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Scarlet Spear Efficient Speedrun Guide


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There's an event going on with amazing rewards, namely Scarlet Spear, so I decided to write a quick guide on how to efficiently speedrun it to optimize rewards (notably Arcanes). There are a few good Youtube guides on the same topic but also quite a few poor or incomplete ones, so hopefully this will be useful to the perfectionist.

Note that the info here is focused on pub game mechanics and specific to the PC version of Warframe - there are some minor differences on Console.

Feedback is appreciated!
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[ 1. Introduction ]

There are two types of battles in this event, namely Ground and Space. You'll want to keep the ratio between these roughly 2:1 on your Flotilla to ensure the bonus payout with minimal time waste for everyone. Space missions grant rewards more rapidly (~15 mins per run) AND let you farm railjack Intrinsics, but only if there are enough Ground squads (~22 mins per run) to support you.

The event-specific currency you'll get is named Scarlet Credits. To optimize gains it's important to play each mission until its completion, meaning 17 Condrixes on the Ground or 5 Murexes in Space. This shouldn't be a problem unless you're quite new to the game (around MR <14), in which case you'll need some luck to be teamed with good players.

IMPORTANT: If a Flotilla manages to kill 100 Murexes, which always happens given enough time (between 60-90 minutes), you'll earn 3x Scarlet Credits up to 5000 earned. However, you'll get this bonus even if you leave the Flotilla, thus you should stay under 5k per Flotilla. Using this mechanic you can hop around and gain the maximum bonus on each. As a fully finished battle whether Ground or Space nets you 4k Creds, a single completed battle per flotilla is optimal if you intend to fully finish another battle afterwards.

[ 2. Equipment ]

Choose a good equipment loadout, keeping in mind enemies are Sentients so you'll want a nice spread of damage types, with Corrosive being significantly better and Blast worse than other types due to Sentients having Ferrite armor. If you're relatively new to Warframe, just bring your best and ignore this chapter!


  • The #1 cheese frame is Limbo (great if you're leading or soloing), but four Limbos is wasteful. Note that Sentients can build up resistances to abilities as well, so they'll break free of his Stasis (2) eventually.

  • Gara is even better defensively due to Splinter Storm, which grants high damage reduction to objectives. Vauban, Nova and Frost (non-Snow Globe) are alternative options.

  • Mesa/Baruuk/Excalibur/Banshee/Volt/Chroma/Mirage/Octavia for DPS. Keep in mind most matches have at least one Limbo, so if you use primary/secondary weapons to deal damage you'll need to know how Limbo's abilities work to avoid frustration.

  • If you're assembling a prebuilt squad, consider Rhino's Roar or Harrow's Covenant. Don't try this in pubs, though new players could use Rhino as a support/tank if they can't contribute much otherwise.

Side-notes: Switching to Operator mode (5) to strip enemies of resistances using Void damage can be useful, though this doesn't work on enemies in Limbo's rift. Umbra Excalibur's Howl does, however! Also, an Ancient Healer specter can greatly reduce incoming damage both to frames and objectives.

Lastly, Corrosive Projection is still awesome despite the Revised update. Steel Charge works well if multiple players have Contagion Zaws, but I wouldn't bet on that in pubs. Same for Rifle Amp.


  • A maxed crit Zaw with Exodia Contagion, possibly with a Riven, is extremely powerful against Sentients and always works regardless of Limbo's abilities. Problem is, not everyone has one. I use this combination to achieve 50-90% damage dealt in most full-squad games. As a bonus it also deals extreme damage to Condrixes during Ground battles. Note that the Contagion projectile does not build combo. Pro tip: Double jumping works to trigger Contagion, but Corkscrew + Double allows you to fire two projectiles before landing.

  • Redeemer Prime deals absurd crit damage to the Condrix, notably with a heavy attack build, while Sarpa is useful to strip its armor using Shattering Impact.

