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Warframe Revised: Railjack Revisited (Part 1): Hotfix 27.4.1


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5 minutes ago, lavacomet said:

If you read patchnotes, they removed duplicate houses for each avionic and simply have one house per mod. also all your dirac was refunded.

Right, thanks for that. 

So i presume they all boost up the stats for those mods as well . 

will have to check all again 😞 wish i could remember what mods i had on 🙂 

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Been experiencing some weird RJ issues before the hotfx (and they're not in the patchnotes yet)

Heatprocs have been fixed but there's also:

- Particle Ram flickers randomly which is really uncomfortable
- Players can get killed while in the Slingshot
- Artillery doesn't damage Crewships sometimes (although this may just be the cannon hitting the engines without it showing up as such)

May add more if I come across it

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1 минуту назад, Cade.V сказал:

magine patching a patch.

Imagine that patch of the patch has to be patched because now you can't even login anymore. Great job DE. Great job.

Great job? No! it's handjob!

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Game itself realize that .14 update kinda horrible idea

so machine god clearly wishes to terminate this blasphemy |hail to the omnisaiah|

srsly guys consider to revert all back to the roots of rail jack

earth proxima for newbies

Saturn for those who dare

Veil is for those who exactly knows how

it was good. like for real

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