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My Past time as a player isn't valued.


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1 hour ago, LuckyCharm said:

It does. There isn't anything to grind now other than mastery. Why else do all these people want weapons that are so far outclassed these days for? What point is there grinding for power these days when you can just buy that power cheap, and what point is there getting power when you 1shot everything these days anyway. There isn't at this point any reason to grind for anything right now. Unless you're still trying to make your way though the star chart. But let's face it, after focus, the only thing to grind currently is the emperion stuff which isnt even used in most missions. 

Are we playing the same game? or you're talking about "ppls that play from years and got everything" while i am actually talking about "new players"?


Dont see how i could even buy standings and weapons/pets that come from them, or a fully upgraded amp. until not long ago even endo was a problem more than actually getting the mods themselves (and wel,l still didnt maxed the 2 sacrificial melee mods if for that).


But let even say that WF let you buy the "power" (defo you got no clue of what that mean, on a mmorpg i played for 7 years on last years they putted best weapons of the game that in game required you to have the old version of them and then also a raid of 36 ppls, for just ONE drop a week to upgrade them, directly on lotto boxes lol, that's "buying power"), do you really expect that new players come to a.... how old actually is WF? 7, 8 years? well, nm much in a OLD game a start drop hundreds if not thousands euro's on it? what for? to be anyway eoins behind old vets in pretty much everything and showering them of plats too seen anyway you gotta buy stuff from them also).


Only "power" i could buy was the almost useless lich bundle and just cuz was tired of after all this time having none of the mods i needed and never seen anyone sell them either (could add that more likely even if someone was gonna sell them am pretty sure would have costed me almost like the bundle).


The MR is another whole topic, isnt a grind is a totally stupid system imo (take the weapons x example, force you to equip garbage that wont let you kill anything remotely decent to lvl it up, BUT if you dont use it wont get any affinity almost, hence, you can google as much you want but reply is always the same "go leech hydron", wow), personally i just wanna MR 16 seen half my rivens require that MR then wont bothe rabout it ever again (and still gonna take months without "leeching" and using Spy instead).



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  • 5 weeks later...

I definitely hear what you're saying, but I think the issue is less about the game and more your perspective of it.

You're saying, "I had to do something hard to get X, and other people can do something easier to get X; this is unequal."  And if that was everything there was to the situation, I think you'd have a very good point.  But what you're forgetting to take into account is the fact that because you did the hard thing, you got access to these rewards well before the easy-moders.

For example, if you're talking about items like Arcanes you got from raids, you've been able to play with those items for years; conversely, players who didn't do raids haven't had that benefit.  Take a second to really just think about that, to reflect on how much enjoyment and advantage you got from your ability to access to these tools up until now.  Even if now everyone was given every Arcane for free, that wouldn't negate the value you got from playing with those items in the past.  And those players who are just getting Arcanes now are not retroactively being given the experience of having played with them for several years.  That's the benefit you got from being an early adopter.

So that's the cost-benefit analysis of why the situation is fair.

However, there's something much more important, something that would be worth bringing to the table even if this situation were unfair.  It's about how you choose to feel, and who you choose to try to be.  Do you want to be the kind of person who is upset when good things happen to others, or do you want to be the kind of person who gets joy from good things happening to others?

To paraphrase a nameless NPC in FFXIV: "To delight in disparity is harmful to both the self and the community. Disparity engenders feelings of want and resentment, which degrade the bonds of fellowship."

I don't know anything about who you are, and I won't make any assumptions about that.  But I will encourage everyone (including you) to choose to not be the kind of person who is displeased when others harmlessly gain, because that is a surefire path to being less happy.


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19 minutes ago, (PS4)Unstar said:

I definitely hear what you're saying, but I think the issue is less about the game and more your perspective of it.

You're saying, "I had to do something hard to get X, and other people can do something easier to get X; this is unequal."  And if that was everything there was to the situation, I think you'd have a very good point.  But what you're forgetting to take into account is the fact that because you did the hard thing, you got access to these rewards well before the easy-moders.

For example, if you're talking about items like Arcanes you got from raids, you've been able to play with those items for years; conversely, players who didn't do raids haven't had that benefit.  Take a second to really just think about that, to reflect on how much enjoyment and advantage you got from your ability to access to these tools up until now.  Even if now everyone was given every Arcane for free, that wouldn't negate the value you got from playing with those items in the past.  And those players who are just getting Arcanes now are not retroactively being given the experience of having played with them for several years.  That's the benefit you got from being an early adopter.

So that's the cost-benefit analysis of why the situation is fair.

However, there's something much more important, something that would be worth bringing to the table even if this situation were unfair.  It's about how you choose to feel, and who you choose to try to be.  Do you want to be the kind of person who is upset when good things happen to others, or do you want to be the kind of person who gets joy from good things happening to others?

To paraphrase a nameless NPC in FFXIV: "To delight in disparity is harmful to both the self and the community. Disparity engenders feelings of want and resentment, which degrade the bonds of fellowship."

I don't know anything about who you are, and I won't make any assumptions about that.  But I will encourage everyone (including you) to choose to not be the kind of person who is displeased when others harmlessly gain, because that is a surefire path to being less happy.


Hey, Thank you for your calm and inspiring words. You have yourself a great day.

Really the issue for me is very much less about seeing others with the items and everything, and more that they used to be a way to track your own timeline of events that you and others had been around for, a little way to connect with people who shared experiences you did, like " hey mr random person who has the same event item i do, remember back in the day when bursas used to continuously spam the ground during that event and you had to use valkyr to stun lock them with her paralysis? Good times" 

I guess the main issue stems from now the only recognisable sort of timeline is the shoulder sigal which is almost impossible to see and tell what events they were from. If they were glyphs or something else usable without actually needing to remove say.. Your favourite kubrow glyph it could be cool. Event emotes mayb? Just a little thing to say "hey i remember that! I was there too friendo!"