  • If you don't have the above you'll need a powerful single-target weapon to even scratch the Condrixes. A good crit sniper will do, like Vectis Prime, Rubico Prime or the Lanka, or a good crit assault rifle like the Soma. Secondary options also exist such as Euphona Prime and various beam weapons. If you have a good riven, use that weapon instead.

  • Anything with special bonuses against Sentients, such as melee weapons with Sacrificial (Umbra) mods, the Paracesis (quest reward) or both!

  • The Sancti Magistar can heal the OpLinks, making it one of few options to do so.

  • Lacking all the above you can't go wrong with the Lenz or Arca Plasmor to dish out raw damage, even if a relative newbie.

Note that Arcane Fury is very powerful on most melee weapons, which I highly recommend farming during this event (including for melee suggestions above).


  • Kavats can be used to significantly buff crit chance, particularly the Adarza using Cat's Eye + Tek Enhance.

  • Djinn will always revive itself using Reawaken.

[ 3. Railjack ]

Building the optimal railjack has been widely covered in other guides since it was added, but here are a few specific tips for this event:

  • Max out your speed to move between Murexes faster. You'll also want the Intrinsic ability to Drift (Pilot 5): Press boost button twice, default Shift, then hold for a few seconds before releasing into a huge burst of speed.

  • Max out on tankiness. You'll want to abandon the railjack with your full squad while allowing it to be attacked, to optimize your clear time.

  • Get a Particle Ram and have it up throughout the mission. Its duration is unlimited, functioning as a passive deterrent.

  • Flow Burn can be used to crank out an extra speed boost.

  • Void Cloak can be used to improve defense further even if you're not currently on the railjack.

[ 4. Gameplay ]

Now that preparations are in order, here's what you need to know to maximize clear times. First, wait for a full squad to greatly speed up the current battle.


  1. Simply run to the Condrix ASAP, then shoot the core. Kill the Sentients. Repeat 3x. If you have a good squad, one or two players should target the Condrix while the others clear the Sentients. This saves time.

  2. After the Condrix is defeated, set up defensive measures such as Limbo's Cataclysm (4) + Stasis (2) or whatever your team has.

  3. Deploy your OpLink from the gear wheel (ideally set up hotkeys first, like F1-F8). If you notice squadmates forgetting to do this, gently remind them.

  4. Presuming you're using good area defenses, keep in mind you don't need to stay in the area for the OpLinks to finish uploading. Ideally you'll want to move to the next Condrix spawn to avoid delays, as the spawn locations are predictable (there are 4, use the fullscreen map and remember the spawn order/locations).

  5. Rinse, repeat; back to #1 above.


  1. P) As the railjack pilot, quickly drift-boost towards the Murex. You'll be able to get in range using a single long drift if built for speed, using the "catapult" effect when releasing the button to propel you to the objective.
    C) If you're non-pilot crew, stay close to an exit, fix up any damage, kill any boarding parties and skip to #3 below.

  2. P) After deploying the Satellite, fly into the Murex and park just inside either of its "arms", using the rib-like structure to protect against threats. Ensure Particle Ram is up. This step may not be necessary depending on your railjack and the enemy level.

  3. Jump out of the railjack and enter the Murex. Non-pilot crew should jump out early before parking, just after the Satellite is deployed. Ignore the boarding parties, but if there are Grineer on-board you'll want to keep an eye out during the OpLink phase as they can plant bombs.

  4. Use operator mode to quickly dash towards the objective.

  5. If you see an "Immunode" anywhere near the objective, destroy it, then place defensive measures and finally deploy your OpLink from the gear wheel. If you notice squadmates forgetting this, gently remind them.

  6. If the railjack is threatened after this, one squad member should Omni back to it, though this is a rare occurrence. If you're confident in your OpLink defense, return to the railjack at 7/9 killcodes to remove the red Vomalysts as detailed below.

