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Open Call for Warframe Ability Ideas!


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Passive: Stability/Instability - He has a Stability meter located in the same place Gauss' Battery meter is located.  Using abilities and taking health damage deplete the meter, while getting weapon kills and restoring health replenish it.  When fully depleted, He/She enters Unstable Mode, boosting his/her abilities, but also giving them a chance to Backfire.

1) Brute Smash - He performs a powerful hammer smash with his right arm, damaging enemies in a wave in front of him.  Enemies closer to the impact take more damage and are knocked down, while enemies far from the impact take less damage and are lightly staggered. Backfire: Having lost control of his strength, his smash does more damage and staggers all enemies, but has a chance to break his arm, dealing self-damage and leaving this ability completely unusable until He regains Stability.

2) Laser Volley - (Channeled ability) He rapid-fires piercing lasers from his left hand that deal Puncture damage and have a high chance to inflict the Puncture status effect.  The damage and status chance slowly decrease the longer the ability is channeled.  Backfire: Having overcharged his beam capacitors (or whatever the appropriate term is), the beams now slowly increase in damage and status chance over time, but also have a chance to overheat, putting this ability on a timed cooldown before it can be used again.  The cooldown is removed once he regains Stability.

3) Micro-Servos - He activates the numerous micro-servos within his legs, increasing his sprint speed, jump height, and parkour velocity for a duration.  Sliding while this ability is active instead instantly propels him into a flying side-kick that damages and ragdolls the first enemy it hits.  Backfire: With the micro-servos now out of control, the benefits of this ability are doubled, as are the range and damage of the kick, but there's a chance for him to randomly slow, freeze in place, or perform random parkour movements.

4) Energy Burst - He releases some of the Void energy holding him together in a radial blast, consuming 10/15/20/25% of his maximum Health and Shields in addition to the energy cost, but dealing a large amount of damage.  Depletes the Stability gauge by 20/30/40/50% of its maximum amount.  Backfire: Consumes 60/65/70/75% of his maximum Health and Shields (Health and Shields cannot be decreased below 1) in exchange for triple range and damage, but has a 75/80/85/90% chance to instantly kill him (he does NOT go into bleedout).

I obviously think my ideas are really good, at least conceptually, but it's clear they could also use some tweaking/reworking.

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1 minute ago, DoDgamer505 said:

It would be cool if the abilities randomly switched. So, you enter the mission, the warframe sparks like some wiring is flawed, and gains a random warframe ability. Since it was made from lots of diffrent warframes from the old war, it would be cool to have multiple abilities like, exchange 100 health points to throw a spare part of himself at the enemy. I dunno, I think that would be cool.

but i thought it was made from sentient technology that is so much more similar than a hodgepodge of warframes also i gave a small backgrond on the warframe have a look at it

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Passive: When injured, pieces of himself fall off until there are no more pieces left to damage. Maximum health is lowered as body pieces are lost. (50% loss?) Can wait until he regenerates his pieces. If not damaged for a while. (7s?)

1st: Void energy inside of him pulses, sending a few pieces of his body flying towards enemies, damaging them, then returning.

2nd: Loosens the Void energy Holding his body together, making his body easier to shatter apart, yet making him invulnerable until all body parts are lost.

3rd: Recalls lost body parts, healing him for lost health, and repairing his body. Temporarily boosting regeneration.

4th: Surges void energy inside himself, then Blasts all remaining body parts all around, forming a large safety dome Around the frame that blocks enemies from entering the radius. (Gara’s Wall?) Stops incoming fire until meeting a maximum health threshold. (Rhino’s Iron Skin?) Amount of body pieces used, the more health the barrier has.

This would definitely be fun to play, yet pretty dangerous... ;)

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Passive: Three equals one

This warframe effectively has three seperate passives. You can swap between them by using abilities.

  1. Increased movement speed (+200%), but with decreased air glide duration (-50%)
  2. Passive health and energy regen (+25% per second), but with decreased sheild regen (-25%)
  3. Increased ability Range, Power, and Duration(+150), but with a greatly decreased ability efficiency (-75%).

1st:  Gamblers Shot

Pretty much a guaranteed status effect proc for you weapons, with the downside being you don't know which one. They all have an equal chance of procing, plus you can tell what type of status effect you have viya an icon above the energy hud (aroung where gauss's heat meter is at) . (copper for physical, bronze for elemental, silver for combined elemental, and a gold icon for void damage)

Augment: any damage you take with this active increase the crit damage and chance of the weapon until the end of the duration.

2nd: Praise be the Void

Create an aura around the warframe drains the health of nearby enemies, and heals any nearby allies (bareing a few exceptions). Needless to say this is a channelling ability that once deactivated, not only removes any negative status procs from your allies, but applies said negative debuffs to all enemies around you (though if no enemies are around then you will receive said debuffs)

Augment: Increase ally ability power strength inside the aura

3rd: Inner Strength

 A self buffing ability that cleanses all status effects applied onto you, increases your armor, and makes you invincible for the casting duration, at the cost of not being able to move while casting. (A simple yet effective ability)

Augment: Increases the power strength of the next ability you activate

4th: United as one

This exalted weapon is not like any other exalted weapon (other than titanias exalted weapons), being as its four weapons in one (a sword and shield, a gunblade, a greatsword, and an archgun). While not blocking this weapon functions like a combination of a gunblade, and a greatsword, using wide sweaping attacks and a flurry of projectiles (like the redeemer, but it fires one big bullet per shot), but whilst blocking, coverts the warframe into what is essentially a turret, coverting the greatsword into a minigun with a massive sheild, that blocks all incoming damage... Infront of the sheild. You can be flanked because you lose access to your bullet jump whilst aiming/blocking with this weapon out. All three passives are activated during this as well.

Augment: you can now move faster while aiming/blocking with this weapon.

As you can see, I went for the more chimeric approach basically shoving together a paladin frame, a gambler frame, and a heavy weapons frame into one warframe.

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This frame is taller than the others, think like "dog" from halflife. 


Passive: "Adaptive Defense"

Armor adapts to the most recently taken damage type giving 10% dmg reduction against that type for 10s, cooldown 20s. Energy color changes to match the currently loaded resistance (or black when there is none)


1. "Scavenge"

Frame locks onto the targeted enemie and absorbs it's current armor value at a efficiency of 25%. This buff value decays over time returning you to defsult armor levels. (Ie: 100 armor retuns 25 to user)


2. "Reconfigure"

Frame changes it's body from one of two presets:

• a slow heavy defensive mode with a heavy 'riot' style shield and reduced movement (no parkour) 

• a light assault mode with a damage and fire rate boost, very high sprint speed, and no shields.


3. "Energy Recycle"

Consume current passive armor resistance to deal heavyily increased damage with that type for 5s with a cooldown of 30s. This resets the cooldown of the passive aswell.


4. "Emergency Protocols"

Cannot be manually cast.

Ability activates automatically whenever the user is at low health and consumes 75% of current energy bar. (Can only be activated 3 times per mission with a cooldown of 120s between uses.(

Grants a large overshield, Immediately triggers the frames passive, and grants the user strong life steal for 10s.

The ability deactivates all buffs when the user's health returns above 50%


My goal is to go for a combat heavy bruiser type shifting from a gaurding "Riot Cop" stance to a "RIP AND TEAR" stance.

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I have an idea that is non-game related and nothing to do with warframe. But I would like to see a Master Illusionist Warframe that is slightly different to Limbo. I got this idea from a list of illusion spells from the wizard class in Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition. The ideas I have listed can be changed by the devs to fit it with the warframes available.


Mislead (passive).

In terms of ability you can remain invisible when you take no action. If you attack or activate another ability then the ability ends. This passive can start if you take no action for 20 seconds or more. But this can be adjusted. 


Mislead Augment

An illusory double can be created by having a warframe augment which allows you to have a duplicate of yourself. This is similar to "decoy" from loki and "celestial twin" from Wukong but is tweaked to show that you can control your illusory double. 


This would have several benefits. Your twins health, armor and attack speed is doubled, can use the same abilities as your warframe to a certain extent [limitations] and can use the weapon that you choose. You can control your twin to attack or cast an ability or both. One set back is that your main warframe cannot attack or cast an ability if your twin does one or the other or both. Your main warframe will stay invisible. Enemy units that do not rely on sight can still attack you.


