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Might sound dumb, but we need better boosters.


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I've been playing Warframe for almost over a third of a year, and have been to the best of my extent enjoying the game even if the last three updates are the result of a lack of communication between DE and the community as a whole. Over the past years i have seen some of the complaints this game has received, whether it's bugs, really crappy decisions like rushed releases of updates(biggest example being, well, Railjack as a whole), resources being added and not moderated/balanced, etc. Today i come to give a proposal to DE via the forum in order to maybe address the resource problem.

Now you could say 'haha buy a booster and stop crying', but that's the problem. Boosters themselves don't last and are quite expensive. If you're constantly boosting yourself every three days, that's almost 200p worth of boosters, so in light of maybe improving this, i propose that DE adds Booster Segments, permanent upgrades that increase the amount of affinity/credits/resources and drop chances, potentially dropping from high level missions.


Here's my theorical setting:

Affinity Booster Segment: Permanently increases Affinity Rate by 50%/100%/150%/200% when installed in your orbiter. Can be found as a reward from low-level Capture/Spy missions on Rotation A(Cap/Spy) and B(Spy), as well as a rare Sortie reward. Can also drop from Lt.Lech Kril in Ceres as a Rare drop. Materials needed: 2000 Ferrite, 3000 Rubico, 3 Nitain Extract, 3 Argon Crystals, 25000 Credits. Can stack 4 of these together for the same effect as a standard 3 day booster. Can also stack with a standard 40p booster for further increase(300%).

Credit Booster Segment: Permanently increases Credit Rate by 50%/100%/150%/200% when installed in your orbiter. Can be found as a reward from medium-level Spy missions in Rotation A or Sabotage caches in Rotation A, as well as a Sortie reward. Can be dropped by Zanuka or Alad V in Jupiter as an uncommon drop. Materials needed: 3000 Polymer Bundle, 1200 Cryotic, 1 Nitain Extract, 1 Argon Crystal, 20000 Credits. Can stack 4 of these together for the same effect as a standard 3 day booster. Can also stack with a standard 40p booster for further increase(300%).

Resource/Resource Drop Chance Segment: Permanently increases Resource yields and drop chances by 50%/100%/150%/200% when installed in your orbiter. Can be obtained as a reward in Elite Sanctuary Onslaught(Rotation B and C), high level Defense/Survival(All Rotations, with B and C having increased chances), Sorties and Hieracon, Pluto. Materials needed: 12000 Nano Spores, 6000 Polymer Bundle, 40 Hexenon,  4 Eidolon Shards, 50000 Credits. Can stack 4 of these together for the same effect as a standard 3 day booster. Can also stack with a standard 40p booster for further increase(300%).


What are your thoughts on this? Good idea, or is it the worst thing imagined?


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Don't buy 3 day boosters, buy 30day ones.

I dunno who buys 3 day boosters, that seems like a huge waste of plat.

 200p for 30 days is not that much honestly.

Keeping affinity and resource booster forever active is not a problem, 400plat per month is literally nothing, and you can get all that from trading in one day easily.


I think your ideas of perma boosters is bad both for gameplay reasons and for DE.

Boosters should be applied to missions with scalling levels and rewards, maybe something simillar to endless void fissures or the higher the level the higher the booster for a mission.

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The scarcity of drops keeps players playing. The scarcity of boosters keeps players playing intensely when they get them.. making them not scarce, turns them into everything you've ever foddered before.

That's not to say we can't vastly improve our RNG, and offset that with more sources that demand those resources in more directions, to keep us farming them. I'm all for that... and that would need to be in place first, or else, people will generally get a sense that, "there isn't as much about the game that compels me to play it anymore, and I can't really put my finger on what it is.."

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28 minutes ago, Savire510 said:

400plat per month is literally nothing

No, 400p per month is literally 400p per month.

OP, if DE make it so you can permanently increase the amount of credits/resources a player can get then all that will happen is that credit/resource costs will be adjusted also.  Boosters is one of three reliable ways DE makes money off of Warframe and DE need to make money.

Edited by Jiminez_Burial
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1 minute ago, Jiminez_Burial said:

No, 400p per month is literally 400p per month.

pocket change

If warframe didnt have this kind of trade system it has then obviously 400p is a lot.

But you can get 400p even by selling trash, you dont need mega rivens

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4 minutes ago, Savire510 said:

pocket change

If warframe didnt have this kind of trade system it has then obviously 400p is a lot.

But you can get 400p even by selling trash, you dont need mega rivens

It really went over your head didn't it.  'Literally' means with no exaggeration.  It is a means of stating that something is exactly as described.  Even if keeping boosters active cost only 1p a month, that is still not literally nothing.

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Just now, Jiminez_Burial said:

It really went over your head didn't it.  'Literally' means with no exaggeration.  It is a means of stating that something is exactly as described.  Even if keeping boosters active cost only 1p a month, that is still not literally nothing.

eh, sure, you win this one, bravo

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1 hour ago, Jiminez_Burial said:

It really went over your head didn't it.  'Literally' means with no exaggeration.  It is a means of stating that something is exactly as described.  Even if keeping boosters active cost only 1p a month, that is still not literally nothing.

you're literally missing the point trying to correct him. 