  7. After the Murex is destroyed you'll automatically warp back to the railjack.
    P) The pilot clears the cockpit, collects the Satellite and heads to the next Murex.
    C) Non-pilot crew should focus on clearing the red Vomalysts disrupting the engines: One at the Forge (rear), one at the Sling (top) and one at the bottom center.

  8. Rinse, repeat; back to #1 above.

Lastly and this applies to both Ground and Space: If you see a blue Sentient with batteries around its waist, the Aerolyst, shoot the batteries to make it vulnerable. Catchmoon works well against them, as do rapidfire weapons.

That's it! If you're efficient and have enough real-life time on your hands, you can use this event to farm a full set of Arcanes for your favorite frames and some other knickknacks or a big pile of Platinum, so get goin'!

P.S. Adding this for reference: I managed to get 18k creds/hour including bonus payouts, calculated over a full 3-hour round with all sorts of problems along the way (players leaving, partial squads, people forgetting to place OpLink, flotillas not reaching 100 kills in the last hour etc). My goal wasn't to get a high score or show off, but rather to see what you can expect to get in awful pub matches as a fast leader with an optimized loadout. The first two hours gave ~22k each due to 100% bonuses, the last only 10k (so if you need a break, skip the last hour).

[ 5. Credit ]

A small list of other players who helped improve this guide, in no particular order:

Edited by Gessie00
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Nice guide.. however I found out after my runs (both space/ground), you even don't need Defense warfame - Limbo/Frost!

It is enough to have Slow-Nova + 3xDPS.. you will loose a little opLink life and there will be few knockdowns but nothing serious.

However I'm not sure what is faster..

Edited by (PS4)shann_cz
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Good guide, hope some new player finds it.
I have some points to make tho for those tenno who are undergeared or underprepared(there are a lot) for the ground.
If you are a tenno with subpar gear, please READ your chat when you load in the mission, don't run directly to the condrix . When your limbo says "Please wait for 1-2 more people" it doesn't mean you can't do it, it just means it is way slower and he doesn't want to revive you 50 times, kill the condrix, kill the sentients and try to keep you safe and take the mission time from 20 min to almost an hour.
If you wait (or better find a premade squad willing to help you) maybe there will be a good umbra or mesa to kill the schmucks and you just have to tag along and be way safer.

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Particle Ram doesn't protect you from jack. It doesn't destroy incoming missiles and it doesn't keep damage off the satellite. Use Fiery Phoenix for the speed boost and make sure you have enough energy for it between Murexes. Makes it easy as pie to jump between them in 1-2 lunges, maximum. If you need a defensive power, the Countermeasures skill will get rid of any guided weapons heading your way (the only danger to the satellite are guided missiles while you're in transit), or just have your gunners shoot the missiles down.

Frost w/ his 2 augment works extremely well for defending the space objective; doubly so if you have a Nova. If you have a Banshee+Nova+Frost if really doesn't matter what slot 4 is. If you could strip resistances on rifted sentients... maybe... but since you can't, he can go back into the shed.

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Have you ever had the satellite take noticeable damage? If so, you may want to consider upping your railjack's speed - I've always and without exception drift-boosted my way to the next Murex before enemies can get more than a few hits in. Even when slowed by those pesky drones nothing happened to the satellite.

The idea is that the Ram will eventually whittle down enemies who buzz around the railjack, for a meager 50 Flux per battle. Phoenix is the more active choice while adding less speed than the free-to-use Flow Burn, so I see no reason to use it here.

And yeah, Frost has some nice tricks as well, but Nova generally outperforms him during the event in my experience, due to her Molecular Prime range. One good frost used both the 2 augment and spammed 4 whenever Sentients showed up during the Ground wave - quite effective, but he still needed me to defend the objective more rigorously (much like Nova would).

Unlike Frost however, Nova is the fastest frame in the game when teleporting around the map, limited only by the player's aim speed. 😛

Anyway, with Limbo I consider the defense issue solved - Gara being almost as good when also using specters (which Limbo can do, as well). Not being able to strip rifted Sentients is a good argument in favor of Gara, however.