1st Ability. Disguise Self.

Your warframe can disguise himself as the enemy of the same type in the same area you are in. If there is multiple types of enemies such as corrupted and infested. Then your disguise will change to the closest enemy near you or the closest enemy attacking you. 


2nd Ability. Blur.

When you cast this ability, you or your twin can benefit from this when being attacked by enemies. Enemies that don't rely on sight can still attack you. 


Blur Augment

Enemies that don't rely on sight can't sense your presence. Duration increases or energy drain lessens or both.


3rd Ability. Fear.

You or your twin can cast the worst fears seen in the enemies mind. This can any type of fear faced by the grineers, corpus, infested and corrupted. The ability can be cast on a group of enemies within 30 feet of you. When enemies are frightened they can't take any action except to run away from you. 


Fear Augment

The ability can be cast once to target an area where enemies group together and a second time to cast the ability


4th Ability. Greater Invisibility

You and another warframe closest to you can stay invisible. 


Greater Invisibility Augment

Your invisibility field increases allowing you two additional warframes to remain invisible. The duration increases. 



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Passive ability - the player can choose parts of his/her/their other warframes to build the frame, up to four, for each ability slot available causing the ability of that warframe to have corrupted effects

Ability 1, chest: the player casts the ability of selected frame part as an aura affect, draining health and shields while active, affecting allies or enemies who are near.

Ability 2, legs: the player casts the ability of selected frame part wherever it walks, creating a zone of the selected effect, affecting allies or enemies who cross. However is prone to more damage

Ability 3, arms: the player casts the ability of selected frame part on its weapons, affecting allies or enemies who are hit. However, weapons do decreased damage while active

Ability 4, head: the player casts the ability of selected frame part as an ultimate ability, affecting all in its gaze, negative or beneficial, to  BOTH enemies AND allies, but, regenerates energy very slowely while ability is active, lending to its broken nature and void like body

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It looks more like woken up from the dead 

From the obiter operaters room miss something and as for the room with infested like whe the warframe nidus walks i was hoping something happen anyway  but with time 

Also itll  be nice to have the plains a bit bigger with more rank up bounties and the hey kiddo thing is creepy wishing there was like a ying and yang operater

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Passive: Predator - While out of combat, gain increased movement speed and heat vision (like scanner without blinking).  While in combat, critical damage multiplier and attack speed increases.  Abilities change for Hunt and Survival. (Hunt=Out of Combat, Survival=In combat)

1. Pounce (Hunt): Make a leap toward a targeted enemy, knocking them prone and dealing damage.  Reduce targets armor and deal bonus damage if they are isolated. (minimum isolation range may be inversely moddable?)

Against The Wall (Survival): Lash at enemies in a cone, inflicting Slash Status when hitting multiple enemies.

2. Essence Track (Both): Mark an enemy, increasing critical chance against the target while hunting, or providing health and energy while surviving.  These bonuses are shared with Squad.

3. Camouflage (Hunt): Stealth yourself to increase your passive vision range, but break it on moving.

Cripple (Survival): Aim for the weakspot, slowing and damaging any target hit.  Has increased critical chance.

4: Preparation (Hunt): Channel to build bonus damage on next ability use.  Bonus is lost after being in combat for 5 seconds.

Defiance (Survival): Unleash the void, dealing damage to enemies in range and applying Essence Track to the survivors.  Gain bonus Armor per Essence Track, shared with nearby Squadmates.

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Each ability uses the Wrframe's own health to cast instead of energy.

 Passive: Chop Shop

               Gains x amount of health with each kill.

1st Ability: Assembly Line

                  3 selectable buffs that last for x amount of time.

                 1. Springloaded: Increased atk, and movement speed.

                 2. Shock Absorption: Increased Armor.

                 3. Haymaker Pistons: Increased dmg. 

2nd Ability: Scrap Shot

                   Launches a projectile made of its own armor at enemies like a shotgun. Warframe receives an increasing armor debuff the more this ability is cast until they've been completely stripped of their armor.

3rd Ability: Battery Acid

                   Leaks out an electrified liquid in an aoe that stuns and deals an increasing amount of dmg to enemies that walk into it. The Warframe then gets a movement debuff for x amount of time after ability is cast.

4th Ability: Volatile E.M.P.

                   Self-Destructs the Warframe killing all enemies in an aoe and stunning enemies with the aftershock from the explosion. The player loses half of whatever health they had as well as their buffs.


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Passive: Void overflow- Generates excess void particles in surrounding area

1st ability: Void burst- absorbs void particles in the surrounding area and explodes. Can be held for a larger radius and more of a oomf

2nd ability: Quantum Mechanics- focuses the void particles to create a fracture in the flow of time. Stops time in the surrounding area for a set amount of time; holding or longating the abilities start increases the radius of the ability.

3rd ability: Quantum theory- control over the surrounding void particles. The void particles concentrate energy and explode causing set amount of damage. Holding ability causes a second effect on particles; the void particles turn unstable and cause continuing damage for a set amount of time.

4th ability: Quantum entanglement- all void particles created connect simultaneously creating a huge area of effect absorbing the life of everything in the area of effect. All void particles connect absorbing health from enemies inside the area; all life sapped from enemies is directed to surrounding warframes in the area. Holding the ability increases the effects speed sapping health faster but sending more health to the original warframe.

Just thought of this while going with the typing but i think i did pretty good.

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Passive- Unstable Casing- ability where equipped weapon will become charged with Void Energy after >5 hits *building +2%-5% dmg per stack(can be less if desired by devs, just a general idea)* on opponents and if not discharged before 25th stack could disable random ability for 10-20 seconds.


Passive- Elemental Resurge- [insert Warframe name] and Allies within 20-50 meters gain a temporary buff of elemental resistance for 30-45 seconds based on what hit [insert Warframe name] most recently. (Disabled or modified in conclave and select missions)

*Just a couple of ideas for a passive I had knocking ‘round the old noggin, originally was hoping for a chameleon-like warframe but hey, this ones cool too. Now that I think about it Elemental Resurge is the Chameleon part.*

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13 hours ago, [DE]Helen said:


We’re calling upon the Warframe community to create the next Warframe! You can stay up-to-date on the design phases in the official Community-Designed Warframe thread.

Community artist, Eornheit has created the official Warframe concept art based on the Broken Warframe submitted by eaterofstorms!

We need four Abilities and a Passive to complete the community-designed Warframe. Share your ideas with us! The Warframe team will be using your ideas in-game.

Official Concept Art by Eornheit:

Broken_Warframe_Concept (1).png

The Dev Team has expounded eaterofstorms’s Broken Warframe theme. Use this description to inspire your Ability ideas!

Assembled from the remnants of Warframes destroyed during the Old War and held together by Void energy. 

How to submit:

In this thread, share a description of 1-4 Warframe Abilities and a Passive. Base your ideas on the Broken Warframe theme and Eornheit’s concept art!

You may include values with your Ability ideas, but please keep in mind that these values might be changed by the Dev Team later in the design phase.


  • One submission per player. Be sure to include all of your Ability ideas in one post!
  • 1-4 Ability ideas and 1 Passive idea per player.
  • Ability ideas can’t be changed after they are submitted. You may edit your post to make small changes like fixing typos. "Reason for edit" will be reviewed.
  • If there are duplicate submissions, only the one that was first posted will be considered - we’ll be watching!
  • Ability ideas must be original. Your submission can be from a post you made elsewhere as long as it’s your own!
  • Abilities might be slightly altered by the Dev Team as needed to ensure consistency with Warframe’s overall design. 
  • Do not reserve spots in this thread.
  • Only post submissions in this thread.
  • Submissions that do not follow these guidelines will not be considered. 
  • Chosen Ability ideas become property of Digital Extremes.

We understand that we can’t avoid duplicate submissions, so please do your best to submit ideas that have yet to be presented, and we’ll do our best when sorting through to ensure there is a fair opportunity for all!

Selecting the Final Abilities:

Call for submissions will close on Thursday, April 30 at 1:00pm ET.

