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An Update on TennoCon 2020 Twitch Drops


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Quick question how long will the script take to complete. Best of luck in the future. Love you guys at DE


Edit just got the drop thank you guys.

for everyone saying you havnt got it check your arsinel Also it wont tell you if you got it you have to check.

[Sorry for bad english]

6 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

We are moving onto Console Scripting now. 

3:00 PM ET Update:
All Consoles have had their Scripts completed. 



Still no Hydroid Prime for me, only the existing one I had before Tennocon, and my friend still hasnt gotten anything at all!

And yes, checked inbox AND arsenal, nothing new was added from this "script"

The level of ineptitude is astounding, stick to Gift of The Lotus alerts for major rewards!


@[DE]Rebecca Seems nobody on PS4 got anything, tell the interns to set the script to PS4 not PC 🤪


Ok nice, I first logged into the game and found the bracket skin, however I couldn't find the figurine. I'll wait, maybe it's only a matter of time otherwise (bug or other) let us know thanks :) 

4 hours ago, (XB1)YoungGunn82 said:

AkAthodai? Suuuweeeett

I second that! I would hold onto the second Athodai just in case hypothetically.

Not to be too off-topic @[DE]Rebecca, but have there been any thoughts towards Dual wielding secondaries or certain melee weapons out of your arsenal (Such as Dual Broken Wars; Not mandatory or a priority-type thing of course), or making Akimbo versions of singular secondary weapons?

A single Stiletto (Instead of the Akstiletto / Akstiletto Prime) or a single Jagara (Aside from Akjagara / Akjagara prime), or conversely having blueprints or Baro Ki'teer (Tactical Alert? Though Baro does already have a singular Viper Wraith!) for an Akathodai, if they're meant to be separate weapons technically, it could then count for Mastery in theory.

In any case, thank you for working on the scripts to help all those people!


So I'm still confused about the whole thing. Is it a guarantee that i will get my hydroid prime. I got the lemnas skin and the athodai. But I watched the stream completely and it's been a couple days. But the fact you made a post to update the community is great. I'm also kinda jealous tbh cause one of my clan mates got his but he didnt watch the stream at all... so yeah but thanks for the update 

5 hours ago, FlowreenSawlam said:

Do we need Twitch Prime to get Hydroid and the handcannon??

As far as Twitch Prime goes, it's not connected to these drops for Hydroid & the Athodai. They're free-of-charge, regular drops for any Twitch / Steam account.


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