Btw, sorry if I seem dismissive - I appreciate the input even if I don't agree!

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hace 8 horas, Gessie00 dijo:

.MPORTANT: If a Flotilla manages to kill 100 Murexes, which always happens given enough time (between 60-90 minutes), you'll earn 3x Scarlet Credits up to 5000 earned. However, you'll get this bonus even if you leave the Flotilla, thus you should stay under 5k per Flotilla. Using this mechanic you can hop around and gain the maximum bonus on each. As a fully finished battle whether Ground or Space nets you 4k Creds, a single completed battle per flotilla is optimal if you intend to fully finish another battle afterwards.



😧 you guys get x3 bonus credits? On ps4 we only get x2 but we only need 70 murex tho... that probably explains it. 

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Knowing the next spawn point is the key to fast ground runs when in a good/decent team.

For me, limbo is a must or you have to stay and protect the oplinks, with him he just puts up his bubble and you move on.

Mesa is also essential, vital for killing ads so the other players can actually dps the condrix.   I've seen so many mesa's fall off hard at about w10 though.  You really want a strong af mesa or everyone will have to be killing damned sentients.

A designated condrix killer is a good idea.   Doesn't mean other players can't also shoot but let one guy have that as a designated job so he doesn't have to think about killing sentients.   Volt is good for this, and is also a good buffer frame.  Using the augments for his 1 and 4 gives a ton of survivability and increased damage for the team.  A speed buff for dashing between points is also very nice.  A high power strength volt using redeemer to shoot through his shields with about 260% extra electric damage due to the Aug on his first deletes condrix.    Chroma is also good, especially if he has a wee bit of range so can buff nearby team mates - this can help mesa a lot on w16/17.

Wisp is also a good buffer frame - speed, health, fire rate, reload speed are all very useful.   But please, if you're gonna go wisp, put all three of your motes in one place and for God's sake, use your breach surge when sentients spawn in.

Slowva is great as she just makes everything more manageable.  She's also easy to play and can do a dual role of ad clear or condrix dps as required.   Get the aug for her 1 and she's tanky too.

You don't need top tier gear but obviously the stronger the better.  Corrosive/crit is best.   Your ignis is not suited to this event.   If you've got the paracesis,  bring it.   If you don't have much in the way of gear that's fine, play one of the support roles.  No one cares who done most damage, you just want to get w17 complete.

If you go down, don't just lie there helpless waiting on being revived.  REVIVE YOURSELF.  That's what revives are for.  Your team mates are more than likely a tad busy.

For the aerolyst - thats the big flappy sentient that spawns in sometimes - it's invulnerable until the blue bottles round its waist are destroyed.  Once they're broken you can shoot it but only for a brief period.  If you don't kill it you have to shoot the bottles again.   Magnus lockdown helps to stop if from flying away.  It's a pain in the butt having to chase after this thing.

Please run zenurik if you can and don't be shy in doing operator dashes to help your team mates energy economy.   Mesa and volt are quite hungry.

If you're new to it or lower in level, don't worry.  Any team of 3 decent players can carry a fourth, just do your best and you're golden.   I've taken a few low level players from my clan through it.   They all thought they couldn't do it, but they did and had a ball.

JUST DO IT.   It's never been easier to get arcanes.  You should at the bare minimum come out of this event with energise, avenger, guardian, strike and fury.


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Forgive me if I had mis-read something.

Talking about the space missions

I don't think that you need a good railjack to even do the event, catastrophic breaches -while annoying- don't really hinder the functionality of the crew, (just get someone to patch it up), Durability is still nice, but the most important factor I feel is speed, so you can quickly transport the sattelite unharmed, and for it's QOL (quality-of-life) properties).