The Warframe Team will review all submissions to select the community-created Warframe’s Abilities! We may mix and match submissions from multiple players. Please keep in mind that we might make small changes to Abilities to ensure the community-created Warframe is consistent with Warframe’s overall design.

abilities & passive & lore ideas

Lore/Brain Storming"

Before I made any ideas for abilities, I had to think like an orokin
or why a BROKEN warframe and be useful or exist in the first place?
knowing from the leverian's story of Ivara, warframes who die or failed the orokin's
loyalty&combat test, had their records erased from orokin's history records.
SO (I though) why would the orokin Want or need a Warframe thats braken?
did it pass the test with luck?, skill?, to make of example of to the other warframes their fates if failed?
or did he survive the test with out anyone's knowledge? or escape test knowing he will be 
destroyed if failed or shown off any signs of being broken.

is the frame unstable? glitching? falling about? or hard to control? 
so I look at the art to imagine what problems this warframe may have
or how it be useful to the orokin.

so for his abilities I came up of a process of making a abilities that works
and how such abilities can be broken. maybe his problem is that he can't control the output strength
of his abilities and they differ from being working to broken if used to much. 
so I gave this BROKEN warframe 4 abilities, ranging to non-brake to broken variance as well as two passives and no shields.

thinking of ways that makes the frame usefully, than annoying, or useless to use
thing like; no RNG abilities or random things happen, no op abilities, being aware
of it powers and what make them broken but useful, keeping himself stable and not 
too fall a part.

Leaks void energy around itself causing damage-the less hp he has, the bigger
and more deadly area of affect will become.

[by looking at the art I can see that he mite be being held together by tendrils of void energy
so maybe not all cracks are sealed right and he leaks all the time. if he gets shot
or hit with melee he leaks more heavily]

Every enemy kill with an ability will give the frame health and armor steal to a certain
[maybe a meter or bar to fill so not became unkillable. how mush hp and armor 
taken depends on the level of enemy and ability use. signs of showing more ammo
he come more together and solid, like broken parts being tightened more by the tendrils]

and he has no shields because hes broken.
[hes always trying to keep himself alive but with no shields its hard, so why not
take their lives and armor for himself] 

how these abilities work and how to get a non-broken ability to a broken sounds better on paper then
in practice, but the idea is the more you use a ability the more broken it became. like use it so many times
and it breaks becoming another ability. how to change back to the original can be a timer, like a cool down.
because having a ability that you can only use when low health is not useful and dangers to use. and having him use is health
as an energy pool would be a cool idea but kill yourself to cast your 4 wouldn't be fun. so maybe to repair an ability
you have to get health to speed up the timer.

     (none-broken)                                                                                                              (broken)
#1: Draining Tendrils:                                                                                                    Drilling Tendril:
suck the life and energy of a enemy.                                          instead of garbing, the tendril shoots forewords impaling the enemy and taking it armor

#2 (none-broken)                                                                                                              (broken)
    VOID BEAM:                                                                                                         PLASMA CANNON:
shoot out a beam of energy for his                                             fire a large array of void energy to explode on impact 
hand or lower arm to damage enemy                                    (with 2x time the energy drain of none-broken ability {void beam} and 
( can switch between elements types)                                                        can't change between the elements)   


#3   (none-broken)                                                                                                            (broken)
       OVERDOSE                                                                                                          OVERDRIVE
 increase melee, firing, movement                   you are ENGULFED by flame void energy increasing over all Damage of weapons and abilities while also adding fire damage to weapons
speed for a short time                                         (including passive{broken chassis} and changing the element to fire, and giving allies and companions the same boosts and hp regen)

#4    (none-broken)                                                                                                             (broken)
     HELPING TENDRIL                                                                                              RAMPAGING FRENZY
your tendrils like helping your allies                                         YOUR BODY BREAKS PART RELEASING A FRENZY OF TENDRILS IN LOUD PIERCING SCREECH
by connecting you to them in a area of                               RELEASING MASSIVE AMOUNTS VOID ENERGY! STRIKING ALL ENEMIES IN RANGE dropping extra loot and ords
affect around you                                                                 (once released other; wait for a timer to go down, sacrifice 2or3x the energy of original cast energy
giving damage reduction and energy regeneration                         or sacrifice 5-10% of your health to reseal it away but if only you don't have enough energy to do so.) 
( can also help companions) 



Now you see what may make a broken warframe useful and fun!
having a frame that can be useful to the orokin or to power and unstable to kept around and may have escaped their test of combat&loyalty

I have seen what other people have written out, they go down the directions of a warframe breaking the game over falling into pieces or being glitchy.
i told that in consideration and try to think differently. not to say that their bad i had a good laugh at the name and what they may look like in game
sure they will be funny and cool to see but i want to do from a in game universe, not see the frame in a game but to try to see it as a frame in the universe of
the game it lives in. thinks of way like why would the orokin have such a frame, how would a warframe malfunction in universe? what would be the problem is suffers
from. while make a new system and gimmick for this "BROKEN" warframe, so I think in the lines of making a ability and then how would that ability break while still do something useful and 
looking like you have less control of the strength of set abilities.
so have this system of the more you use this ability, the more unstable it gets and then breaking would be a creative idea.
so I hope you all like my ideas and the thought process i took to come up with is.


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Passive: Gains 2% more armor per "salvage stack" ps, salvage stacks replace energy.

salvage (main ability) uses no stacks or energy but has a max of 75 stacks.

Absorb nearby dead enemies and convert them into "salvage stacks" one stack= 3 fodder enemies/1 "heavy" enemies (visual is of vines grabbing and pulling nearby corpses towards the player)

rusted blessing (support ability) uses 10 stacks. (Affected by duration and strength)

Cast onto an ally to either 1. Give 15% damage buff 2. Give +20% health boost 3. Give ally 60% chance to reflect enemy projectiles. All buffs last for 15 seconds.(swapped like vauban's 2 ability)

vine strike (CC synergy with purge) uses 5 stacks but has a 10 second cooldown (affected by range)

Launches vines from the body that grabs surrounding enemies and pulls them towards the player (max of 20 enemies in one cast)

Purge (Powerful CC synergy with vine strike) uses all remaining stacks (affected by strength and range)

Purges all accumulated salvage from the body into a big and violent explosion that sends heated fragments of salvage that burns enemies that weren't killed in the explosion. Damage is 100 slash and 25 void at 1 stack with a 10% damage increase per stack (damage is increased to 10,000 at 70 stacks, leaving the extra 5 for the vine strike "setup"). Heated fragments deal 25% of explosion damage/sec for 20 seconds.

Exalted weapon: (overrides empty melee slot) the frames arms become flails that will have a flurry of wide horizontal swings mixed with quick, more concentrated diagonal slashes.

PS, damage number are EXAMPLES only due to the fact that i'm not extremely well versed with the whole scaling business and said numbers will either make or break the frame.




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Id base the abilities off the control of fragments. So this warframe can create fragments of itself and use them in a variety of ways.
1. Fractured Defense: Channeled ability. Press 1 to create a shield out of your fragments on your arm. "The shield would be located at the blue arm for Ultimate reasons." This shield is extremely large and blocks all dmg but uses energy over time. Movement speed is also slowed while using this ability. Pressing the ability again ends the ability, however holding 1 will initiate a shield charge that knocks down all enemies in front of you before ending the ability. This costs a little extra energy..
2. Reconstruction: Place a fragment of yourself at the point your standing at. This consumes no energy. Pressing 2 again while looking at your fragment will deconstruct you and than reconstruct you at the location of the fragment you are looking at. 3 fragment maxed. Placing a 4th simply replaces the 1st and so on.
3. Infestation: Press 3 to release 5 fragments. These fragments search out bodies to grab. During this stage they are immortal entities. Once a fragment finds a body it steals part of it, or only takes a part if it finds that first. Example if the fragment comes across a grineer body it will steal its arm and the arm will now be running around as your ally. If there are no bodies the fragments will follow you indefinitely until one appears. Once a fragment has claimed a body part it will search out other enemies and attempt to grapple them, stopping and slowing whatever they nab. When the fragments are in this stage the enemy can shoot and kill them. Once they have claimed a body part they gain a health bar.
4. Mutilation Saber: Exalted Ability. Costs little energy to activate and to use but also uses 1/5th of your health as well to activate. Using the red arm the warframe rips off its blue arm which then becomes the handle for a katana. Can be used with all 3 other abilities but specifically synergies with the 1st. Using your 1 with your 4 upgrades the shield giving you full movement with the shield "removes 1st abilities movement restrictions" but greatly increases how much energy is used over time. The shield would activate an extra set of hard to pull off but powerful aoe combos combining both the sword and shield in use.
Passive. Bug Out: Upon death the head detaches from the body and becomes a spider like creature. Harkening back to the original concept idea including bugs but also a resemblance from that once scene in The Thing. Your now spider head can run around. Use this to quickly get to cover / to a teammate to allow your squad to quickly res you instead of them having to come to where you have gone down.

