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Khora for high level stuff?



a few videos etc have suggested khora for high level stuff because her whip seems to clear rooms, her dome gives extra drops plus is a cc

but other than cc she seems to have no defensive abilities ? wondering how exactly she stays alive and ins't just constantly owned by random bombs, grapples etc ?

second I wonder what ability you replace if you subsume with her ? they all seem kind of useful ?

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24 minutes ago, _Anise_ said:

a few videos etc have suggested khora for high level stuff because her whip seems to clear rooms, her dome gives extra drops plus is a cc

but other than cc she seems to have no defensive abilities ? wondering how exactly she stays alive and ins't just constantly owned by random bombs, grapples etc ?

second I wonder what ability you replace if you subsume with her ? they all seem kind of useful ?

Venari and Adaptive. With Adaptive she gains a resistance against damage types up to 90% and toss Hunter Recovery on Venari and keep her on attack and everytime she chainbinds an enemy the health will pour in.


Edit: Warning. The Companion AI, including Venari's, can lockup keeping them from moving or doing anything. Just cycle Venari's stance to brake her out of it.

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Hunters recovery


While you can replace Venari with a Sumsume'd ability you will still have her but no longer be able to set her attack /heal ect.

Khora is one of my go to frames for Steel path content and some rank 5 lich content

I find her very able to hold her own.. ofc its about playstyle and supporting weaponry

the rest of her kit work amazing together

Accumulating Whipclaw



Pilfering Strangledome


I use a lot.. but this is just my opinion

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yea she will die..like any pet.

  but she will just respawn iirc its a 90 sec timer

also Pack leader great if your a melee person like me


warning whipclaw will not trigger packleader

But if you ensnare then melee  its a full heal for both my kats

also might wana look into the new kavats from deimos they also respawn



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Enemies caught in the dome generate agro and draw fire away from you. You can get a high status sentinel weapon and build for rad to disperse agro more. You can also build whip for 100% rad procs (mostly for memes). In general, if you stay in an area, dome will take care of your survival, if you're travaling, whip will.

Also you can get Rolling Guard to help with shield gating resets.

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frames with very high offensive abilities and/or Crowd control doesn't need defensive options. As long as you keep enemies out of reach, you would survive.

3 hours ago, _Anise_ said:

does Venari stay alive?

Venari would die like companion but she could be revived instantly by casting the ability.  There's also an aug mod for her to die in Khora's place, with every enemy killed decreases the spawn timer.

I am running 375HP with no defensive mods on SP, still doing fine with 280% range and reasonable duration.

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It's not like defensive abilities that don't straight up give you invulnerability are of any use in high level content.

So she survives like any other frame that has shields. Dangledome drawing aggro helps. Being able to slap people through the wall too.

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