Even combat for the railjack can be ignored. In fact recent changes have further encouraged railjack abandonment, with the BIG increase of Sentient spawns, and their adaptability effecting CC abilities. Combined with the increasing inviability of railjack turrets (seeker missiles are still good though) means that for the 3rd-5th murex, the railjack can't kill anything (it takes 1-2 Overheats of zekti cancinnoxs to kill a basic fighter)

I personally have a railjack that's sufficiently strong, and well-built (using tether) that can farm the space sections, but even then the loss from merely abandoning the railjack isn't that much, considering most people are here for scarlet credits. Simplistically, the "abandon railjack" strategy is generally superior 95% of the time I feel.


How is particle ram for defense? It just projects a damaging field in a cone about 500M away from the railjack, it doesn't Stun, I'm confused?

Also, you should include mesa into your builds, as a Primary DPS against the sentients, those pistols can brute-force through the defenses of the sentients.
Hildryn can also be a STRONG damage booster since her pillage ability strips armor of sentients permenantly and en-mass.

Edited by anonymous14z
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8 hours ago, (PS4)shann_cz said:

Nice guide.. however I found out after my runs (both space/ground), you even don't need Defense warfame - Limbo/Frost!

It is enough to have Slow-Nova + 3xDPS.. you will loose a little opLink life and there will be few knockdowns but nothing serious.

However I'm not sure what is faster..

On ground, Limbo allows the entire team to move ahead to the next Condrix while the oplink uploads; Nova does not.

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6 hours ago, superiouz said:


  Reveal hidden contents

just wondering,,, if DE read this post what will they nerf next update...


Indeed, if they decide to check the forums. But Contagion is so OP without self-damage that they'll probably nerf it due to usage statistics alone, which is going to be insanely high even after the event. I'm hoarding a few to make a tidy profit, in fact... 😛

3 hours ago, anonymous14z said:

Forgive me if I had mis-read something.

Talking about the space missions

I don't think that you need a good railjack to even do the event, catastrophic breaches -while annoying- don't really hinder the functionality of the crew, (just get someone to patch it up), Durability is still nice, but the most important factor I feel is speed, so you can quickly transport the sattelite unharmed, and for it's QOL (quality-of-life) properties).

Even combat for the railjack can be ignored. In fact recent changes have further encouraged railjack abandonment, with the BIG increase of Sentient spawns, and their adaptability effecting CC abilities. Combined with the increasing inviability of railjack turrets (seeker missiles are still good though) means that for the 3rd-5th murex, the railjack can't kill anything (it takes 1-2 Overheats of zekti cancinnoxs to kill a basic fighter)

I personally have a railjack that's sufficiently strong, and well-built (using tether) that can farm the space sections, but even then the loss from merely abandoning the railjack isn't that much, considering most people are here for scarlet credits. Simplistically, the "abandon railjack" strategy is generally superior 95% of the time I feel.


How is particle ram for defense? It just projects a damaging field in a cone about 500M away from the railjack, it doesn't Stun, I'm confused?

Also, you should include mesa into your builds, as a Primary DPS against the sentients, those pistols can brute-force through the defenses of the sentients.
Hildryn can also be a STRONG damage booster since her pillage ability strips armor of sentients permenantly and en-mass.

Yes, you're right - speed is absolutely the most important aspect. I've seen my beefed up RJ get destroyed during the event though, when I was snoozing on the job, hence I added the defense tips.

And Particle Ram is a defense in the sense that offense is defense, especially when no players are near the RJ to defend it. I could be wrong though, as I'm not even sure if the spacecraft still move while the players are aboard the Murex.

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I would add as a RJ pilot to head back to it early say 7 or 8 to clear any sentients from the engines - so annoying when they get hacked and you can't move. Also to get ready and aim the ship to dash directly towards the satellite as soon as the Murex dissapears. At the end of the first Murex you can even amble outside and circle round behind the satellite spawn point pointing back towards the Murex just being finished because the next one to head towards is always behind the first Murex. Throw a tether towards those 2 sentient ships if you want in order to keep them tied up and busy. Then when the satellite appears, blast through it heading towards the closest of the 2 Murex's in front of you. It gets more difficult to do this on the 2nd one and the for the 3rd and 4th well they always seem spawn near to where a clump of ships especially railjacks are located.