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Tl;dr self sacrificing transformer (into a CANNON)

1) Scavenge. You send the pieces that make up your right upper extremity towards 1/2/3/4 targets in front of you, stripping them of void energy. This both damages and reduces enemy armor, and in return adds to your shields/overshields.

2) Repurpose. Tap to consume overshields to give you energy. Hold to consume overshields to give you (and party?) fire rate buff. Cannot be cast while Reconfigured

3) Sabotage. Detach and toss your left hand (or other part, for animation sake) on to the enemy target, gripping them and surging their body with void energy. They glow intensely with your energy color, like spore ephemera.  Consider the target Marked. Slows the target, small dot applied, and has them take increased damage. Killing Marked targets returns greater overshields. Can be cast while Reconfigured.

4) Reconfigure: Your body is transformed! Your parts, driven by the fury of fallen frames, reconfigure to a form greater than the sum of its parts. You turn into a living, slow firing cannon of void energy.

Stationary during this form. Slowly consumes shields. Ability is cancelled when out of shields.


While overshields are active, consume a small % of them while boosting damage of this ability. Does not consume regular shields when fired. 


Killing Marked enemies causes heavy aoe damage, and enemies killed in the aoe also return overshields like Marked enemies provide. 


Passive: Reassemble

Lethal hit causes you to crumble, you are reassembled by the void to 25% hp. You will be a “puddle of parts” and can move similar to Hydroid. Can occur once per 5min? Per life?

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"Assembled from the remnants of Warframes destroyed during the Old War and held together by Void energy."

System Shock allows you to deal deal chip damage, apply some conditions, and weed out unwanted elemental attunements, as well as offering a mechanical safety line by letting you reset your attunements to your party's baseline if gambling on its attunement shifts puts you somewhere you don't want to be.

Attenuation allows you to invest energy in the body and skill at arms, either forgoing ease of casting or empowering it to burn bright and short, as well as allowing you to shuffle your active attunement.

Dynamic Hammer offers more stable damage and control options than System Shock's smaller, more chaotic strikes, but the weave of incomplete warframe systems inside of you don't ensure that it goes smoothly.

Flow State allows you to embrace your flaws fully, fueling yourself with the raw energy of the Void and gaining survivability and added damage from your attunement, but leaving you temporarily vulnerable once the overclocking ends.


Empathetic Filtering: You resonate with other nearby warframes, helping to steady the flow of energy through you. You may activate an ally's warframe (as if ordering a syndicate agent) to attune yourself to their energy, as per the kuva lich generation table. For example, attuning yourself to Ivara would align you with toxin, and attuning yourself to Mag would align you with magnetic. Reviving an ally takes priority over attuning. The four available attunements are displayed in a wheel similar to Vauban's minelayer or Ivara's quiver, and each relates to a member of your squad. Slots related to the Broken warframe (including yourself) or that aren't filled (if the squad is less than four people) pick a random element that is not yet represented. Elements that are over-represented, E.G. two toxin contributions from a Khora and Nekros in squad, stack into a single attunement, increasing its power and reducing the number of currently accessible attunements accordingly. Thus, the extremes are four 1 Intensity elements, or one 4 Intensity element. Any elements that reach 0 intensity are removed and no longer are part of the spread, but in total there will always be four points of intensity among all elements available for attunement, and between one and four will be displayed in the UI.

Example: A squad of Frost, Volt, Ember, and Broken would give Broken a spread of Cold, Heat, Electricity, and a random kuva lich element that is not one of those three, and attune him to the random element he contributes to the pool when he spawns into the mission. He can then approach Volt and activate him, swapping his active attunement to Electricity. A squad of Guass, Grendel, and Broken would give Broken an attunement spread of Impact(Intensity 2), a random attunement that is not impact to fill the empty squad space, and a random attunement that is not the other two that he spawns attuned to. Four Broken warframes (hello, day 1 affinity farm) will give each of them four random attunements, attune them to one, and activating a fellow Broken to attune to them will give them an attunement depending on what element Broken is assigned for kuva lich generation (Radiation, potentially?).

Only real players are counted; spectres and entities like Celestial Twin do not add attunements or intensify them, and only players that enter the mission with Broken, or that are already there if he enters mid mission influence his starting attunements, to avoid unforeseen disruptions. If Broken attempts to attune to a warframe but they don't have access to that attunement (usually because they removed it from their available attunements with System Shock) a random attunement is replaced with it at intensity 1 (standard), and they then become attuned to it. Attunements with lower intensities are replaced before ones with higher intensities; having an available attunement spread spread of Toxic 2, Fire 1, and Magnetic 1 will replace Magnetic or Fire if Broken attempts to attune to an Impact warframe, for example.


System Shock: Saturate your systems with a surge of raw Void energy, violently expelling an attunement or opening yourself to nearby resonance. Tap 1 to reroll your current attunement to any attunement or reduce the intensity of your current attunement by 1 and add a new random attunement to your spread. At the same time throw a moderately damaging bolt of energy that deals 50% void (or electric damage if warframes dealing void damage is still verboten) and 50% damage of whatever energy type you rerolled away from or de-intensified with this ability, with a high or 100% status chance for that element and a low or 0% status chance for the base void damage, exploding in 2-3 meters on impact. The focus of this use of the ability should be more on applying extra statuses than dealing direct damage, and higher intensities of an attunement (having Toxic 2 or 3 from your team composition or lucky shuffling with previous uses of System Shock rerolling into elements you already have an inactive attunement to) should apply more stacks of a status rather than adding large amounts of flat damage, and maybe gain a meter or two of AoE per extra stack of attunement. Cold 3 might apply 5 stacks of Chill (One, plus two for each of the extra layers of Intensity) in ~4-6 meter radius, and then leave you at Cold 2 after it rolls a layer of intensity into another element.

Alternately, hold 1 to reset all of your attunements to the standard for your party, gaining your ally's attunements and randomizing your own and those of empty slots as if you had just spawned into the mission. System Shock is a one-handed action. As usual, empty party slots or fellow Broken warframes will give random unrepresented attunements.


Attenuation: Overclock one of your repurposed filters, gathering void energy within it before flooding your body with aspected energy. Hold to gain stacks of Attenuation, draining energy and charging faster the higher the intensity of the attunement is. Charging stops you from attacking but not running (or alternatively is a two-handed action if such a restriction is more workable). On release, your stacks of Attenuation become equal stacks of Elemental Immersion, reducing your power efficiency by ~2-4% per stack(as your systems are clouded with altered void energy) and shifting your current attunement to another one available to you. The effects and name of Elemental Immersion change based on the element used, and charging Attenuation while under the effects of Elemental Immersion only clears your Immersion stacks (and thus the efficiency reduction) once you stop channeling to convert your new Attenuation stacks. You cannot, however, be immersed in more than one element at a time. Reaching 10 stacks of Attenuation immediately ends channeling, capping Elemental Immersion at 10 stacks, similarly to most status effects. Immersion lasts for 20 seconds, modified by Duration. Immersion could make you immune to its related status while it is active, since the kuva lich list doesn't make you immune to effects like Blast, Bleeding, and Corrosion, and other warframes can gain total status immunity for differing lengths of time, and since depending on your team you may need to gamble with System Shock to gain access to certain elements at their basic intensity.

You may also tap Attenuation to swap to a random attunement you have access to at a small energy cost (subject to the efficiency penalty of Immersion), so that Broken can change attunement without allies to key himself to, or to spend energy to try to swap into the attunement he just left with Attenuation to be ready to re-apply a desirable Immersion.

