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subsume drop mag 1 or 4 ?



so I wanted to play around with mag a little

I see her pull has having some uses like cc specially on the move, pulling enemies into her mag bubble and its fairly cheap and spamable.

her 4 seems a bit expensive at 100 energy, locks her into a casting animation and I think actually doesn't kill enemies ?

I want to mess around with subsume initially I wanted to drop pull but would crush be a better one to get rid of ?


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Obviously a lot of this changes with personal taste and playstyle. I like to play max range Mag by using her 2 to make bubbles in chokepoints, these bubbles then become zones of death if I fire weapons at them, or safe zones if I make them on top of a defense target. I like to use pull to drag enemies into the bubbles and also as emergency crowd control.

Another common way to play is to use high strength and augment for her 4. Then pressing 4 - 4 - 3 can reliably remove all enemy armor up to a decently high level. Unfortunately this is a very spammy playstyle (not my style) and I personally don't really find it that fun. The other bonus to her 3 and 4 is that both restore shields, so you can reliably shield tank if you're fast!

Due to my personal preference, I would remove either her 3 or 4. This means I won't be able to remove enemy armor efficiently, and will struggle with shield tanking. But, with safe-zone / death-zone bubbles I've never really had a problem with enemy armor or with survivability, so I'm not too bothered by that! 

You should find your own personal preference, and then make choices based on that. Keep in mind also that you can remove a different ability in each of your 3 mod configurations, so you can always play around to see what you like best!

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all of the Abilities are useful from my perspective, but if you were going to drop something, then..... drop Pull.
as nice as it is to be able to move Enemies towards Magnetize or just to somewhere that they aren't currently, the Polarize and Crush Augments are very useful, and both can act as a form of Healing as well.
and Magnetize is definitely too good&flexible for it to make sense to get rid of.

On 2020-09-19 at 1:48 AM, schilds said:

Her 4 was also changed recently(ish) to restore shields. It also reduces enemy armour.

(weakens Armor if you have the Augment on)

5 hours ago, _Anise_ said:

was it updated to also recharge defensive targets or did they miss that one ?

i don't think that needed updating, that's been something Polarize has been able to do since 2013 AFAIK. i don't know of any time period that this did not work.

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Mag is currently my #3 most used.  

1 - is worthless to me

2 - Magnetize is useful but it being single target makes it hard to use, so I dont unless its a boss/lich or heavy. 

3 - Pulse - This peels armor and shields? restores massive amounts of your shield, and debuffs enemies to make them take more damage.

4 - Crush - this does some flat damage that doesnt scale... It can restore a tiny amount of shields.  But its true purpose is to build up the entire squads OVERSHIELDS (purple).  I "think" overshields make you immune to status ??.   


In my Loadout I focus on Crush and giving myself and everyone else max overshields.  Only enemies who can sustain damage can get through Mag's shields.  Crush also briefly stuns everything in range giving you time to dispatch some of them.  In lower content crush is enough to wipe tons of guys at once but it doesnt scale well and will quickly become worhless for killing.  But the shields are nice.

If you build around Pulse at low level it will nuke large portions of the map.  Its true purpose though is a debuffer.  You should mod it for Duration/Stregnth.   Should make mowing through enemies extremely easy after that.  Building around this leaves you pretty vulnerable.  Mag only has her shields to rely on.   Null Star would be pretty awesome on this loadout... I doubt you need ANY range so you could keep your DR pretty easily just like Slowva.    (I will have to examine Mag alot closer to see if its possible to have both loadouts at once.  If the polarities allow it I will totally try out the null star build.   

My crush build is strengh/range.  Sounds like a good candidate for Larva.   You could Larva...then magnetize the meatball, then blast it with AoE weapon...  My mag already uses  Kuva Drakgoon...

Crush and Pulse do not use the same stats though so experiement with both and see which you like using more.  

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As a Mag main I more or less spam her 3d cause I have the Counterpulse augment on. the 1st ability pull is alright when used right. I usually mostly use it when running towards extractions and ragdoll enemies when there is a bit many in my way. 

I have yet to play around the Helmith cause have not bought the segment or whats it called to even use it. Also frustrated with the conservation part of Deimos is giving me a bad migraine.

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