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1 hour ago, Savire510 said:

pocket change

If warframe didnt have this kind of trade system it has then obviously 400p is a lot.

But you can get 400p even by selling trash, you dont need mega rivens

I'd rather grind than deal with summa y'all in trade. o_O Lawd hammercy no.

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22 hours ago, (XB1)TyeGoo said:

Do you have proof of that? I always thought Warframe was a free charity project 🤔

Do you really think DE is doing all of this for free? How else are they gonna make money, why do you think stuff costs platinum? Platinum purchases are literally a way they make money, its not to punish anyone, its because even this f2p game has to make money somehow, and in DE's case they make money off anyone using plat to buy cosmetics and other stuff. If this was a charity project, it would not have lasted as long as it did.

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You can get boosters from daily login, from sorties, from baro and you can buy them with plats you can get by selling things in-game. What the hell do you need more ? 

Soon we will see players asking DE to pay them to play the game. This kind of topic is incredible, just to remain polite... 

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On 2020-04-18 at 3:01 AM, Jiminez_Burial said:

It really went over your head didn't it.  'Literally' means with no exaggeration.  It is a means of stating that something is exactly as described.  Even if keeping boosters active cost only 1p a month, that is still not literally nothing.

Good ole word wars...been a while since having seen one of those...

Well it seems both are correct usage...but it is difficult for someone that is literally correct to see the point of the word usage sometimes.

"Definition of literally

1 : in a literal sense or manner: such as
a : in a way that uses the ordinary or primary meaning of a term or expression He took the remark literally. a word that can be used both literally and figuratively
b used to emphasize the truth and accuracy of a statement or descriptionThe party was attended by literally hundreds of people.
c : with exact equivalence : with the meaning of each individual word given exactly The term "Mardi Gras" literally means "Fat Tuesday" in French.
d : in a completely accurate way a story that is basically true even if not literally true
2 : in effect : virtually used in an exaggerated way to emphasize a statement or description that is not literally true or possiblewill literally turn the world upside down to combat cruelty or injustice— Norman Cousins"
But the OP suggestion to make boosters permanent yet the boosters can be founds in missions seems strange. So go find a booster in a mission, put it in your orbiter and never need another booster or you can stack boosters on top for more boost? It is possible to get more from missions so players end up with stacks of these boosters that can't be used or traded (to keep boosters from flooding the market)?
It is interesting but as others have said...overall seems sort of a bad idea...at least as outlined.
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23 minutes ago, GreyDeath789 said:

used in an exaggerated way to emphasize a statement or description that is not literally true or possiblewill literally turn the world upside down to combat cruelty or injustice— Norman Cousins"

I'm sorry but if even the definition of 'literally' in an exaggerated sense says "that is not literally true" then that use of the word is total horse S#&$.  There is no point in the incorrect usage of a word.  The point of language is to convey meaning and if someone uses a word in direct contradiction to its definition... then what they are saying is meaningless.  There is no 'point' in incorrect usage for us to see, unless the point of using something incorrectly is to convey the users intelligence (or lack thereof).

Edited by Jiminez_Burial
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35 minutes ago, Jiminez_Burial said:

I'm sorry but if even the definition of 'literally' in an exaggerated sense says "that is not literally true" then that use of the word is total horse S#&$.  There is no point in the incorrect usage of a word.  The point of language is to convey meaning and if someone uses a word in direct contradiction to its definition... then what they are saying is meaningless.  There is no 'point' in incorrect usage for us to see, unless the point of using something incorrectly is to convey the users intelligence (or lack thereof).

Well that is between you and the people who make dictionaries it would seem...irregardless of the position held by some people.

In this case it would seem pedantic to fixate on the word 'literally' not didactic...

If only the usage of 'literally' had been more of a inline with malapropism we could all just move on...sigh.


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sounds too convenient for us IMO.

outside of prime access and fashionframe, Boosters are a major source of income for DE, along with Riven mods. neither Boosters nor Rivens are gonna get changed, because it jeopardizes DE's bottom line; no business will make changes to put the business at risk, even if the customers would prefer it. so yeah, not gonna happen. I'm surprised they give boosters for just logging in sometimes, they don't even have to do that, but they do.

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On 2020-04-18 at 3:32 AM, Xaero said:

"Decrease your playtime for free. Permanently."

Im not going to lie, if there was a way to buy a perma booster for like 60 dollars... id consider an exp one. 

I dont use bossters much, but after like 8 years of farming exp, id rather get things leveled and ready faster. 

But I think they make more money on micro transactions of boosters then they could with offering a one time price, even if people like me never use them.


If they do its probably going to be an extravagant amount. like full prime access but maybe even more.

Edited by Fluff-E-Kitty
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