Physical Immersion (Impact attunement) increases your physical damage per stack and adds a small amount of Impact damage to support fully elemental weapons, and gives you stagger resistance per stack similarly to Sure-Footed or the Motus set bonus, potentially reaching 100% at 10 stacks.

Heat Immersion increases your armor by ~2-4% per stack, additive with mods like Steel Fiber, and grants ~1-2 HP/s as the heat softens alloys and scrap deeper in your body to repair, replace, and reinforce battle damaged parts. It should be a modest heal over time, something to sustain more than replenish and present to invert the idea of the Burning status, but leaving most of the healing to...

Toxic Immersion, which primarily acts as a personal heal over time as it awakens technocyte spores in the warframe, but may also add ~2% non-combining toxic damage per stack, as a reference to Saryn's toxic lash. There might be a little bit of an old Saryn model somewhere in there, right? Alternatively its secondary effect might be to increase your outgoing revive speed like Trinity, leaning into healing as an inversion of the Toxic proc.

Cold Immersion increases your speed as your powers fortify coolant and a self-replenishing layer of ice acts as an improvised lubricant, allowing you to overclock your salvaged motor systems and weapons. ~3% movement and melee speed and ~1.5-2% fire rate and reload per stack is hopefully in the ballpark of reasonable, since you're trading ability efficiency in the form of Immersion's penalty for more weapon aptitude and gain no defenses like Heat's armor and patch healing or Toxin's regeneration, but the theme is "turning a glitch into a feature" and that doesn't necessitate a perfect result, so a bit of reduced friction and fire accuracy to represent a slippery loss of finesse might be an interesting touch?

Electricity Immersion fills you with the power of the storm, albeit not with the consistency of your more complete brothers and sisters. While moving you gain charge, more slowly but similarly to Volt's passive, and while airborne gain charge at a more comparable rate. This charge erupts around you if it goes unused before reaching its cap, dealing electrical damage between 30-60% of its value, often triggering the Electrocution proc, and potentially knocking down enemies especially close to you. Before that point it cycles randomly through your warframe and equipment every few seconds, similarly to Void corruption during fissure missions. This cycling behavior pauses briefly if the item that is charged is used, consuming 10-20% of its value to add or subtract damage as the heat of the electricity potentially deforms edges, arrowheads, and bullets. This effect applies for ~0.75-1 seconds rather than consuming charge per bullet or swing(so high rate of fire weapons or daggers don't shred your reserve, mostly), maintaining the same damage modifier but still rolling to add or subtract damage with each shot or impact. Additionally on the item that is currently charged it increases fire rate, melee range(potentially by adding an extension of pure electricity damage, if the engine can handle such a thing?), and status duration. When the warframe is charged, status duration applies to System Shock and Dynamic Hammer, and the efficiency penalty of Immersion is partially reduced.

Magnetic Immersion empowers your outer plating, coaxing bullets and blades to slide harmlessly across your armor and deflecting claws and talons with shifting metal. You gain ~1.5-2% evasion per stack, and pull in pickups/exclusively ammo pickups within 1 meter per stack when rolling. Projectiles you evade due to Magnetic Immersion are not automatically reflected like Mesa's Shatter Shield or Chroma's Cold Elemental Ward, but carry on more-or-less through you, gaining 50% increased damage per stack and changing hands to the Tenno team, potentially striking enemies on the other side of you, as a less instant but more powerful effect, especially when caught in a crossfire. The energy around you is empowered when your shielding systems surge, increasing your evasion by ~1-1.5% per stack and raising your shield regeneration rate if your shields began recharging from 0 within the last ~2-3 seconds, unmodified by duration. ... That might overstack Magnetic Immersion a bit though.

Radiation Immersion alters Void energy from one volatile source to another, leaving you overflowing with its radiance. Enemies within 15 meters have a ~2% chance per stack per second to gain one stack of Confusion, and your ability strength is increased by ~5% per stack. Additionally, System Shock gains added radiation damage and radius per stack and potentially causes confused enemies in the inner half of its radius to change their target to an entity nearby (and thus, hopefully not you), encouraging its use as a source of damage and control at the expense of rerolling your attunement spread and burning extra energy while under the efficiency penalty of Immersion.


Dynamic HammerStrike out with the power of the Void, but without the wholeness of body to shape it into a true Warframe power. Dynamic Hammer deals damage in an area depending on your active Attunement and its intensity, generally an area you have line of sight to within 30-40 meters, with occasional Backfire(glitch) or Void Siphoning(happy accident) effects applied to a given casting. Attunement intensity is only ever checked against the attunement that relates to the hammer's element and is only checked when it is cast; gaining or losing Toxin Intensity or losing Toxin attunement altogether will not influence an active Toxic Hammer cloud, and no other attunements but Toxic have any bearing on it when cast.

Physical Hammer extends one of Broken's vines a moderate distance(~25-35m?), similarly to Valkyr's ripline, giving him a modest amount of damage reduction (~25%?) as hurtles towards the point of impact and crashes into it with great force, knocking down enemies close to him and staggering those nearby. If the vine strikes an enemy instead of being drawn to Broken they are knocked down and Dynamic Hammer causes Broken to crash on their location. 10% chance of Siphon: a fragment of an old Rhino system activates, empowering your impact. Enemies knocked down or staggered by Dynamic Hammer gain 1 stack of the Blast status (Inaccuracy), plus two for every extra layer of Intensity Broken has for Impact (E.G. Intensity 3 Siphon would apply 5 stacks, Intensity 1-- baseline-- would apply 1). 10% chance of Backfire: Broken gains 1 stack of Inaccuracy per Intensity. Increasing Power Strength can raise the chance of Physical Hammer's Siphon effect to 30% and its Backfire to 20%. Its Backfire and Siphon will not occur at the same time. Alternatively, its Siphon causes your damage reduction to linger, and can occur alongside its Backfire.

Fire Hammer evokes a pillar of fire at the targeted location, spreading outwards in a 6 meter radius and applying at least one stack of Burning, with a chance to inflict another stack of burning for each extra Intensity. 40% chance of Siphon: Fire Hammer strikes in reverse, beginning as a ring of fire with a 6 meter radius and racing inwards to draw enemies together in a rush of super-heated air. 25% chance of Backfire: You begin burning for 2% of your health per second per intensity for 10 seconds(anywhere from 20 to 80% of your health), and perhaps have a better idea of which failsafes the fragments Orokin-era Ember and Chroma systems within your warframe are missing. The damage and proc chance of Fire Hammer's Backfire are not affected by ability duration, strength, or Electricity Immersion.

Cold Hammer forces heat out of the area around Broken, pushing back and staggering enemies near him in a sharp convection current. Enemies in 5 meters are chilled once per Intensity, and enemies within 7.5 meters are staggered and pushed. 35% chance of Siphon: the movement of energy is intensified, pushing enemies 30% further, applying one extra chill per intensity, and gaining a 25% chance per Intensity to apply one stack of Burning to any affected enemy that was not chilled. Broken gains 20% more armor that decays for 6 seconds or is removed when he begins Burning as thick ice forms around him. 30% chance of Backfire: the ice that forms over him is uneven and cumbersome, reducing his sprint speed and parkour velocity by 20%. Cold Hammer will only Backfire if it Siphons. Backfire penalties and chance are unaffected by Power Strength.

Electric Hammer deals heavy damage to one enemy with a several concurrent strokes of lightning from above, and executes them if they are below 30% health. If Electric Hammer strikes the ground instead of targeting an enemy it lingers for 10 seconds as a proximity mine, erupting into a single branch of chain lightning if an enemy draws within 6 meters, or immediately if one is already within range. Chain lightning from Electric Hammer does not execute. 50% chance of Siphon: if Electric Hammer executes an enemy it releases one to two branches of chain lightning. 50% chance of Backfire: if Electric Hammer executes an enemy, it consumes 20% more energy over 1 second as the killing surge overdraws from your reserves. Electric Hammer cannot Siphon or Backfire if it kills an enemy outright without explicitly executing them. Backfire chance caps at 80% and Backfire energy drain caps at 50%. Duration either does not affect Backfire, or increases the duration over which it consumes the same amount of energy.