I've also managed to use the slingshot on approach to a Murex one time to fire myself at the entrance and reach the oplink 'zone' to throw an oplink down as soon as the satellite is dropped off by the RJ pilot and get the first code hack underway early.

Tactical 10 to teleport to any player can be useful if you need to save the ship during wave 4 to take out a few boarders (not all of them) and you can easily go back and forth a couple of times if needed. I use the intruder stasis tactical avionic to freeze all enemies on board the RJ for 45 seconds which you can activate from anywhere even on the Murex if someone else is still on the ship or has gone back to it to help them out - I use lockdown myself.

In other news I wish there was a way for flotilla's to balance out the condrix vs Murex relationship, Murex missions are always more popular and it's getting a bit boring waiting for codes. or constantly hopping to different flotilla's to find one that isn't space heavy. You also need to have a greater number of ground crews by at least 2 ideally 3 in order to get frequent codes, an even number for each mission type doesn't seem to work. I think this is something DE will need to keep tweaking as more people get their railjacks and want to take them out for a spin. I don't have a quick answer to this other than maybe making the Condrix missions even more lucrative and speeding them up somehow.17 feels like a big commitment with 25 minutes per mission vs 15 for Murex for only a handful of extra credits. 


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17 hours ago, (PS4)shann_cz said:

Nice guide.. however I found out after my runs (both space/ground), you even don't need Defense warfame - Limbo/Frost!

It is enough to have Slow-Nova + 3xDPS.. you will loose a little opLink life and there will be few knockdowns but nothing serious.

However I'm not sure what is faster..

Not even a few knockdowns if your group knows how to actually move their character around lol.

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Really enjoyed this guide, thank you for the post.

I just have 1 minor query, with regards to corrupt charge and exodia contagion. Since melee changes (3.0), combo counter no longer increases normal melee attack dmg. Based on my extensive testing, Contagion is NOT considered a heavy attack, which is why i feel it is unnecessary to even include it.

On the other hand, something like Attk Speed increases the Projectile Flight Speed of Contagion (cannot confirm linear correlation, but there is a noticeable increase in flight speed), allowing one to easily use the 400% dmg bonus after 30 metres without having to overcompensate for gravity.

I've run ground a fair number of times, even bringing pub squads (non pre-formed in recruit chat) to 20-21min runs while doing over 85% of dmg using contagion. With like 4 different zaws specifically built for contagion (2 kripaths, 1 rapier 1 polearm), 1 sepfahn katana and 1 Kronsh Polearm (all at least 5 forma, some 6 due to build testing), the optimal build i have for Condrix is

> Sac Pressure

> Sac Steel

> Organ Shatter

> Gladiator Might

> Primed Fever Strike

> Shocking Touch

> P. Fury/Quickening

> Riven/Spoiled Strike

Edited by AshleaUzu
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11 hours ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

On ground, Limbo allows the entire team to move ahead to the next Condrix while the oplink uploads; Nova does not.

Yes, you are right of course.. Then you will save a lot of time.

I'm not speedrunner, I have other stuff to do during oplink-time: sip my drink, kill the rest of grineer, collect loot around..


Edited by (PS4)shann_cz
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Don't know about non-PC, but on PC if you get 5k or more, you get 10k bonus. So it's definitely worthwhile to do 5k.

OP says with less than 5k, you get 3x score. This may be confusing. I assume he means you get your score and a bonus that's 2x score, so 3x times total.

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10 hours ago, AshleaUzu said:


Really enjoyed this guide, thank you for the post.

I just have 1 minor query, with regards to corrupt charge and exodia contagion. Since melee changes (3.0), combo counter no longer increases normal melee attack dmg. Based on my extensive testing, Contagion is NOT considered a heavy attack, which is why i feel it is unnecessary to even include it.