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I think the value of your past time is that they had your data. DE had guns and mastery weapons that could be released but were stuck in one-off events or time-locked exclusives and that they could give out in smaller, less grindy ways. I'm sure your time is valued but that doesn't mean you have to look at it negatively that you endured worse and others are getting it easier. I get the mentality that, "I want unique item bc I was there." But the "you must suffer as I have suffered" really is not the way to please a player-base. That's the way to please a small, small, small minority.

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You're not wrong, DE should stop with the 'let's make everything a grindfest on release' mentality during content droughts and call it 'content'.

These shouldn't be exclusive, but shouldn't be grindy in the first place, only for the sake of 'providing content for veterans' just for the time you spent farming to be made almost meaningless and barely more than getting fancy MR fodder later on.

Less RNG and frustrating mechanics involved, more skill and fun oriented content.

I have hopes for Hard mode, but my expectations are low based on how these attempts at 'difficulty' usually turned out.

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En 19/4/2020 a las 3:20, LuckyCharm dijo:

Hey all, there's something that continually bothers me as a player and you can call me entitled or whatever but heres the issue. I don't feel like time I spent in the games past has been valued at all. 

Everytime warframe released an event in the past people doing it were the hamsters bug testing whatever new game mode it was. You'd work hard to get all the points required for the event prizes and it'd be awesome, you get an event exclusive weapon thats stronger than others for a couple weeks till something new came out then you'd have a little keepsake gun to remember it with. Sure, they added a tiny bit of mastery but given how much struggle it was to get them originally since each event was a mess of bugs etc it was just nice having things to show your milestones physically as a player. But then all the event weapons have been released again by de, and theyre all insanely easy to farm, trade for or buy from baro. That sorta negates any struggle I who was there for the events had to get them. Sure you can claim i had the weapons for all that extra time but really, event weapons have really only been used for maybe a month after their release then everyone goes back to their tried and true or whatever other new op gun comes out next. When was the last time you used the latron wraith or the galaxion vandal after all.

It doesn't end with events though. Recently warframes have been getting reworks, weapons and damage types have gotten reworks or changes and all of those required you to sometimes completely redo all the work you put in formaing them to fit how things work now. And when your main "end game" is mastery rank where youre forced essentially to rank up hundreds of weapons, that could potentially, mean you need to redo hundreds of forma, like me. The compensation of a 3 forma pack and an exp weekend during the buggy mess that was the weekend after the changes just does not feel like my time perfecting my weapons previously was respected. Giving us the option to repolarise each weapons polarities entirely once for free would have alleviated all that need to spend hours redoing all the work youd already done with your builds. 

And now most recently theres been arcanes. We originally had to farm these in raids which were a once per day affair meaning in total per day you could get 4 random arcanes. Then raids were removed and replaced with eidolon hunts. Value of your time spent already dropped significantly since they became a lot easier to farm to where you could get tens of them per day. And now you can just buy whatever you need of them easily in an event. Respect for our time farming their difficult methods was just pretty much nullified. 

Theres other clear examples like people farming focus before eso etc were released but I didn't really get into focus till that point so Im not really able to talk about peoples feelings there but id imagine they were slightly salty about their hard work grinding out berehynoa etc being made exponentially easier for everyone else. 

I just dont feel like my time as a long time player has in any way been respected since i havent anything to show for it other than a collection of sigils of my shoulder. You may feel differently, and you may call me entitled for feeling this way and I suppose I am, but I worked hard for all the event stuff, all the formad weapons, arcanes, log in rewards even. And now it's pretty much just being given away so whats the point in working hard any more? This event stuffs probably just gonna go into baros inventory like the rest. 


I strongly agree with you on most things. Except I understand that the content should appear and disappear in cycles, but not ruin the effort of whoever has obtained it.

I can not be online 24 hours as I was in 2013 waiting for that arcane helmet to appear in an alert or certain mods. So I appreciate that some content that I have lost for my real life reappear. But I do my best to get it.

Where I agree you the most is in the issue of builds and forma topic. Since I have always been a geek of builds having all my arsenal polished and with each change I see this potential ruined.

Developers should consider reworking the system to let us change old forma polarities if they continue with changes that affect fullness.


Edited by str4dlin
My english is horrible
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3 hours ago, Tricky said:

But the "you must suffer as I have suffered" really is not the way to please a player-base. That's the way to please a small, small, small minority.

meh. if you create content by having some new stuff to do that then also has some new items - basically giving them away later for borderline free means that all of the work that you spent making all of those items and new things to do over time - means nothing at all because you threw that away later.
when the game does that that's taking away things to do from newer Players. 

that would be like if Link's Adventure to save Zelda didn't only start with "it's dangerous to go alone, take this!" but that every Tool you acquired throughout a Zelda game was just handed to you at some point for an unsure reason. you didn't have to go on an Adventure then, the end of it was just given to you.

Edited by taiiat
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8 minutes ago, Kaizal said:

This is a joke right? Warfame is never reaching a decent lvl of polish.

Since you didn't read the rest of the post, I can see why you're misunderstanding it.  Here's the full post, please take a moment to read it in its entirety. 


On 2020-04-19 at 1:41 PM, MagPrime said:

If Warframe was a fully developed and polished for release game, then yes, I would agree.  But, the game is very clear about Warframe being still in development.  

Your time wont be valued simply because DE isn't providing us with Warframe for enjoyment, we are still very much helping them build the game.  That means chaos, drastic and, somewhat, heartbreaking changes.  You can either wait for the game to be finished and then jump in, or, recognize hat due to the games status, you aren't going to get everything you want out of this game and just enjoy other things in it. 


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