Toxin Hammer awakens technocyte spores similarly to Toxic Immersion, summoning a swarm of spores from within Broken that impact the targeted area and form a 5 meter radius cloud. The swarm deals 50% damage to any creature it moves through before impacting, and can give them one stack of poison per intensity. The impact cloud lasts for 8 seconds, and deals damage twice per second to enemies inside of it. 30% chance of Siphon: the cloud is alive with antibodies and repair agents from the more distressed sections of your salvaged warframe, removing a condition every second from allies in the impact cloud and healing them over time based on the intensity of your attunement. 20% chance of Backfire: malformed technocyte spores whirl around you for 5 seconds similarly to a Mutalist Swarm Moa's bees, applying no effects other than reducing your critical strike chance by 25% after mods as they pick at nerves and motor systems searching for damage. These bees follow you dutifully, as you created them, and cannot be shed by rolling or destroyed by melee. Increased Power Strength can increase Toxin Hammer's backfire chance to 35%. Its Siphon and Backfire can occur at the same time.

Magnetic Hammer strikes the targeted area with a turbulent wave of magnetic energy, dealing damage and inflicting 0.3 seconds of the Lift status per Intensity and carrying an 8% chance to disarm per Intensity. 15% chance of Siphon: enemies struck by the wave are cripple by torn and twisted armor, gaining one stack of Puncture (Weakness) per Intensity. 40% chance of Backfire: your Magnetic Hammer echoes around you, reducing your fire accuracy by 80% for 5 seconds as eddies of magnetism wildly push and pull anything that isn't guided by a Warframe's strong hand, and your power attacks come out 15% slower as you have to take extra care steadying your hand while winding up. Magnetic Hammer's Backfire will only proc if its Siphon procs. Power Strength can bring its Siphon's chance to 30% and its Backfire chance to 60%.

Radiation Hammer conjures exotic radiation to the targeted point, creating an expanding field that starts at one meter in diameter and grows five meters per second for three seconds, losing damage per second and proc chance as it grows, losing more damage the less Intensity Broken has. 10% chance of Siphon: every time Radiation Hammer deals damage that could apply Confusion, it can additionally apply Burning, Viral Infection, or Poison as more intense waves of radiation wash over enemies, searing them with storms high-energy particles or wearing down their bodies. 30% chance of Backfire: you hum with entropic energy for 6 seconds, and Confused enemies in 10 meters have a chance to turn their attention to you. Radiation Hammer only Backfires if it Siphons, and its Backfire chance caps at 55%. Radiation Hammer's Siphon chance caps at 17%.


Flow StateGive in to the flaws and inefficiencies of your patchwork systems and invite the Void into you fully. Flow State is a channeled ability that grants damage reduction, adds 50% damage of your attuned element per its Intensity to attacks and 30% per intensity to powers, and weakens the binds of your armor and spurs the growth of the orokin vines and technocyte within you. This grants you an exalted weapon that accepts whip, blade and whip, and sword and shield (that plate on the front of his left leg might make a decent buckler, eh?) stance mods, and converts all of its damage (or maybe just its elemental damage) into the element you are currently attuned to and gains a 30% chance to apply a bonus Corrosion proc per Intensity of your current attunement. You additionally gain the effects of 5 stacks of Elemental Immersion for the attunement you enter Flow State with, up to 15 if you entered Flow State with 10 stacks. These extra five stacks do not decrease your power efficiency. You may tap Attenuation to freely cycle through your available attunements during Flow State, but every attunement you leave rerolls when you do so, potentially into multiple elements if it had 2 or more Intensity. When Flow State ends, you become Corroded as your armor, fractured by the overload, is no longer supported by the void surge, and all sources of energy gain return 50% less to you, decreasing over time to 0% less as your systems recover over a duration proportional to your time in Flow State. After the first three seconds of Flow State, unmodified by power duration, if you would begin to bleed out or die you instead heal to 30% health-- unmodified by power strength-- gain shield gate invulnerability, and Flow State ends applying its energy gain debuff as if it had been active for four extra seconds.

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Since it's a cobble of many warframes it could possibly do ANYTHING.

Passive: Empathy  - Gains the passive and powers  of the allied warframe you heavy melee attack  (but keeps this ability) (also announces what it is on screen whenever it changes)

1) Do power 1 of your empathised warframe

2) Do power 2 of your empathised warframe

3) Do power 3 of your empathised warframe

4) Do power 4 of your empathised warframe


If you're soloing whenever you heavy melee attack the floor you gain powers of a random warframe

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Passive, Collapse: When the Warframe dies it will break into pieces only held together by a wires and other internal pieces of junk and a void portal will open allowing them warframe to make a quick getaway to somewhere close by with the portal collapsing behind it.


Ability 1, Scrap: The Warframe takes a buff from the enemy depending on who they are, say if it’s a Grineer enemy he will take an armor buff and if it’s corpus he takes a shield buff for infested he takes a health buff and so on.


Ability 2, Void Impale: The wires in the Warframes arm extends out and impales enemies spreading to x amount while leeching off of their health.


Ability 3, Reform: the warframe changes it shape into something more resilient to whatever damage type it needs while becoming more susceptible to other damage types, damage taken that the warframe is resistant to is converted into health/armor/shields depending on the Warframes stats.


Ability 4, Void Overload: The warframe draws in as much power as possible from the void unleash a powerful wave that deals mass damage to enemies while pushing them backwards and providing a damage buff to allies. The energy from the void also causes some enemies to turn corrupt attacking others in a flurry of rage.

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In times of war, every resource is essential.
Each fragment of salvage, every shred of usable scrap, must be restored and repurposed into ever more warped forms, remade into weapons of perpetually increasing desperation.
How fortunate, then, that we Orokin were so efficient at recycling corpses.
Yes, this creature, this beast, twisted together from the mangled pieces of already unholy abominations, was surely my masterwork. Twice-forged in the howling void and bound with only the finest somatic cables to knit together its disparate neural networks, its beauty is both profane and profound.
Listen to the echo of a thousand screams.
That is the battle cry of my Agglomus;
A promise.
Not a single remnant will go to waste.

Passive: Remnant.This Warframe's broken form is caught in an eternal struggle to rebuild himself, but his abominable composition makes it an impossible endeavor as each Warframe he is comprised of attempts to recreate itself separately. By using various damage types on his weapons, Tenno can influence which Warframe is dominant within the Broken Warframe. As one of these “Remnants" is charged, The Broken Warframe will gain ephemera-esque elemental trails and an energy overlay of the mimicked Warframe. His abilities will gain additional properties of either offensive, defensive, or tactical value. The Remnant groups could be determined in the same manner as the Kuva Lich progenitor groups. Consider an almost pie chart like UI element, charged by the highest valid damage type on the current weapon, actively changing as more and more damage is dealt. A Remnant's buffs would be activated at 30%, technically allowing for all three to be activated at once, but all would have to be in weaker forms. Instead, having one strong remnant and one weaker remnant for utility purposes would likely prove a more effective playstyle. (Perhaps each instance of damage dealt would equal 1% of charge?) Suggested Remnants have been chosen based on which frames are potentially big enough to effectively overlay the Broken Warframe’s build.
Offensive Remnants; Heat (Chroma), Toxin (Nidus)
-Charging an Offensive Remnant will give a bonus to all damage.
Defensive Remnants; Impact (Rhino), Cold (Frost), Magnetic (Hydroid)
-Charging a Defensive Remnant will give bonus Damage Reduction.
Tactical Remnants; Electric (Volt), Radiation (Loki)
-Charging a Tactical Remnant will increase movement speed, parkour velocity, reload, and melee speeds.

1: Mangle. The vine-like structures that tenuously hold this Warframe's shattered form together allow him to launch a hand out to grab and reel in an enemy. Ideally, this ability would allow the Warframe to continue holding the enemy and use them as a meat shield to deflect incoming fire while wielding a sidearm one-handed (As if holding a throwing weapon). However, if technical limitations are at play, then having the harpoon function of such weapons as the Harpak alongside reducing an enemy's armor would be perfectly serviceable, especially if it opened the enemy to finishers.
+Offensive Remnant: Grants Mangle an instant-kill threshold as with Garuda's Dread Mirror.
+Defensive Remnant: Grants Mangle life steal.
+Tactical Remnant: Grants Mangle a chance to tear an additional loot drop from an enemy as with Ivara's Prowl.