On the other hand, something like Attk Speed increases the Projectile Flight Speed of Contagion (cannot confirm linear correlation, but there is a noticeable increase in flight speed), allowing one to easily use the 400% dmg bonus after 30 metres without having to overcompensate for gravity.

I've run ground a fair number of times, even bringing pub squads (non pre-formed in recruit chat) to 20-21min runs while doing over 85% of dmg using contagion. With like 4 different zaws specifically built for contagion (2 kripaths, 1 rapier 1 polearm), 1 sepfahn katana and 1 Kronsh Polearm (all at least 5 forma, some 6 due to build testing), the optimal build i have for Condrix is

> Sac Pressure

> Sac Steel

> Organ Shatter

> Gladiator Might

> Primed Fever Strike

> Shocking Touch

> P. Fury/Quickening

> Riven/Spoiled Strike

Awesome - I completely missed the combo counter changes. Thanks a bunch, this was a glaring error - will fix immediately and add credit.

I also coincidentally use the same build on my Zaw, though replacing P. Fury/Quickening with Spoiled Strike (bottom slot is a crit riven) and my foolish use of Corruption instead of Shocking Touch (got an element on my Riven instead). However, to keep the guide brief I try to give minimal build advice. Still, thanks for posting as this is indeed an optimal build (esp. with Arcane Fury and possibly Arcane Avenger if you allow yourself to get hit)

8 hours ago, Aazhyd said:

Don't know about non-PC, but on PC if you get 5k or more, you get 10k bonus. So it's definitely worthwhile to do 5k.

OP says with less than 5k, you get 3x score. This may be confusing. I assume he means you get your score and a bonus that's 2x score, so 3x times total.

Indeed, the registered event score isn't increased through the bonus (which is Scarlet Credit-only).


10 hours ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

Player: Here is a SS efficient/speedrun guide.

*Yet at the end of the day, players still ROFLstomp any content DE comes up with.* 😛

Edited by Gessie00
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37 minutes ago, Gessie00 said:

Awesome - I completely missed the combo counter changes. Thanks a bunch, this was a glaring error - will fix immediately and add credit.

I also coincidentally use the same build on my Zaw, though replacing P. Fury/Quickening with Spoiled Strike (bottom slot is a crit riven) and my foolish use of Corruption instead of Shocking Touch (got an element on my Riven instead). However, to keep the guide brief I try to give minimal build advice. Still, thanks for posting as this is indeed an optimal build (esp. with Arcane Fury and possibly Arcane Avenger if you allow yourself to get hit)

Indeed, the registered event score isn't increased through the bonus (which is Scarlet Credit-only).


*Yet at the end of the day, players still ROFLstomp any content DE comes up with.* 😛

Some players do. Some whine cause they cant move their fingers fast enough to stay alive then ask for a nerf.

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That's true. Careful though - the gaming community has seen recent appeal to the importance of catering to players with physical disabilities (Sekiro's sharp difficulty triggered this). Amusingly, one guy then uploaded a video of him owning Sekiro despite his disability... Either way, that's an ongoing debate we won't see the end of anytime soon, and is in fact intensifying to politics-mongering levels. I'm just glad Warframe isn't at that point yet (AFAIK).

Either way, Warframe is about grinding hordes of inconsequential cannon fodder with the occasional health-gated boss to challenge experienced players. Nerfing specific OP strategies is a bad move more because the original design was too powerful in the first place (a disadvantage of community testing), but from a balance perspective it does make sense.

So, does Contagion need to be nerfed? I honestly don't care all that much, though if it happens then preferably by removing the secondary explosion (after landing) instead of outright changing its application as a long-range mortar projectile. Increasing projectile drop speed and slowing travel might also make it more skill-based.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents on the inevitable nerf. For now I'm enjoying Contagion with glee. 😄

Edited by Gessie00
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