 

10. Reward the effort of players. If they invest time improving their weapons, don't gimp those weapons. For newer content add stronger enemies instead of downgrading the system with stick and carrot programmed obsolescence.  

26 minutes ago, 844448 said:

Other games don't do this?

True. Other games don't provide the weapons and then downgrade them. That is a practice that happens constantly on the F2P games. If we want to invest in the game we want to see progression and diversity instead of being fashion frame pageants doing laps on a level doing the same. 

26 minutes ago, 844448 said:

Define "suitable rewards"

Weapons, skins, forma, umbra forma, riven mods. Rewards won by effort not RNG dependent. Don't over extend the grind artificially. 

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23 minutes ago, 844448 said:

What do you see as fun?

Other games don't do this?

Define "suitable rewards"

Variation is fun, a challenge to overcome is fun, a working bloody addition to the game would be fun. I personally enjoyed the endless missions and the T4 Void keys for defence and survival were the best for collecting prime parts. Challenging, rewarding and at the end of the line it was fun. Well they killed that with the relic system.

Warframe as great variety of game modes and yet a capture on earth is the same as a capturn on Saturn, once you did it once you did them all. Variation for the same thing wouldn't hurt.

Hell the naked missions in order to get Grendel parts, i was a bit frustrated at first because i didnt have much time to invest in them when they got available but later down the line i managed to complete them without cheesing my way in and it felt great! They were challenging which made it fun and i kinda like Grendel (not saying his good).

Also the very big lack of endgame, the endless missions could have been it but they dropped the ball. Even Kuva survival, if the Kuva gained was scaling with enemy level that would be a step in the right direction, another thing they dont even want to consider.


Right now the most fun i have in warframe is min/max all my gear and my builds but i have nothing to test it against, in everything you do, from studying to playing a game you need a goal to do so, Warframe has to provide one because right now i dont see any.


We have all the sweet toys to play with but no descent sandbox in order to have fun with...




Other games might do it ( i dont play them all so who am i to judge) but compared to other grindy games i do play, Warframe who started from a more modest requirement caught up over the years with them that were known for their really annoying grind.




Arcanes were a suitable reward before the changes and the Scarlet fiasco. You could have an additional component to include in your builds and that would change the dynamics with the introduction of a buff or a new effect. Before you had to run the Raids in order to get these items and since the end product was awesome well it was good motivation for it. Then Raids were deleted and Eidolons came in, Arcanes could be farmed now at a much faster pace but yet again you had to earn them by capturing tree bosses in a row. Then the changes and the Spear debacle.


At this point other than cosmetics, i dont even know what to tell you about "suitable rewards" because the last bastion that would fit that definition just fell...

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1 hour ago, BreezeKazero said:

I think Harrows new Augment is the nail in the coffin for me I think it broke me, I took a break because of scarlet spear and since it's fixed I considered getting back in... but seeing this augment tells me they know nothing about his kit, playstyle and mod configurations and how the augment does nothing good and doesn't fix a single problem

I'm done, that's it, it broke me, the last nail was them finally destroying my hope for Harrows future, will come back later to see more game breaking updates but this game is now in mobile game status for me now, maybe worse when my free to play mobile gatcha game is both more fair and fun than freaking WARFRAME, 2020 must really be the end of the world.

this satire flew over my head at first

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