2: Rework. Just one Warframe is already a demigod-like warrior. Being made of void-knows how many can lead to explosively dangerous power levels. By using Rework, the Warframe can unleash a damaging AoE radial burst, clearing the current highest Remnant charge from himself and proccing enemies within the AoE with status effects corresponding to the charged influence of the Remnant. The higher the influence, the more severe the status proc will be.
+Offensive Remnant: Enemies within the Rework will be staggered and have their armor stripped.
+Defensive Remnant: Enemies within the Rework will be knocked down and dealing damage to them will temporarily grant health.
+Tactical Remnant: Enemies within the Rework will be disarmed and will flee, and the Broken Warframe will turn temporarily invisible.

3: Dismantle. A hundred minds howl, their instincts pulling their shattered pieces in every direction. The Broken Warframe can tear fragments from himself, using the void energy contained within them to replicate his progenitors' abilities at the cost of some of his own health and a percentage of his current highest Remnant. This is a small price to pay for power. These abilities are likely weaker than those cast by the actual progenitor Warframes, but care should be taken that they all feel worthy of being a third ability. Abilities from Progentitors could be drawn from the same pool as the Railjack’s Ability Kinesis. (Remnant cost might work as 10% as it draws from an element specific pool instead of a general set. Consider a toggle ability if not viable.)
+Heat Remnant: Chroma. Elemental Ward (Heat only, a shimmering circle of ephemeral energy)
+Toxin Remnant: Nidus. Larva (A writhing mass of clean technocyte cables draw in potential prey)
+Impact Remnant: Rhino. Rhino Stomp (No alterations needed visually)
+Cold Remnant: Frost. Snow Globe (A thin, glassy sphere of energy more akin to Gara's Mass Vitrify or even the effects of the Tenebrous Ephemera than actual ice) 
+Magnetic Remnant: Hydroid. Tempest Barrage (Javelins of energy, not water, blot out the sky)
+Electric Remnant: Volt. Speed (Consider the addition of Baruuk Elude-like dodge flickers!)
+Radiation Remnant: Loki. Decoy (Consider innately having the Savior Decoy Augment effect)

4: Aggregate. Only the Tenno could calm the twisted monstrosities that were the original Warframes. With so many forced into a single form, the pain is almost to great to bear—but those Tenno who can do so will find the Broken Warframe to be an army that can truly fight as one. When Aggregate is used, the Broken Warframe will begin to absorb the enemies he kills, disintegrating them into energy to fuel his shattered pieces. The more enemies that are absorbed, the more powers the Broken Warframe can channel through himself. There are unique effects every 3 enemies for the first 21 enemies killed while Aggregate is active, with these effects activating in random order. Each additional set of 3 kills will give bonuses to one of the 7 buffs and thus create a sort of positive feedback loop. The determining factor would be if this ability is either a duration based ability or an energy drain over time ability. (I would say energy drain over time. If Duration is a must, then instead consider allowing multikills to extend the ability duration or making it recastable. Please. Pretty please?)
1. Chroma: Vex Armor or Damage bonus
2. Nidus Passive: Health Regeneration and Power Strength bonus.
3. Rhino: Armor bonus.
4. Frost Passive: Enemy melee attacks will leave them frozen and a percentage of incoming damage will be reflected (potential projectile deflection?)
5. Hydroid: Dodge becomes a small Tidal Surge and/or Power Range bonus.
6. Volt: Speed boost.
7. Loki: Evasion bonus (Potential invisibility?) and Ability Casting Speed bonus.

Additional thoughts:
-It would be incredibly cool if the energy overlays could borrow the customization of your other Warframes. While this is likely logistically complicated, it would no doubt be very visually appealing. 
-I chose the name Agglomus for the Broken boy because Latin is snazzy and Agglomerate just felt like a fun description of what this Warframe is described as. …And also because Amalgam was already taken by the Corpus. Can he get a Zanuka inspired helmet to match his broken and mishmashed brothers and sisters in arms?
-This ability set was primarily designed to be a fun, diverse kit. While I believe that this Warframe could be a powerful tank with good dps, I don’t see him as a room clearer sweeping ESO unless his proposed fourth ability could carry between rounds. I personally enjoy Warframes that get stronger the longer you stay in mission, like Gara, and I fully acknowledge the way that bias shows through here. I just really want to take this power set and max out my wanted level in the Valis to see how things go. That's why it's less "buggy" broken and more "Frankenstein's Warframe" broken
-I tried to include many ability elements that are already in the game so as to help keep the coding process from ending up as broken as the Warframe himself. Plus, I think the Kuva Liches and the Railjack tactical system have a lot of really cool ideas that I’d like to see used more prominently elsewhere in the game, so they’re in here too. If these systems are a bit much to incorporate into a single Warframe (understandable), then cutting it down into Offense, Defense, and Tactical instead of the designated Progenitor types of the Liches would likely be more manageable, but would still incorporate the idea of combining the different Frame sets.

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Passive: Dislocation - Bullet jumps disassemble the warframe's parts and reassemble them at the targeted location. As the disassembled parts travel, they deal Impact damage to enemies in their path and reduce damage taken by a small portion (both scaling with Ability Strength) during and a few seconds after the bullet jump. Dislocation distance scales with ability and bullet jump range.

1st Ability: Abduct - Releases tendrils in a cone in front of the warframe, dealing damage to enemies and pulling them towards the warframe's current position.

  • Using Dislocation does not break the Abduct link

2nd Ability: Eviscerate - Impales a nearby targeted enemy with an expanding tendril, dealing high damage over a few seconds. Low health enemies will explode from the tendril's expansion, dealing damage to surrounding enemies while recovering energy as well.

  • Warframe is immobile for a very brief period while performing Eviscerate

3rd Ability: Flailing Limbs - The warframe detaches its limbs and uses it to releases a flurry of punches in a cone in front of it for a few seconds, dealing high amounts of Impact damage and stunning enemies in the cone (ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA). Enemies who die from from melee attacks or explode from evisceration drop limbs, which are used to increase the damage output of this ability. While this is in effect, the warframe is slowed and cannot attack nor bullet jump.

4th Ability: Assimilate - The warframe disassembles, and attaches its parts onto an enemy host, suppressing it and taking over its body. While attached, the warframe gains a percentage of the host's armor, health and speed, and the warframe drains a percentage of the host's max health per second. The warframe detaches once the duration expires, or when the host dies which will cause the host's body to explode from an evisceration.

Ability Tips and Tricks:

  • Use Dislocation to pop up behind an enemy before performing Eviscerate to reduce the damage taken while eviscerating an opponent.
  • Assimilate an enemy before casting Flailing Limbs increase your survivability due to Flailing Limb's slow effect.
  • Draw in enemies with Abduct before casting Eviscerate to maximize the damage dealt by Eviscerate's explosion.
  • Abduct an opponent then use Dislocation to transport yourself to a safer position while you perform Eviscerate.
  • Prioritize casting Assimilate on high health/armor/speed opponents to maximize the status buff.
  • Use Dislocation towards a target just before casting Eviscerate to mitigate the damage taken while performing Eviscerate.
  • Ability Strength and Duration can make for a high damage/high sustain build, whereas Ability Strength and Range makes for a very mobile build
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The broken warframe

1. He can summon void souls to give health to his teammates and has a chance to give them immunity for 10 secs with an augment “Void immunity”

2. Creates an aura that when damages enemies gives them a random status chance and if they they die from the status chance they give every teammate and the player full energy, full health and shield. The status damage can double the damage by adding “aura efficiency” augment.

3. He chooses a teammate that will result with him giving the teammate a damage buff. Damage of the biff can be modified by this augment “the buffing mind”

4. He summons a part of his warframe pieces to be complete and fight alongside him based on the emissive, the augment of this ability is “royal pieces” which gives the complete warframe (the summoned one) a health buff.

thank you DE for making this well written game with amazing lore, and I’m patiently waiting for the 20 thousand health inaros prime #megan’sinaros. I’m not sure if someone already got my ability ideas and I currently don’t have names for them have a very nice day!! 🤩

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Passive - Flex Void
Eornheit can switch its main elemental attribute to desire choice. Each elements give Eornheit different buffs and effects for abilities. Eornheit's element will be according to the energy colour pick by players. 


  1. Increase melee and range weapon damage.
  2. Melt nearby enemies and reduce their armor,  deal damage per second to certain distance. 


  1. Increase melee attack speed, holster speed, movement/sprint speed. 
  2. Shock nearby enemies and mini-stun them every few second, deal very low damage per second,


  1. Increase damage resistance, health regen, knockdown resistance.
  2. Poison enemies who physically attack Eornheit and high amount toxin damage per second for some seconds.


  1. Increase armor, shield recharge rate, slide and reduce friction.
  2. Slow nearby enemies in certain distance in terms of movement speed, action speed and attacking speed.


Reason for this ability: Since Eornheit is assembled from the remnants of Warframes destroyed and held together by Void energy, the remnants of Warframes can be in many kinds, maybe there could be saryn, frost, volt, and ember too.  So using the same concept to create this passive skill, Eornheit utilize the remnants within its body and enhance itself.


Ability 1 - Clearing Swing
Eornheit stretch its hand to swing and sweep the enemies. Enemies will be drag along in the process of this skill. Deal element damage according to Flex Void element status. 

Clearing Swing mainly affected by strength (damage), efficiency (energy consumption) and range mods (distance of skill).


Ability 2 - Void Empowerment

Temporary enhance Eornheit's passive ability - Void Power. 

For example, if Eornheit is in Heat status effect, the passive  originally will grant 10% damage. And when Void Empowerment is activated, the passive will grant  x1.5 effect, which is total 15%. 

Void Empowerment mainly affected by strength (multiplier), efficiency (energy consumption) and duration (skill activation period) mods.

Reason for this ability: To supplement the passive skill. The passive ability should not give Eornheit overpowered buff, this skill will enhance the passive ability for a time being. 


Ability 3 - Absorb

Hold power to pull and trap a living target or a corpse and absorb it through Eornheit's void tentacles. Increase Eornheit's warframe strength, duration and range for a time period. 

This skill concept is kind of like Inaros's Devour, but change the details. When absorbing a living target, Eornheit will deal damage on the target based on the fix % of  the target's max HP and also increase strength, duration and range in the same process, instead of after the enemy is dead.

And if targeting a corpse , Eornheit will just direct absorb it directly. Eornheit is still able to move around and absorb it during the process, but able to attack or cast other skill (which will instantly cancel this skill's process)

This skill deal fix % of  the target's max HP, and also have fix amount of time for the process. To explain this in simple way, the example is this skill's process time is fix at 3 seconds, and each second will deal fix damage 10% of the living target max health point. The target don't have to be dead so Eornheit can receive buff, while Eornheit will receive buff once the skill process end.

During the process of absorbing, Eornheit is still in vulnerable state and can received damage, knocked down, stagged, and so on. When knocked down, the process will be cancel and have to start again.

Can add "Max stack limit" to prevent  this warframe being overpowered.

Additional idea: maybe can absorb nonliving objects instead? Such as storage container, alloy drum, biogas barrel, circuitry lockbox, arid blunt and so on.


Absorb mainly affected by strength (strength, duration and range increased in % or multiplier), efficiency (energy consumption), duration (skill-in-effect period), range (casting range to pull the living target or corpse).

Reason for this ability: Based on Eornheit's concept art design, its body is full of void-tentacles thing, which is to hold all the remnants of warframe together. So I think it will be cool and more relevant if the void-tentacles thing doesn't just to hold the remnants together, but also can have other function(s) such as absorbing other living/nonliving things to enhance Eornheit itself.


Ability 4 - Void Spike
Eornheit slam directly to the ground with its hands, then void spikes rise from the ground and stab enemies in the area of effect. Enemies in the AoE will be stun and receive elemental status effect base on Eornheit's Flex Void. Ability damage type is according to Flex Void. Eornheit receive passive ability's multiplier according to the number of enemies stab in the AoE.

This ability concept is kind of like Nezha's Divine Spears, but this happens from the ground instead of slamming spears from the sky.


Void Spike mainly affected by strength (skill damage), efficiency (energy consumption), and range (AoE distance).

Reason for this ability: Every warframe deserve some really cool and useful ability.



Most of my inspiration comes from the concept art design of Eornheit, utilizing the warframe concept and it appearance to create relevant abilities. The passive and the abilities mainly is to self-enhance & crowd control. Each type of the build on Eornheit allow players to play differently according to desire play style (damage, speed, survive, support).

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Just to give a brief description of how i think this frame should function, I'm envisioning him as an ancient being that broke down many centuries ago, and on the verge of "death" the operator injected it with untested nano machines that not only saved the warframe but also completely rewrote its functions. The frame is (in my mind) a support unit that uses the nanites it obtained to support others, while also dishing out above average damage.


Passive: Nano Adaption: This frame has a meter that accumulates up to 3 damage types (Physical and Elemental) dealt to the warframe, after taking enough damage the nanites adapt and buff resistances towards those damage types for x number of seconds. The meter has symbols indicating which resistances are currently being buffed


1st Ability: Micro Swarm: Nanites emit from the frame draining x% of shields, and latch onto a target. If the target is an ally, the nanites grant health regeneration and enhance their ability to crit (aka body shots now crit for the duration of the buff). If the target is a foe, the nanites infect the host draining life force/deals radiation damage and restore some health to the warframe, if the target enemy dies before the effect ends the nanites seek out a new host.

Augment Mod: If his health is full then the nanites create an overflow effect that functions like an overshield to the hp pool (more heath than your max that once depleted, does not get replenished.)


2nd Ability: Nanite Shell- (Energy Drain per second) Creates a shell of nanites around the frame that infects any foe who attacks (with nanites), in addition the shell boosts shield capacity and regeneration by x%. Infected hosts take damage equal to x% of damage they deal to others (sorta like a damage reflect effect where the target doesn't matter, it's based solely on when the host attacks). Can infect up to x number of units

Augment Mod: The number of units that can be infected is increased by 1.5x and allies' with-in x number of meters also gain this effect


3rd Ability:  Limit Break- This ability can be either cast on self, or hold the cast key and target an ally. Nanites attach themselves to the targets weapons boosting their damage output for elemental damage by x% and physical damage by 1/4 x%. Kills made in this state stack, grant bonus armor based on number of kills when the primary effect ends, lasting for x number of seconds.

Augment Mod: Haven't worked this augment out yet, just go with "the ability to target multiple allies in one cast" for now.


4th Ability: Hive Mind- The warframe expels all nanites in his body in a long, wide cone in front of him dealing x amount of adaptive damage and returning x amount of energy to nearby allies per kill. Additionally, any unit currently infected with nanites creates a radial nanite burst dealing 1/2 of the original adaptive damage if/when hit with the initial wave (a unit loses their buff/debuff if they trigger a burst)

Augment Mod: Radial nanite bursts can now chain from other bursts, rather than only triggering from the initial wave.



Let me apologize in advance for similar abilities/traits, I made sure to avoid looking at other people's posts before writing this but it will inevitably have similarities. The concept for this is something I've long wanted to see in Warframe; a frame that uses micro robots (aka nanites) for attack and support, in addition nanites in many games can quickly adapt to their environment hence the very sentient characteristics. I had this idea well over a year ago in between playing with Saryn and eventually Nidus, but after recently playing Destiny 2 and using Outbreak Perfected, I finally had ideas to form a somewhat solid platform to work with in developing the abilities, albeit I'll admit they could all use some fine tuning. And in case anyone is confused, the "x number of" and x% are placeholders for values that I haven't worked out yet.




I have this whole paragraph on the legality of intellectual property I was going to put here to ensure no plagiarizing, but I don't think this community will really have a problem with that. Just know that I regularly read through reddit and whatnot for inspiration, so please don't go getting any bright ideas 😛



Just to clarify, yes I see that the concept art and description mention void energy holding together parts of various frames, however this doesn't mean the functions of the frame itself have to be based around that. As far as I'm concerned the nanites could run on void energy and that's what gave the frame "life" and also backs my ability concept.

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